DAILY WA9WWGTON N. C. MONDAY AFTERNOON AUGUST ;0 HI' ?oL7 IIS THEE n**-* ? ? &? WOStA* ATO men CHILDRVN MSB SATURDAY XIOHT - BURNED HOUSE While it work sewing on a pair ?f trousers for be* email boy. lightning late Saturday night struck Annie Sparrow,- wile of Henry ?par row, colored, of Vandemere, killed her Instantly, etruck two children, killing then; killed two chickens and two turkeys under the house; eet Are to a bedstead, and burned np ono end of the house before thr blase could be pat out? Thp woman's breast was cut open by the flash and she died almost instantly. The death of the children was also Instantaneous. Sam Laugh Inghouee, engineer on the W. * V. railroad, who brought the acconnt of the accident to this city, has the trousers, which the ' woman was working, tn his possession. The lightning took the Mat out of them as neatly aa. If the work had bren done by a sharp pair of scissors. DEATH DUEL IN JAIL CELL On* Co Killed am atlwr Mmj We ?? Railt of Fight Trvntov, -itrng: ??.? T*P Italian convicts In the state prison here fought a duel with knlree In their eell. By the tine keepers could get the cell door open and separate the saen one was so wound- j ed that he died two hours later. The other la ao badly hurt ho may aot live to be tried for the murder el hta cellmate. John De Augustina, of Cumber land county, who was serving a It year sentence for larceny, ta the man who dkd. The mea who Vlll be tried for hia death. If he lire*, la Joaeph Ferrato, of Middlesex conn-! ty. who ta earring an Indeterminate sentence of from three and a half to seven year! for laroeny. Owing to the crowded condition of the prleoa. many eoavftsts are doubled up In eella. These two men worked In the aame shop and were' cellmates without friction until re-j ccntly. when, ao far aa the author!-' ties can laai u. they quarreled and] continued to quarrel. Early In the morning the convict# In adjoining oelle were awakened by the mea fighting. Neither made anyi outcry. An alarm was given and keepers rushed In, to find the men; locked fn . each others arms and wieidlng their knlvee as fast aa they; could. Th* knives were taken from the ahop where the men worked. 12,000 POUNDS SOLD TODAY Good RrMk flfcjoyed mi. Loal W v? *r . llMMM T*.J J, - - ? HI? l nouM*. 1 1 k w MMum ni*n. Tka local warafeaaaaa mHtyri a good braak at today*' aalaa About' 1 1.000 pounds won told Tha Cao tr?l warabousa claims tor b?T? told S.B00 poundi and th* Baaufort 6,000 pounds Mo raport waa racked from tha Waahlngton warako bat It la uadaratood that It ijas twaan 1,000 and 1.000 poaada. ?Prlaaa for tha kattar arada of to* baaco rontlnua axaallmt. Not oat "kl?k" baa Ma nada by tba (arm* ara aa to tka prlaaa tkagr raaataa far tbalr crop. AT THE BELLMO , "DIAMOND n?OM THE SKY Chaptar I ? I parts Wlnlfrad Oraaawaod and Bdvard Craan la "H? Omi.lOATION" 'XBMLT A MAMIBB MAK" Cra?r?0M h*> rj INDIANA MAN GETS A PLUM | George E. Downey, comptroller of J?e trea?ury: who ha* been choaeu to Cirthe vacancy so the boach of the f;nlted State* court t_T claims enrth1 *?y the retirement of Justice Howr/ rle comes from Indiana,- where for t?. /ova he t. cliroit jtidge. ? INVITED TO ATTEND * ? PAKMKK8' ME8T1NG ? I ? ?' ? ? [? A special invitation has been * ? issued to the residents of the * ? city to be present at the high ? 4 school tomorrow morning, at ?0 ? ? o'clock, when the opening of the ? ? farmers' meeting will take ? ?place. ? ? Wives of merchants of Wash- * k* lAffclP ar.p .especially requested ?. ' to be present and bring their ? ? lunches with them. The presl- ? ?' .dent of the Civic League Urgent- ? ? ly requests the members to bo ? ? present. Other ladies' clubg in * ? the city are expected to be rep- ? ? resented. ? ? It Is hoped that everyone in *? ?' Washington will make an effort ? ? to be present at the meeting. * '? ' Bring y6ur lunch with you. ? ? ' ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? IS TRYING TO FIND BROTHER \tL: H. l im, Parmer ReakSenC of I Washington , is Being Sought By His Brother of this Oity. T. J. Harding of /this city Is artx louely endeavoring to secure new. Of the Vherrabouts of his brother, H. H. Harding, a former resident of Washington, but who has been awa trom this city for a numbor of years. Mrv Harding left here in* 1877 but twenty years after his depar ture. he returned to Washington and since then he has not been heard from, except Indirectly. It Is ex-, pected that he Is somewhere in th ? western states. BI1JLK 18 KX<T8K FOB HTJI'VINO M.AltBI \?K h Mf ? York. Aug. 30.? Mrs. Mellle Kos wick was in the seventh heaven i of bliss over her approaching nmr^ raleg to William A. Walte, and had her trosaeau prepared, when Sud denly her prospective' husband delv ed into the Bible and there learned that the Scriptures declared It wrong for a divorced map to re- marry, and so he broke the engagement, accord ing to ft suit before th? Supreme Court. The disappointed wtman seeks $100,000 damages from 'Mr. Walte for alleged breaoh of promise of marriage. They had been engaged. for a year, Mrs. Koawlck asserts, when he en tered hor home one night imme diately following her refusal to In vert money In his Van Storage Cor poration. He said that "he bad been reading In the Bible that we wer* bat sojourner* here below, while we had to live for hundreds and thonsands of years hercaftet. and that the Rlble taught him that If he, as a divorced man. shou'd marry again here below he would hav? to suffer for the vame In the world te come, aad that, therefore, lit coH4 ?ot mtrrjr thli yktatia." tarSMMt*"-"' -m ONE W1FETO 1WOMEI a wnhaiwhal www mat i ntN a TWOSUITS i WomMi from ItapUa Cooaty Matted Km Aged VO, After Havtag Al ready Bmi Manted to ftittew. (By Butero Pnn) Klnston, Au| 10.? <Mrs. LUllS Engllsh-JLee. of I>opUn county, last week vai powwwl of two husband*. Events which hare transpired sines ,then, however, would tend to show thst she will soon be without any. One of the bushsnds has already se cured a divorce and ths other Is suing. Mrs. English came to Klnston from Duplin some time sgo. She Is 22 years of age and pretty. She attracted the attention of Louis Lee, aged 70. and thsy wera married. Later Mr. Lee found out bow mat ure etood and he entered enit for divorce. They were separated by a decrec from the court Saturday. Mr. English, l| Is stated, has heard of his wife's escapade and he also going to enter autt for dl vorce. according to information that 7S9 made public this morning. GRfMESLAND PLAY THREE GAMES HERE First Game Takee Place Tomorrow. * CnMmlk CfcMga h Um " up of Walloper*. The Grlmesland baseball team will Invade Washington tomorrow 'or a three-game series with the oca's, to be played Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday. There will be considerable change a (he line-up of the Wallopors. Most of the out of town players have ?eft the city and their places will Se taken By locsl players. iBrown vlll probably pitch tomorrow and Weston Is scheduled to work in one f the games. CAPTURED WALKING ARSENAL \K?JRO TAKEN IN ROCKY MOUNT WITH FOUR OUN8 IN HIH P()8MKHHION. Was rteeo Coming Out of Hoqbo of I*rtrratnent RenMcnt. Betleved to He Wanted In Wilmington. (Br Eastern Press) nocky Mount, Aug. 80. ? With e lulpment in h!s possession that ri valed that of an -arsenal, Nick Tay ?or, a "bur!y negro, was captured by Officcr Sid Taylor this morning after a long chase. The negro carried four revolver* In his pocket, all of different calibre and all loaded. ?,The man was seen coming nut of ih* home of J. K Bums, 116 Ar "Mncton street. Neighbors, knowing .'hat Mr. Burns and family were out of the city, notified the police and Offleor Taylor appeared upon the scene. The negro appeared willing ->nough to give himself up until Mr. Taylor made an attempt to search bl;n. The officer put hUr hand on one of the revolvers In the man'f pocket and upon that, the negro broke away and started running up the street. The polloeman flred sev eral shots to scare the fleeing man nsr?.'8ar?as ktib from under a porch where he hnd hid. A atarch revealed the re volver#. three watches and a bundle of letters. A perusal of the lattara would seem to*' show that the man was watted I* Wilmington, as they wiratrd him to liaep away from that city and to taave Roeky Mount as ?oon as t>o*alble. It Is thongkt that Jhe negro was aatarfng Mr. Bnrns' h erne in orlsr to eaeuro ?n?elatti <no4? win whlft t? !???? tk? ?ttf, $903 IN TAXES ?H" TW TbJ, A??i M. cxd ?a tn^ Ro?] from C"hooowi?H/ Co Wa^kimn. ln-| -- ? excellent suggestions re garding road work in Beaufort county, were received thl* morning I by A. M. Domay, chairman of the "Good Roads committee" of thel Washington Chamber of Commerce The suggestions wero embodied In a letter from J. D. Orlmob, which reads as follows: Mr. A. M. Dumay, City. Dear 81r: My exceeding Interest ' In roail matters Is my only excise for writ |lng you so much sboht them. II [think that the cohdltlpn or tho swamp road from Chfeowlnlty to Washington will have { a material bearing on the success or failure of the tobacco, market which you, a mong othere, hare tried so earnestly to establish here. I waa In Raleigh one day this week and ascertained that the tax from automobilea from Beaufort county for the last fiscal year, which ended on July 1st, amounted to $1128.75 Under the law, 80 per cent of this fund Is payable to the county of Beaufort to be used In road build ing. Thla amounts to $903.00; I understand it will be paid probably this next week, or wltXIlf ten days. L^et year the County Oemm lee lon ers divided this fund, wlilcn las: year was about |C00, Into six equa parts and paid It to the six town ships to use for road work, and no one township got enough to realtz any material benefit. 1 suggest that you go before the Board of Com missioners and ask them to take this entire fund for work on the road be tween here and Chocowinlty. Wltli this fund we ought to get the con victs for over a month, which would enable us to have the road thor oughly ditched, crowned up, rolled, and dragged; In other words, make It a first class road. I believe that tho commlssioneri from Chocowln lty and Rlchlands Townships would favor this, also the one from Wash ington Township ought to favor it, as this road Is by far the largest feeder to the town of Washington of any road running into It. 1 think If the Chamber of Coramerne were to take concerted action, and before the matter came up see Mr. Aycock and Mr. Rborn. pofislbly It could be gotten through without any oppo sition. It ought to be done. If at all, within the next week, because the Board of Commissioners will meet on Monday, the 8th of Sep tember, and 1 presume will pats on the matter at that time. If necen sary, an agreement could be made whereby the other townships would' have the fund for enough years to come to offset this amount; but I personally feel that this road Is not so mnrh s road of Chocowinlty Townshlp. but a road of the whole county, and certainly a road of the town of Washington froin a business stsndpolnt. I suggest thst you take this mat-' ter up with the other members of your Committee and slso with tho President of the Chamber of Coni-i merce. I sm mailing a copy of thlij letter to Capt. Leach, the President. With personal regards. Yours truly, JUNIUS D. CRIMES NUMKItSACI/l-KII BY I.IOHTVIX,. Frankford. Del., Aug. 30. ? Light-: nlng playod toother one of Its pe- J collar tricks when it Jumped Into thf> home of Walter Long, of Frank fort, while supper wti being eaten klllod the pet dog which was under the table, but scared all those eat ing except Long htmmlf. 'who wan knocked out of his chair and stun ned. At the eeosa time, at Dog* bar? Lory Courtman Granvll!? A. Cannon hud Just finished hla supper and' wrlked out on his front |*wn to look, ?t I h% f ty, when n belt tnrned him oter. be tree ontfer which bc *too4 t|i ttm w ptM?, NEW YOHK POLICE 30ATS ARMED In order that the New York hartior police may ho prepared for any eventuality, and especially to holp the federal government in the enforce ment of neutrality, the boats of the forco bare heon armed with machine guns and the crews trained in their use. WOMEN WILL PARADE AS "FRIENDS OF PEACE'' Ten Thousand Will March in Chica . go. -During Peq,ce Convention. MISS ADAMS TO PRESIDE By Kutledge Rutherford) Chicago, Aug. 30. ? Tea thousand women all drcaaeU In white, wearing emblems of "The Shackled Mara," the official insigi:'* of "The Friends of Peace." will parad< up Slate street during the Nationu) conven tion in Chicago. September 5 and fi, sieging the ten peace songs that have been 8cl cted for the occasion, ?ccordlng to plans formulated to lay. The women will march into the conviction hall, where they will ?end to" ^he convention petitions 4'giK'd by M0,or>0 cltlzns of the United StaTPs1 askicr 'or peace and for an embargo on the shipment of inns and ammunition. Mis* Jane *ddanig will preside at that session which will be in the afternoon and the rniiYfciitlon will appoint a com mittee to present these petitions to the President of the United States It will be the mttH imposing pa rade of woin^n ev r t)en in frny city at any time, it i? declared. Standard bearerB wl!l carry the "Shackled Mara" emblem, and women will brandish the insignia on flag* and pennants that will wave from all paits of the vast tin ? of white Kown I ml femin'nlty. Inscriptions on runnier* arid transparencies will ell of the sentiments that inspire 111" iiiib|uo d^monslrntlcin. ' We are worn n who would read SPENT DAY AT PAMLICO BEACH 1 Popular Renoit Agnin Vlaited lly Many From Thin City Vcntewlay. A iarg- number from Bath. Wash ington. Belhaven and other polnta, visited Pamlico Beach yesterday and enjoyed a most pleasant outing. |Aiiong those who wont from here wtre Misses Kvr-lyn Jones. RHsabeth Crrrow. Mae Blount, Rllse Marsh, 8? lie Carrow, Mar* Wat?on. l.a'ham Jones. Oretchen Parker. Mary Clyde Hassell, Mae Bell and Kathetine Small. Janet Wh'tAore, Iwabelie and Robena Carter, Rllaabeth Hill, IfcHTO. Rarl Forbes. Cecil Cobb. Mr. Olsen. Arthur RIHott. Charles Sears. O. F. Clark. WIIHatn Baifh in; Phil Olds. Con. Lucne, Henry Jarihaon, Dare Hill, Mr. and lira. Wm. Rum ley and Mr. and Ifrv, Jems? Ellison and M. A. Smltl?f i lly FarriflcB our sons for the nation al honor," one will gay. "but noi for the further enrichment of Wall St." "We arc marching lu evidence of the fact thai we have detected the plot of the money lenders lo drag jur .sons Into this war to make good iheir war loans." another declares. And here are still others. "If tlio millionaires want war, lei :hem go, and we will pay their pas sage and supply them with arms," "We refuse to sacrifice our boos ?o the greed of the eastern money end ru," "To protect the American Jla;-. we >kdge the lives of ou ? fins in' >wretheart8 and li-,rbar-' but v.ol to protect l"ne Briti "i fla" " "Future hlai-ry v !l r -d tl. ; unaprakai . ahi :*io o' the i i^ltallsi controlled p" as >f th ? day whlcl >nt its co; f)8 .,o readily to the money lendt.V conspiracy to drag ihls country into war." "We deny thn statement of the New York Herald that this in a British republic." "Th" American flag forever." "We want pnacn with honor no war with dishonor." "The stars on the American flat stand for honor, not dollars." "The British campaign of 'mould ing public opinion.' wan organised 'n 1R42. and ban Mpread not only tc Aniprira, but to Italy and wherever newspapers are publlshod." W9MAN HELD FOR ROBBERY t ll?gc<1 That She Fleeced Man Who Was In Her Company M (JrcenvillP. (By Rastcrn Fresg) Greenville. Aug 80. ? A woman from the segregated district wag brought into the magistrates court j ? big morning upon complaint of W. II. Klnth, who claims that he lost all of his money while In her com pany. He had about twenty dol lars. Th > defendant was placed on ler $100 bond for appearance at th' cxt term of Superior Court. IIAKPR HAYR. Some timet when you are think 'of. why pot think of the very day *nd hoar that y?* are f dint to fca*f .'hat rroHI* Of fstir* taken. BAKSR'I (TUDIO. fii m 5 HAD FIGHT AT OLD FORD EXCITING TLMK AT MXHINU WHICH WAS HELD THERE YESTERDAY. f |j _ i ONE ARRESTED Otto Moor? and Nom*n Oliver H?<1 Dispute Which Knd?xl In m Fight, (?no Play la Allegrd to Have Bwu Tlir?*teat-<L There ?t? considerable excitement at Old Ford yesterday when a dis pute occurred between Otto Moore, who resides near there and a young man, named Norman Oliver, who. It <s Mated, at one time worked for Moore. It la alleged that Oliver brut Moore with a horsewhip and .hut Moore started hunting for Oliver with a gun. The following account of the tight was brought to Wa'hlngton this morning: i'oore, il is stated. w nt 10 the meeting at Old Ford yesterday and met up with Oliver. Words ensued, dur ng which It U alleged Moore ustV ?evera| ?trong words. Oliver fcrcupht his flstb Into play and Moor wn* knotted down. Oliver then se out d h!s horsewhip and it Is re yo" .1 thai he used I! effectively on Mi. jre. The latter, according to ac conn i. drev: out his knife and start ed frr Ms aesallnnt. Oliver kept liir* off with a stick. Moore 1b then ..les'd to h:ive staled that he would fet a gun and put an end to Oliver. He drove off. Word was sent to the sheriff In Wasli': gtou. Warrants were issued tills morning and Deputy Pedrick went up to Old Ford. It is oxpected that a trial will be held here in the near future, although the date has ^9^ M. 7*X been announced. Ofllcer Pedrick returned 'from Old Ford thlB afternoon with Moore. A ! hearing will be held tomorrow af< I ternoon. CHANGE MADE IN WASHINGTON BUGGY CO. Owing lo a genera] breakdown in health, George Hackney. Jr., has withdrawn hie connection wlih th<* Washington Buggy Company and his ??.Iier. Qeorge Hackney. Sr., be ing largest stockholder, ha* aU iargp of the business and il: . "tiuue operating the same ?h reiu rrp. >fr Hackney. Jr., owing a> peibonal obligations. has Been fit to put his property in the hands of a trustee. This, however, in no way affects the Washington Buggy Co., which Is a corporation. The action v/as taken becau.1"1 of his enforced nlm' nee. If forced upon the market now, come of his property would -.rotmbly not bring more than half l?o valuo. whereas If held for a time, until the markets asnutne a ? ore normal condition, there will ?p sufficient ass Is to much more h:iri pay (iff all of hl? indebtedness. S'nro locatlnK In Washington, Mr. 'Inekney has been one of its most irogressive fili*en? nnd has made -oats of friends, who will regr*?t to am of hlR Illness and who will ???sh him n speedy recovery. Ho is xpcc.l"d to return to Washington 'pun liln recovery avd resume his iisiness connection here. Th? Wsnblngton Murky Company " on?* of ?ho largpnt Industrie* !o 'be city ntnl the residents of Wash ng'on will be glad to know that It will si 111 continue operations.

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