GOOD PROGRAM '? ?(!'? of Um Inclement wWther thla morning. over 75 bun, their wlree. loeal baalnraa mea and U dlee of tha city, vara praeent at the opening at the rarmere- meal ing which la balac held today. The moraine eeaalon ni hetd fn tha aadHarlam at Um kick achool The aftarnaon aaaatoa ia Mat bald In tlM New Theater, where tha lecturet ara botng lliuatrated by motion pic ture* and ataraoptlcon rlawi The meeting thl> morning aurtad kt W. S. D. Eborn ?u ??B(airtlr. Congreeeman Small made k brief addraaa of welcome to tka awembty. la vblcl ha elated the pwpuae o: tka meeting and the nature of tha program Tka laetaraa thla morning pro* ad moat intonating aad received elooa attention on tka. part of the audience. Tka ?aaaUona under dSacaeeton dealt directly with the problem* that tha farmer haa to awat with erary day. A number of ?aaatioo^ followed each . lecture. A larger namber were la at. tka New Theatre tkla af-j NEGROES ARE ACQUITTED M Vtn Wm ol "Hoo*Mw" t. ItaMta. ViHM of ' frttf * >??!? |? Take*. Oeorje Dai and J. R. RJIllbtww. two necro*a who muriut were on Mil for barlni to* mnch liquor to their poeeaaelon, waro turned looa* by tb* eovrt aad tbalr liquor re turned to tkam. Tka trial ni hy lory. The a*** w** turned orer to thM at oaa o'clock yeeterdey af ternoon aad at aaraa they had failed t* arrive at an Imaant, The Juror* returned to the court room *t that time aad notified the Judge that tow war* to tow of aoqattu# and two f* ooarlcUoa. By ooamont conaant of attorney". It ?M dcelded to (ab* the Tartlet or tka tujtrttr end acquit tba de fandaata. . * !.tt Tba Jurore in tka aaaa were BlUali Alllfood. Blancy Torn age. J. P. Koee. U. U Wo* lard. Ira <3. Contfe ton and 1. H. Dixon. T>?m aad Kllllbrew ware ? treated br one ol th* city policeman at tba couth aad of th* county bride*. They h*d Br* gafoaa of "nBaonekta*1' llqnor In thalr posaaaato* at the tin* (hey war* apprehended ' , f/) * f ; 1 * ' V, ' . A mm toucan. . ' Wa want ta make a picture of *?*ry worn**. aaa and child in Beaufort, Pitt and Martin ? coaaty batwean do* aad Chrletmee. BJUCKR'6 stowo. ORTR POUR MONTH* POR SnUURO BICVM.K Ton Praak Peele, colored, waa triad before tba raaordVr'a court yeeterdar afternoon on th* ch*r?e ot having stolen a bicycle He war fouad (Ullty aad aenteneed to toar month* on th* road*. > i. - AT THE BELLMO "TM? BBTTBR WAY" "?OGL OP THB VASE" r??turla? Beatrice Van aad Robro Adklr. . i ? "tSSiSSX! $?;. EXPERIMENT ~ IS A FAILURE .J.,/. .. - ? * 4 Aa lfctrraaMag experiment, whieh .? reported ?o hare bw mtda Or C. 1. Ovortoa. at Sonfh Creak. hu :nrned out to aea fatlare, and u a reault, 3tT. OtiiUi haa aereral jettlng< of alligator <*ge, ?U?k be ?nil Mil at rauoaable prices to parties iJealrln# thou. ? , Hi. bretton recently fonad a ne* of 37 gator tEii Th? mother had Matanr dfwrted bar >w eo Overton gat&erad them la a baAet and' took them (rank. Ho waa n>. loot to ?*a whether he couldn't ?u>? one. of his Hem hatch tham. Accordingly, he took half a dosea ol the t&t acd_ placed one of hi, boat setter* over thorn. That wah V?e laeued forth. Ttay .are iareaUy nighty dad to (at Into .he world, and In order to ahow their gratitude, they playfully nip >ed their ntMMill Thia waa' something out of the ordinary. No chicks had erer acted that way be 'ore, and the hen, HHth wild cack 'Ing, fled from the neat. Tha 'gators kept their UW Md ' whM Mr,* Over on arrived upon. the scene, tha hen *?? dashing around la circles, with tha 'gators hanging on like grim death. Ovrton succeeded la cap turing the has and rescued her rroni her affectionate foster -chil dren. The hen immediately flew qp Into a tall tree. No persuasion could maka her come down. She remained hi the tree for three daya and Anally dropped to the ground ? lead. The alligators also died. W. H. Mayo, of South Greek, was In the city today,- and brought oae of the alligator eggs to this oflloc. It waa taken from Mr. Overtoils nest and looks like a mighty good egg. We will try It for supper. - SHE DANCES; SHE'S JAILED Pespeadksl^r *wrv8t?f>. Proves too Much for the Court's Modesty. New York, Aug. SI.? An 111ns tratlon of a dance known as tho "perpendicular two-?tep." (Iran by ^Primrose Trainer, II, pf ?r Mauler street, Williamsburg, proved so shocking to Maflttrat* McOuire in the Manhattan avenue police court that he committed her to the Hoosr of the Good Shepherd for six months. , The woman, who was wall dress ed and, according to. the police, la addicted to the use of cocaine, was dole? somo high kicking at North Eighth and Havemeyer streets, tfll llamsburg, when Patrolmen Tucker and -Havana arrested her. Two yodng men, Louis Meyer, of 98 Ten Eyck street, and frank Canada, of SOS Ellery street, who were playing hsr monlcax far (he dancer, also were arrarted. When the prisoners were tek'h to court tha yoeng woman was asked to go through tha movements, which she did. The magistral* ordered her to stop., and he committed' her. Then he gave the men 10 days each, in the workhouse. WORK ON WHITES SI.AVERY CASE wm nr Vt for Trial at Ormntlt DM ?vk. - . (By Eastern Pres.) Neijr Bern, Kng. If . ? Oov?rnMiit officials hero atate that they beflevo tHajr will hate a prfetty air on g <**e a*alnst F. A. Edmondaon, the for mer Oreenrille, N. C., hanker whO 1 a accnaed by Hulalla Dudley of thia aity of carrying her oat of ihe State for Immoral purpopee. Blnce the hearing waa poatponed a few daya ago to September Ith U la known that the offleeri hava been worklftg on the oaae and, according to state ment# made by them. th*y bg re ee~ cured additional Information Whleh they c?alm will rofcterlftlly aid than*. 8f voral New Hernlang have gWen aflMarlt. ii to th? font charailat W They to P*J In Ktlaaheth City:' MAtter m . Attracting JpUrat. Whether he will be forced to pay to the 8taie the amount of tax. ?b!ch the Attorney General has im posed upon the Chautauqua, held here this year, la a queation which Sheriff Wlndley 1b debating at the present time. Mr. Windier has had correspondence with the Attorney General over the matter and as \h!ngs stand at present, It appear* that he will be held, responsible. The Chautauqua was sllowed to ,how in Elisabeth City without be fog subject to an "amusement" tax and was alao allowed to show 1l thli city In 1914 without being mad> to pay a tax. Accordingly, "Mr Wlndley felt that, by the rules of preoedfchce, the organfsatidn was subject to pay no tax hero this year. The Chautauqua went from here to other cities and finally arrived i Rale!gh. An attempt wss made ii thdt city to collect a tax and jth managers were indignant. Ttoej told the tax collector that they had shown in Washington and Elisabeth City without being made to pay a tax and that "they did not see why they should have to pay In Raleigh. The matter was brought before the Attorney General and he immediate ly took It up with Sheriff Wlndley m r^Tbe Attorney General claims that ;^he f'hautgttqua is an' amusement feature, that they show motion pic res and other numbers on eir program which rendef* them object to a tax. The outcome of the matter will be watched With great Interest on the part of residents in this section of the 8tate. The tax amounts to ISSUE CALL FOE EVANGELIST (By Eaatara Pmil Rock? Mount. A?s. II. ? ???. Li* lagrtonr Jaknaon. oi? of tb? baat known aa? moat faraaabla avaofa llala Ib tin Slats. I> bala| ?kimiI by tka Flrat BaytIM ehircb al thin ?Hr to aandaat ? ravltal ikm... Dr. Jokaaoa. It Ui baHarad. ?nil aaar* tka oall. wblck la katM mart" la maat arcaat tarma M Tha data ft ">? rartral kaa not kt|i aaaeuneai) bat vlU prob t>? kfM 4?rlo| Ut afrlj Pari GIRLS AftG STRANDED; GIVEN AID IN KINSTON Members of Vaudeville Troupe, De serted by Manager, in Hard Luck GIVE BENEFIT PERFORMANCE. n ' ?? - -+-4-T . . ?> ? . ? ? (By Km torn f*r?ss) X Inst on. A u?. II.? ?trand assistance from home. One ha a letter from her mother .stating that that tf she does not send sonu mouoy home by the first of the month her mother will be unable to pay her rent. FORM ASSOCIATION TO COTTON CROP Tarboro Has 'Honor of Being Birth place of New Organization. BELIEVED OTHERS WILL FOLLOW Tarboro, Auf. 31. ? The first or ganisation in North Carolina for, proper marketing of cotton was ef fected here Saturday and George A. Holderneaa was elected president. It :? known as the Tarboro Cotton Market -Association and It covers the entire county of Edgecombe. Mr. Jam? of the N. C. Division of Mar xets was present. Last year the experts, under Mr. Camp's direction, did cotton grad .ng work at Tarboro for Edgecombe, is an object lesson snd the result of his work wss so great that today's organisation is the net result. There s an odd itory about the way the oovement started. Mr. Dan T. G'ray if the lire stock division of the Ag Icultural Department, was "slated" *o be at Speed, in Kdg> combe, to lrganlse the Btock growers of that '.oiinty, but his coat with bis tickets and money was locked In his office, thanks to a spring lock, bo he faded to connect and Mr. Camp took charge of the meeting and turn'd It in. the direotlon of the proper grad ing and marketing of cotton., Edgecombe county then last year got the first demonstration, the ex perts of the experiment station and the office of markets co-operating. Gins handling SO, 000 hales agreed to co-operate and 10,000 bales were officially graded. It was found ths* only t 1-2 per cent of this cotton wan undqr the gradf required by the New York cotton exchange, that !? 7-8 of an inch staple, in "future' PUT NEGRO UNDER $1,200 BOND Ch*?n?* A gal nit Neffro In Rocky Moan* Who Wwt Arrwrtwl (By Eastern Preea) Rocky Mount. Aug. 81. ? Nick TVl?r. the aeftro who waa Arrested I In thle city yeeterday morn fug aft:ti 1 en exciting eh ate by OAImt Taylor, wear flren a preliminary hearing to day. - Re will be held e**r for the nr*t term of Superior CObft ?*4er ? bond of 91.160. * ?Th're are Are coaata agalait ?'m 'XMIpH ? t *PWi ??? contracts. The work done was watched with keen ltnereBt and Mr Frank Shield*, a large grower of Scotland N-rck, In Halifax county, who observed It closely, Bays he prof ited by *lt to the extent of $1,000 in selling his cotton at Norfolk . In other words, the grading done by these experts enabled him to sell on he Un'ted States grade instead of that done by ordinary buyers. President George Holdern ss says that the system today put In effect will yield the cotton growers of Rdgecombe at the very least $20. 000 during tho coming cotton sea son. It had a like result last sea son. Mr. Ho'.derness In * large farmer. Another most active agent In the work is Col. Jotiu L. Bridge? and he says the system will have a wonderful rffsrt in putting money in the pockets of growers of cot ton. Congress has authorized or Axed the "grades" of cotton, but as yol ha., not authorized the actual grad ing. The U. S. Agricultural Depart ment thuB puts It In the way of the farmer to easily know the correct grade before he sells. The work | done in Tarboro last yoar was spec ial. and for demonstration purposes It was certainly convlclng. The aa su'iatiun will rent the 2.000 bale warehouao of Mr. Holdorness and In'er there will be a 5,000 bale ware house Tarbaro Is proud of the bon u of being tho first standardized otton market in North Carolina. Of :ourse others will follow. NKCiKO IS rH.%RCir? WITH (JRAVK CRIMK (?By Kaatorn Prenar Kinaton. Aug. 11.- Henry Cobb,' colored !? In Jail today, charged with ] ln~eat. The complainant Is bin own daughter, aged 16 Magnetic Mountain*. **otuw?!na of Porto Rloo am eo that they attract aunrwyora* 0??ob r.nmn and It haa baa* found that ?tio* old aurraya ara tnoorraoi ay >*' " n?IU or ? o?r*. flary, larcany and realatlng an of An lDTMtl(?tlon la Mm Mi| 1T?4# of kit record la ^nlncton, Vhtra |t I* b*lltv*4 ha j? w|nt?4> b SMALLEST OF DOCS Edna Goodrich, former wife of Nat C. Goodwin. arrived from Europe re cently bringing wit* her "Hofco." t^r Japanese spaniel which has the dip Unction of being the smallest dog Sr :he world. Miss Qoodrlrh served na s itod Cross nurse with the Belgian dl vision for seven wooks. and did a lot of relief work In France on her own Initiative. While in Prance she saw a good deal of the Canadian soldiers and she was Impressed to see those "mag nificent specimens of manhood, .who had been wounded, begging to* be owed t? grtUr to Aerk fee front." HIT BY LOG INJURED MAN DIES TRAGEDY OCCURRED NEAR BATH. SAM WHITE WAS THE VICTIM. WELL KNOWN ? ? v'lHtf* Wounded Man Lived Horn'- Tim After the Accident. 7 a Su' .lved f?jr * Wife ami Tw*. .will ("'ill dren. 8am W; Ite, ompo/ed .r. a log glng camp In Path towusblp. me with a fa',- ac: dent in loading a bunch of ii ?.j when one of them mddenly swerved outwardn, catch .ng him in the pit of th? trtomacl ind crushing him badly. He livec" for several hours, but was unabl* to survive the awful wound. Hi suffered untold pnin before d*atl came. White is about 35 years of ag' ind Is survived by a wife and Iwr maJJ^chilclren. Mrs. White wan Misr Skyles before her iiarring* and s nurse In the John Hopkins bosplta at Ha'Mmore. White ts well knowr throughout the county. ! 1CK WAGOX8 AH HKKK CLCKH. Top- ks, Kan.. Aug.> Si. -'Toi owing the Ice wagon" Is the new *ay Topeka detectives locate resort? where beer and other Intoxicants iro being sold. It is proving un usually successful. The new system Is worked prin cipally in the "bottoma" and the bad dlstflct of the East side. A de tective goee ahead of the Ice wagon | or with It. At each houae h* notes 'he amount of Ice that la bought. If ;ome ramshackle shanty ha* the Ice notation turned to the 100 pound mark, the detective believes h< has ground for suspicion. With the amount of ice that !? sken as a basis, the detective begiur] 'nveetlgatlon. He la able, from the looks of the houee and the genera' ?pp^arance. to pretty accurately lodge whether or not the occupant* are engaging la Illicit liquor telling After he thlnka. ha has otfcor itI lenoe of worth aside from the goto Utr of Uf tk" occn???u of th* fcouf? Oka, k? noting tta* yolto*. KILLS SELF BY m SET FOR_ THIEF TKAGQbY OCCURRED AT NEW liKlfN. AGED WOMAN MEETh HBK DEAlfl. instantT death Jlad a lYitp 8e< for Chicken ThJi-f *nd Then AccfclenUtUy Walk* In to the AIT air. Shot Entered the Lower P*rt of Neck. New Bern, Aug. 31. ? A very sad .loath occurred In tfcls city this morning about & o'clock when Mrs. Hob* Wat?on was killed by a gun ?>hot wound In the neck, caused by her own hands Mrs. Rosa Watson, a widow ludy years of ape, who reaLdes wjth her tteveraVpons on Stanly street in the northet^ part of the city, has of In e been very much disturbed at n ?ht by chicken thieves. So she went to work to rig up a trap for ,*Jt> unwelcome visitor. She secured a single barrel shot ".u and put a heavy charge In It, a::d tl.un placed the barrel of the ?;ur. on the window bIU of the kltch ?ii wii.Uow, with the end of the bar -1 sticking through a hole In the window blind The barrel of the | :un was held up' by a rack made for he purpose. Sh^ then fastened a .-troug string to the trigger of the tuii nnd ran it through the window o the gate where It was made fast. The weapon was go arranged that my one who might open Ungate dlachMWvtho gnn which wan iflreetly 'at the gate. :,Z>. This mbrnlpg about 5 o'clock lfrer. Watson heard her chickens making . great deal of noise, so she started or the hen houBe to see what waff he trouble, forgetting the fact that he had placed a gun In a position o kill any one who passed through he gate. Ab she swung the gate ?pen the gun flred and the full toad tiered the lower part of her neck naklng a gneli about three Inchcs 'ong. After she was wounded, she .'alked about 25 yards to a pump vhere she fell dead. Her young son N'athan who In confined to his bed ufTerlng an attack of frver was the Irt person to reach the wounded and dvlng mother. From the report of ill gun and screams from his vc .. dtJ mo;her caused the young an : leave his "ick bed and go to r a -j a. stance, but he was too late or the end had already come. Mrs. Watson leaves three son* ind oen daughter to mourn their ass. The funeral services will be nnounced latfr. GETS 18 MONTHS FOR SHOOTING ten llurmn. Who 8h?rt Jark MUMnn* llrrt .veil Hcntenrc Yewtcrdajr. flen Bnrrus. who shot Jack flia ? both rolored ? a week a*e. was r'.ed before the recorder's court csterday. Ilurrus was sentenced ? 12 months on the roads for the .ootlng and 6 months for carrying eoncr. led weapon. The shooilng occurrrd In the col j red s