COLUMBIA or that citv. SHOT THRU HEART ii imlni In Waahlactao thla morning ot the aalelda at Mri CbarUa Rowtoo. of OotmbU. H. C.. who ended her life by ehootlns throofh tke bnart with Death *u hKullUOU. It li nportid that Mr*. Ronton wu apMtlii kw bneband an the e*eala? train from Norfolk, or eo*ee ???Hi from kia. In the prien of KM! frleadp, Mn. Ronton U nl-j lacad to bin nmirkid lUt ? voild not watt Uf longer a ntt to bar bom a, andr ??? ig, set] Into bod aad than trad tba fatal | ballot thro ash bar heart She waa afterwards found daadl by a roans *lrt lilllaa Davenport, J who waa connylng to tba dead a?o-| whleh naked bar to hire an aatomo-l blla. (o ta Mack an and take the I train for Norfolk, whare ba would | ?let bar. Dm telegram waa i M oae hoar aad a halt I Mr. and Mr*. Tawlaad had baaal married tor aararai rear*. Thar ware] people of prominent standing la I community. Mr* Rowton waa >> | ?t ifi. [FARMERS ENJOYED < > MEETING n?i no. < | OTHER MEETINGS clared thai the 1 w?r * 4 r??r^^5r"* The above lUUowot in made this morning by Farm Demonairator J F. Latham, and referred to the Farmers' meeting which was held la this city yesterday. Mr. Latham [ atated that ha had talked to a num ber of thoae who were present and that afj appreciated the program that waa rendered. A meeting at which the same pro gram will be 'carried out. fa being held today In OreenrUle for the farmers of Pitt county. A number of district farmers' meetings will be held in various parts of the county, begfnntng with next week. They will be held at the different school houses. Winter crops, stock raising and other topics of Interet to the"* farmer w til be dta cussed. The meetings will be con ducted by Mr. Latham. Where the meetings are held near the Pitt and Martin county lines, the demonstrator* from these coun ties will join wtth Mr. Latham In conducting the meetinga. The lat ter will alao assist In holdttg aer It is exp^eted that all of these nitons will ^T?e -Vdll attended by the farmers. CHILLY WEATHER RECALLS BIG STORM 2 YEARS AGO ? Cold Spell Has Hit This Sectioo. Reports From Other Parts ol (he Country Indicate That the Cold Weather is GeaeraL Tomorrow algkt urU tka at* alreraary of IIh U| atom which (MM Washington two mn ego and which did heary la tkla city and other eectlone ol eaatern Carolina. A aumber at eommaa'U regarding tha atorm were made on the atrcata today, bela'g brought on hy tbo oold. wot and doady weathir that haa bm la effect during the laat tow dor*. Raporu today from KlnatOa. Orooovtllo and other polnte la thta aactlon. atato that fee wind la blow tog Quite heavily aad that damage la feared to the crape from tbo cold ?Mil- A hard rata fall In Klaatan loot night. Now* from other portloae of ike cJuatry la to tha afoot that tka odd ?fell la gaoaral. fht Waahlagtoa. D. C.. ?o?t. l ob. It tba w anther moderate, tomorrow, tba contaat will be alar c4. Tha faaa la both cttlei era wrv Play An~ Alt. AjwMini la mrornttUi |lrca READY TO DEFEND THE ATLANTIC COAST Thl. le oae m the tons h Ion j the Atlantic coeit It Is at Fort wrlrkt OB IWW? I ? tall, at Maw L onion. Com. At tba rl*bt th? tout detenu division or '.be National Guard la sew at practice wttk this (aa. BOY IS SHOT I BY ?IE ACCIDENT OCCURRED ON CAMP. 1X0 TRIP NEAR CITY OP CHARLOTTE. VICTIM DIED I Arnold Prftmm Ki'led by Shot Fired by Jack Gregory. Shooting Oc curred Yesterday Afternoon. Charlotte, 6ept. 1. ? Arnold Prim. the.xe^atf^M ?k **d J. A. Prim, of Se vers vl lie, wostern suburb of Charlotte, was shot and killed yesterday between ll and 1 o'clock by Jack Gregory, also 16, the Prim boy being ahot In the head, ! the' ball piercing the eye and lodg- ] ing In tha brain. X>eath resulted in 10 or IB minutes. The boys were members of a camping party at the river. The Prim boy had walked tome distance up the rlrer from the camp and was returning, coming In the direction of the tent which he and Gregory occupied. Gregory, was in the tent engaged In rile practice through the front opening of the tent, the target be ing -a tree some yards distant down the rPrer. He was alone and therr, wag no one la sight. He ttad fired several times. The rlrer bank 1* sandy and the approach of any one1 cannot be heard. ...The Prim boy ran ajong the river bank and between: tfie tent and young Gregory's tar- 1 get ust-l'n time to get the last bul let Jpred by Gregory. Tho ball struck hlnv Id the eye. ORIENTAL BANK STAYS CLOSED I>oors of Institution Have Not Yet Ilecft Re-opened. (By BmUtb Press) New Bern, 8ept. 1. ? The bank of Orl uUl, which hu been closed since the cashier. 3. Will Miller, committed suicide several weeks ago has not yet opened Its- doors and there Is much speculation as to *h'n this will be done. An audi tor has recently gone over the books of the Institution but he has given out no Information aa to what he found or as to how affairs actually stand. During the past week or two It has been found that there are several hundred dollars In deposits which Miller never entered on the b^eks at all merely placing the credit on the customer's pass book. On* Oriental isdy has a thousand do!!ars deposited on interest and of this there is no record. One man bed sis hand red dollar a eredlt on his pees boot bat there was no entry oa the book at the bank. It Is the opinion of thu people at Oriental that Miller lost his money la specu lating and' la living beyond h)s m*ena. Hs wife remains at Oriental but It la understood that she Intend* w w**1 .. r-:.. ?ss'-su . r..=r ?tt tkl> idwMM. Ih. OrlaMlu* ?<*? III ariivH tn th? a(tr, ?n< th? ???)? will tat. |n tftw tt ?w WHMltti ENGAGEMENT ANXOl'SCKI). 1 Dr. Md Mfl. Bimnel Timothy N!chol?oo tiave announced the on IKnvnt o( tholr daughter, Ml? Oarlotta, to Mr. Harold Jennoll Waahbnrne. The weddlnj will take Place In October. Trouserettes; Ankle Watches; Wrist Pigeons France M?y Be at War, Rat She's Had Time to Make up Some Freakish Fashion* for This Fall. New York. 8ept. 1. ? Madam, tfce Fall Fatbloiui h^v? arrived. ljJ.& V?y rtott^ Una you will be gatbeil In a ooat with a huge fur collar tha\ wfil hide jour face up as far as your nose, and you will wear short, vol umlnious skirts reaching but a very few inchee below your knees; you're got to ?how the tops of your boots this season and they're making the boots very high. If you want to be dispense with thla ornament. In purchaae a rainbow pigeon and car ry It on your wriat. This will en tat! getting rid of the family cat. because it Is well known that pig eons don't associate with felines for any length of time. It will also mean that, since it would be rather awkward to ask the pigeon to move every time you wanted to consult your wrist watch, you will have to really eomme It faut, you've got to stead you will wear a watch strap ped about your ankle. Its rather a perilous procedure, consulting an ankle watch while walking the avenue, so the kind Parisian dressmakers Naro sending over vome divided skirts. They're ometb'.ng like the directolre. only nore so. The slit is about three nches wide and starts at the hip. Pantallettes are worn under them and the trouserettes have little fur cuffs at the knee ? which is the south :erry terminal. This makes it a bit easier to get the ankle in the strat egic position necessary to consult the watch, but It is probable tbat a majority of the women will have to catch hold of a policeman or a lamp post to sec what time It is. , All this is according to the Euro pean buyer* of the Fifth avenue shops, a large number of whom came over on the French Uner E& pange today. BANKS TO CLOSE. The banks of the city will be closed all day Monday, It being La bor Day. TO-MGHT "It's a Ixmg. Long ^ Way to TIppertTy." t Rwl PMtura "The GuUcrsnlpe" . 1 Reel 'A Night In Kentucky" 1 Reel "Count Mecearottl" 1 flMl Price 5 ftc !?? COTTON MILL RE-OPENED ATTARBORO FOUNTAIN MILLS RESUME OP K RATIONS AFTER BEING CLOSED 12 MONTBS. Genei ill . Pectin# of Optimism In Naalt and Edgecombe Counties In AU Lines of In^lurtrJes. Crops Reported Good. (By Eastern Press) Rocky Mount, Sept. 1, ? General condittonH In Edgecombe and Nash counties ? both from a business and agricultural standpoint ? are aasum la#k-a most haallliy an 4 prw|?ro?? aspect. Crops of all kinds are well above normal and Indications are that the farmers will have a most successful season. ' An event occurred this morning which has added to the general spirit of optimism that prevails in this section. This was the opening of the Fountain cotton mills at Tar boro, which have been cioscd dur ing the la?t twelve montha The uiilln will be operated on an even larger scale than heretofore. All lines of business have recov ered from the summer period of comparative depression and on ev ??ry hand the opinion is expressed that a most profitable season 1s ahead for all branches of Industry in this section. CASE IS ARGUED. The ca?o of the Board of Ed- ? notion v*. Beaufort County * Commissioners, was argued bo- ? fore the Supremo court In Ra- ? yesterday. The Board of ? < duration was n |trr?ot?l by ? Kmal\ Miu-1 ?'iui, Bragaw A ? Itodmnn, wlii.'e Daniel i War- ? rcn represented the county. * It will prohalily be ten (lays 9 l:ofore an opinion in the cmo * la handed (lows, ? SEPTEMBER MORN BRINGS BETTER PAY I Inrre?UM? in Wage* In Several Plants nirtmgh?mt the Country I* Announced. Baton Rougo, Lb., 8ept. 1.? Eighteen hundred workers at the local refinery of tire Standard Oil Company receive a ten perctn* In crease in wages today. The men 'brt that the Kusaluua are being driven back along a wide front. In the Gallcian operations, re cectly resumed, the Germans hare met with a check on the-Btrlpa riv er. wht.e strong Russian forces counter-attacked, and according to Berlin "partially stopped" the Austro-German pursuit. Da: -. 'or housing aircraft. "MONKEY F.UM" IS SAID 1 0 GIVE "PERFECT JAG" Will Produce Most Hilarious |Effectlte? Barber Shop hn moved from the corner of Main Ml Market street to the Bmell-M crimen hutldtng. ?? tftrkft street, opposite the city hell. ?HH : r f"** i air. ' barrel# of water and allowed to fer m nt and then doubly distilled and a fow chemica's added, produces a concoction that Itr about one hun dred per cent proof, In fact there 1* po much alcohol Id the beverage that a saucerfo) to which a match Is applied will burn for fully five minut's and there is a story going the rounds that a local owner of a Ford car who was stalled several miles from the city a few weeks ago on account of the lack of gaso line. purchased a couple of gallons from " a man driving along tha road." poured this Into his tank, applied the spark and came to town in record breaking time. According to all information thi* monkey rum will produce one of the moat halr ralslrg jags ever Invented and that is one of the reasons that the F<8 eral. State and city officers in this section are trying so hard to break up ita manufacture and sale. I I'ASSKNOKHM WORK DmnncATiftii tam New York, 8?pt, 1. -PtM?n|itp arriving today aboard the H'amw Kfpafne*Trom Bordeaux wore Iden tification ta?a. leaned to tbhtq ba for# tatting, no that t her m1*ht be 1 dent tiled to o *M German eobma rine, should ?*?<) thMr vhtpt 14 th* *****