North OwoUu. ' In to* Superior | Bmart Ocutr. Ooor W. K. WMMtr *?d A. D. IMW, T+ ' : . : 0. E. Mlini, C. O. Tan*tall, L | H. TUMI, K. I. Tntall, J, 8 T? ??B. V. N. Tvutkll. Mrs. T. B Tuaatall, br TuMI, Ttln Taa ?UU. H. r. TeeetiU, dkw Kiu Ml kgitul. W. R. (Ml. Hand? a *??*, Holland ul ku?b*nd, B. Hoi ?8B? JUI? T.Otflu cad kotbnad. V. Carton. B. W. C*)rt*n. C. A. Ctrtcm, JHW BUlLy. Iriu Btll tar, bnv TauUll Rnrr w**tk *rla?, lrM WmIWIu. J. IL \ 1*7, J. 8 Tatar. aM HUH Caupb.ll Mkar I mm MmM, wUl Ukl U?t aa tka 14to 4a? at Jga*. nH 1811. tka ?>*d a p* tit Ion to to* o?lt. af th. curt at to* lulu Out af h? (art Oouitjr U bava tka till* to o*r Itm ul coafiriaad fkitsaat I* aka?Ur I* ?l to* PakU* Law* at 1111. h4 Mat aa*u*ki ha* bn Ik* OUrk *f tk* Raporlor Coart ol Buufart Co u m 1 7 go to* 11*1 day *1 *??**. UU. Bald laa? la altaata4 U tk* Oo*? tr *t Bawlnt. aa tk* 8*stk *14* at r*m?ac Rlvtr and la 4uarlk*4 B*(laalaf *?.*? |r*a poat. wkleb tr*k ?*"l kMINIlMt II '?'? But Tt p*l*a frau tk* brl4?a at rial Bvaup ****** Batk-Nrw nt-m MM, rnulx ikaaea from Mt'lIM |M Kortk II tM But M pol**. tfcaau Booth II 1-4 Hut ?? polM. th*ao* Nortk l? 1-4 lait lit l-l yalaa. tkoao* Booth II Cut It* p*M*. tt*a*a Motto tl t-i Baal loo pol**, tk*M* Booth I Wwt 44* pol**. ton** North IT W**t 4( pol**. to**** Nortk 8 Baat (8 *?)?*. Ikaau Sooth TT Waal ? l-> pol**. to*M* Nortk 11 1-4 Wut Tl l-? 8*1 u, tkano* Booth 11 Wut 44 Oak*, tkaao* Nortk 11 1-4 Watt 114 palu, tkww* Boalk TT 1-4 Wui lit pol**, tk*aa?* loath It 1-4 Baa' 1IT pal**, tk*ao* Boo to 78 Walt II P*l*a, thaaoa Booth 11 |a*t In p*!u, tkra** Boath Tl W**l II yolw, tk*ne* 8*oth II put II pol**, th*M* Bootk Tl Wut <7 pol** t* tk* Buatart-Orsrra ooot tr Mm. 114 polo* to tka point ot b*(laaln( Aa4 utd parti** ar* fartkw no tll*d tkat apoa .MaMr fcllur. to ap pur aM wrar ul4 pUIMoa tka patltfaaar* arffl aeplr to tka ?*U1 to tan said laad r??latar*4 aad ?wallruad Wruaat to tk* lav* ?< lltl. ?k*8t?r M.? Tkla to* 14th 4ar *( law. 1111 ?*?. A. Wlk. ? - - - mt-tqmn w?? iW-JSU if you're hot or The look sna UK ;J | pn Rsleigh. N. C-. 8ept. 1. ? The fourth week of the eeeond antl-ty ?ho!d State aad county -campaign report* 22,384 Ml the tot^i number )f persona in tbe Are counties tak ing the vtcclae treatment. Halifax 1 ie still leading with ? number- of 7,738 with Iredell following with . 6.834, Next In ltee. la Wilton with 3,80} followed b j Edgecombe. 2,118 and' Wayne 2.08&. U^la gratifying that the intereat :n this line of public health work npt waning though summer with ita hot weather and flies/ the aeu .on when infection la considered greatest, has almost counted .the sands. What mar be termed the third Stato and oounty anti-typhoid cam paign Is ready to start in Warren *nd Craven counties. -September 13 will launch the movement in then ouatles In full force and order. It la expected that the end of next week will show a total num ber of complete immunisations or hreo treatments for the second Ntmrslgn amounting to near 25. >00. Lee oounty's total of three ?omj>!ete treatments' will be lnclud d la this number. n won m pif London, Sept. 1.? Despite the al Irged German "peace feelers," the United Press Is ahle to state on th highest authority that the peac Uustlon. so far as Bng'.and is con ^rced. .is unchanged. Some Social :?t leaders faror e'ndfng tbe war. Ndther official circles nor th -general public are Inclined to ac eept peace at (his time, honorable or otherwise. England la determin ed to drive the Germans out o Franco and Belgium. GEHIIS REM mmrn Ptrlla. Mfet.' r-Mllllirj np plio* are beliMr*lthdi*j?ii from Ik* Fortr??? ot Qrortno, Oirmin *rii ?trt Jfttny i*9?Tt?<V >ctn?( ?*? uttlofi tr th? RumUbi U expected ?oon.;.Th? *r? pr/p?rln* to nfflfcit to'lk* I.ldk tu?**>7 The 0?rm>ni are on th? touthwut ot warn MIIEl Shelby, Sept. 1. ? ? loving couple walked Into Shelby Sunday after noon on matrimony intent. They, bllrdened with a load of lore, wish ed to walls- together In double bar nee*. but the groom-to-be had only 41-1* caeh. Much love and a little mouey were tot eufflclent for a $3 marriage fee and' 10-cent revenue jtamp, eo George Moore and J. M. J^lllotttookmp a '.collection to help the good cauae along. They aecured the amount (or the license leaving ihe groom to pay1 his all to the aquire Vlr. T. K. Barnett. 80. W. M. Har rfr, aged 88, and Mra. Sarah Docle Miller with fonr chll^jrn, were unit ed'' on the court house portloo In the preaenee of 75 epeetatora. After the ceremony the couple departed for Beam'a Mill. North Carolina ? Beaufort County. In the Superior Court, f. H. Blount ?f. 1 Wm. Knight. The defendant abor# named will ike notice that an action entitled as above hat been commenced IB '.ho 8 ti par lor Court of Beaufort County wherein the plaintiff sues to -ecorer the sum of Two Hundred Three and 11.100 (MOI.fiS) Dol lars. and that a warrant of attach ment has Issued against the prop erty of the defendant Defendant Will 'further take no tice: That said suit li returnable n the Superior Court, before the Judge, on Monday. October 4th. 1915, at the Court houae In Waah ington. in said County of Beaufort nd defendant will further take no 'ce that upon hla failure to appear nd aoawer or demur to the com >?alnt which will be filed in raid ause within the flrat three days of aid term that the plaintiff will take 'udgmrnt against him. This the 80th day of Auguet, 1918. OEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court. 1-81-4we. North Carolina. Beaufort County rhomss Bailey 'Vta. Arthur Bailor et al. Andrew Bailor, on* of tho de fendants la tbo above ontltlod ac tion, will- take notice that an action ?tat boon commerced la tbo Super ior Court of Beaufort Couty before th* Clerk for the purpoee of par titioning among the helra at laws of Christopher Bailey certain land* la the County of Beaufort of which -die eald* Christopher Bailey died iaed and ^efeodani _ t will farther Uke no tice that aald action Is returnable |efofe; the Clerk of the Superior Cqjirt, at bis ofrfce, In the Court ho ate. la said County of Baaafort. | tu^ Washington. on Oetober let* lf% ?**? ihmt upon Ike defendant'# fallum to appear and in.wrr < huor to the complaint which hae been flfw int hts cause that the IT will dtmaad Judfasnt up ? return date thereof. This thP ? oth day of Aa?p?t% Hit. [ OfK>. A. PAUL, LL_. Wfcjr*? >17 SATISFIED? Do You Ctt Your CUxhe* Mod*? ?d ao far from bome wben time and charges can be reduced by having ? in Waablngton. GEO. ARAMOONIE 131 E- Main Street, Washington. N. C LacBm and Men's Custom Taiior. yo mr Tale of "Uflfr," Scarred Hero ol t Hundred Battles. *"*? Coroaral'e atrlpea UK* *? trWl* T roops In North ?* ftmrnm A Challenge *1,"t Cfma of Jt. By QKOR&E UUPREtNE. Maara Cervlee Corraapondtot ?*? *riy dare of this -?r. Ogly aorainblrd aehore la north ?t frtam ? ttowaway on oa? of u,e Itckau Ha ??s a khaki tiete* ew of the boat dlareputable ?WOIUOI Nobody a doc; but wttb ? ml ao ton ad to the doinga of eol dlera that aa MM M ba dlecorered that tba mat game wma going on. be mn to ba In It and Hinat natural lighter, acorod and acarrad with a boodrad haltlaa thay attached bin here to B. X. "W aort or Jcb that's going at tba bae? "B"? ataadlns for km. and -x- bains the recojnlied algebraic aymbol allying ,n UD. known quantity. Ho was ptgned on 1 A. 8. C. (Plckford'a Ugbt florae) to doal wttb tba rata which rayaee tba balea down by tba dpeks Like tba into later of monitions he wna glran a free band with bla aub'cct. ?ad ao auccoaafol was bo with theso *my.Jaok?tod naols that be soon re ealyad a corporal's atrlpea, doublo ra tlona (ho dearly lorea jam), and tbo offer, after anothar elngularly auccesa f?l raid among the rodents, of s com sslaalon Thla laat be refused declar ing that ho would nerer leave the ?Mb. WTl proweaa waa nolaod abroad. J **chad the fighting line. O. H. Q Mard of It, ao that preaently a dusty ~ T. drlrer, pulling op bla car amid tho ahell-atrewn debrla of tho dock handed a packet to the young oncer In charge, demanding a speedy an ?war. The communication read as fol loira: BatUr??* Rl?f. Tueadny a???.? ? ?,. dfMt Bnd thf n*ht*r In Flanders. Wt hereby ch*Uenito Corporal IfgTy, A. 8, C to "J**! Sergeant Bmller . Q. If. Q.. to" Vl*ht h?nrtrr^t Rt *ny "P?1 Within or without the mem ?SL. mc^r denrn *j Inquiries ware Immediately made an to the standing, akin and fighting Weight Of Sergeant Bmller. and thoae , being considered aatiafactory. the chal lenge waa accepted, and Ufly was put tnto strict training, much to his dla nat A heary book was made on the forthcoming oombat. and when the tanae evening of the meeting of these fowling Oraeka arrived. the arena waa packed with an eager, brown, faaed crowd, all a-throb with the ?waet pleasures of anticipation. 8er- ! t??nt 8mller arrived, due to time, Jn a carefully corded biscuit bo*. already In possession of the Hoor. striding ap and down In tbf? llerce pride of ownership, and snari lag a challenge to the whole category of Cm ft a. The bo* waa dragged Into the ring, the corda unlaced, the lid ralaed. the cat* tipped at the necessary angle by a brave Tommy, who leaped back over the parapet as with a roar the Incarcerated thunderstorm hurled himself into the llsta Alert, savage and with hla back hair bristling. Ugly crouched for the spring?crouched, and then eat down hard in absolute amazement; for there In front of him was bla exact, bla complete double in size and abape and color. Sergeant Bmller also crouched and sat down auddenly, as If frosen to the floor. In the alienee which followa, the breathing of the two doga could be heard? Jerkily, like the apurta of a aouthweat squall at aea. Then, with a glad gurgle of canine melody, the two animals flung them selves Into one another's arma in a brotherly careea, in which yapa of Joy were mingled with yelpa of rem iniscence, almost tear compelling to the sentimental eoldiera gathered around, pior none could fall to read the riddle. Corporal Ugly and Sergeant Bmller were twins, and this was their first meeting since puppyhood. Truth Is sometimes stranger than Action. This Is a true tale, and the British army Is still laughing over it A good ch tickle now and again is a tonic. NABBED ON ALLURING SOIL Escaped Horse Thief Comti Back to Old Been as and Landa In Prlaon. Bismarck, N. D.? Edward Molea. who escaped from the penitentiary tlvee years ago, after serving one month of a four-year aentence for I horae stealing, waa returned to the Institution a few daya ago from Mar ! rnarth, where he waa arreated while ] taking part In a circus parade. Molen went from hare to .Tacoma, Wash., where he shipped to Liverpool and from tkere to porta on tho Black . eea. A year ago he returned to this conn | try aod gradually worked his way back to the scene of crime for which lie was sentenced. I Farmer Kills Sic Owl. Hastings. Mich.? Norman Chambers of Baltimore township hgg kilted one of the largest owls ever seen hi this vicinity. Tha Mrd, whisk was brown and wbn? In color mpasnred almost ?vs feet from tip to fly. tU syst WSff J*o hMMl )? ?)???"? | _ CBjr Eastern Press) Kloston, 8ept. 'I. ? A yACkbouae, bars and stables, two mules and a horse and lar ge quantities of corn, tobacco and hay wore burned on tbe farm of W. C. Dupree, a short weal of tbe cltr Monday night during a hard electrical storm. Lightning started t^e blaae. The Ore had gained consldorable bead way b' fore Mr. Dupree and his family, who were In their home, dis covered It. Neighbors and people from the city assisted in efforts to extinguish it, without ariui. The damage, ncludlng animals, buildings and produce, was fully $4,000, with $800 insurance. Th* Are burned out shortly after 11 o' clock. Tbe mules and horao cre mated were of considerable value. NOTICE OF HALE. North Carolina ? Beaufort County. Superior Court ? Before the Clerk Jennie Sparrow, Harry McMul'.an, and Jolin O. Toolty, vs. Elizabeth Moore and George Moore. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Beaufort County, North Carolina, in the above entitled proceeding, the undersign ed, as Comm'.saloner, will, on the 3t0h day of September, 1?16, at 12 Noon, sell, at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, before the Court House door of Beaufort County, North 'Carolina, the follow ing described real estate, vis: Situated in the State of North Carolina, County of Beaufort, and in Bath Township, which is bound ed nnd described as follows: Be ginning at a marked corner, kuown as the Eborn corner, and running N. 87 degrees 46 min. W. 546 feet to a stump; thence N. 16 degrees 30 mln. E. 2020 feet to an iron axle on the public rqfld, known as the Garden's Creek road; thence with the (.aid road Westerdarly to the lino of Cablu Branch; thence with the run of the said branch 6- 60 E. 36 pol' 8, It being the line of the John L. Roper Lumber Co.'s Satchwell i land; tcnce with the said John L. Roper Lumber Co.'s line, the sam? being a marked lino. 8 26 W. 1749 feet, to the said John L. . Hop r Lumber Co.'* Southeast corner the said Satchwell land; thence N 70 degrees 30 m'.n. W. 9 4 8 feet to 'lie beginning; containing 60 acrrs, more or less; as survey?* by M. M. Worthlngton on or about June 8th, 1915, the courses herein given bo log magnetic as of thatdate. Dated and posted August 30th. 1916.. A. D. MacLBAN, Commissioner. 8-31-4wc. Come to The GARAGE That guaran tees you Satis factory Service in everything. Whether you store your car with us perma nently or just buy occasional supplies, we guarantee to please you in both quality & Price. The Best Grade of Gasoline at the lowest market price, Try our Service once and notice the differ* ence. Washington Motor Car Co. OME HABITS ARE GOOD Others bad, but the beat h?bit (a lite ia the 'agviDK Habii," because it make* you fa dependent of othtri, instead of dependent on other*. Ac quire the Savins Habit today. Four per cent interaat at our Sarin (1 Department will he) p you. Bank of Washington Washington, fJ. C. CRYSTAL ICE 200 pounds and 300 pounds bagged and packed for shipping. Crystal Ice Company Phone 8?. ? Washington, N. C EAST CAROLINA Teachers' Framing School A Stale School to train teachers for the Public Schools of North Carolina. Every energy it directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to *11 who agree to teach. Fall term becius September 21, 1915. ROBT. H. WRIGHT. Pres. - Greenville. N. C. The Recent Storm in Texas Caused damage estimated at JJS, 00,000. Very little of it was covered by Windstorm Insuraucc. The cost of insur ing It would have been smalt. Do YOU carry WindUorm Insurance? We write it Ask us. Wm. Bragaw & Company, First Insurance Agenls, Washington, N. C. EGYPT HAS A 10 P. M. "LID"1 Drink Dispensaries, Theater* and Cafes Foroed to Cloae early by Naw Rula. Cairo. ? Barly eloslnf la the rule In Egypt, and follows the prohibition of the sale of abalntbn. Id Cairo, Alex andria, the canal. 8uec and elsewhere within a radius of Ave mllna nf any military ctmp the aale of alcoholic llq4!o?fe^>f any sort la stopped at ten o'clock at night and It not allowed to begin until the following morning. Ten o'clock closing Is also oompulsory In theso districts for all cafes, restau rants and theaters. The early clos ing. combined with the half lighting of the streets, which la purely a wear ure of economy, he*? given rlss to the bollef among the natives that Zeppe lins are stationed In Syria and Intend tp raid Bgyj*. Cut Flowers Our arrangement of wad ding bouquets and decorations and our art 1b Floral dealgns embraoes Lbs latest ideas of the Floral craft. Rosea, Val- I lies. Carnations aad Asters the seasonable flowers. Fall price List readr Bep tembor 1st. Mall, Telegraph end Phono orders promptly ex ecuted by .1. L. (VQuinn & Co. Phones: Uptown St >re 42, Greco- i bouse 140. RALRI'iH, N. C. Ut? CAlJBAI.K and C01.I.ARD rUili Rradr N?ir. | J. LEON WOOD JAMK 8 W. COLE Metnbwi N?w T'or7, C?*.i t. txd Kmc* J. I.RON VV ?u > & CO. n\^ KRRS and B.IOKERS. 8t?rk?, ttotdi. Ootid. . Qralu ?nd Proriileni, 7 8 Plama Street . Caii-euter Bulli ng, Norfolk, Va. Priraf- win- J tu New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Board Trade *ad oth?r financial centers. Correspondence respectfully aoUcited. Investment and marglaal accounts glvao earefal attention. EXCURSIONS $22.55 State Camp, Fla. (Near Jacksonville) and return. NATIONAL RIFLE TOIKNAMENT. Ticket* on ?alo October 3rd, 4th, ftrh, flth. 7 th, 12th, 13th and 14th. Extension of 6nal limit to November 29th niuy l)e obtained by d?" posit of tickct with Agent Union Station, Jacksonville, not later than October 13th and payment of fee of 50c. $8.50 Jacksonville. Fla. $10 50 Tampa , Fla. and return, tickets on aalo for all trains September 28tli, 1915. Returning all tickets void after midnight October 5th, 1915. .70 Washington , D, C. and return, tickets on sale September 25th, 26th and 27th, returning all tickets void after midnight October 15th, 1915. For rates, reservations or any information, phone or write the ATLANTIC COAST LINE " Standard Railroad of th t South" 8, R. OLARY, Agent. | ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS

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