WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS PITBTJBKRT) WBCY AFTERNOON. EXCEPT SUNDAYS. . _ *, MM, at the of Weahingtau, H. a, andar *? act of March 8, 1870. BUBSCBirnOK KATES Subscription* mnat be paid for In adranoe. If paper ia not re mffl jrinfll}, or p*? thia office. Subacribera desiring the page* di^Qflinued, will plane nctifj thia office, otherwise it wiMfaaOiViil at rafnl&r aahaeriptioa ratea. jamm L. MAYO - ? - - ?> Proprietor. Via GOERCH ? - Editor. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SEPT. 2, *1910. 5 Two vtars ago tonight ? but that's enough. I^ot> hope it won't happen again. With "September morn" and "Oysters" yesterday, the paragraph era were well supplied with material for many witty sallies. "Watches will be worn on the ankles this fall." ? Fashion note. We suppose that when a man as*ks a lady the time of day, the proper caper for the lady to do is to kick him in the face. When it comes Co^oldingthe record for being "the meanest ma.i in the world," no one holds anything on the Arkansas father, wli used to give his kids a nickel .apiece to go to bed without their sup pt, After they wen* asleep, he'd plip upstairs and swipe the nickels and the next morning he'd whalo the stuffing out of the kids for losing their money. PEUSONS-PEOJM.E : CONTINUAL-CONTINUOUS. One of our exchanges ? the Charlotte Observer, we believe? car ried an editorial a few da\f ago oil the use of "who" and "whom,'* giving i nsi aiices in whieh these pronouns were used incorrectly. The four words ,nt the head of this article also appear to be used ineor" nvtlv quite frequently, for we have observed the following sentence* on several occasions: "There were 250 people present." "He was interrupted continuously." "People," means a class, as "the people of Asia," "the people of this section." "Persons" means a number of individuals. "Persons" should have been used in the first sentence given above. "Continually" implies a close or unceasing succession or recur rence; "Continuous," an uninterrupted continuity or union of objects or parts. The tirst should have been used in .the sentence given as an example. These may appear to be small things, but they are certainly im portant. One of the college professors at Columbia University used to say that all he needed, in order to gain a knowledge of a man's bringing up and his character, was to see that man eat and to hear him talk. ADVERTISE BEAUFORT COUNTY AT THE FAIR. It. i? sincerely hoped that Beaufort county will have a county exhibit at the fair this fall. We could find no better way in which to advertise our resources than by displaying them before the eyes of the many thousands who will be in Raleigh during the week of the fair. The premiums nlone would make it well worth while tc compete in the exhibits, but there are far greater benefits to l?c de rived than the mere award of prizes. For the best display of field and garden crops by any county in the State, the following prizes will be offered : first. $250 ; second. $200 ; third, $150 ; fourth, $100. For the most varied and artistically arranged collective agricultural exhibit from any one farm in North Carolina, $250 will be offered as first prize; $200 for second; $100 for third; $50 for fourth. In addition to the above, there are hundreds of prizes for the best individual crops ? ears of com, potatoes, tobacco, cotton, etc. There will also be prizes offered for live stock, for poultry, for hor ticulture, for embroidery, ladies handiwork, etc., etc. Not only should the county l>e represented at the fair by one large exhibit, but every farmer in the county should endeavor to have an exhibit at the fair. This matter should lie given immediate atten tion in order to have time to prepare good exhibits ? the kind that will be a credit to Beaufort county. WAKING UP TIIE TOWN. One reason why Washington is sometimes referred to as being slow is due to the fact that we do not have enough attractions here to arouse community interest. There are no events in which a gen era] interest is tnk n and whieh would tend to bring tlio citizens >f this section in closer touch with each other. Almost daily, one reads in other papers published throughout th ? Rtatr, <jf pir pnra'ion* that arr being made for a county fair; for a "hotiH -coiniinr week;" for a big county picnic; for church revivals and many other attractions, that hold the interest of the people fer months. These events bring many visitors to the cities in which they are held and they are of general Ifcncfit to the community as a whole. ft is to Ik. regretted that occasions of this nature cannot l>e held in Washington. The county school commencement, which was held beer last year, proved a grand success. It was a step in the right direction. Let us hope that other "stops" will follow and that next year sn effort will be made to have some of the features which other cities in the State now enjoy. Advertise in the DAILY NEWS BRICKBATS AND BOUQUETS. The. Tar Project. The Waahtngtoa Nm i<t? the opinion that the fcacon a greater lnterett 1* not Ukw by the baslnas* men asd chamber* of commerce throughout this section la the Dta prce.'ock ideu for Tar river la be cause there Is a lack of general un derstating aa to what K will mean tor tale section. It la. especially, a matter of vital Importance to Roctfy Mount, since It means a cheaper freight rate la nearer water competition; and. while It chip* git at that end. It will likewise mean much !n the matter of cheaper power, Vhlch .means more lndna triee. Rocky Mount can well line up In the forefront of those who are urging the plan, which mean* great things for this section. ? Rocky Mount Telegram. "? Tk True. The Washington News, comment ing on onr remarks In regard to the Northern editors throwing off on the South when they are living, figura tively speaking. In glass houses, is r- sponsible for the assertion that the reason a crime in the South causes such a sensation is that It Is usually an oddity and, naturally, at tracts attention. This Is true. . In fhe North revolting crimes are of such an every day occurrence thatj but little attention Is paid to them while down in Dixie Land even a1 commonplace murder will cause a! sersatlon. ? New Bern Journal. MANY COMPLAINTS HEARD. This summer seems' to have pro duced an unu*ual amount of slck ttc-s. Many complain of headaches, .m* backs, rheumatism, biliousness ?ml being "always tired." Aches, ^a'ns aud Ills caused by the kidneys fa": Jng to do their work and throw ih poisonous waste from the sys ttm yield quickly to Foley Kidney Pills. They help elimination, give *3und sleep and make you feel well and strong. They are tonic in ac -lon. Davenport's Pharmacy. FINDS WILL IN HIS SLIPPEI Grandchild Discovers Much-Soughl Document of Michigan Man Quite by Accident. Hudsonvllle, Mich. ? When Thomaa n. Sestel, pioneer resident of Fllmore township, died on May 30 there began a search for a will disposing of his estate, which Is valued at upward of IH 0,000. A Justice who drew up the will and the men who signed oa witnesses tes '.!3ed to the existence of such a docu ment, but a search failed to reveal th r.:sslng testament. The estate was taken Into probate :ourt to be divided among the helrr according to the* rights by birth. As a probate judge was about U ' ike this step one of the dead man't i.r eat grand daughters was busy aid in f In giving the home of Mr. Sestel t thorough cleaning. 8he found an old ralr of carpet slippers, frayed and torn. As she threw the slippers away a piece of paper fell out. It proved to be the missing will. K. <J. HUDSON'S STATEMENT. E. Q. Hudson, Chamblee, Ga.. vrltes: "Last year 1 bought and tried Foley Cathartic Tablets. I have tried many cathartics, but for a thorough cleansing movement of ?he bowels without the slightest In convenience or sickening, I believe the Foley Cathartic Tablet the best earth. It's a perfect cathartic, with no bad effects." Everybody suf fer* occasionally from lndlgestlbn or constipation, so Mr. Hudson's ex perlence Is worth remembering Stout persons say these tablets rc ''eve that "heavy" feeling. Daven ? -?rt's Pharmacy. t he duty and the right of protection real nature. It !? eo with men. and I, for < tl ra divine right of prolactin* my Vife. ? end the women whoa I reepect. exercii that high duty In tbe ?wk and ncrrr] to be protected rather than to engage In my Judgment. thla whole mnteryai ei doty end of the right of both net end "The time will neror coma jrhpn 1 functions of the two sexes wit! bo VroM MMfefty. X believe that It ta aa attwt social development, and that If thp etep ward on the march towarde a higher, not ho fobnd not (o tho hr? ?? Berlin, Sent. 2. via London. ? ' The Natiou&l Zclturig publishes to- , day 'a leading article under the^ heading, "Wilson, Bryan and Roo?fe which is noteworthy forj Itp. friendly tone a'nd for the ungradg-. ing admiration expressed for Pres-, ldent Wilson. The personality of President Wil son has been illuminated more strongly than ever before, the Na tional Zeitung Bays, during the ex citing days through which America has Just passed. The President will app ar to m^ny in a new light. Never was his position more diffi cult than during the Arabic crista, "when Mr. Bryan was cajllng on Americans for peace at aayrlMi and Colonel Roosevelt was enmpon iug them to war against Germany." President Wilson?* Is pictured in th article a? standing between the, two rivals, whose activities threatened to bring about Buch a situation thai the President might make his atti tude toward Germany dependent on domestic political considerations. Snn Antonio, Tex., 8ept. 2. ? fWJtb he arrest of 26 Mexicans. 23 of whom were detained lato yesterday, police and federal authorities be lieve a plan to incite the Mexican population of 6an Antonio to deeds of vlolenco baa been nipped In the bud. According to the police the pris oners are all adherents to the plan of San Diego, a manifesto which proclaims Texas a republic for Mexicans. Magnetic Mountain*. T1?s mountains of Porto Rico art ec w\*r.n?ty. that they attract surveyors vlumb fines and It has been found (ha' ?oraa old surreys are Inoerreot ? A relle or nwr* ? ? ? ITEHHIi (OrMnrtlle Reflector) Today QreenTlUe welcomed here several hundred fafmere. who cpme 'ft to town to attend the Faraiere' Educational meeting, which Iwaa held at the Training School. Con gressman John H. Small arrlred in town this morning with hie ae^erad associate# from the United BMn Department of Agrleultmr* and at 10 o'clock the BMUng opened in the Ttahiln* School aadlterlnm. It had been planned all aloapr tr >.ave dinner on Um ?rouoda. and today at 2 o'clock, the jrQ?ieft ???*?* clothe* (or Iks repot, ,M4 It IK thoroughly eajo ft *7 . *11 thoae prevent. > North Carolina? SaaBfe* C?*tr. la the Superior Coart. T. H. Blount oh. Wm. Kal*ht. The defendant iW*t itnit will tike notice that as uttn eatltlod u above hie KM eowaeenred in tho Superior Coart of Beaufort County w heroin tke fMeUI e^M U recover the enw of -Two U?|lr?4 Thro* lit n.lM liui.ll) . Dol lar!, end thet e nrreet of iltut moat haa leened ipiaet the prop erty or tho I ilial?al. Drfendaat Till farther take ae tlco: That well aalt to retomehl* In tho 8a parlor Coart, before the Judfe. on Mooter, October 4 th. 1?1*. at tho Coart koaaa la Vaak Inrtoa, la eald Coaaty of Saltan and defendant will fartker ulp ao t:e* that upon ble fallare te eynear end en ewer or lee* of t* tke eea plaint which will ha CM la eaU reuee within tha Crot three <Ae of ?aid term that tho plalaUff wl]) take Jodfmeat aaalaet kim. ThU the l?th day of Aagaat. mi. OWO. A TAVU Clerk taparlor Coart II 1-4*0. BOTHA or uu. Uidor >H k)> rlrtao of III 90 war of *!? ooataiaad la ? Dm* ot Traat nooatod bj Nut Hiim aad ?!<?. Taoay Slaapaoa, to W. A. Thoaaaaaa, u TruatM. which I* uatod th. l?U dar at iaiiur. till. lily ro oordad In tko ode* of tko lU?t??r of Paodo' of Baaalorl Oonalr, la Book 171, ?t Pact ill. to aacaro cortala ladohudaaao therala nMM, dafaalt karlad booa ?>!? la t*a |W Mat tharoof. tko Trao teo will on Boa dar, tko Ilk dar of a.pt.mbrr, till, at aM, a*U at tka eonrthonao door of Boaa fort aouatr to Ika hlih.1t klddor Mr oaah, tko (ollowlo* daacrlkad tract or paraol of land. ljlDf aad holad la Bloklaad TownaMp, Boaafort eoaaty, Itato at North Corolla*, ad)oiain( tko laada 6f /. W. Cbaplo. aad otkora. aad which X particularly doaartkad ad follows: Baglaalaf at a poiat oa UtUa Oraak. Baa rr Baaocr'a Nartkwwt ooraor, dad wltk kla llaa aad caaal Bontk to Ua ,0*110 road laa^la* ta Booth Crook f aatoBaa, aad ap (aid road, to Lawaaa'a traot. aa-w Oar la 'a, aad wttk aaid Cka*ta'a llao to LIUlo Croak, aad If aaid *oo* to Boarr Bwoij'a Norttvoot ooraor, tka botflaalac, mM|U| (TMW ?croa, mora or MM. tk? AMM ?t*. mi. * : mmrit ^ You Need a Tonic There are times In every womtfft life when she needs a tonic to help her over, the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take ? Cardul, the woman's tonic. Cardul to com posed of purely vegetable Ingredients, wtHch act gently, yet surefy, on the weakened womanly organs, and help* bulk) them back to streftgtfc and health. Ut has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, filing women In Its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same (or you. You can't make a mistake In taking CARDUI The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. P. D. No. 4. Alma, Ark., ays: "I think Cardui Is the greatest medichic on earth. n>r women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was o weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy pells and t poor appetite. Now I feel as well and ? strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything." icgln talcing Cardui today. Sold by all deaiart. Has Helped Thousands. Slit, il MtrU CMh, Ca? la i iwapkiMfa* mum. ? . Wi aa? W. rn. Boahar. Jita r. aa? *? hw?. tralix U jr. 41. ?**? * kroo.. Ti. N.. r.. ???.. ?. w- fniiam, <H?rsa ?? Calk act. IMtr IHiU O irowutrfl. V ,*a? halia-at-U'w af iiu nil? , T?? kHh ahara und, Mi l_ Im m?i>, lVw? . nwlac Nortk M w?t jrir ?Mt b u m? *i?o: tfm? North > SMC 1JT? fnt to aa InillWMntolnltNIMIHl W to |? Iroa alp*; thoooo Noru I Cut lit M to u Ira tin; tk??M Sown M B"t 7 (I IhI to an It* pl?* at Ska *!?? 1 to* Brood* Road; lh.no* wtti th* Broom* Bom (JToflk I M Itl M U u Im iXp*; ?%??? Boath II M Tit tmt to u lroa jtao: thaaaakoath * Waal 111 foot to as Iron alga; thomeo Hart* 1*. Wmt m M-to u Iraa" pl?o at too ?4*of OaBraatoa M; tkoaoa ?K? iho WraPtol km Booth J Wart TO faat to tk* topics lap, ?4. ul an atkar . . ..... vdi tak* aatloa im aa (ha ?tk Car of lu am. 1111. tko Ilm I I in |l ?a>*oaat to ????<*? Milt Ion of IW. Ml tool kaa fcooa Im*C ratarmabio at to* aflaa of tko eito* o< Ik* ?worlor Co art of Baaa fort Caoat7 aa tha Tth la? of Ooto ??. UU. aau iaal t. atuto ?aaafort Caaatr. Uoklaad 7Vr_ . ?kip. Ilato at Nortk Oorollma. aadl Mlolaa tko toa?a af H. M. Baonar | ?aa atkara. aal la laiertba* aa I Itnt Ba?Uato? al aa lroa plpa oa tko w" af to* Braoaa Road at ???a W. Brooaao'a Nortkaut oor aotllad that aa im rotor* tar too patltloaam will >nlf to tko Coart fat a Dooroo of RaplatraUao for too till* to tko laa4a doacrlbod la a*M potluaa. TWa tko Ito 4ar af Aacaat, 111*. OiO. A. PAUL. Clark latorlor Coart. ra. ? ?aWa Wlaataad. ? Tko dofaadaat akora aam*4 -will taka aotJaa that aa aotloa aatltlrf aa ah0T* kaa kaoa ootaaaaoal la tha goparior Coart af liaaafort Coaatr la whlak tko plataUk la aaklup for aa abaaluto dlroroa fraaa tha boadi of uatrlmonr. ail th. a*ld laftad aai XII farthar tako aotloa that ah* la raaalrad to awaar at tha tana of toa Buporlor Court of aaM Coaatr to ha hall oa tha 1? kondar la Odto har, llli, at tha Coarthooaa la aatd Couat/ la Waahlactoa. H. C . aad >?*r ar daaaar to toa ooaplalat la aald *atl?a. or th* plflotK win a?Hr to tha Coon Mr tk* ,.Uof n* M?> '?? ?< *a*a?t, 1,11, obo a. pwu ' V A ft, BAflL, attohwt-at-imw. * Oimt jNtu U4 Muk.t M. ? ? ? ? * * ? ? . . : ?"m : ? : ^ al aM Sipnma^ooarti of ttls ? ????*?? ? > { * * * ? t ? ?*'.. , ? 4- a. um, IM At* x. a. : : . ? ? ? . * ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? . ? 8TEWABT * BgYAN ? ? ? ? ^T*. . . . " : . .* a. . fi^lSpP': ?.A. ?- ? ?? ?? v ? ? ? * ? V- T-T-T' f ?; ? V 1 * " "???' i fiCToiw' ' * IHIIKII M I H . ium mm 5 * ^rr^T; * NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD :? <> HKW SHORT ROUTE. rPMK?HT 8KKVIC8 ' ? ^ 5?j5iliUirS paotaf. <*?, aiuj you wiil <a4 "* W "r"*? by patrooinng than, u "Tin. i, -nooW." H??lag qaallflad u admlaMrator of T" fattyB M, an mm InMM to liar aa tat* ar. r?d netMd to mak* Imat gata parmnt, aa? all pornona hat t?? alalia* agalaat liar aatata ar* ?4UM to prM*at th-m to th* an 4ar*l*a?4 wltKin tawtv* montha of ?Ma ?*?, or tk? notlea will M Plaad* I. bar of th.lr r^rtrj. day at *.?. i.,l. a q. BOWHBK, Mnr. WltiT ft RODMAN, A ??. ft [??

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