ARCHIBALD IS ON THE tk e. eat of lib wines you. knew 'It w** a Taabo, just u you know a mc-iio* Jark from e ? wallow. J "svr So kith waa K that It seemed al moat stationary. But It waa going somewhere helwsan fifty and nlnatr raflaa aa hour. It sesmsd to havs al) the heavens to itself; and to the British it waa a alnlitar, prying are. It wanted to see If they vara building any new trachea. If they wen mar ine hodlea at troop* "or of transport la some sew direction, and where their battartea ware Is hiding. That avl ator,. three mUaa above the earth, had many waiting (una at his command. A few elgnels from hla wireless and they would let loose on the target he Indicated. Never Loses Its Ttirllt Other features of life at the front Archibald rushed the lighting; It ? the hosleeeo of the Taube to lido ?tap. The aviator cannot kit baok awiH through Us allies, the Oennaa battertea. on the earth. They woaM take ear* ot Archibald It they Maw where he waa. Bet all that the avi ator can see is mottled landscape. Mm hla aide Archibald Mae no coal Saga Ra to one of ten thousand tiny objects under .the aviator's era. AH the Romance Their* Why ho waa named Archibald no. body knows. As kts tail name is Archibald the archer, poeaibly It comae from soma aeeodatloa with the Idea of archery. It than wan tan thousand antiaircraft guns In the British army, every one would be known as Archibald. Whan the Brit, lah expeditionary force want to France it had none. All the British could to wad to bang away at Taubea with thousanda of rounds of rifle bul lets, which might fall In their own Unea, and with the Held guna. It was pie tn those da ye lor the Taubea. tt waa easy to keep out of range ot both rifles and guns and ob serve wall. If the Oermana did not know the procreae of the British re treat from on high. It was their own fault. Now the business of (bring at Thnbee la left entirely to Archibald. When yon See how hard It la for Arch ibald. after all his practice, to get a Taube, yon understand how foolish It waa lor the held gong to try to get one. Archibald, Who to quite the swcllegt thing In the amy. kas his fcwa pri vate ear ballt cepeetelly for blm. While the cavalry horeae bock of tks line* grow sleek from Inaction, the ooroplanee have talija thefr place*. let kvmtlwni and condlmcnU. "> " ne*t u m prlTM* rieM'i ml u ltv?lr, u ?n InlMd of > Infut l?am . Th* ArehlMld. * B*"w?"'r b0,0<1 ? ttfi* *?? bird. But It fcod tho luok *Mok aoot pUom, BrltUh or Omit. kit> ? ucaplnc antiaircraft gunflra. It had begun edging ?w*y tlur tto Int (hot, and soon Iraa oot of rang*. Archibald had ?? Hi tfco (OlfOM of hi* mitosc*. Ho had sent tha rrry lm aaiUl *r* >?? ?nrport tranchn, BtttUk ttolll w> HIM I III MILE ? f (?y Eastern Prees) Greenville, 6ept. S. ? Re v. Percy Q. Croae, of Texas, will arrive in' the city tfcla afternoon at 6: SO, and will tonight open a revival 1m the Christian church. t Rev. Crow la already known In thtr section, having gerved the church at Klneton some time ago. It !? the purpose 'of Rev. Croat ev erywhere he goes, to put hl?/?holel heart and soul In hlv work, and he usually producot results. ? |t Is Mid that he,wu k room mate of BUly Sunday. MX CBO IHVADPE run tttiunlti ???t t ? Hurj K. Thaw through hl? attorney* Stona * ?ton?, IM pernio* la mmi pteaa eoart aiklug a dUorea fro? hla .mh X. Th?w oh?rflW ?mt> ;otu rrotfal ?( N*r tw*, SATISFIED? Get Your Cloth m Mmdei tar from borne when lime nod ? can be reduced by baviDg ?4ht n RtOU GEO. ARAMOONIE 131 E. Mam Street, Washington, N. C, Men's Custom Tailor. 11 ax ffljn Wilmington, n. c. Sept i. ? Aa effort Is being mad-? throughout the country to locate Lady Qereldlne, th? only daughter of SI* Reginald O. Wlafate, of London, who re tiled, leaving a large eetate. all o? "Which will go to Oeorge Win gate. Jr.. nephew of the Iste Sir. Reginald, unless the daughter can be located h y October 1. She was ts Wilmington for some weeks the latter part of June and first of July, registering under the name of Mrs. XL Wadlelgh, representing a wo man's literary club. She left hero for Atlanta, where she was beard from xon Jnly 27. bnt wince then there has been no trace of her. and representative* of Lord A Lord of London fear ebe haa committed suicide. She baa been twice mar ried, and la regarded at an ad Ven turas*. She was educated In the United States, and her adventures led the family to disown her. a traveling man who knew her here has been written for Information he has about her. (By Eastern Press) Klnston, 8ept. 1. ? Richard Cobb, colored, was discharged In the City Court late Tuesday when Judge Wooten found that charges of incest and criminal assault brought by his 16-year-old daughter by a dead wife without foundation. Sylvia Cobb, it Is said, had been caught in im proper coudoct with a man. and her father chastised her. In revnge she had a warrant drawn alleging that he had forced her to an inhu man purpose. In the hearing she admitted that the treatment she had received was not such to justify the warrant, and she practically admit ted to counsel for the defense that the charges were false. IMI FiMEt KISSED 111 A dispatch to the Philadelphia North American says John Ornbrr, a big, husky, be whiekered farmer, kiss' d W. J. Bryan at the conclusion of the col onel'* Chautauqua address at King man. The Impact came so sudden . that Bryan did not ha-re an oppor tunity to sidestep. When the kiss i had been planted squarely on bis | Hps the former secrotar y backed a- 1 way and murmured somothlng like "Thank you." Bryan had touched on the war ] during his lecture, and his eloquence had stirred Grabcr's heart. He said ! he could not resist the grand ea- I lute. "Mr. Bryan. I have read your pa- ! per for years, and have admired yon," Oraber said. "1 made up my ' mind that If ever I got a chance to | too you I would kiss you." North Carolina, Beaufort County. Thomas Bailey vs.*' / Arthur Bailey et al. Andrew Bailey, one of the de fendants in the above entitled no tion, will take notice that an action haa been commenced lp the Super ior Court of Beaufort Goaty before the Clark for the purpose of par titioning among the hetri at laws of Christopher Bailey orrtala lands In the County of BeaufOrt of which the said Christopher Bailey died seised- and possessed. Defendant will further take no tice that said action is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior 'Court, at hie office, In the Ooarl hoeee. In said County of Beaufort, In Washington, on October lat. ltll, nnd that upon the defendant's failure to appear and answer or de mwr to the complaint which han^ been filed int his cnuee that th? pfatntMf will demand Judgment up on tfca return date thereof. This the 80th day of Aagapt, mi. OP* A. PAUL, ?i?k tapper fetirV f-IWwi, \ Ayden 1 s to have a town hall, of brick, two atortM, with the munici pal offlcca on the second floor and a market and quarters for a pro posed flre department on the first, it will be located In the center of the busineaa district. Improvement of the road from Dover to Fort Barnwell is being urged. Nine milee of the thorough fare U said to be in extremely bad shape. , j Mrs. R. C. Cotten. of Greenville, j will address women of Ayden inter ested in .the orgnalsatlou ?? ? civic league on Sunday. A planter living near New Bernj who had a calf killed by a train took the carcass to the jnarket in that city for sole. Health officers eelied it and condemned a part of the m at. The animal, It was prov ed, had just been killed a few hours. NOTICE OF MALE. North Carolina ? Beaufort County. Superior Court ? Before the Clerk] Jennie Sparrow. Harry McMul'.an, and John G. Tooley, v?. Elizabeth Moor* and George Moore. Under and by virtue of a decree of th? Superior Court of tseaufort County. North Carolina, in the above entitled proceeding, the undersign ed, as Commissioner, will, on the 3t0h day of September, 1915, at 13 Noon, sell, at public auction, for cash, to the highest bldd r. before the Court House door of Beaufort County, North Carolina, the follow .?g described real estate, vie: Situated In the State of North I Carol'na, County of Beaufort, and | In Bath Township, which is bound ed and described as follows: Be ginning at a marked corner, known as the Eborn corner, and running N. 87. degrees 4 5 min. W. 645 feet to a stump; thence N. 16 degrees 30 min; E. 2020 feet to an iron axle] on the public road, known as the Dardon's Creek road; thence with the said road Wcsterdarly to the line! of Cabin Branch; thence with the run of the sa'.d branch S. Co E. 36 pal 8, It being the line of the John L. Roper Lumber Co.'s Satchwell laud; tence with the said John L. Roper Lumber Co. s line, the sa e belr.g a marked line, S. 26 W. 1' feet, to the said John L. Rop Lumber Co.'# Southeast corner efl the said 8atchwell land; thence N. 70 degree* 30 min. W. 948 feet to! the beginning; containing 60 acros.j more or less; as surveyed by M. M. Worthlngton on or about June 8th, I 1915, the courses herein given be-j lng magnetic as of thatdate. Dated and posted August 30th, | 1915. A. D MacLEAN, Coramlwloacr. 8-31-4 wc. Come to The GARAGE That guaran tees you Satis factory Service in everything. Whether you store your car with us perma nently or just buy occasional supplies, we guarantee to please you in both quality & Price. The Best Grade of Caroline at the lowest market price, Try our Service once -#nd notice the differ ence. Washington Motor Gar Co. . C RYSTAL ICE ?? 200 pounds and 300 pounds bagged and packed for shipping. Crystal Ice Company Phone ?. Washington, N. C. KAST CAROLINA Teachers" Training School A State School to trjin teacher* for the Public School* of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to thia on* purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall terra begins September 21, 1915. ROBT. H. WRIGHT. Pre,. Greenville. N. C. Two Years Ago Tomorrow Remember the damage done September 3rd. 1913, by wind. Get a Windstorm Policy NOW. Phone 266 tonight. Win. Bragaw & Company, First Insurance Agents, Washington, N. C. INDIANA MAN GETS A PLUM Cut Flowers Our arrangement at wed ding bounueta and decorations and our art In Floral designs embraces the latent Ideas of the Floral craft. Roses, Val Mee. Carnations and Asters *?!o seasonable flowers. Fall price List ready Sep tember 1st. Mall, Telegraph and Phone orders promptly ex ecuted by J.kL.O'Quini>& Co. riiones: Uptown St >re 42, Green house 149. RALEIGH, N. C. Ul? CABBAGK mm* COl.LABD Km4t Now. ?petj on Kitchen F'oor*. 6t> Dirtnv womei mere l-niin X?r? are treats ipota oti their kite* ?n floor* and water with any aoumaf ot ?cmbblnf will not remove tbems lu ?t try aioohol to nmori these n?i apote, and roe will be irltmt with Uiw result. George E. Downey, comptroller of Jje treasury who hab beeu chosen tr: Cll the vacancy on the bc:ich of tti Halted State* court tf claims cat..- %u by the retirement of Justice Howry, lie comes from Indiana, where for tan 7W? he wa? f.clr^plt. Jvdfe. ARROW Soft COLLARS Of plain or fine White Striped Madras. 2 for 25c. ag.UETT. ri.ATVipy & C P.. IVC, X1AKEWS J. LEON W<>OI> .IAMF* W. CX>L* Menbr^ Nov. Vorl 0-;t a Kxrhaufe J UiON WOO J & CO. DA. "t.RS -ad BROKERS. StecLe, Ponds, tJraie and Provisions, 71 Plume Street Carp-rter BulltQif, Norfolk, Va. PriTat.: wires to New 7erk tilock Exchange, Chicago Board Trade and ether financial coalers. Oerreependenee respsctfally solicited. Investment and marginal acoouots given careful attention. EXCURSIONS $22.55 State Camp, Fla. (Near Jacksonville) and return. NATIONAL RIFLE TOURNAMENT. Tickets on Rale October 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 12th. 13th and 14th. Extension of final limit to November 20th may Ih? obtained bv de" poflit of ticket with Agent Union Station, Jacksonville, not later ^han October 13th and payment of fee of 50c. $8. SO Jacksonville . Fla. $10.50 Tampa , fla. and return, tickets on sale for all trains September 28th, 1815. Returning all ticket! void after midnight October 5th, 1915. $8.70 Washmgton, D, C. and return, tickets on sale September 25th, 26th and 27th, returning all tickets void after midnight October 15th, 1915. For rates, reservations or any information, phone or write the ATLANTIC COAST LINE "Standard Railr oad of th* South" \ S. R. CLARY, Agent. ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE 9AILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS

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