North?., Wimu. V; ? SEPTEMBER. 3. P15 s?S-J London. Sept. ?._T?. Bawlin fortree. of Oroduo seema to b? -tar 1? It. fall ToIH tCU. ' ;-J- ,1\V "? - ??" British .nbmarlnea bar? torpedo a4 tear Tvrktah traaaporta. Word of tMa.faat of BrlUeh aada M?. thraagk PuU tad.r . Tha MM* ?e*me, ? Sk?b?95, tatept 90dal report, from Petro ^i^lU TO tb? Eu|lu lucccii la OaUeU and record tka capture of am tkan T.?.o prlonm ,0?,. maa ?part. hare ladlcatad that the Teutonic advance Ma koaa rc.umed " * r*?oa after a temporary cr ?? ? > M* JleoMf claim, "by th. Tarklak war once of Ttatoriea ar?r tka Hard. ..lie. expeditionary fore wKh heary low, to th. latt.r bam kM followed by k ofllelal .tat. ?aet?reporting t h. capture of .. important tactical point In the Ana farta radon and lata, aloag th' treat ooenpJad ky tv An.trailan. FARMER WAS TOO CAUTIOUS (Br Baatara' Preaa) | Wow Bara, Sap?.' t.?A ?ood oa. J* wfclok ConiraMman Oeor?. B. Hood. coBiraanaaa from tkU. tk third, dl.trlot. play. a pullar role, fx Solna tka round, down thin w?y Acoordtnc to tko htary a. It la St tog told, Coocrvmaaa Mood a few ?.oka a?o received a ?nm a constituent down la Oprtate t county, ..king tkat he tend along a paakag. of a coruin rarl.ty of "X ?"? ?fUk tke comraaraen are allows to MDd ont In tk-lr tU ttot- Th. lenlal congrenm.n promptly placed the la on. of tta -frank^K eurelop? fnrnl.r.d ky the ?or.rnm.nt for tkl. pnrpoee kad forward .d tkem Th. seed ?r rt?ad slrlght bat tk. raelpl.nt ... ayaUSad ky aa Inert ptlon .p?.r l?t ta tk. rtsht hand camae of th. .avMepa wklob atated that that. *" ' ot "" pf'.ta rm Thinking that M, meaat that tka penalty ru for th. prw.t. uu t^Trt^TSLr^Lt etat.meat that he couldn't ,M , nalaoe he be allowed to do m **'?**? Th' *>*? ?? Mo heep/ha? etnee W4* is Tcan of 11? It It hadn't bean for William Taylor; of- Btannton. Va., who wu i lotil run or this afternoon. t tie >dds Ua that President Woodro? Wilson would nerer baVa had t h? honor of being at tka lA^at thta idtloa's affaire today. Mr. T.ylor. who la a trareillng nan, was bora and ralMd In thi ?ame community with Preeldent Wllaon. Ha narrated a number of ntereMtsg narrattron yesterday of 41? own and ?*r Wilson's boyhood. BepaeJaily lntereetlm wu an ao oont of how Mr. Wllaon. who waa l .han about twelve years old. nar -owly escaped drownlnc In a t ma) I pond near Staunton. "* .|wj being nacced by one or the '?ys and the teasing went C littler too tar, he would pat as end to It Vtth a few word* that were might ily determined It wadn't what he said, that counted so much, It. mt the manner In whieh ha aald It" Mr. Taylor loft yesterday after noon for Raleigh. ? KINSTON NEWS tor yeaterday'a t ... _ ? pected that u eren lunr number *Ul participate la the races ' r m - - v ?? msM&m ? -m? i, tb? me." jlderable amusement wSi fur nished to Mine who happen*) to t*w the- county Jail this a catned by a pepnant which . fro? on?'of the prison wlndo of the inmate? had obtairf peasant frum s^me unknown ? and It flutterad-'yaliy lo the wi.o. rw fas blue and In wjilt? l?t jere, was (hi\1*jfthd. "Tljla la the l?m. St .from the H*4?h>| bartas OUT ta I^nMr County. ?13, . (Bar Extern Preaa) *,c fCinaton, N O, Sept. Rer V. O. Bodal), of tke local Universalis churob, baa reoelved two offers (?r Ihe State *sup?rlnt?ndcncy or the tlnlrenalUt charehes in Bonih Car olina and Georgia. Both ottofsvkr? nattering, bu; nr. Bodali h?a not aanoonced a? ret whether tlier will ba accepted ?? - ' r~ The races, which war? t? bare been bald yesterday afternoon, hare haaa poatponrfi iratll a?t) Thurs There war fourteen entrlea' LL EXECUTED 10:30 A. M. Tirloaa mm ara m Hihfc ralaibl? trutaln? trem a^lun ot tka raca Batrotr. V?. A bar?, N?i r work guardsmen aro. ihown constructing a pral Below, toft to right, fcre: Major C on row. N Y. N. O.; Capt. H. C. Woodward l FoQ and Lleot. Frederlok Wendel. all'if the United 8tat??'Army. NEW BERN {JOURNAL w IS SOLD REPORTED T?AT TWO P A PERU IN THAT OUT HAVE oon PUBLISH 1 PAPER Accord lug to a newe IMm which Appeared In tke WIlHD TlmM lut night, the New Bern Journal cad the New Bera Sob haw consolidated and in the future there will be only one dally paper published In tkat <3ii. The article In the Tim* reads a. follow?: The New Bern Journal has been ?old to the New Bera 8nn after a few year* of difficult effort to maln morolng paper la that Ure community where the people be 11?*? la adTertlilnt and a city of good else. With tkjs suspension and afesorp. lion of the Journal ?few Bern will hare only one newspaper and that one la the afternoon. - The Journal in a food japer, well edited and carried a food line of adrortuini bat like many other p'.sees in North Carolina found two paper? difficult toHnalataln. -/ *' '? 'I RKCQVES WORD OF * . \ DEATH OK HIS SIMl ?v A telegram was rceelred last alffht by Capt. W-t. Fiurow. aotl ffylng him of the death of bis nieco. Mr?. W. ?*. Burro?, of Ulddlaion. H yd/ county, who djed ye?t?rd?y ?t Newport New? The ramalaa wilt be brought to Washington this af t?rnoon va tV Norfolk Southern trt la4 and out be takrfs by. boat ?fc Hyde oounfy, where tkb ?BKt W1KPTOIIOS TO SUNT A IN. I1 * * At the lock) opreaa o#t? th? oUiar day miril colored oltlien? ??l lln*d agato k*t mart* tint had ?beta khlpped In. (The rwcetp* of held In the town of Wltann taet (all, an larltatlon' to meet On Bel haven tble tall waa attended br Meeere t, A. Wllklnaon, P. H Johnton and O. W. Manual in be half ot the Belbafen Hoard of Trad' through Ita eecretarr. Mr. Frank anrde*. 'Oae of the ufaeetlona made toward. entertaining thla body or men 1* a rlett ? Mattamvakeet 'Lake and-?be pumping alatlon. (ART) or THAVM. I deal re to tbaa* thoee who were ?a kln? u to fire ene tbelr eopport la wlaatat the grafaaoli at Rue* 3r? ' V?r!*r tor.. W. * IWOOW, M'W V, ST. iA STILL FOUND; OPERATORS ARE MISSING RAID WAS MADE BY U. 8. OFFI CERS NEAR NEW BERN LAST NIGHT. 5 BBLS. OF BEER StUl Waa o? Salnnlied" Iron and 0md In Reraiu Ounite wmr (By Eastern Fress) New Bern, Sept. I-?Revenue Of ficer L M. Tuli and Deputy Gerard Mitchell yesterday afternooj^captur ed a 7 5-gallon still In the woods about three mllos below Brldgeton. The still was made of galvanised Iron and was warm when the officers discovered It, showing that It bad been In recent operation. Five bar rels of beer was also found by the officers. No signs of the operators were to be sedh. The officers destroyed the - still and the beer and this morning they went out again to see whether they eould fltfd any trace of the men who operated the still. BIG BR?AK * OF TOBACCO ?9,000 Ponnda o? the Ploori of the "Local VVtrHiMUM^ Today. Sold For n the morning of May 17 Truill and W. P. Barton were arrested at a house in Charlotte by officers who UNUSUALLY HIGH TIDE YESTERDAY River Rom R*p4.... BI LLET RIDDLED BODIES OF KIDNAPED AMERICANS FOUND Brownsville, Tex., Sept. 3.?The bullet riddled bodle? of two Amer lean? who were kidnaped early to day by Mexican bandits II mllea north of hare, were found in the bed of a dried lake. They were Earl Donation, a farmar, and an engineer named Smith, engaged In concrete con struction work on an Irrigation canal. The Mexican band to which was ascribed the burning of a railroad treetle north of here last night, to day waa held reeponelble for the kidnaping of Donaldson and Smith and a third American, and the burn i Ing of a pumping station. The third American kidnaped, a contractor named Dodeon, managed to escape. GIVE JUDGMENT THIS AFTERNOON Trial Held r Wlftfcills J UM* To*y, Robert Henderson, charged wltl entering the garage of Foreman 1 AUtgoftd. waa given a hearing yaa terday before Recorder Vaughan Evidence In tke caae waa anbmttte4 ment until thla afternoon Henderson % inder g ?1*0 bone but Mbt procure a bond) man. |* kM kHi W?Bt Jail, t*- ? \* i . v * * overheard a conversation between the two In which Trull urged Bar ton to leave town with him, saying that nothing could he found out a gainst them, as they had been to gether all night. Trull had on bis person 9407.60 In cash and Barton had 110.66 In cash. At the trial Barton became a witness for the Stat? and It was his testimony that convicted the young man of murder with robbery as In centive. Appeal to the Supreme. Court resulted In an afflmred ver dict. Governor Cralg twice reprieved Trull; first to hear the arguments of his attorneys for a commutation of the sentence; and second, for the ezamlnatlo not Trull by a sanity commission. After a sitting in Raleigh and one In Charlotte, the commission de termined that while Trull may be a moral pervert he is not Insane. As a last resort Governor Craig was appealed to by attorneys and by the mother of the condemned man. But Governor Cralg, with all the de tails of the case before him, craw no reason for a change In the sentence and the decree of Judge Shaw upon, verdict of the jury was carried out today. ^ CONVENTION ~n OF DISCIPLES Htiit? Convention to be Held TTvl? Year nt P&ntego. Preparations are being made for the 8tate convention of Disciple# of Christ, which is to be held In Pan t< go next month. Between 600 and 1.0QO delegates are expected to be in ajjtendance. J*ev. R. V. Hope, pastor of the lorai Disciple church. Ktated this me n -g that the coming conven tion v.r>uld undoubtedly be the best nttei-.l^d and the' most successful ly Las ever been held. . A,n\faiber of\ prominent speakers -will be preeent. ... . j X M? ' NEGRO ASSAULTS WHITE BOY; HE WAR REFUSED CIGARETTE Wilson, Sept. 3.?Because Tinker Holland, a white boy, nine years of age, would not give him a cigarette Tony Deans, a negro, assaulted him with a brick, and Injured the boy seriously. The lick was on the boy's head and at first a fractured skull was feared, but the boy is resting this afternoon and it is thought htf will recover. The negro assailant wan placed in jail. ftHirft AT 8BA HAVE BEEN WARNED Vf TROPICA I, STORM Washington. Sept. *3.?A tropical storm now In the vicinity of the Isle of Pines, Is Increasing In nteneity as It moves northwest toward the Gulf of Mexico, the weather bureau announced last night. South At lantic and gulf ports were warned, and wireless station? notified ships