ro* MIA OBUP, OH? BAY Mira. Bonn? *n? ?g* Jut rlffht. Ladr t)rok?. Ateo >M of hurawa ?na pbMtoa. II |f ? btreats t? who???r ??U it. MBit k? Mld ?I M?. CLAUD? t. CARROW ?>?MK M? o?. W? U? M W>4 w.r w ???ter ? ?W^k??or a ol a. ua o. a. mu? ' M? W"? to*r? ?loon, 11 feet ( k/ ( (Ht ?; two u? ??*?* hm. tarta kle ?star. I7?J?. With hJU ??T ??.#?? W?*fc KHN M. MMHT. W?*klMt?. *. C. 1-lMh . nun ??bilo ??bo*l k?U41a*. AfUr to 'i Rm ofioe. ? ?1-tWC. :'V- ? ? ; ?? I , - .. VOSI: ELKS TOOTH WrTH ELK8 kw4 on U. rindw ?!??? ret am to tki? odo? ud receive reward. S-l-ltc r \ . i' North danilu. U Um Inp^lor Biaijiil o?air. .1, Ooart 9. ?? ?wiw ?* A.-#. MMbll, TP. tt B. Gallowaj, C. 0. TouUll. L B. Tiuun, K. B- TouUll,' J.B. ?uMMdl^W. V. TouteJI, ?? T- P. ?m?an. *W Taaitall, V.l?a Ta. ?tell, H. f Tautell, D*rau Kb? u< kuibui, wJwl Ku*. Mu<7 c. Bawa, Mlulud huakanl, B. Hol tao. Kate V. M lutul, i I?. Caytu, B. W. Cartaa. 0. A. Cwtu, J?M Stillay, Brru stll IV, Barrel ToaaUll. Rnrr Walt; arinf. Brru Wahtkartap, J. R- W" 1?J, 1 8. Tatar, tM MUla Caapkall Liuiktr Omimit. ~ b ? ? ??rti?, U4 an later*?*?, will taka ?a?? tkat a* tka 14tk la, af Joaa, lilt, tka akpvh-aiaaa? prtltlaaara ilad a patttloa (a tka alta at tka Oaak al tka Baparlar Sami a< Baal ?aM Oautr Ik ka? tka tlUa It aar '??b II at tkaTrakUa Lava at 1*1?, ?1 ?at noaaaaaa ku kaaa knU rataruMa at tka a?ea at M Ik* la parter Caart at strsir--"-?' ?ate laaal la WaaM la Iht Oaaa ?r at BaaiHa 1, M tka Bi?a? alia w an la ?aa*rlh*? at lroa past, *Mab lo*ata? Bout k 41, lamaa . . | tlaa tra* tka hrMg* at rial Swaaap mtntm Balk^Now Bin roa4, raaala? thanoa tm aald Iron poat North 14 1-4 Bart K pola*, fkaua Boath ?4 1-4 Baat 10 poloa. Ikaatoa North ?? 1-4. Baat 111 |.| polaa, tkaoca South II Baat 1 prta*. thoaoa Nortk II 1-4 But 4 polaa, tkano* loath I Waat 44? polaa, thaau Nortk IT'Waat U polaa, Ikaaaa North I But II polaa, thaua Booth 11 Wort I 1-1 polaa, thanoa NoHh 11 1-4 Waat Tl 1-1 loath TT Wait 41 North 11 1-4 Wait M Booth TT 1-4 W*at 117 ?ola*. thaw* Booth 11 1-4 B 117 polaa, thoajo Bootk Tl T7wf 41 peloa, thuaa Booth 11 But <0 polia, thanoa Sooth 7? Wort II thanoa laath II Baat II thaua Booth 71 Wart 47 ta tha BMOCort-Onran aoon ?7 lina, tkana with art? Buafort oonntr llao North 41 W*at to tha point at baplnnfp? partial ara tnrtkar ao pern thltr ?allora la ap art? patltloa tka win apply to tha Coort ft Is lneo?cls??ble in tfcls day of general lBUUlanc? that uur family womld be wlthoot k simple remedy lor the minor Ills ot U(?. lor otUn Irt'tng suh s rems^y U tlm* * loss disease can b* frustrmtsd and For example, K ?t the Urst sign or a oold a slmpl Uxatlrs-tonto like Or. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin w? given, the beginning of a' ser loos lung afTectiua or of a typhoid (over might be avoided. And *Uj in headaches. nervjonsnees, ?rte., s 'small dose of t hi? remedy would re lieve the congestion and replace dls treaa with comfort. Motbere give tt to tiny infante and lit 11? childrea. and frown jpople tako It with eqqgl 1# good effect. Thousands of good American home? are neter without It. among them the Home of Mr?. C, A. Wright. ItSI Paaedan* Are.. Long Bench. OIL She had considernblo trouble raising ll^tfe Lawrence, thro* years old. b<4 after regulating hie bowels with small doses of Dr. Caldwell's flyrsp Pepslh he began to thrive and she has bad no farther trouble with him. They use It generally la hbr home. / Syrup Pepsin save* the health of the family, ^and it eaves doctor's bill?. If la a guaranteed cure for any foyn of stomach, livsr and NOVEL COSTUME BALL TW Cula? at NimemMtt v wu the scene of the noyel black and white costume ball, given by Mr*. Tal bot Hanan. The Caalno, arrayed with ?trtamcn of black and whit? and bal cony decorated wltfi check? of similar colore and the entrance designed wltH th? same effect, formed a fitting back ground to the coetumea of tb? partici pant?. It wu the'first notable bali Of the eeaaon and wm? preceded bj many dinner parties. One of the f?a turea of th? affair Was the hostess Mrs. Talbot Hanan, In her black an/ whit? taffeta gown trimmed with blaek r?lT?t and .ornamented wife figures. A striking part of the oft tam? were th? pantalettes and the skipping rop? whleh she cafrftfc throughout th? evening. "BLUE MAN" OF THE OZARKS "Periodical Appearance la Imported by Tie Haulere Near Wllovr N Springe. Mo. Willow Bprlnga, Mo.?Th? periodical reappearance of the "Bine Men of Spring Creek" waa reported by the hauler? who reaehed this city from Douglas county. Th? supposed "wild bttgn" baa. not been seen at his old haants alnoe 1917 until about alx w??ks ago/when O..C. CoUlna. while Searching for two lambs, got a glimpa? of th? smb whH? h? was attempting to capture a hog. 8lac? tb?n other persons bars seen Jthe "blue man," according to word brought In by the tie hauler?. Jay Tabar aaw him a f?w days ago, but h? ran up the mountalnalde. Taber told h la neighbors thai the man's hair I? now wbiu, but that he Is still pow erful looking. ? y*> the British Crown. Tbs preaent crown of Great Rritair la called St. Sdward'fc- Crown, and III ahap? and form date from tha enrlli-i Eugllah history. Many ol have been used over and th? vartoue rroWns foi bowel trouble eoartlpatlon. tail ?touch, headaebea, tar eating, ate. Haw a? abount xl Tin? U toaoj - tar It eoatalak mmiiiim JfiwlOO t? tbe youngeat peoon. . -V M A bottle aa* b* obtalaed at nearby ding atora JOr Bfty centa or economloal and br tboaf who bara already convinced tbem aatraa at Ita merita. Symp -Tt uar. learn to ateoaM jllle. eaUa, icatbartio aad poraatlrae generally aa they ar? too treat , aback to. any Pamlllaa wiahlng to txj^'aH a?mole bolUe oan obtain It poatsald br addreealng Dr. W. iB. Caldwell. 41? Waahlngtoo St., Monti cello. 111 IA postil oard with your nana aad addreaa on H will do. n snu - v (Br Eutern Press) Farmrllle, Bept. 8.?Ilev. R. W. j Stanclll, aa evangelist from Ohio, land a native of Pitt county, this state. Is conducting a revival meet ing at the Farmvlllo Christian church. The evangelist uses a chart, entitled, ^"The Bible Plan of Salvation," to ^ctxplaln the Qospel as he understands It, which make? 'the entire Bible planet salvation ?o plain that a little child can un derstand It. Preaching every Bight for ah-Indefinite period. Mr. Stanclll Just clysed * jesting st Mt> Pleasant, near,hla old heme in Pitt cdinty. which resulted in 12 confessions and baptisms and one reolaimed. Brownsyllle, Texas, Sept. 8,? United SUites troops today were trailing a band of Mexican. raiders who set firi to and partially de stroyed a railroad trestle fourteen miles north of (Brownsville, Harlln gen and 8an Benito were hurried to the eoehe. A party of Americans traveling from Bwrnlvos shrdlu cmfw vbgcm from Brownsville to San Benito in an automobile, and who passed the trestle a short While before It was ?et on fire, reported they had been nred upon by a band of between twenty-lve and thirty Mexicans. WOPS THE LOOP HIGH UP I '^rmy Aviator Performs Remarkable| Feat While 4,000 Feet In the Air. . - -. |__ San Diego. Cel.?Ueat Byron d fonea, the youag army aviator who re tqhUy established a^reoord for contln hone flight while carrying a pas ?en fer, waa receiving congratulation a the Hher day on aoeonnt of He achieve bent when he looped the. loop f tonaecutlve timee at an altltudw of <r >00 feet. He used a standard army bi plane, the first Ume. It li said, a ma chine of that kind has bete employed In such ar performance. The motor of the aeroplaile stopped while the ^viator was on hie back lr. the fourth loop, but he aobceeded lr completing the circle and then vol plandd down. POUND COPPERHEAD IN PEAS Arfcanaaa Farmer romIvm N.rvoua ?hoofc Wh.ii Ha Pull. *n.k. Out of Mm. Omaha, AA.-W W?w, m .lock man ?na firaw, recatTad a n.ryoun ?hock wlrtn h. palled a ut. scopp krad aoaka from a box of eowp. which ha waa ahelllac. The paaa ware In U>. hull. la a eack.. hronj which WaaTar damped than lain ? ?ipi7 bo?, got In ud tramped SATISFIED? G? Your Cloth** far from borne when "? ctn be reduced by bavin? ash id Eton, ARAMOONIE U/aitiioMAH M /""? w asniogron, IN. l. ! Men's Custom Tailor. LEN! FORME (By Buteru Preea) Klniton. Sept. 8.? A beaeflt (tT<n at tba Oread Theater Wodaaeda; nl?M. locelber ritk ooatrlbotloni ?? tba outelde. totted not quite e aoufh to aaad the thrae New Jar M> MlCfc mew bor, of s dlabande'. avM iom4j ccminnjr. who bare bin etnnded bars, to thetrTfomfi lb sat near Jerser f.Mj, J. M. How laud. proprietor of (ho Blount ? treat boardtoc houa. at wblob tbnj bad basa ataylng, oontribated the re wantm few dollar* - naaded. and the happr trio latt tkta morning Thalr board bltla aad the "loan" Mr. Howland. wboaa aaaiataaca tru rolunlaJT, was ))WH4 would be ?et "If," aa ba put It, I'tbaj a?er faal able." -Tba act that ther put on to balp out tba-basadt parform Moe. well?the act waa tba be it thai oould pot up uqflar tba clrcuai ?taoaaa, aad tb?7 vara willing to ANOTHER WASHINGTON CASE '# There's A W?7 Out for Many Stfftvi^ ? Wiuti Volka. Juit another report of a ease In Washington. Another typlfal cat?. Kidney ailments relieved la Wash ington with oDan's Kidney Pills. Ura. P. B. "Lewis, 716 N. Market SU< Washington, eays: "I -had aaglgng pain In my back all the time and was restless during the night. In the mor&!3g 1 didn't feel like getting up and had a* tired, languid feeling. Headaches and dlasy spells were frequent and my sight became blurred. I also loct flesh and was very miserable. lAfter tmlng dif ferent medicines with unsatisfac tOjry results. I heard of Doan's kid ney Pills and procured a supply at Davenport's Pharmacy. They soon relieved all symptoms of kidney trouble, and I gained ln^ weight. About twelve boxes cured me and ( am now In good health." Price (6c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?' get Doan's Kldney^PUli?the same, that Mrs. Lewis had. Fosrter-Mll barn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. North Carolina. Beaufort County. Thomas Bailey VI.' irthur Bailey et al. Andrew Bailey, one of the de fendants la the above entitled .ac ?Ion. will take notice that an action haf been' commenced In the Super ior Court of Beaufort Couty before the Clerk for the purpose of par titioning among the heirs at laws of Christopher 'Bailey certain lands la the County of Beaufort of whleh the aald Christopher Bailey died seised and possessed. Defendsnt will further take tto tlce that said action is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court, at his office. In the Court house, In saM County of Beaufort, I la Washington, on October 1st.! l%llt and that upon the defendant's' "failure to appear and answer or de mur to the compTalnt which has been filed lat ills cause that the plaintiff will demand Judgment up on the rsturn date thereof. This the IPth day of August. IP IK. (MO. A. Clark Superior Ceurt. 9-tl-4wc WE ARE AGENTS Iver Johnson, Reading Standard, Emblem. Hudson Dayton and Great Western Bicycles sold for cash or on <tane. We also have the) moat complete repair shop io the city all work guaran tand- / P.R. CUTLER Wilson, Sept. 8.?Superior court convenw la Wilson Monday. Sept. ?. Jwith ?Judge IPruiik. {Daql?s of Goldsboro presiding There the SI prisoners In the count? jail await ing trial. x The most Important case? which will come up before the Judge aru' the store breaking and red tight dle trlct charges. Por th? lasi few months there havu been a number1 of thefts committed by the break ing and entoring of storee In and about Wilson. Annual Event In Ireland. At Whterford. Ireland, noted tor ttfc glasa, the whitewashing oS the solidlj built stone gateposts to match the white cottages In the country parts Is an snuual event, and takes plaoe to Mar. NOT1CK OF SALS. North Carolina?Beaufort Coutty Superior Court?Before the Clerk | Jennie Sparrow, Harry McMullan, and John Q. Tooley, ?s. _ \ Elizabeth^ Moore and Oeorgs Moere. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Beaufort County, North Carolina, In the above entitled proceeding, the underpa id, as Commissioner, will, on the 3t0h day of September, 1916, at 12 Noon, sell, at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, before che Court House door of Beaufort Countjt. North Carolina, the folldw ng described real estate, vis: Situated In the State of North Carolina, County of Beaufort, and In Bath Township, which 1? bound ed and described as follows: Be ginning. at a marked corner, known as the Bborn corner, and running N. 17 degrees 46 min. W. iffc feet ..o a stump; thence N. 16 degrees 30 min. E. 2020 feet to an Iron axle on the public road, knowo as the Garden's Creek road; thence with the said road Westerdarly to the line of Cabin Branch; thence with the -run of the said branch S. 60 ?. 36 poles. It being the line of the John L. Roper Lumber Co-'s Sstchwell land; tence with the said John L. Roper Lu&ber Co.'g line, the same being a marked line, S. 2S W. 1749 feet, to the said John L. Roper Lumber Co.'s Southeast . corner af the-aald 8atchwell land; thance N. 70 degrees 30 mln. W. 941 feet to the beginning; containing 60 acres, mjore or less; as surveyed by M. M Worthlngton on or about June 8th, I 1916, the courses herein gives be-| lag magnetic as of thatdats. Dated and posted August 39th. | 1916. A. EC MacLBAN, Cemmlssiencr. 6*81-4 wc. Come to The GARAGE That" guaran tees you Satis factory Service in everything! Whether you store your car with us perma nently or just buy occasional supplies, we guarantee to please you in both quality & Price. f )).V > fjr The Best Grade of Caroline at the lov.'?<? market price, Try our Service notice the differ* ence. . * - Sis Washington Motor Gar Co. OME HABITS ARE GOOD tohci? bad. but the best habit ia life u the "Saving Habit," because it maka? you in close? dent of others, instead of dependent on other*. Ac quire the Savins Habit today. Four per cent interest at our Savings Department wtlinelp you. ? Bank of Washington Washington, N. C. CRYSTAL ICE 200 pounds and 300 pounds bagged and packed for shipping. Crystal Ice Company Phone 8?. - - Washington, N. C. EAST CAROLINA Teachers' Training School A State School to train teachers for the Public Schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall i term begias September 21, 1915. ROOT. H. WRIGHT. Pres. - Gretnville, N. C. It's Written Right if Bragaw Wrote It?Your Insurance. Wm. Bragaw & Company, First lasuraace Agents, Washington, N. C. Cut Flowed Our arrangement of wed ding bouquets and dtMrtllont and our art in Floral designs embraces th? latest Idea* of the Floral craft. Rosea. Val llcs, Carnations and Aston the seasonable flowers. Fall price List ready Sep tember 1st. Mall, Telegraph and Phone orders promptly ex ecuted by J.l,. O'Quinn & Co. Phones: Uptowa Si 5re 42, Green house 149. RALEIGH, N. C. toot* on Kltchan Floor?. Bo many women frtoro b*ca*aa are create apota oa tholr kltch >a floor? and water with any amount it acrobblnf will not nmovi tberar jnat try aloohol to remove theee aame ?pott, and you will fee pleated wit* ?to recall. Subscribe to the Daily New*. J. LION WOOD JAHKS W. OOL1 Meat barn New Vork ('?(ten IJxehjuig? J. LEON W03U & CO. i; VNKSRS sud BROKERS. ?taaka, Bordt, C'.tkm. Ormla aad Prajrialaaa, Tl Plum* itraat tarprrlar Haildlag, Norfolk, Ya. Private ?-|TM I? New Terk fcloak Bxahanga, ehlcago Board Trad? aad ather ttnaaefal aaa t ara. Carraapeadaaee raayaatfally aallcltad. t laraataaat Mid margUal aoeounta givan aarafal attantlea. EXCURSIONS $22?5 State Camp, Flat (Xeur Jacksonville) and-return. NATIONAL RIFLE TOURNAMENT. Tickets on sale October 3rd, 4th, 6th, ?th, 7th, 12th, 13th and 14th. Extension of final limit to November 29th mar be obtained hv de" poait of ticket with Agent Union Station, Jacksonville, Hot later than October 13tb and payment of foe of 50o. - $8.50 Jacksonville. Fla. $10.50 Tampa, Fla. and rejturn, tickets on aale for all trains September 28th, 1915. Returning all tickets void after midnight October 5th, 1915. $8.70 Washington. D, C. and return, ticket* on aale September 2fith, 29th and 27th, returning all tickets void after midnight Octebcr 16th, 1915. For rates, reservations or anv information, phone or write the ATLANTIC COAST LINK "fiUndard RaUrood of <Ae South" r S. K CJLARY, Agent advertisements in the DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS

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