r?STi .. A-j.i ? arssHl ?rf 1^WaagBPF N. C SATURDAY AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER, 4. HIS WAS m gjfjl Hm?, ' ? member or ?< local military eta-] paay while la thla reentry, H la ?J pected that aaaa action wll b. taken' la - hla caa* by tka Ualtrd atataaJ lonnmMt. ? Bheahan left her? aarerai moath aao to Tlalt hla a?e? paranti In Byrlh. While there, ta was arlaed by Tarhlah ofllcera and made to >*McaUas w1t*eaa. P*t Foreman, .tht ladlat , ataat acalnat Robert Hendareoa foi yoetarday noi 11*4 * proiaad with laavly In other worda. the ooart may at any fntara tla? as eta he las th. dafeadaat Into coaK~ea4 try Ma oa- tka ewnr under which he'waa brought lato ? IMS bond for a year, and wlR b* ea pra\etlda for tka? teacth otj time. He la ohly eUkteoaj years of ase and tbla waa a. faA*r Iq Ik? detialon wh?h waa rendered. Cap tatn Leach offered Henderwoff a po \altlon at Ma mill, ?tleh (k* lattei acc~pt*4. U all likelihood. If Handeraon beharea hlmaelt, nothing farthai will bo doao by tha coart, but If an other complaint M made a?alaat him. Ike praaeat chars? acala* him will probably be puahrd.'? at witOiiw ' Wherefore Jh^LoTtH* Fitter liar la? final fromS*l. /Mrttly IHe tha aplrlt or Mre Tho/W Week?, a* eeteomed ahd faithful neniri of tha Bocletlae of tha MrdtPraaby terlaa Church, Be It Heeot?ed: Flrat, that we tha roeaab'ri of thoaa Boeietlea ahew thla token of aar lore aad Kapeet to tha' memory at oho who llrtd ambas, aa Solas wlaaly as? wall what hor h aad (onnd to do. j ? Second, tkat wa bow aubmlaaWely to aa all wlao Solas who la Hla mercy baa takae from ?ufTerlns thl? florins wife and mother to dwell ? ' \ Third, that ,a copy of thMe yao lullona bo apread on on< mlnntte booh, a copy eent to the fpally aad to tha Dally Newa for -puVHbatloa. MRS. HOWARD Vfr?WAL.L, MRS. P. O. BEKR MRS. t. A. SMITH. Our Tailor WOT fl- tiare Monday. Tutt&my V Wtfaitday. He will tffbrt yak t an opportunity to tor your fall Salt. Lewis %f Calais Meruit Strttt Store. - - . A?' a result, ^Jerrf u disconsolate MuiM ?|jl? moet of hie Uqw tMODIil hie ..d fate itwrr will be romambeiM ing.the ne?ie wtatF&n | tkrw mtns&s?fc? to h? htm kitk tke bucket : tie appointed time. jirr, tried l< beet (e make food.lut ke ?M ?MOti ?? tfkw te.the eo, ^jaargapss fc.r *" T*''Ti #T' He uni >?ck to. WaaWngton tp ? ke up hie old life here. He went to -hie kome on Pimm street, bat Kra. Jtrr* W nowhere to" be found. He tnltM for e while, bat eke 414 ?P ??? order tor' ??certain her whereabouts. Jerry wtat to hie next-door neighbor and itarted In quiries. . I' '" / Tke neighbor wae nnmletakabl? turprleed to Me Jear. -Jerrr." he said In surprise, "I tkodght rou done dlod." "De.spirit Of I. me.' replied Jerrr solemnlr. *8nt Ak'd .Uw to know her, am that wife ob mine." ?. Ji "Youah wltet" . . "**. mah wlU." ' J "Nigger," replied tke - nstfhbar. *?o?si behlvd tl44. , That nigger woman thought rod wwa deed ?4 4? done parried agiu.'V It wu * cad blow to >ertr. b?t hie k ?*ffr -'Aveif ddktrliw 1 tore oa ?be bnraHkflitaen of ralM era womaakjnd. can eeenr* same br calling o# Jerrr. WIUo* >To of L*?ghti4* 6a tk*lr beads. t j- ? 1 MMW. E?*ry Dlewr* m*d* la'^r stadij I It of ?e*ll*at gaalltr W? eafar I for th* Wt trade Lot of a*w *e ?orla* or axcfptlncalty high qoal | Itr will M metalled In th* u>t faw | ?? kt, Wglch lha rhaage. - ? ?Axtws rpnno. HAS OTHER VIEWS 9m V* JUias? Mom* kg Private Hubwcrtptlon aad +oae No?. Sec V>J Waahlagtoa MvOwld No?] Do i4k,wtofc . t ; ., : ; BeUiaven. N. C..B-pt. 1. Ult To the Editor of the Daily Mm. Wuhloiton, N. C. I aotlc^ a suggestion adTiDetd kr Mr. J. D. Grlraee la a rocent taeue o f roar paper, u reins Mr. Duaar to] to before th? Soar? of Cosety Coa mtsaloners, with what tafli might command,. and tualat oa Mr1 apending t^a eatlra eatoaieWte tax which halonu to Beaufort eoun^r, oa the Swamp road talaew Wash, lngton -aad Chocowialtr. >>! ify. This tax thl< rear ?mouate to ??? proximately alaa hundred dollar? In behalf of the alxty-four avtomo bile owner? la Paatego Township 1 wlah to enter a moat aerlooa objec tion to aay suck plan. Wa bara ao objection to tke ?lan ot expenditure of aay funds rafcad locally, bat whan a dollar means ao mack, aa it doee at thla time, to ear roads, *( do aot feel ilka dolac charity work for eeeUpas mote able to kelp tkem eelvei than we. . Paatego Townaklp baa paid ap proximately one-third at thla er Hewn, we aro cot aalleh, aad ar? willing to hare It apportioned equally among the elx townships bat axe sot willing to kara K awal ItTwe* ky oae local Mad largely tor a> local Interest, in that MMlt and Paateco Towaahlp aake to Br wa: r way or suggsetion, I would etato tkat. tor the purpoee of Im provtng^ -certain roads leading oat Xram.our town, Mr. W. L. Oden hcadvd the subscript loo with a good round figure aad pro seeded to can Tee- the business men of tha aectlon, seeking a- eaak collection ot about Ypur. hundred dollars, ftkoald kr Orlrqea' grpet Interest aot cool too soon T am sare ke could at least dup'lcate thla twloe over ia the town ot Washington. Alitor ell It Is only a matter af a little persseal effort for Washington to lmproTp.lt? swamp road, thereby tiring stimulus to lta tobacco mar ' HBn ? hm M ? P. P. LATHAM. PRl'.SiplWT WILOON AND MR. . DA.MBis WILL AGAIN CONFEB Wahlngtop, Sept. 4?Secretary Daillela wtltconfer again with Prca lflept Wllsoa next week on ?he Question or national defeneea. While ha would not reveal today tkr building program he would recom mend; Mr Daniels aald he favored rcpnrtetent pqilcy of Increasing the navy along llnca laid down by de psrtmOTt experta. k & r.-f r ' * y ? fiOTII BOSTON TEAMS if 8TOKNOTUEN STANDING rjNew York, Sept, 4.?-Both Boaton ti*,in, helped their aundlnga aa Ike fee alt of yesterday'? gamsa The 80? roa th.fr wreath straight game kr hofeatlng .Philadelphia for the third aacMMIra'(Ime aad therebr .trevtthened their hold 0? flrat place la the American league, while Detroit, after winning fire straight, dropped a gam* to St. Louie The Tiger? are now two aad a half games behind tte Med Sox. Th? Brate?, bf taking yesterday's gem- (rem Brooklyn at Boaton, while Philadelphia waa loelng to the Olaats gt th# Polo grounds, I gained g fall .game oa botk of ttylr rh.i, for poenant honor. I. thejfc t tonal league.. The Breve? ere now oh It tear jame? behind the PkllHes Md a single game separates them from Brooklyn. Wltk Rudolph, apparent return to tetaa aad srlth nearly >0 more gane? to bo plere*.' tifo nrarae still think they hare a j*. o? ch.sea ao Mat ... both their I eoannetltlorft/and capture the flag a ?eln this year. The flnferbe* end their eerie? et Boat?? tomorrow and return heme to h4?et the Phillies V m dar. while tke ?rare, ara pit* Ins Mr*. ?? with Md IM ? ril? Imiil wll? *? oo?d?flted It tk* kMM fcy SM? **?> Rodder ? wm in the Jk tvi? number i and neigh | M pay the la,t| ?art of ??f el to IM memory of :1fta dead. GETTING READY FOR HUNTING ?d I* Ahead for Um NlmrotW of ladloatlons ar? for a big bunting Maaon la eastern Carolina. accord ing to reports from lalf a dosen places in tbe "huntsman'* paradlso.*' The winter, according to most si prognostications, will h? s farovable one for water Cowl. Geese and duck will soon be winging soeth to their eold westher homes in the sounds, rivers and creeks of tidewater Caro lina. With the very ordinary weath ?r of most of last season teal. brant ill 4U other epaclee known to the sssssse?ss-is there will be heavy eno^rs in the winter. Twice last week there were dense fogs In this section. Auguat fogs presage snow by all goosebone and other traditions. With a good snowfall there will be bad times for the upland birds. Partridge are known to be'unusual ly plentiful. Fox chasing has come Into general vogue In one or twoj sections. The small mammals are all re ported to bo plentiful, especially aqulrrel and rabbits. B^ar and deor have not boen compelled to leave the lowgrounds by any extended drought this year. Preparations sre being mado at the camps on the Vorfolk Southern slong Cora and Pamlico sound? snd In other sec tlons, to entertain many more sportsmen than Ust ?esso*. . The oacks are being conditioned at all 'ho upland camps. OONORRMMAN Bit ITT Id IN FAVOR OF WOMAN SUFFRAGE Ashevllle, Sept. 4.?A large depu tstlon of Isdles. representing the Congressional , Union for Women's Suffrage, met Congressman James J. Brltt in the ladles' parlor at the Lsngren hotel yesterday afternoon snd presented their views of the suffrage question to him, by ssking the oongreesman to support the flu san B. Anthony amendment when it comes up before Congress at the next session. Wfclle Mr. Brltt did not pl*dg* himself to support this particular morcthent or the afnen&meift he a galn went oB record'at fa+orlng the general csuse of woman's suffrsge. HIM Bmlly K. Perry, who hss been hare for the psst 10 days, se curing members for the deputation which met Mr. Brltt today sad oth erwise advocating "the cause," will fears this afternoon for the general headquarters In Wsthtngtoa. The meeting, which wee oalled for Fri day night at the courthouse, has in celled off. AT THE BELLMO k t 8?? Howard Hickman ?od Walter Edward* In "TRS 8HADOWOBAPH JHOflBAGK" ' *'* S part# Thl? la gr??t?*? It. ^ "THE ASH CA?p "T*? Million Doll.r %??rr" "trj T???d?r. "Th? DUponl from tfc? W rrtrf rrMv '? V hVksia now HAH 700,000 PIUSONEKB OF WAR Moscow, Sept. 4. ?'According to the 'atest official statements thero rro now 700.000 war prisoners In T*U8?ia. bey consist of 200,001 Ger mans, 400,000 Austrian? and 100, <'00 Turks. The Austrian* and Turks are oc rupled in agricultural work, (pjj the* Hermans are conflm?! !*? Interment ramps. It Is understood, however, j they will shortly be put to work In the mines, whence escape Is not to! oasy. KVBBS AM) SCHMIDT HAVE BKKN StMTBNDRD Boston, 8ept. 4.?Captain John Rrore of the Boston Nationals was suspended yesterday for live days and First Baseman Bebraldt and PlUpatrlck, a substitute, were fined $100 and 150, respectively, for pro testing decisions la yesterady's gasao with BrooLlr" DEVIL ISN'T AS BAD AS IS PAINTBEt V.5 \ ? ? VAKGBLIST GIVE* NSW 4Ua4 OK Al-PBAKANUK OF * ' SATAN. A HANDSOME ManI Rw. I>. V? Packard tUjm L?dfcr b Pmbsbly "Uoort to Look I'pofc f?IfH oI BDINU AT WLLHON. Mia? Blva Dr>an* IleeonHw Bride of| Gsretic* Howe, of Virginia. Wilson, 8ept. 4.?Mi/s Elva Deanr daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B Deans, was married Thursday even ing to Clarence Rowe, or City Poln* Ya. Rev. Richard Bagby, of thr Christian shurch officiated at the home of the bride's parents. The bride and groom went to Kenly to ip'nd a week wl?h the mother of he groom. Mrs. Emily Howe. Later they will make their home at City Point, where the groom holds s re sponsible position with the Dunont Powder compnny. torn* Family trm. 'Sir Watkln William? Wn?. till lac to a frtand about the antiquity ot hla family, w UM roughly that ha waa "a aura murt-cr-V "Ho* la tkatr ho aakad kidlitiiiatlr. "Why," MM tka ptkor, "wha? I -Ma la Watoa. a podijrm ot a particular family vaa ahown to m? wklch ffllad Bora U tlra Jar*? parcbmaat aktaa. and t>. tka mlddla 0? It waa a aou la-tka I ?armi 'About tkla II** tka wtW pta crtala*."' ~ . *** I Iroadsbadin CHOCOWINUY I. SPtTTHOMPHOy UHOM THAT /flpRI P" TABllD OIC v>r.AT^ ? ? ? -rt> la Bad Shape ud Boa -??e FaH W HoCrt. Ako Favor? I w? Aftietltvai Fair for Hwmftwtl To the BuiIdms Mob of Washing ton: v . Dear aire: I would llko eery ranch to know whether something cannot he done la Chocowinlty township toward* repairing the road* In that district. Cannot some effort be made to fix :he bad holes and bridge* in the road from Edward to Washington? at present le In terrible shape anVwo cannot go from Au rora to Washington without danger to ourselvee ok our vehlclos. I saw Mr. VohEberntetn In person some time ago. and talked the mat ter over with him. but no results have taken place. I understand these bridge? have been In this con dition since February and 1 know of five auton that have been broken jecauee of tlfara. It certainly ap pears to me that it Is about tlme| that these brldgea. were repaired. Another matter which I would like^to see taken up by you la the subject of ?n agricultural fair for th|>- aect'.on- With the accomoda tions you have- in Washington?in cludiog warehouses, we ought to have the beat agricultural fair in the State. I believe If the mattar were put up properly before the railroads, they would furnish with sufficient care in which to car-j ry our exhibits to Washington and j would alao -give us a cheap rate. f Richland townahip la ready and | willing to assist In every way poa *slb!e the Inauguration of a good | county fair. u ~ . Very truly yours. B. H. THOMPSON. Aurora. N. C. ItKCORDKR I>.\L/n>N STRONGLY OKFOHED TO WIFE BEATEltH High Point, Sept. 4.?In the Mu nicipal court this morning, Pal Johnson, a negro, was sentenced to serve six monthB on the county roads for mistreating his wife. Later, af ter the prosecuting wltnesa, the de fendant's wife, and th? defendant's 'counsel had both pleaded for the removal of the sentence. Recorder Dalton commuted the sentence to ->ne month. However, he took a Arm standN that the defendant ehould serve a road sentence. "Any person convicted of -.vb'"* beating," Btrftd the rccon*. r in commuting tne trerl r.ce, "will a* ong as I have tfci au". orlty. nrve a road senterce ar4 anr ?He I- ng !ng aucb chr.-gee n-rainM her hus band wlii, If found - illty, be given a road recardless of any |rhange af ne of them marauders and dras- 1c meas ures had to be taken (o put a stop to It. JOHN BARI.KVCOKN TIIE CORKS!' ?NDENT Ohio Man Seeking Divorce Mullom Seductive Sprite a* Tlonie Wrecker. St Clalravllle, Ohio. Kept. 4. ? Willi* Hammond lian tiled .1 petition for divorce in Belmont county courts naming as co-respondent John Bar leycorn. a "figurative" perpm. He aarerta that hi? wife liaa fu'len In 1 love with "one John Buri? ycorn." and that owing to her continual drunkmnca* ahe wrr unable to prop |erly conduct her household duties. Hammond further In hia bill that hid wif^'a love for "John Barleycorn" la greater than that Tor her children or her hsuhand. and that the has been Influenced by the said "Barleycorn'^ to negloct her marital duties. Mr. and Mrs Wilkw Watera and children, of Piaetowa. epant Bandar with Mr. a?d Mr?. J. H Boyd Mr*. I. H. Walla?? and children ???nt W?dn?aday with h?r mother. Mr*. H. H. Water?. Krwrybody I? larlt?d to ftttad th? r?Tlvml MMttav *hteh Mela? at flfcllotk m ??vt. 19, ooadootad hf | Kan. W. f. Wat?ra and D. W. Alw (?ndar. ?f ^Kl.. H9P? * l^Tft .t**? jfjt4 win >n??4.