ON DAILY NEWS - TUl WBA' J^ASHINCTOM H. C MONDAY AjTHtNOON SEPTEMBER 6. 1415 No. B >ND SEASON OBAlCriOimaP BY PLAY ROCKY MT. M f?Port* Um i half o! In the Virginia League b y defeating Xorfbtk. Although Rocky Mount ??daaUt tk? Orphan?, ?k? will b? unabl* t? land is first pli?. ?tm thoigh aha wins this afternoon aa rana? and Portsmouth to??. Thin U*vm Rocky Mount, who woo the ckamploasblp for the flrat half of the aeanoa, to fight it oat with Portamqath for the peg uat Thle Morning's acorra were: Roek> Mount. 4; Orphan?, 1. Portsmouth, ?; Norfolk, o. The ataadiaga or tko two teama 1 CI oho W. L fx:-. Portamonth : 40 S4 IIS *oeky Mount >7 If .197 ?hoold Portamonth have loat both of todny*s goat and Rooky Mount won. the championship would hare gone to the Tor Heeta. KIKflTON ICBOOLfl OrSTBD VODA 1,1TB KNKOLLMBlfT j (By Baatern Preaa) Kiaoton, Sept. The Kina ton pobilo echoolp opened today with an pttemteaee Of which la ISO bettor than the opening day of lea t y*r. It to expected that the enrollmeat will reach WAS INJURED IN RUNAWAY! tlim MMka Ban. o? BI? Who* i Htm Martha Bait who r**id** w PI* twmmj. ml wttk a nrtni ** fMnt m lk? r**alt M a r*na?ay. Ik* ud Mr. Ro?*r*on'* eklldroa wtr? M a Wit ?ad tk* mul? took frtcbt. It Mart*? up tk* road_at * rapid olio*. HIM Ban wa* tkmro HI. ud lor * wkll*. It vu tbon*kt ?bo in llll I* ?boot as boor, frl*od* ma****d to rorlT, ?ko w tiku to tk* komo of karl ?trior. Mr*. ?. A. llxlatoa H or | ooadlUoa 1* otlll **r to us. Tk? oktldr*a. ?bo war* I* tb*| cart. w*e* aof hart. BOARS Of KDl'CATTON AND oovirnr odmmimmonrrh AM MRIIKI TODAY Tko Boor d of Bdaoattoa and tk* Couaty cotaariaalonera Bol loc*J 1* r**alar a***loa at tka eoart hoaao k aa*ik*r of ?attar* of liaportaao* w*r* tak*a up b)r both or*aot? ms, Our Ttrilor WW * Here Today, Tuesday V U/jJaja-liu w fun?*uuy. He will afford you in opportunity to l?t nnwiiwJ for your fall Suit. Lewis &f Calais Market Street Store, Ma* Gm. George W. Ooethals, ?br ani rftd tn York recently on board the 0. ernor oC mSPtS ths Canal sone. S. Pastor??. He Mid he would offer hie resignation to take effect in No ?ember. Colonel Goethale is aoujsf pealed by hie wife and eon Tbomae, aad Is bere on a leave of absence to visit the Panama-Pacific exposition. The colonel expects to be pot on the actlre army list, and if this la not possible, he wm ask tor his retire ment wtth the rank of brigadier-gen eraL He told newspaper men that he intended to rialt the exposition as a private individual, and desired that no fuss be made about him by any of the officials. That Mrs. Qoethals is anxious to learn the Canal sons per manently waa shown by a remark she toads shortly after the ship left quar antine and started for the pier: 1 hope nerer to to back," she said. LOCAL BOY GETS HIS DIPLOMA Wilford Whitley Anon? Those Who Psased Lawyers' Examinations at Raleigh. ?mnty-MTw mere , J*rr? 5*n added le North Carolina'? number of legal advieer% as ths re sult of the 'lamination wh,ch WM held before the 8uprsme court in Raleigh, the results of which hats Just been made public.. Among 'them, the following are well known la Washington:- * ;N Wilford Lewellyn Whitley, Banu fort county. Julius Gladstone Dee#, Pamlioo county. < Romulus Alonaa Wbftaker, Jr., Lenoir county. Tfarry Murden Stubbf. Martin cOaaCy. t - Orrlils Llawood William?, Hyd? county. nil BLAME ?.(8p?ct?l to th? Dally News) . ? "Washington, D. C? Sept. 8,?AcJ to preejt^ii y a l r h'B received m Bptytn, Germany die fell rea?oA(fillUy for the tor* oi the- Ifeeperlen, which oc Ottffftt leto laetk'Alght off tli. South coin of Ireland* It I? eUted Mint Oerman officiate claim th?t the eubmarlne ?h'.?b if i the torpedo, left port before ordere at the sew Oerman ittltuM regarding torpedoes, could reach her. As official report of the Inel dent win be mid* In ? few dare' time to thle government by Oer' me.it. ? HBSPKBlAJf BANK ?: bwmmm sbk ooru> , , ? ? nKAIDI I.IVBRPOOI. ? ? Special to the nelly M$M| ? ? ? ' j jm '*i ? Uindon. Sept. e.. The ll?*r ? ? Hespxrlan, which waa torpedo- ? ? ed late laat night, a^itk ?hjte,? j? ehe wae being'tewed I* to Ulr- ? Bllhtceq men ffte'H I WILL HOLD A REVIVAL THIS MONTH WILL BB OOBIHMBIU IT t K. LOTTO If 0? 1 STARTS SEPT. 20 Bdglnettii Mob da). 8pt loth, and continuing for ? nit, I hare Till k* a torte? of revival nnt'.ii, [livid >t the rirat Baptlat church, conducted by Hav. I. K. Lofton. I tor of the Blaekwell Memorial j oharch of tkat city. I Preparation. ara already boju 11 ?nade for tke revival and.lt la ex petted that large congregation* will be preaaot every night to hear Dr,| Lofton. The latter la ono ot 1 moat aloqaeat preacher, In tkla aae tlon of tba State and- ke will un doubtedly preach mai Interacting and lnipraaalve earmone. FIRST DISTRICT CASES ARGUEDl Docket from this District Wound up) Satarday Before the I Cowrt M fUMffa. Raleigh, Sept. 8.?Seven case* were argued before the Supreme Court and one case submitted un der Rule 12 Saturday. This wound up the docket for tbe first district. The oases disposed of Saturday were as follows: J. S. Campbell, administrator, vs. Washington Light and Water Co.. from Beaufort Daniel ft Warren. Manning ft Kitchin, attorneys for plaintiff: Small. MeLean, Bragmw ft Rodman for defentaat. _ <X and ? VortenJ *s. The Washington Light .ft. Water I Cc^.frem Beaufort. Daniel ft War-1 rch.A. D. McLean lor plaintiff; W | B. Rodman. Jr..'for defendant. J. H. Clark v?. Henry Whiteburst from Beaufort. Submitted u nder Rule IS. Ward 4 Crimea for plain tiff. ?' - ? S. R. Fowle ft Son v?. D. C. War-1 ren, from Beaufort. .Ward ft Orlmos] for plaintiff; Small. MaoLean. Bra-[ gaw ft Rodman for defendant. Jno. D. Elliott vs. Roanoke Rail road Lumber Co., from Beaufort. Daniel ft Warren, Bryant ft Stew art for plaintiff; Small, Mac Lean, Bragaw ft Rodman, for defendant. Roboft Greene va. S. T. Hooker, from Beaufort. Submitted undef Role 11. A. D. MaoLean for plain tiff; Wiley C. Rodman for defendant. ?? C. L. Morton ra. Washington Light & Water Co., from Beaufort. Appeal withdrawn. Daniel ft War ren for plaintiff; W. B. Rodman, Jr. for defendant. W. Lynch vs. C. R. Johnson, and I H. W. Davis and the Juniper Cor-J poratlon. from Tyrrell. T. H. Wood-j ley. Aydlett ft Simpson, for plaintiff; Small, MacLean. Bragaw ft Rodman | (or defendant. FOl_ M> SIX Ql ARTS IN BARBER SHOP The police aSturday afternoon en tered (he barber shop of Edmond Edwards. and discovered six quarts of liquor. Edwards will be tried | this afternoon. The officers saw a man carrying a su'Uaae into tbe shop and their suspicions were aroused. A warrant was ecured and the place was March d. *AY8 BAKER. For baby pictures we have the |Wat equipped studio We have ever eeeu. When we cfa't maka you a good baby picture you are at lib arty to loot for tke ?iudlo that can. BAKER'S STUDIO. AT TKE BELLMO - K*ratoc* corner I "A HOMR BRRAK1MO HOUND" V m '/MatoMte* ? "MOTOR BOAT AAMOITR" lUllaae* i'^-aapiBr ? ?KAflT? AM? IIVOROi" A MW photograph of 1k* Prtnceea Euiodla (left) and her eqeally attrao ttr* etawr th* nrutrtl Nadejda (r?kt) u ther ippnred In tho car d? oI their father'? pake* at So li*. Rulfaria. Th* Prfnceea Eu doxla wm born In 1IM and her nin ter w** born th* j**r foll*wlo?. They have two brother*. Croon Prince Bori? now twenty-one /ear* old, and Prince Cyril, born In 1|M Their mother, now dead, waa Maria Loulee. daughter of Duke Robert, o( Parma Their aUpmother waa tM? Prlnceas Eleonore of Heu*?Koetrltx, who die tlncnlehed hereelf with her Red Croee work In the Rn**o-J*p*ae? war. GA.CAMPBELL DIED SATURDAY r .??????? .? i - WeB Kmwb CWom Aw*y Morning. t C. A. Campbell, aged 63, passed away Saturday evening at about 6:30 o'elock. Funeral service? will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o' clock at the home of D. W. Bell Rev. N. Harding will officiate. In terment will be at YeatesvUle. Mr. Campbell's death was very syddsn, and Is attributed to pneu monia. Ho was ill but a short time. He is survived by (our children: Mn. D. W. Bell, C. A. Campbell, W B. Campbell and Mies Lillian Camp bell. The deceased was well known throughout the county and leave? many friends to mourn his death. Ho was deputy sheriff under Sheriff R. T. Hodges and also under W. B. Wladley. The pall bearers tomorrow will be W. B. Wlndley, Roaan Wlndley, O. Rucmley, George A. Ricks, E. R. Mlxon and C. E Jordau. GRIMESLAND TO BE HERE THURSDAY la Coming for Twyj;?mp Hrrles With a O ready Htrrtmthrnrd Team. j Orlmesland will Invade this city again Thursday. Two gem** are to be played,?Thursday and Friday, according to Information given out this morning. It Is stated that Orlmesland has replaeed several weak apote In the team's Une-up and that when they come here Thursday, they will be In shape to give Washington a hard batCe. BULGARIAN PRINCESSES INTBRWTING PROGRAM NEW THEATRE TONIGHT Th? New Theatre offer? their pa trons tonight the usual alx reel pro (trim, In which th?* itnd episode of th? "New Exploit? of B!alne" will h? shown. There will atao be a t h m? ree 1 feature picture produced by Lubln entitled "Th* Cipher Key" and Is one of the strongest pictures thi? houee ha* presented for none time. "Thta It the L/lfe" la ft one re*l comrfly that will he shown to nlrht, and will keep every one roar In? from rtftrt to flnlsft. With such a program, and their usual packed house? on Monday night? ererypne Will ??rt#tpt)r Of LIQUOR CASE IN WILSON IS APPEALED CASK AGAINST YOUNG MJERCB ANTS TO GO TO HUPBKIOR COURT. TRIAL THIS WEEK Vcre Given W Dtji w Ro?d? for H?Tln| too M?di Liquor In UvHr Power?<on. Were Prominent Mm of Th*C 04ty. Wilson, Sept. 6.?Mayor Klllette s*ntenced Orover Lamm and Wyatt Eatman. yonng merchant? of Wil son. to sixty dsys on the county roads for violation of the prohibi tion law. Through their attorney they appealed to the Superior Court. About ten days ago police officers raided the stor? of Umn & Eatman general merchants un South Tsrbo* . street, and eleven quarts of whl s were found. The wb!skey looked 11K shine." which had bee* # . In \arlous quart bottkr > here and there. The det a denied ever selling any whisk / and said that when they bought the store a jug of whiskey was in It and that they poured It Into these bottles. Mr. W. A. Finch appeared for Umm and Eatman, both of whom proved good character?, and the case will be hard fought In the Su perior Court. Court convenes this week and the State Is anxious to have the case disposed of flnally then. BABY IS FOUND ON DOORSTEP Wmm I?eft Ut<> Hntunln) Night in Front of the Home of Mr. Moore at Chocowlaity Saturday night, between twelve and ooe o'clock, an automobile drgve op 1? fraol of Kabbt? (ioarv'i.kon? in ChoCowlnlty, ?topped for a min ute or two. and' then went on its way. A little later, Mr. Moore heard a noise on his door-stop sod upon Investigation be found a small baby boy in a basket. A bottle of milk had been given the child by the peo ple who deserted It and the Infant was drinking heartily of it. A notr was also found In the basket, which stater) that the child's name was Lee Taylor. Mr. Moore took the child Into the house and is now making efforts to learn Its Identity. So far be has be'n unsuccessful. 20,000 POUNDS SOLD TODAY Price? Paid for Tobacco at l?ocal Warehouse? Kt 111 Continue High. Although the aal?*s at the local toabcco warehouses were not as large today as Friday, the average price paid wan a good deal higher. The quality of thn tobacco was also higher. The sales at hte warehouses a mcunted to 9.000, 5,000 and ?,000 pounds, making a total of 20,000. WHISKEY <;ETH BLAME. (fly Eastern Presi) Greenville. 8ept. fi.?Quite an lnl terestlng esse will be tried before recorder's Judge F. M. Wooten to day, when Pauline Jackson, a wo man from the segregated district of the city. Is brought up for trial on a charge of retailing. It I* claimed that she sold whis key to a printer last Saturday night who got drunk, and was later rob bed of about twenty dollars. Bh< wm given a hearing In polic? court last Monday morning and was bound over to the recorder's court. ?IWHiARV AT RCKTKV MOUNT. ' '? f ? r - Rocky Mount, Sept. S.?Polio* ar? on an active search for bur glars who last night made a sue c?-sfnl entry of the hardware store Of Oey ft Arrtngton, stealing Ave pistols and eeveral rasors from the largs stock of tha firm. The en trance Info the store was gained by climbing over a raar transom and the burglary waa discovered | within g few minuta? after It wai I committed. Tb? articles tak?n w||| [total iu valu? gbout ITS, fern ? . v, CHIP OF THE OLD BLOCK i'hls photograph shows General Gall-] lot of the French army at what waa probably the happiest momtnt of his Ufa. He Is decorating for ralor In the field his own son. Sergeant Oatllot, with the new French war croes. TOOK CRUISE ON THE FOOTE Local Division of Naval MUltia Show ThcmsrlvrH to be KkixrlmciHl I in EviTy l^iarliiictit of Seamanship. The Sixth Division, N. C. Nival Militia, took the torpedo boat de stroyer. Foote. down the river yes terday on a practice cruise. They left Washington at 5:30 in the morning, went a* far an the nound, and returned home at 6:30 yester day evening. Pamlico beach was visited and the boys were given three hours' shore leave. The Foot? was In charge of Cap tains C. L. Morton? W. -B RotHm?.' Jr., and Ensign Small. The vessel was handled in a most capable man ner and both officers and men show ed thmnelves experienced In the va rious detail? of work. hTe discip line maintained was excellent and every department In operating the Foote, was run as smooth as clock work. Several practice Are drills were held and were carried through with out a hlteh and in the minimum of time. "Man overboard" drill was also gone through. Various prob lems regarding navigation a: J op eratlng a warship ?.r > exp'.nlnod and demonstrated U. S. INFANTRY Washington, [I. C-. H?-pt 6 War department ofllcialR today ?aid ex traordinary vlicMnnre had been or-j dered an a result of repeated raids !n American territory by Meiican brlftaiidn rnuj so'dier*. and renewed reports of preparation for an organ ized Invasion frot across the Rio Grande In the states of Coahulla and Nuevo Ivon. , As long as the raiders continue' to appear only in amall bands, it 1? understood Bone of them will be fi|iow1>d Into their own territory but officials Indicated tonight that the American commander? would not healtate to puraua the enemy until they were completely routed should anything reaembllng an or Itanlaad Invmlon of the United State? h? encountered. Persistent reports thai ?orn? 'o^ the Mexlr?n raldar? slain wow Car ran?* uniform? haro reached offi cial? hare. Rumors hare com? too, tMt thar? I? a concerted now by Carrnnsa leader? In Nan** I>eon and Coahvll? to erouse Mexlean senU meirt ?iralnut th* Pun American moT*m?Bt for rtettabtlabment Of constitutional foreriunent In tha repnbll?, .i STATE TAX RAISED .05 IN BEAUFORT TAX VALUES IX 71 COCKTIE# WERE RAISED BT TAX OOMMISglON. FROM .05 TO .30 in Valu* the Above Flgnn?. He ???!<< *i Covntio* In tile Htot? KeouUa Vo dlABKCd. The Corporation Commlnlon at Raleigh. as a State Tax CommlMlon, 'Muod It? order Saturday covering a general equalisation of assessment of real estate as between the coun ties In the State The Commission ordered a per centage increase In the assessed vali ue of real estate In seventy-flve counties, the percentage running from five to thirty. A decrease of flvo per cent iB ordered In one coun ty. Pasquotank. No change is made In nineteen eountl's. and order Is reserved as to three countle? which have not yet ?ubmltted their re ports. The Commission hs* carefully . -nl)Md the report* from ninety seven counties in detail, checking ?\er the reports by townships and y each class of property shown of >e to* abstracts. Reports from a. eral counties showed an actusl decrease In assessment for year 1P15. The countlc In this bdction of the State which are affected are as> fol OWJ Heaufort 5 percent. TTraven 6 percent. Edgecombe 10 percent. Hyde 6 percent. Lenoir 6 percent. Pamlico 5 percent. Pitt 10 percent. Robeson 10 percent. CITY FATHERS MEET TONIGHT wri IMktiss Wharvee and Dock? nml Takt* L'p Oih?*r MaUrr* of Importance. A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Aldermen will be held tonight at the city hall. Among other matter* of importance which will be brought up for discussion will be the wharf and dock project Tt's ?ubject was taken up at the lot. riveting, but wan not definitely dccMffl upon. HKALTH OFFICER CRITICISED. (By Eastern Pressl Greenville, 8fpt. 6.?The grand Jury report to Judge W. M. Bond, presiding here at this term of court made public today, stroncly criti cises Dr.~M T. Kdgerton. the coun ty's health officer. The report charg- k that the officer ban not at tended to his duties in paying vis it* to the county home, and that It is not kept in a santary .iliapp. The report says lhat the officer ha^ vis ited the home only four time* nine.? h^ has been employed. PITT'H FlltST IIAI.K. Bethel. Sept. 6 The drat new ba> of Pitt county cotton was gin ned by thr n?thPl Mfg <"o It was picned from the farm of W J Smith and nold to Wbltehurt-Andrew* Co. for in cents per pound. Th? weight wan 4 79 pounds.

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