I*. ?Ot, ? tf Wwhington, IT 0., under Ike act of March 8, 18T0. STTBSOBTPTION RATES On* Jfajaih $ Four BwAi ...1.00 If**. . ? rf. ?% ?'????????..?*? .? .?? ?j? ?. ?. 1.B0 On* ?au .......8.00 I ?lilili t feulMtjAAAl WWT b? paid for !m advance. If paper ia not re mm i or Da v. WAITING FOR DKATll. in the various papers, during the last few days, there have I ven numerous account!? of execution* of criminals, that have taken place in various States. Most of the accounts have gone into detail, d" scribing how the condemned men conducted thcmsclev* during their la?t hour oil this earth. None of them, however, can describe the sensations or the thoughts of the unfortunate victims of justice, Nouc of them can depict the agony or the mental torture that t lies ? j men mint experience. In fact, who can tell u? the innermost! thought* of the man who realizes that in a moment he will havo left this world and entered into another i Imugiiic how veu yourself would fee! if you were in the plac uf the man who is about to In- executed. Imagine the prison scenes ?the hushed tones of the oth-r inmates and the wardens. Th minister feebly attempts condolence, but his words are but u atronge. reminder that the end is close at hand. Then comes the approach of the death guard. You realize at once their mission, and you ris from your U?nch and leave your cell without a wor?l. The guard tails in In-hind you. You walk through the door of the death ehamU r. A small gallery of spectators are present to witness your execution. The chair, in which your life is to be snuffed out, is at the end of the room. In a moment you are seated in the chair. The lu ad. leg and arm straps are made fast. You realize that th end has come. In a second, you will face your Maker. What thoughts would flash through YOl'R mind during tho*' last few seconds? What do yon imagine that the REAL man would think of? No one can give the answer, but the .'train must be ter rible un.J the anguish ami pain lieyond description. A DECIDEDLY WRONG. VIEW. It is seldom that wo are treated to a genuine, whole-hearted laugh, but we were allowed to enjoy this pleasure Thursday evening when we happened I-} can our eyes from th? editorial column .ot pil.T fharthc 1fropr?? It 1 coiii^v. AW Vo?d^:like to ha editorial referred to?it Is t be most .positive rnre : we birr nm* ?m? in some rims. In tb? prelude to hi? ontburet. Jak? eomplaiaa that thia ' sheet tries to make a fling at the Program and i*- editor." J| gentle* reader, WE are the sheet referred to. Now Jake ehe^ld^. have d"ue thai; it isn't at all in Imping with his uiual digniW) and oumplaccnt rnitn. It was positively naughty. However, let us not stop here,- there are further phrases in the article' Teat merit attention. ' ; '"The hit one always hollows!" shouts Jake. That sounds 'like a rather "hollow" statement. Further along, we eome to the wonf "escupados." A careful search through the dictionary ftiledia reveal to tu the presence of thia word. You didn't mean trades," did ,vou, Jake? Toward! the end of the article we the word "vampire." It winds m>- Jake's effervescence and that lie is a student of Kipliilg flvwell a* 0f Pilgrim's PxfrM'S Kcbinsou Crusoe. Probably seme of our readers, who were not fortunate enough to have read thin week's Progreas, are 'wondering by thia time what wo are driving at. For their benefit, it may be wis? to explain p little before proceeding further. The editorial in tho Progress appears to have been written be cause of the fact that this paper published news accounts and edi" torial comment on an unfortunate incident xhat occurred in Waah ini!ton a few weeks ago. The Progress appears to think that this imitt(>r should have been kept out of the paper?; at least one it al lowed to pain that impression from the following? jA "The Progress is not in th\ WOOD JASml* W. OOI. Moaabors Vew York PaOm Exciiufe J. LEON WOOD & CO. BANKERS and BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds. Oottoa, Grain and Prertotons. 71 Pinme Street Carpenter Building. Norfolk. Va. Private wire* to Now York Stock Baoteanfe, Chicago Board Trada and other floanol&l oeatere. Correspondence respoetfmlly solicited. Investment and marginal accounts given earofol attention. SAVE $100 A DAY Beginning September 1st we will cut the price of this farm $100 a DAY UNTIL SOLD BY SEPT. 10th. If you buy on the 10th you will save $1,000 but if you wait until the 10th some one else may buy before you. This farm is cheap at $10,000. Unlll September lOthi ) We offer for salr the biggest farm bargain in Beaufort County. Positively will have to be sold by September 10th. 400 ACRES 400 With eighty-five acre* in cultivation, fifteen acros more partly out down and partly cleared and ditched. All wire fenced. Thrre new tenant home*, two large harm, throe tobacco barns and other building?. Buildings cost over $3,000.00. There is over $2,000.00 worth of standing inill timber on land now. At Wharton station, adjoining rail roud and within 100 yard* of station. Also on Tranters Creek deep water transportation with boats to Washington, X. C. Fine location for handling timber either by raij or water. (?00 acuppcrinng grape vines now beariug on fann. 000 peach tree* bearing two years, 200 apple trees bearing three years. Fine location, in good community. Gray loain soil with clay subsoil. Not an open ditch in farm, all natural drainage with 15-ft. fall to Tranter? Creek. Will average 1200 pounds of bright leaf tobacco per acre. Very fine tobacco land. Will sell whole tract or Miy part' of tract subdivision % ' At $20.00 Per Acre on Good Terms. If you want the l*?st fann for the money in Beaufort county today, and Worth over $50.00 an acre with improve* ments, you had better come immediately and see it, as it will have to lie-sold by ?September 10th. Write fofr'our Rig Bargain Booklet of over 100 farms for sale in Beaufort and Martin Counties 4 Washington Beaufort Land Company l?lliiib.H? KaiMilf Washington, N. C. JNO. E. COREY. Manager. that Waul tttr and. thai-thar ooald m*a it I B&Sfescr* Rafarrlnf Id wfafctbar tkShf' par?, eouteuf trttiTlto^ auction of tha Bristol. Com., ! saams rather low sama food ? papers ara worth ft-" M th? WftthlDgton Nm hMrth' Aooordlac Is Its ?ebMrt?tloa ?-Maws and Obaarrar. la It Poaaibta? A sail from tha Washing**? Daily Nawa la: "Waatad?a oopr Mk* S tata pa par puMiahad Saptembar 1. that did not coataia aoaxa of tha orstsr.' boro Argua ? *??! Lat'a Hapa Bo. J ? With several of tba* a tata giving lassons la grammar will boob ba ao oaad of a "fcliMHSf Itor or reporter jaaklag a ml slak si in hia copy or of a proofreader al lowing the slightest ?rror to ? him ?rtew Barn Sun. Bead for U*v O olds Iowa mad ObadrYlfc I Beaufort Coirty before If- tirV?r?ow of p?r rtonn carolin*, Beaufort County. Themes Bailey ?0. Arthur Bailey ot al. Andrew Bailey, mm of lh? ?0? tlofe that ea*d notion Is ertnmaVH betom the Clerk of the Superior ronrt, at ltfe? e*oe, 1* the Co^Pt h onto. ? rfatd County ef Beaufort, jhj Waefeloften, o? Ootohor lrt* 1 tli, and that upoar the defendant'? ! failure to appear and aaftrer or to mar to ?k? W?W ?kl?k kM vhi' dim tat kn *IH I kit tk* MMaM itfrMMM tupml up on tk* rkttm daU tkoreof. Thli Ik* B?tk **? of iq?'. >???. OTO. A. PAVU CM 8ap?ritff C?uH. *?11-4??. Come to The GARAGE % That guaran tees you Satis factory Service in everything. Whether you store your car with us perma nently or just buy occasional supplies., we guarantee to pka9e you In both quality & Piiee. Th? Bat Gm4e of GfcriHfa* ?(the Ibwest market price, Try ou/Service < and notice the differ* Washington Motor Gar Co. rrs. . iin.ht nil f?| KM. Wtor.ll of BMofortl ftolor*-! VMM.? W.Hh ? J-tmry ?r Ma* tort, ul 1. B.tfe To**hfp, wbtoh to bonnd r *? ?? PtMr, Its own 'Wttkrr MnM| ' mM. if. S4| Mat . KoIbp; th?.c. N. II T min. B. ??*? -twin M mm Irak UK i th? pubtl? ml, kion u th. rdta't CrMk rMd; IWld with rriMrai?lNM>Mlrn ib. n>. C.btn Branch; theoo. with t k? I m or'?.' mM hraltb 8. ?? fe u |pole, it b*lac Un llu or tta>Joh> R?V* hwfto Co.'s fl.t4bw.ll *; MkTMtk tk. mM Mi u t 'Lk^Mr Co.'? lis.. tn.t ItMi* a mark.d llo., 8. I? V.' 174? [(rat, t. tb. aaJd J.ha L. Roper ? Co.'? So.thout oorier at r S.t.tfw.11 M; IMM. N. I mrm II ill ?.*???' M u ? boilrfbln?; boulklllki ?? term, IWW ITMllW k, If. M ? Wbrtkl.rt.* M at ?bont J a. 4 Itk. lim. tk? artr*? keroin ?!*U. D.U4 -4b? - *Mt?< AlllUt I?th, 11*11. X-K MhIjuii, C.t.Hlalo.*r, |t-tt=4wc. ??d*r**ad l> t* TrJ II(?en Tki? Aagaat 4th, lilt. W. A. THOMPSON. Trait **. 1-4-4 w*. North Carallaa?4?aaafort Oountr I* tka ?QMrlOT (Mart. T. H. Vlsuat m. W?|. KlUkt Th* ilMTl lutt "?111 tek? nolle. tb?t ? aolloa ?atltlad M t bora ku baa oono?anoa4 in t bo iuparler Court ?( Baatllorl Coaatjr ?karala tka ?lalatlS aw t? wotai th* a>B of Two Haatrad Tkraa and ??.!?* (?10? 61) Dol lar?, a*4 that a warraat of atte?h mast baa ia??ad aialaat tka pr op arty of th* dafaadant. Dtfaadaal will torlbar taka m: That aald aatt la raturaabla la tka ihparlor Court, kafora tka trntf. M Hoada f. Onto bar 4th, >?1S, at tha Court haaa? la Waah liltaa, la mU Couatr at Boaufort aad dafandaat will Itflk? tak? ao tlaa that a (oi h La fallara t? anm and anawar or daatar la th* Ha plalat ?kick will h? ?M li I eauaa wlthla th* (rat tkraa dart ?t aald tent tktt th* plalaltS ?III tek? Jad*m?at ?(alaat blai Tki? tha l?tk 4ar ?1 Aa#m?t, till ?SO. A. MO, CUrk W HV?w?. u. .-J - v j"' _ . n-j ?. l ^ ?? ? w. a ,?. o. imy BCflMVTXXAJi, 4TTOR NUT-aT-I .\W. Afttr )?$.*ar> Ift, 151?, LaachlsgbouM Building, Conir Second and Market 8t W. A. DmM, Jr. J. I. I I* L O. ' aam m If^W. UtoUa ^HE Prattle? la tha 8 u parlor, _ .. 1* Al and Snprama Coorta of A. D. Mmtt?m, Atrofl and WaaWnfton, N. BTEWABT* TOTAK ? - - V. L ? ? vapohSi ?14-?. Mitae. ?* ?" hSl 8t' ^ Wtotmcura. jc. a If yon Talua quidl aaXporta-*^ ?J. *** a? arr Southern Railiodi . Watch tb? time mad* paokage <*?%, aad you chit your internet* art btfatfcervad by pitronifTng than, m "Ume If their Bod NOTICI. Hiring QUKllfled >? edntla et Rebeeet Florence Bonner, i all ??weae Indebted to tete at* reqaaoted to oiU .tam?, diete payment, end ell vereda* her. Ina delate ejelnet her "let. ere notified t? preeent them to tke on " T^arar 2 tbli Mu, Dleeded 1* kar el tkalr ?aee Tki* ??r or J?I?. O.o BONNWt, *1Ut c. hodman, Attr. HHUi Su^rUJt to UMiy h?vr? NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD