nt. Hm orer H. eo#t ?m ol?Ton hundred dollar kfuat V- 014. book lt orar H?' M 'i* a baftala. C. L. CAJIROW *1-1 v?. Una eralaat cM. Qolok all a ?erllM. * V?a?k osu Mar?. Sound ud mgm Jna( Ladjr brok?. Also net of kad pbkeloo 11 k'< wImtw iku It Miur VTKI* i um. CLkUIHI L. CARH0W. ?-l-lwc. / ? A berjala ta a 3od 8are Qfu lttng" before they.lay down In the straw for the night in the laud of Prance which was all so new and stTange tn them and bo-common place to the veterans. Their freah young voices were pleasant to the edr. "H Is good. The Koec^eenalree sing and whistle as they march," say the French peasants. Everyone hopes they will keep on alnglng. v * * xiXf If there la sny ornament which is obsolete at the front it Is the sword. The sword Is the officer's symbol of ssthorlty; the sign thst he la on duty. In place of it the offlcer at the front wears his sword belt. His sword slang with eountlees other sworde has been checked outside the clohkfl$ota of war along with his umbrella which | thinks of carrying at the front _no one thinks of c .You Cannot te? ? fcftm from the ofcer officers except by bis eagerness and his battalion Insignia For tan months the new amy had waited tor its Mecla. Its soldiers have read all about th? effects of modom shell Are. They know what they are in for. Lfaraevs, they name among expet$a expeotfcig to taa iajfced a great deal as novice* by the old . hands, and except for the veteran reg Z\*T, "We need yon?and there can't be which wa have begun." I There are men in this *ew army who have Incomes of ten th^adMi a1 fear digging trenches beside a man who had not a abiding when he en listed, university graduates taking their baptism of shell Are as privet oi who "pal up" with men who can hard ly read and write. "Wa Ilka th? Kaackeanalrea." saM V I r ? , , ' New York, 8ept. 6.?A new calsn | dar with thirteen months In the year and requiring all persona bo#*n after the 28th of each month to And another birthday, 1b proposed by th: Rev. H. P. Hames, who presetted yesterday at All Angels' Church in West Eighty-first street. Mr.. Hames' calendar Is unique. |oth "be made holidays. . v. The calendar provides that all [.holidays shall fall on Monday and that Easte^ .shall be a stationary (east on the .third Sunday In April. ? Mr. Hames came to" the United States -twelve years ago from Eng land. was ordained a year and a half ago and came"to New Ybrlj In September. wail; LOStHSMIE) Norfolk. Sept. 6.?ella O. Broame and H. M Bonner, ind heirs-at-Uw of Adam Holmes. ro Whom It May Concern: The partes aou>e named, and all ->ther persons Interested, will take iotlce that on the 4th day of Aug ist, 1915, the above named petition jra filed a petition la the offioe ef .he Clerk of the Superior Court of leaufort County, to have the title te ertaln lands therein described reg : stored and confirmed pursuant te Chapter 90 of the Public Laws of 1913, and that summons has beea issu- d, returnable at the office ef tke Clerk of the 8up6.-!or Court of Beau fort County on tho 7th day ef Octo ber. 1915. Said lacH is situate in Beaufort County. Richland Town ?hip. State of North Carolina, and adjoin) the lands of H. M. Bonner tnd others, and is described as fel lows: Beginning at an Iron pl|>e en the W<-at side of the Broome Road at (Sinma F. Broome'? Northeast cer jrr, HRifl Iron pipe b.isg imbedded In cement; Ihenc? running North 88 West 8717 feet to an Iron pip*; 'hence North 2 Kaa. 1276 fret to an' Iron pipe; thence South 88 East 1861 1 feet to an Iron pipe; thence North 2 East 243 feet to an 'ron pipe. ' thence South 88 Kant 758 feet to an Iron p'it* at the tide of the Broome ttoad; thence with the Broome Road North 2 Rast 208 feet to an Iron pipe; thence South 88 EMt 747 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 2 West 4 79 feet 'to an iron pipe; thence North 88 West 74 ? Teet to an Iron pioe at the aide of the Broome Road; thence with the B?*nme Road South 2 West 762 feet to the beginning. | the oourse herein being magnetic for 1919. said land having been sur vred and the eonn marked he Rupert Bonner. /s" The defendants hereinbefore nam ed. and all other persons are hereby notified that on said return dar the petitioner? vili app>, te the Coert for a Decree of R??!etratlen for th? title to the lands described la Said pet I tie*. Thli the 4th day of August. 11)1. 090. A. PAT*., ClK and live you further Information about our product*. Cer ral Roofing Manufacturing Company VVrtf*? Imvgt?! mumufatf?rin r/ *nd BnUMtmg r?/f> New Y?V Cfcr CIiIn0c. $8 50 Jacksonville, F)a. $10.30 Tampa. Fla. and returu, tickets on sale for all trains September 29tb, 1015. Returning all tickets void after midnight October 5th, 1015. $8.70 Washington, D, C. and return, tickets on sale September 25th, 2ftth aod 27th, returning all tickets void after midnight October 15th, 1915. For rats?, reservation* or any information, phone qr uril? (bo ATLANTIC OOA6T IJNE "flUndoni Railr^od of ike 8ovtk" /v S. R CLART,