Short Sport Coats fif SWEATERS Short Sport Coats A wide variety of charming models to se lect from. Every Rood style, color ami. material ?ia whites, -plaids and mixtures. "YoJ have to see them to appreciate their eoodoess., ECONOMICALLY PRICED YOU Ctm Get It At H O Y X Sweaters The out-door girl will find here those new Silk and Wool Sweateis that fashion in lists every one should have. They are pleasingly priced and are a world of comfort these chilly days, in solid col ors and two tone effects. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM. try J. K. HOYT first Country Correspondence llICi SWAMP XEWH. We have had much rain during the last few days but most all the farmers In this vicinity have tb?ir fodder and tobacco housed and are uow grading tobacco. Albert Singleton and L. A. Jack aon made-a flying trip 10 Beaufort Sunday la'st. Mr. and Mrs. L. H Jackson were Washington visitor* Sunday. Quite a number of our people have been attending the protracted m ettng at Old Ford this week. I wrh glad to hear from the Mill Road last week. Come again soon. We people that live near Big Swamp love to read good news and what the Mill Road Itemlier sends In la all good. Wli'.v VVoolard carried some o: hi* tobacco to the Washington mar ket last Monday and on his return he reported with a broad ?mile that tobacco was selling good Mrs. R. A. Singieton and little ?on. R. P. spent Sunday last with her brother. Gi'brcy Ball, of Bra men's Chapel. A<a. Alb ri Ralph and Dave Sin gleton attended a chicken ?tew at the home of Jim Jackson near JamesvlUe Tuesday night of last week They report a fine time. S. V. Bailum. of Jamcsvllle. was In our vicinity today. Wes Jackson, of Calf Branch, was t in our midst Sunday morning. Well, wp farmers are through priming tobacco hut have not seen any of our city friend? out to "clar Ify their brains." helping us. Guess they clarified them another way by A WO.YT>ERFTL ANTISEPTIC. Germ? and Infection aggravate ailments and retard healing. Stop that Infection ar once. Kill the frms and get rid of the poisons. For this purpose a single application of Sloan'* Liniment not only kills the pain hut destroys the germs This neutralizes Infection and gives nature awistancp by overcoming congestion and gives a chance for the fr?e and normal flow of the blood. Sloan's Liniment is an emer gency doctor and should be kept rtonstnnlly on hand. 25c. ROc. The 11.00 *1** contain? six times as much as rh*? 25c. riding around and thinking bow | they would feather their uests when we sold ourt produce and they got the money. But we farmers are not go<ng to let them have It all. We arc feoliig to try and live nearer at | lion?e a" we do what la comfanded for us to do a? the Good Book says sweat of his brow, and we farmers work all the time. We feed the world and as there are so many men who don't help, we women are | doing their part. | (It Is impossible for ub to print your news exactly as you write It. We always read it over and you yourself must realiz that there are dome mistakes in it. We have to correct these before printing. Also, you seem to have the wrong idea of how this paper is published. "The ?ity people" don't do the writing for it. They don't have half as much to say as do the people In the country?Editor) KIVKK IIOAD STATION HKIKFH. The many friends of Mr. J. J. Whitley, our mail carrier, are glad to know that he has resumed his d u t lei after his vacation. Mr. Jack son proved to be an excellent sub stitute. was kind and obliging and gained several new friends on the way. However. Mr. Whitley Is al ways missed whm absent from the route. We sympathise with Mr. Whitley for we have had five days of continued stormy weather Vand!" Waters of Plnotown, spent Saturday and Sunday at River Road the gut-si of Eber and Clyde AUI good. P. B. Ward, of Magnolia, went to Norfolk last week. Mrs C. C. Walker, of Aurora, has been spending several days with Mm. L. M. Sheppard at llolly Qlen Mr. and Mrs. A. S Alllgood. of West Point, have been visiting her parents. Mr.,and Mrs Charles Alll good. and J. T. Alllgood at Broad 1'reek; were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Alllgood at Magnolia one day. spent Saturday night and Sun lay with Mr. and Mrs C. F. Alll good at River Koad. and returned home Tuemlav Mrs. L. M. Sheppard and children of Holly Glen, and her guest. Mrs C. r. Waller, of Aurora, were the vuests of Mr*. A. R Alllgood on Rath Hnad Thursday afternoon. M i rs Rllen Proctor, who hait been lsitlnK M la* l.Tle Alllgood at Magnolia. returned to her home at Greenville lh?t week. ^ Mina M M. Cherry. of Tarnarix, Ma* hr- n quite s!rk for the last week, la now some better. ti+oTKe tfonnan. of Durham, has 'een spending Bov ral daya a? Rlr ?r Hnad a guest of J. Ft. Alllgood ind family. flip Next. Thing To Tli?? Pine Format For C.^dda la? Dr. Bell'* rine Tar-Honey, which toe? to the vry root of cold trou ble?. It clears the throat and gives relief from that clogged and stuffed 'eetlng. The pines hav# evar b*en 'he friend of man In driving away rolds. Moreover, the pine-honey qualities are peculiarly effective In flghtlng children's colds. Remem ber that a cold broken at the start greatly removes the posslWHty of complications 2 Be. WE ARE AGENTS Iver Johnson, Reading Standard, Emblem, Hudson Dayton and Great Wester i Bicycles sold for cash or on time We also have the mosi complete repair shoj in the city all work guarar teed' D. R. CUTLER Phone m (By BMtn Pre#?) Now Bera. Sept. I.?Whether the Invention'of William Dixon, of OH eau!. which ha claim? will pat ?top to a torpedo alter It haa be? fired at a ahlp. will prov? to b? ?uccom. will bo prov?a in a f?w day? when ofllclal teat? ara made of It in N?u?e riv?r off Oriental. Lleat ecant golila Conaor, D. 8. N.. amd Instructor-Inspector of the North Carolina Naval MlUtla and Inepeo tor of the shells manufactured at Raleigh, will go to Oriental wlthla a day or two to inspect Mr. Dixon's Invention and to see actual t< made of It. The device is controlled by electricity and Mr. Dixon claim? that, if given eight second? warn ing after a torpedo Is fired at a ship he can prevent the minile from striking the target, causing it to ex plode harmle?aly in the water sev eral hundred feet from the target. He hag spent some time working ont the details of th? contrivance and' it Is claimed that -it has now been perfected. mi m Sale? today were not as heavy at they were the latter part of last week, and the condition of the to uxu-co^wat ju?ry much, better. there fore prices showed an advance over Fliday of from $2 to $4. Th?> better grades, higher up th~! ?talk which showed up today sold! Ire her than they have during the sca on. and by the latter part of this wrek our buyer? will all hav? orders ft r ihtpe gt-ades. and wj? tfxpect tlcui to sell well. The burnt end totacco should be pulled off wh"n grading is done, and the first pull "rps should all be sold now as soon as possible. The common plant bed leaves are lower and will continue :o sell low. Some sales made today w? re as i follows. J C. Daniels. $9.75. $10, $11, $11.75, *13. $16. $17.60. Harris & Elks. $4, $8.50, $12. $12.25. W. T. Bennett. $6.26, $7.60. 9.76, i $ 12. $13. $15. $19. I Edwards & Warren, $13.25, $16. Osca Woolard, $*.$11.50, $13. White & Elks. $8 75, $10.75. $12.25. Yours truly. SHCLBURNE^DAIIGHAM CO. Atlanta, (la.?Dr. L. O. Hardman went up to his Nacoochee Valley farm recently, to superintend the work preparatory to the excavation of nn Indian mound which possesses an bit < rrntlng history. Thoro. Nacoocbee, an Indian prin cer.s. *i? burled, and tradition holds a fascinating romance connected with her life and death. Archeoioglsts. representing a New York museum. will excavate the mr-und In order to make a scientific atudy of the lives of the race which once Inhabited that, sectloa of the country In the years sgo. The utensils used, their war para phernalia. and even the akeletona of the peoples burled there, will afford IntcrceMng research work. All the Interesting excavations will be esrried to the New York museum, and the mound will be rebuilt just as it standa today. WOMAN WORKS IN TROUSERS Attired Like ? Man, Miss F ran o? s Cadero of Pennsylvania Runs 7?-Aors Form. Con neti? vlilo. Pa.?Perry tonoshlp has a woman who goes about her work In a genalae mannish Sray. She Is Miss France? Cadero, aged twtnty. Alone she manages a 7*-aere fan*, in cluding the care of alx horses and sev eral cows. This spring she pot out tea acres of corn and several acre? of Along with this sho "broke" two colts. Her fesher 111, her alother unable to look after the far*, and her broth era all away, ?he eboalderod the bar den of uaoagJaf the (am. She began tbrte years ago eards woman's apparol aod 1 troaaers to the field aa* * tie | When Crown Was In Pawn. In former centuries the crown used to be the 'avorlte way of raising money, and the royal Jewels used to be In pawn most of th? ume. At the time of the coronation of George IV the crown waa In pawn, and was hired out for tha occasion at a cost of $36.000. The kin? wanted to buy it. but Lord Liverpool thought It an unnecessary extravagance. Fi nally they browbeat the poor pawn broker down to $35,000, although the crown waa then valued at $750,000, and in celebration Oeorge IV had to march through the streets for miles wearing a 6V4-pound weight on his hend. INDIAN MOUND HAS STORY Archeologlsts Will Make Excavations In Order to Study Lives of Ancient Rac?. Attontlc City, N. J. Sept f9 sourcafnl In finding new * Ik* timmcr girt. As? | rcslgce In fnvor of her ^ dlecoToro4 % which neltho# ^ her Maty nor dine tk? ? of bar Banhlng eyae. On the trary, aa aha h era? If known quite I well, thin boardwalk (naklon adds! to bar charm It In a tiny scrap of block tulle! or chiffon drawn tightly orar t?e| to tha tip of tha noon. It m lick Ilka tba old-fashioned mil. hot It hnan't tba that tba rail bad. of tho eummer girl's hair showsl and therefore It doea not need to be confined Yet tba maik la considered quite oaaentlnl to the promenade cos tumes. 8otne fair pedcnCiCaaa In tbelr white snita. colorful awantars and shade hats wear n mnak made of on? thickness of whlta malina overlaid by another of btnck. PERSONALS Mnrlin Dunston. who hu been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hodges, has returned" to his horns in Alabama. arrived In the city yesterday in or der to attend thr funeral of father, C. A. Campbell. ? ? ? ? Jerry Neubold, of Hertford, was In the city yesterday on a visit to rriends. H? left today for Wake j Forest. i ? ? ? ? Charles Hootcn, of City Point, Va.. spent yesterday in Washington visiting friends. ? ? ? ? Miss Fannie Edwards has accept ed a position with Bowers Brothers Company. ? ? * ? Charles Spruill left yeeterday for Willlamston on a business trip. < ? ? ? ? Mrs. D. W. Bell has returned home from Seven Springs, where she ha? been spending rome time. ? ? ? ? C. F. Bland, manager of the Har ris Hardware Company, Is in Beau fort today on business. turned from New York and other fillet, where the? have been pur chasing their fall and winter atock of good*. j ? ? ? ? Miat Dora Flynn, of Baltimore, I arrived 1? the city yeaterday and will make her home In the future with her brother, C. A. Flynn. at Washington Park. ? tee Miss Oertrnde Person, of Pre* moot, and W. A. Darden, of New York, arrlted In the city yeaterday from Precmont, and art tht gutata of Mlaa Jennie Co*. e e e ? t Miss LtlMan Campbell la expected hotne today from Waterbury, Conn. '.vhere she haa been vlaltlng. ? ? ? ? It. O. Martin, of Belharen, spent yesterday la the city with friend*. J. D. Woolard, of Roberaonrllle, wan among the oat of town Tlaltora io Washington yeaterday. ? t ? ? (ieorge Ofeen, Jr., of New Bern, who ia welf known locally, ?pent jentrrday with friends in the city. * a ? ? . N. Hmry.. Oharlea, Fred and Al len Moore want down the rWer yea t#rdny afternoon aa far aa Pa in Mo Hearh In tharapeed boat. Bo Ixmg. ? ? a ? ? captain Littler, a well known clttzen of Washington, had the mla fortune of falling down Saturday afternoon and breaking hla hip. ? a ? ? Thoma? Wharton, of Oreenvllle, ?pant yaatardqj with frienda In WaahlngtoB. i t a ? ? B. C. Farwall, of New Bars, waa ??an on tka atraeta oC*4ha city thla morning. with friend? In OreenTille ? ? ? ? Mrs. B?n Oodley, of Chocowlnliy, la the guMt of Mr*. W. A. Blount today. e- o"e o Andrew Jaekann, of BelhaTen, wfti among the otft of town rUltors In the city today. t ? ? e ? Oecar A boo tU * rUttor Is Ortenviti? rKf?*r ?fursoon ? 4 ? ? W. R. HdD?Tm ip.ut Dnlir with kl* m, CUTlH Bt *1?. ** . ~\vV te tk# te la thkr ?117 u4 If mm* of ta tfo tot i?t o?t p rlatlou mad? ter tU the work will k? materially UKYA2TS DAI of BM? Bnitt'i oMmc| daughter, who U the wlfa Of OapC. Reginald Owes of tho British army ?o pmwit to ? to fyjpt orn taor Mr*. Owen her Ubi to aacistlng tho Brltlefe flghtta# Copt. Owm recontly hoe bot moted and t? now doteg 1as luty bftwMo Turkey ud Bgypt. In formation received by a Waablag toa friend of Mrs. Owm today said hat one-half of the men under Copt. Owen's command bar* boon -MUod and that hla wife Is anxious about bin. Mrs. Owen will leave bor Uttlo Tlrl. Kitty Ixorltt, la a school In England and tak? with bor to Bgypt her son, Bryan Loorttt. IM>YD6 INVADE WASHINGTON. George R. Boyd. Jameo R. George Loo Boyd, WMm Boyd? WL W. Boyd and O. A. Boyd of Plao town, were la tho city today, at tending tho mooting of tho Board of Edaeatloa. ZKB mm MAD. prominent resident of this city. died hrre rsaterday. Mr. Rlaos sobered from tuberculosa*. . He wf you known In this section of tho State. TKAMBTKR CHARGED WlSP oruMvn to animal* Klnston. Sept. ?.?ft, M.'Beoeley, a team contractor, will bo tried In the local court today, chargod with cruelty to animals. HAPPY WOMEN Rcaty Of * Go Wouldn't any woman bo happy. A ft or yearn of taelMk? suffering. Dajg of mloory. nights of unroot, Tho d lat roes of urinary troublea. When obe flnda rrolom. Many reader* wttl profit by tho foilowtll' Mlaa Ltllle O. Dot!a, 10? B. Sec ond St. Waahlngton. says "A Pe rece spoil of Kokso? left my kld aoya weak. 1 had a daU. nagging paia ttaroegh my *atk. la tho mora lag 1 waa ooro aad ?tiff, aad after etttlng tor awhtlo. H waa as1 'Hart fir mo to straighten. After using two bonee of Doan'a Kidney Pills, I woo relieved of all symptoms I of tho com plaint. I think Doaa's Kidney PI|lo are a spleadM kidney tonic." Prlee He, at all dealers. Den? simply art for o hldney remedy? got Doan'a Kidney Pills?the asao that Mlaa Deris had. Postor-lfll bnrn Co.. Props..^Buffalo, N. T, That alocdsh lira with I la tluc |M ?? ol UU k what roke. t h? world look mo terk at time? . Dr. Klaf'i Now LUo Pills so MraitlU to tke root of tha dlBeolty fer wakiug the act km of (bo lira and la Dr. KUg'i Now the koval* to aot HKattMiil 4rlT* away those "meodr layw." II? a botUa. ?We win try to bata th* *rt tp^k of t*e trtann* race i is ? ir "\(%, ' mm of propriety, al imr? you theee are aee I?0? U4 lot *e dlaphcaoua skirt Ml ?New York World North Carolina Heaafort County. la tka Superior Court. W. A. WInstead TS. Salti? w Instead. The defeadant above named will taka aotfoe that a* action entitled aa above ha? baen oommeneed in tha Superior Court ot lleaufort County Is which tha plaintiff la aaklac for aa abaolste divorce from tka bonds of matrlMoay, aad tka Mid defend ast will further taka aottoe that aha la required to appear at tka term of tka Saperiar Court of said County to bo held oa the let Monday In Octo ber. 1111. at tha Coartheuee In eald County la WaaklaftoA. N. p., aad aaewer ar demur to tke eomplalat la said act lea, or the plalatlf win apply to th* Ceurt for the relief demanded la said eompUiat. Tkl. STtk day ot A ara?. 1*11. too. A. PADU dark ttaariar 00?% J. D. PAUL., Attoraer far PllaatlR. HH?? ?WP0 II Fall Sbow tor t?oU? Hdiw and goa ttemen. Whether you purchase or not, it wtO glv* us great pleasure to let us show you our many styles. PRICES ARE RIGHT. ? the hub ' ItJSMIII * ?????V Mr. Merchant: Your advertisement m this space would be read by over ZjOOO persons in Beaufort county. They would read it with the same interest that you are reading. this. Why not advertise your goods? Let the people know of the bargains you have to offer and you wfl{he amply re paid for the amount you expend in ad vertising. The fa)) season of business is just commencing. Don't let your competitor secure all the trade?grab some of it for yourself. advertise-itpays

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