" ' . f- ' . ?Zrrrz JR - -v* T~ -- ----- _ ^^ fliWjk ehowen teeerrew. ?, -yi ?.** v-':?'>?" t ?>, "V ? ftin,; ,nj ? ?' . N. C TUESDAY AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 7. ISIS Na. 14 1 Or FOLIOS OFFICIAL* WAS HKLO JjASfT RIGHT. workTon dock ?rr N f-KT TO Borrow J or the board of ?I|M. tie following ?olio for? WU elected for ihi ?n ?hint roar; the itictioa going Into effect "on tho flrvt dar ?t October: Chief, Q?r|? Howard. ? Wye tad HardUon Tke elaetlo* at the thlr* petrol man waa left oven Mr. Howard waa formerly at the bead or the loeal police force bat for the laaf year or more been employed by the Norfolk-South era railroad aa epecicl agent. riarlua illlfood and Tim Hard tec vara preaent at laat night'? meeting and aaked thai tka carpen Ura la tka city be relieved or tkatr licence tax. Mr. AUlgood. who act ad aa rpokeamaa. elated that be did aot eaa any hitt raaaon why earpaatare ehoald be foroad to pay the tax aay more than blackemlth, police ofloare or other men who do a certain work at a certain price. Upon motion, II waa decided to ra ter the matter to the ordinance oom mlttea with power to aot. A delegation from Nlcholaonrllle being compoeod or raatdeata along Market etreet, wae alao preaent and raquaeted tkat tka board appropriate enough .money to Ule Market atraat near tka corner or Twalrth. Tka delegation waa headed by N. L. Slmmoae. It wae decided tkat the board allow tins tar tkia purpoaa. Hoy t Moore appeared betora the board and ra?aeeted tha city to eeU him a part or lu property on Water etreet, where he propoaad to ereet a two ?tory warehouse. Mr. Moore explained to tke beard that ha did aot waet tka Immediate waterfront . and would not Interfere with . \ Plane that the elty might hare tor 'tka building of dooka. UpMfAH lion. It waa decided to dlacuea Mr. Moor?'? propoaltlon U eiecatUe eaaelon. "'7 , - .. The wharf and dock pro loot came ?p for eoneldarable dleeaaelon. Tha mayor read a contract for the work, which had boon prepared by W. c. Miller. It waa mdred that the eon tract te accepted and that the work - bo etarted aa eoon aa funde coald bo ofcnred. The committee waa or dered to borrow eaqeleat money to iaaaoe the project. a ? \ a ASKS FOR TRIAL BY A JURY kooad Edward. Glrew Hearing Yretorday. Trial WU Tak? Kdmond Edward?, a loeal barber, who waa reoently arraatad op tha charge of hariag loo much liquor la hla ahop. waa given a hearing be fore the recorder yeeterday. He wae repreeottted by W. C. Rodman. Upon motion of the defeadant'e attorney, a Jury trial will be held in tha eaae Tka trial will tako place Friday morning at ten o'clock.' itum tM) ncTimn. Oaa dollar pe'r doiari The beat plctare ever made for/the money. Na etodlo we hare aver heard of makae them aalU eo good aa tke STUDIO. Waahlagtoa. W.C. AT THE ELLMO Domino "HfMJtTS AMD BWORD8 la I part. Keyetone f?meV WMT LOVB" CITIES ARE AROUSED! OVER "STARS" IN HEAVENS Peculiar Objects Seen la the Sktot by Residents of Washington, New Bern and Kinston. Mystery Is Unexplained. ? - .1 Considerable speculation la being sde In the Tarlon? cltlea of t] BKtlon of the Stat? regarding the nature of a oertain luminous < Jed, which appeared In the bearens a -few. nights ago. Ices^diag to accounts, the "object" has been seen is New Bern, Klnston and Washington. ,, ?? ~ ?] Orover Mayo reported thU morn ing that he had seen a particularly arga and bright light In the ah les aboat hai? past eight Saturday night. He stated that the object illuminated the heavens for a brief period of time, and then disap peared. J. T. Bland also reports harfaxg seen a curious "star" la the OfcJea Sunday night. He thoogbt at the time that -It appeared to be morlng. but belle red that his eyea were < celrlag htm.' Over la Jones county, aa stated In yesterday'a issue of the tfelly News, cltlsene report having eeen two airships flying orer that section *t night. The following aoeount of the In cident la taken from yeeterday'a Klnston Free Press: [ Twenty-live people flood on Quo?d itmt at 11 o'clock Sunday night u4 ?? W?ll Known Throughout the | CVmnt jr. IMt Followed > Corlnltha E. Bmi, agM urged to be present Ifou rordlaJly |n T>?H. URGES CITIZENS TO HAVE EXHIBITS AT STATE FAIR To the People of Beaufort county and Washington: The management of the North Carolina state fair, of which 1 am one of the executive committee, has asked me to encourage our county, to have an exhibit of our county's resources and product- at the fair this fall in Raleigh. I heartily ap prove of this suggestion, for the state fair is a place where we can get much publicity if we show the people who come there what we have. Beaufort county la one of the fa vored spots of the earth, blessed with climate, abundant rainfall, soli fertility, rail and water transpor tation to the big markets of the Umatry. ajxd local market? that are growing and certain to continue to grow. We can raise an unlimited variety of products, and in big quantities. But the world does not know of our section. We can make the sta ple crops, corn, cotton, vegetables, the truck crops, fruit, cattl<\ hogn, anything almost we want to. or at least so much of so many thlngn that we will never till our land* to the limit of their productive power. Every market town in the county is convenient to a railroad, and our water transportation is Impossible to Improve on. If we were designing a county wo could not make a bet ter plan than tho general plan of Beaufort. Unfortunately the world is not' r ware of this. Wo could find room here for thousands of good aetUers, but the world Is not aware of that We could feed a population grester than any of us imagine, hut we have not acquainted the world with that fact. We have not shown what we can do. What we want Is to get to the Stat?? fair a good, telling ex hibit of what we can; jo In Beau fort, and let the people know our resources and what we csn make of them. Thia must be done right away, and can be done without trouble If the people will take a hand In it. Discuss the situation and arrange tor exhibit* of everything we can show. The fair association offers liberal premiums for the best coun ty exhibits, and we can't afford to have other counties not ha'f as well situated as we are make an effort for the premiums and we nit 011 the fence and see the crowd get the benefit lof the publicity this will give. 1 want the farmers and the busi ness people and the commissioners and the school authority and health authorised and everybody to Join in profiting by this chance. It costs us nothing (or apace at the fair, as the association Is eager to give the stale the widest possible publicity. Como and help to get the movement under way. and let us ehow the country what kind of a land we have here around Washington, and no body can tell what the money value of such an exhibit will be. It will be able to exert an influ-nce reach ing over years, and as wide in its extent as the range of country from which people will come to the fair. We have not a long lime now to arrauge for this thing, ao let uk get at it right away, and begin to pick out the things we will send to Ra lelgh. The farmers are urn l t? select some of the thlnp they .iilnk will show up wel\ aur^). Quinn, who lived in the Huckleberry section of U Orange, committed suicide by blow ing oat his brain* with ft shot gun Death waii Instantaneous Quinn was about 60 yearn old. It It believed that despondency caused the act. I>KT,AYft RKW)RT Olf INCHEABK POR NAVY Waatynijton. Sept. 7.?Secretary Panfels will not make * final report On plana for strengthening the bar? nntll he ha? racivod .further Infor mation regarding lewona learned from the war In Rtiropa. He an nounced tki? today after a long con ference with President Wlleon. / flee rotary Daalala ?aid no declaloa bad baed reached 4a to how many battleship? would be racommoaM |o Coigrom ?L* ? . f* v' ANOTHER BUILDING ERECTED C. M. BROWN TO FTT UP BRICK STRICTURE ON MARKETS STREET. 8 NEW~STORES (V)aMnicUon of Mr. Broire'i Bufld hm With Those Beta* Put Up by Mr. Fowl?^lll Ohe Room for El^bt N?r Htorrw In the CUy. Further signs of prosperity and building activity in Washington will Boon be augmented by the construc tion of a large brick building by C VI. Brown on Market street. The bhlldlng wilt be Ideated south of the City Hail and will replace the two frame structures which stand lere at present. These latter hidings will be moved to th? .out skirts of the city and transferred Into rcUdences- They have in th? past been used as law offices and were last occupied by John H Bon net. who has moved Into the Laugh Inghonse building Mr. Brown, when imervlewsd thin morning as to his plans, stated that thrtr" would be room for three wtoree on the ground floor of the building. The upper story will be used for of" rue. Work |has already been started at moving the frame bulld (ngn and as soon as they are out of the way. th* ground will he cleared f->r the new building With the erection of the Fowte buildings on Main street, the con struction of Mr. Brown's building means that there will be eight new 6tor??s in the city in th? near fu ture. A9 far an is known. l!it a mount of building going on in Washington exceed? that of any other city in the State / JURORS DRAWN FOR COURT TERM Will Servo During Superior Court Which Convene#. Heire on October 4th. At the meeting of th" cocnty commissioners held yesterday, the following natm-d per>ons were drawn to serve as jurors at the October ter tnof the Superior Court of Beau fort county which ronvenes Oc'ober 4 th: Flint Week. l'.'iuk K. Judson, Thov. L. I.augh Inr'" se. H K Beddltt. S F Bur bur::-. :r., O. B. Rawls. L. H Hardl 0:1, H. C. Roper. J. I. Cap?hart. I. B. uthrell. Jesse B. Mitchell. I nnt-r Norrls. Arnold Hodgcr*. Jor dan hilly. B F. Pespdsft. F. T Phil Bps. WiBlAtu Burnley. B. G Mayo. F. H Stanclll. Second Week. J. T. F. Randolph. B. F Alllgood, L. D Bonnor. Jr., J W Paul. H. B. Ricks, A n. Miles. J. M. Hodges. Corey Coddell. U E Pay. J. H. Calloway, M M "^oray. \V"E. Stubbs. J. W. Da liny, J W Houston. W. F, Clark, 1>. M. KatclifB* James Elli son. B B. Jones. KNTRIITAIXKD I.AST XIOIIT. Mr and Mrs. J. T. Bland enter tained very delight fully last evening at their home In honor of their guHsl, Miss Mlldrtid Morris, of Nor folk. Vs. Those present wcr Miss es Mildred Morris. Athnlia Tayloo, Marjorle Hoyt. Isabel Warren. Slna Taylor, Vivian Hudnell, Francis l.each. Ethel Mlxon. Ells* Ballard; Messrs John Keys Hoyt. Shflton Moorr\ George I.earh, William Mor ris, Blchard Leach. Dan I.ee Sim mons, Seth Cordon. Armsted Hud nell.