N. G THURSDAY AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 1. 1*15 - No. J* spi PLAN RURAL SANITATION ?R. W. 8. RAHK1N to MAKE AD- I DUM ON THK tfTATK'8 WORK n ran unx. ADDRESS TODAY WQl Talk IWor* the M? of the American Medical ?? BoAhmt, *. V. TeU. of JMrnb WMrh Aro Employed la North (Special ta tke Dally New*) Raleigh. Sept. t.?In htf iddrns today before the American Medical Aseociatlon at Rochester, fc. T.. Dr. W. 8. Rankin will explain the field,, method* and eoet of Rural Sanita tion?a feature of public health I work recently undertaken by the! North Carolina State- Board of] Wealth. This subject is of vast importance a? It embraoea about 8* per cent of North Carolina's population snd a bont 99 per cent of her area. In Dr. Rankin'a opinion rural sanita tion is an entirely different propo sition from urban sanitation and must be treated as euch. Legisla tion will work .In controlling the later, hut the only means of reach ing . the first is through education. Rural sanitation Is the work of county and eossmnnty governments but, n cooperation . with the State gorerument. The State's " position in this matter la to initiate, to plan, but it is left te the individual conn-' if ee to sgocute, Ho /take care pf j There are two methode proposed I by Dr. Rankin by which a county may carry out aanitatary measures.! The first U by the whole-time coo ty health officer method where the county does Its own work; the sec ond may be termed the unit system where the county may hare ita work done by some outside agency, the State Board of HeaRh, for instance. Am an illustration 'of this unit or ?contract system of work which a esounty may adopt, the anti-typhoid ?campaign now la operation by the $tata Board of Health in ten or more counties, may be cited. For ?en appropriation of 1600 per coun ty. about SO.090 people In the ten counties w^ll hare been vaccinated against typhoid fever, which is from one-eighth to one-third of ea county's population. Of the comparative value of the two methods. Dr. Rankin says: "The whole time county health officer system propesee an officer snd is subject to local politics while the unit or contract system proposes plans aad specifications and Is not subject to lecal politics. The for mer plan ooets Che county from II. 000 to 94.000 a year and is avail able to oaly a few counties while) , the letter costs the county fr< 1600 to 9S.000 a year and is avail able to nearly all the counties. The unit system as an Instrument of sanitation in the haads of the flute Board of Health is better sdapted to a variety of county condlioos and Is lmporta it aa a stepping stone to the whole time county health ofll PRAISES APPEARANCE or LOCAL STORE Trsrrllhm Refer? to Bower* "You people certainly have a right to feel proud of the kielnrw, hotne? Is thU tows." remarked D. M. Baraaa, a wall known travailing man of this section, till! morning at tke Hotel Ixmlee. "I here Ju?t heen acroaa the; etreet la TloWora .Brother, compear ?lore and I oan honeetly say (ha: It la one of tb? meet h en d. o m? hutld Ing? aad raoet neatly and attractive ly arranged ?tor*.that I have b*->n anywh^re In the lute. It would be a ortdl t to aay large ally" MA KINU OHAMdi IN * <>p nmui J. K Ho)ft le. having alteration, made la the entranoe to hit men'? department, will?* will greatly Im prove the appearance of hI? "?tab llshmeat. Th? eutlr? corn?r on Mala and Renpem ?lr??t It b?lng cut away and an .atrapee *!ll be -?V * "? !* TRIAL] IONERS Supreme Court Hands Down Opin ion in Case of Board of Education vs. County Commissioners. The Supreme Court of North Car otin* handed down their opinion yesterday afternoon in the ? case of the Board of Education vs. Board of Commissioners of Beaufort Coun ty. The Court granted a D?w trial to the Board of County Commis sioners. finding the rate ordered by Judge Bond to be eraeeeive,. The Court in their order provide? for a settlement of the matter between the two Board?, and in the ?vent they can not agree, the Court will appoint a referee wlft> will hear all of the eridenee. amf report direct to them. This was the case in which the Board of Education sued out a writ at mandamus against the Board of County Commissioners to compel the latter board to levy a general county school tax of 7 cents on 9100 valuation and SI cents on each poll, the Board of Commissioners have previously, declined to make the levy holding same as unnecessary. The case w*a? heard before Judge Bond at Chambers in Ed en ton on August 9, 1915, and the Judge or dertd the levy m asked lor by the Board of fBducattan, -and ilw Board Of CommlniunorB appealed to tbs Supreme C&irt. Th?? cam was ar gued before lite Supreme Court on AtlfUlt 3 lit. . Mr. I.imlsay -Q, Warren. County Attorney, who represented the Board of Commlselonera before Judge Bond. and. also argued the case. In 11m Supreme Court, when se-n tbla B fa?i Tfry much gratified over the decision of the Court. ThU mat ter received the moat carafuL atten tion when It wm presented to the Board of County Commissioners, and when they refnaed to maka the levy they acted on their baat busi ness Judgment, tf the Commission art had for m moment thought that the schools needed the money, they would. bav? tpade a levy, but they had absolutely convinced themselves that there would be sufficient money to maintain the schools without an additional tax. By judicious man agement the schools of the county will have sufficient funds to main tain them as required by law." NEGRO DROWNED IN TAR RIVER Fell From Boat In Which He Wm Flehing. Bodjr Wan Recovered This Morn tag. (By Eastern Pre??) Oreenvllle, Sept. 8.?Jack John Hon?not the Jack of paclt4.?tlc fame ??fall in the Tar river yesterday afternoon and waa drowned. His body waa fished out this morning, lie waa*ft year? of age.' Johbaon had been oat la the river -fishing and it la supposed that he (ell, over the aide of his craft. He could not swim. BIG INCREASE ? OF WAR EXPORTS Shipment of War Suppllc* to Europe Daring July Totalled Fifty M11 Hon Dollar?. Washington, Sept. 9.?American exports of war supplies are Increas ing enormously now that converted munitions plants are getting into swing. Figure? made public last night by the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce show that shlp mrnta of horses, mules, automobiles aeroplanes and explosives^ %1I class ed ss war upplles, aggregated near ly $50.000.600 in July. The principal Increase compared i with June exports was in the class!-1 flcafion of "ail other exploalvca," including ahellsand other ammuni tion of special manufacture which jumped from $6.011, 939, to $9, 329,303. Automobiles, the only Item, to show a material decrease, drop ped from 114,600,000 to $11,600, 000. H or sea and mulea to the value of 613.600,000 were exported in July, as against $10.600,000; 198 aero planes. valued at |880,886. were shipped, compared with 61 machines Worth $288,813 In Jane. July ex ports of cartridgea wore vglusd at 8J.487.761, about the same as the proceeding month; of dynamits $160.888, a slight increase and of tunpowder 34.567,93} compared with $8.334,648 In Juno. TO WWTQCr LOCAL KKHCCK WORKRRB Captain J. *L Owen?, of the Amer ican Rescue workers, will be In Washington September IS and 13 to Inspect the work that t h p local division Is doing. Services will be hold on tba streai Saturday srtafttoop and night and also on 8unday. The public l\ cordially invited to Attend these service# : . * ohanuhh in OWJUB. A big Improvement bas been m Kdo In the oHlcs arrangement of Buikln 41 Herry't store. The office has be' n enlarged to twlco Its former s:?e. been repainted aid now preMQt? s pott g|tr?f!W? ?ppeampco. TODAY'S GAME BEEN CANCELLED Contort IWween Wellington and Grlmeeland Tcwni Hm Boen Deferred. There will be no baseball same today between G rime? land and Washington. Announcement of the game was made daring th? ear]y Part of the week, but for ?orne rea-l son or other it has been cancelled. Manager Btftt'is out ?f tkw efty to day. It ia not known when the con* test will be played. PETERSBURG CONCERN MOVE? TO GOLD&BORO Virginia Lumber * Box Co. Will . Also Bolld R*ilr*o*d Into Its l<M-ge Timber Holding*. Goldsboro. Sept. 9.?President W. L. Nufer, of the Virginia Lum ber A Box company,' who has been In thla city several days looking over the field here gave out the statement tMa afternoon that his company would accept the proposi tion from the chamber of commerce and the business men of Goldsboro, who offered him a free site of SO acres of land! and will at an early date move th? plant from Peters burg to this city. Tho company has recently pur chafed a tremendous tract of tim ber near Seven Springs and will at once begin the construction of a rallfoad from that town to Golde boro. The payroll of this enterprise will amount to an estimated sum of close to fS.000 a week. Seer tary M. R. Beaman, of the Chamber of commerce. Informed rour correspondent that mdney had also been raised to purchase a free s!te for a prospective coffin factory and larfte grain mill. PM'lflC AT LATHAM. The announcement of a picnic at Whartoni which appeared in yes terday's laaue of the Daily News, was.an error. The picnic is to be held at .Latham. Everyone ia oor dlal y invited to be present. Brin# ? oaf baskets PRIVILEGED CAMP FOLLOWER IN ITALY . The only civilian fre<? from suspicion In the vicinity o.' the military campi in Italy Is the little woman camp (ollowat who sells scrapaft Ice to the soldiers. The one here seen at her cart and her baby are equal fsvorltcR with the flfhfiflffi: fo.' ADOPT BY-LAWS OF ASSOCIATION Will B*> One of the Maclpal Mat ten to fee Brought op by Me chant* Tonight. One of the principal matters to be brought up at tonight'H meeting of the Merchants' association, will be the adoption of by-laws and put ting the organisation on a working baals. A report will also be made on the credit books, which are expected to be Issued In the near future. All of the merchants, as far at can be learned, have sent In their Hats. The meeting will start st 8:30. lit I? urgently requested thai every member of the association be pre? GREENVILLE COUPLE WERE MARRIED HERE Rev. H. B. Seariglit Tlrd Knot for I Couple Who Motor***I to tills City Yerterday. Kinchin W. Cobb and Miss Doro thy D. Long, both of Greenville, were quietly married yesterday evening at the Presbyterian manse. Rev. H. B. Searight officiating. Both parties are prominent residents of Greenville and woll known through out thi? section. They motored to Washington yesterday and returned to Greenville last night. In the party were also Miss ltines, W. B. Wilson, Jr., and L. H. Randolph. LIST OF LKTTKR8 Remaining Uncalled tor in this office for the week ending . Washington, N. C.. Sept. 4, 1915. MHN? Franklin D. CundifT. Joe Grey Corey, C?C. Cotten. Dixie Theatre, H. B. 'Ives, N. c. Mfg. Co.. J. P. Prevatte, Theo. A. Smith, M 8. Tur ner WOMEN? j Mrs. Edna Chase. Miss Mary Eaves, Mrs. Gus Games. Mrs. Char He F. Humphlll, Miss E. L. Little, Aurella Lee, Miss Lilly Moore. Miss Lula Plnkham, Mrs. J. McConnell. Mrs. Hannsh Price, Miss Lula M Plnkbam. Mrs. K. Schoveld, Mis? Johnfe Sklic?. Tbjsee letters will he sent to the dead letter office September 20, 1915 If not delivered before, la calling for the above, please say "Adver tised" giving date of list. N HENRY MOORB. P. M Corset Dtn orstration " NEXT H KKK Br special arrangement. Mist Ball, an associate de*lgn*r of Kedfern Corsets. will be present at oar store from Monday, ffep. timber thlrUvtith, tx? M n? onlay, Hefrtemhrr rifhlftath. She will assist In our corset deparam*nt and will display the new Rcdfern models. We ahall be pleased to have you rflt mas your eofeet problem with MM Bell, and ?she ad van H ?r; of her r*. reptfowel nor*et kaowltdffeand e*. perlence. Personal fitting* can bp trranred by mill or telephone. BOWERS BROS. CO, NEGRO WITH WHISKEY IS TURNED LOOSF Not Sufflclfnt Evidence to Hold Henry Clark for Having Trunk Full of Liquor. Henry Clark, the drayman who was arrested Tuesday afternoon at the Norfolk Southern depot with a trunk full of liquor in his posses sion. was tried yesterday and turned loose. Clark stated that a man had giv en him the trunk check and a*ked hire to carry it to the Atlantic Coast Line pier. He alwo claimed that he knew nothing of the Identity of the man and did not know that the trunk contained any liquor. The officers went down to the pier but could find no one. BIG PICNIC AT THE PARK TODAY Urfee Number from Pinetotm Are Enjoying Outiiig at Washing ton Cork. I Portland. Mo., Sopl. 9 ?Robert E. Peary, who was r?tlre<l by act of Congress with th* rank .or R??ar Admiral In recognition nf his dis covery of the North Pole In 1909. today offered his ?arvices to the Navy Department for any duty he may b* ca'led upon to perform. The or?r was made In a letter to 8ecre tary Daniels." Air Itald* Over Knrclaml Continue. I.ondon. Sept. 9. -Air raids on | the eastern counties of England and on the London d'strlrl were con tinued last t Wednesday) ni*ht. Air craft dropped a number of bombs, and casualties and Arcs resulted. 8AYH llAKRR. .We have nevet ,..ufe a display of pictures simply at our expense. We bare always advertised for business, but wto have usod pictures common ly taken every day In our studio for sample?, y We have never tried our hand to ae<? how large and how flue work we can turn out, regard lene of cost In the n^xt ten days we are going to spend some money and time In getting up an elegant display of picture*. W? want you to see them: we want your oom menl Wo want It jnatly and hon ?ftly. HAKtEK'8 STUDIO. (jermiiM Take Wolkowyak. , Berlin, Sept. 9.?German forces that have been engaged In battle with the Russians In the district Berth of tfce Bielovlesh forest have captured lb* t\if of Wolk?r?*. About leventy-flve young people from Pinetown aie at Washington Park today, enjoying a big picnic. They arrived here this morning on a special train. The outing Is be ing conducted under ihc auspices of the Methodist Sunday School of Pinetown. The plcnlcers sp?u% the morning playing \ariou* games at the park and enjoying the excellent bathing Dlnnor was served .on ?h? grounds. Thny will return home this evening. PKARV OFFKRS SKKVICKS TO XAVV DK1WKTMF.NT ANNOUNCEMENT OF WEDDING Announcement M Jul v of Approach iiiK WcflditiM; iu High Point of MJtts ('Urn Harinun and E. K. Willi?, of till* City. (Special to the Dally Newt) .High Point. Sept. y.?Having de parted fr<mi the customary forui of announcements of marriage. perhaps one of the most unique, plrasing and surprising methods of announc ing a forthcoming wedding took place in the dining room of the El wood hotel here last night when the marriage of Miss Clara Harmon, of this city, vab announced to E K Willis, of WaKhlngton, N. C. Sixteen | of the poravnal friends of the bride to be were invited to bupper on this night. During the course of the ' splendid repast especially prepared for the occasion by J. Lewis Wood son. a "birthday cake" was placed in th' center of the table surround ed hy the friends of Mir* Harmon On this cake were the dumber of candles representing the years of age of this young lady M'.ss Har mon was asked to "blow out" the candles or as many as possible' a? Is customary and while ?o doing Ed Itagan. uncle of Miss Harmon, with drew from under the cake a larg* bow of ribbon, when untied t'.u: wasj seen thereon "Wi|Hs-liu mon' then Rob rt Itagan. r thor unci? withdrew another lai; bow on which w?s p.'jnU ' In ?*1; "< to ber 20. 1.115. ' . "With l"..? U: ?1 L tiff ? - inn? of ' pleasant mi-pi ??. ? ngratulatlons 1 were In ?. .! T ;.nd wer? extended cordially. Miss Harmon in on- of thf city'* most attractive young ladled and in prominently connected in t lie county Rnd In a leader of the Delta Taua. Mr. Willis is b resident of WaBli ington, N. C.. and 1b ? prominent youn* buBinens man uf that city. KNTBRTAI.VKI) IN H(?\OH OF WASH 1X(>Tt >\ I.A l>Y Farmvjlle. Sept. 9.- hast Friday evening from 8:30 to 11:30 Mr and Mrs. I. F. Puryar delightfully en tertained a number of th??lr friend? in honor of their ?Inter, MIrk Ruth Kverett, of Washington. N. C. The guentii were met at thn door hy Mr. and Mm. Puryesr and ushered into thr spac!ous sitting room where they all engaged In "Progressive Rook." whiqh wsh greatly enjoyed hy all. Mia? May Rarrett won the first prise, a lovely white crepe de chine handkerchief, which she very (harmlngly presented to the guest of honor. Mr. Harvey Turnaga won the consolation prise. A delightful fruit course and mints wer? served and as the midnight hour had al most upproach'd they all took their departure, after having voted Mr. and M re. Puryear charming eater talnera. Those present were Red Morton I with Mlsa May Rarrett: CbaMer' Rmlth with Miss Marie Chrlstman; Harvey Turnage with Miaa Annie Laarle l^ang; Dr. Moaely with Miaa Rora Moore; Hubert Joyaer with Mlas Mamie R. Pollard; Carl Tyson with Miss Minnie Thorite; Dr. Lee Car* with Miaa Sue Tharaa; Ala* Rynum with Mlas Rath ??fratt. i .Ut.....? :? ' v YATES WEI OPPOSED TO LARGE NAVY CHAIRMAN OP JUDICIARY COM MITTEB WONT VOTE FOR PLAX. WASTE OF MONEY Mr. Webb Ray*, However, That He i? F*Tonblc to a Strong and Ad* equate Nary, but Oppose? I'sdrM Expenditure*. (By Parker R Anderson) Washington. 8ept. 9.?Represen tative Vato* Webb, chairman of the house Judiciary committee, |a op. pobcj to an appropriation of 000,000 .for tie navy and iJ^aTso opposed to a standing army of 500, 000. He. like Representatives Claude KHchtn and Robert Pago, favors a strong, adequate navy e nual to the necessities of tbe coun try "I certainly shall not vote for any ! 00.000 standing army nor an ap propriation of $500.000.000 for tho i avy, as some of the advocates for * larger navy favor,"' said Mr. Webb ' Tliere might have been some sense mi such expenditures two years ago but :f ever there was a time when we need not waste money for the army and navy it 1b now. With sll Europe in a death-iike Hruggle and * ith billion?- of dollar-, ef debt* hanging over them and increasing every day. we need have no :-ar of any of the European countries tuak ng war agatnst us for year? to come. "I am In favor of a strong, ade quate navy, equal to t lie necessities of our country. Out 1 do not want any overgrown, bullying army and navy. 1 want both to always be subordinate to the will of tbe Amer ican people." TO BEGIN STUDY ON OCTOBER 1 h\|MM**il Tlim Main New Mi-uiImtm Will J"in <'Imut-unpin l.itrrnry and Srirntifle Cirri?*. hp Chautauqua Literary and S :!flc Circle will begin lin a??rlej? of - . Imps and course of etudv Int. -i?r t]j?> ?easou of 1915 f?16 li is ? Xperted that a num .'r of new members will Jon the Circle this neaion. and lh"sc are requested to rommunlca'p with Mi*? Lena Wlndley in ord--r that hooks may be i'cured for litem. They ar?? requested to ate-nd to this at ? once. in order to avoid futur?* delay and inconvenience JOE ROWE TO TEACH AT TRENTON, N. C. Itr"ufort County Vduiik Man Is Hon or?**! With Important Position. Joseph V. Howp, of Small, has accepted a poalllon as principal of the Trenton. N. c\. hiich srlr.iol and will begin leaching th?rc Monday. September 13th. Mr. Rr>we prarhinted with an A H degree from Carolina University last year Ills many frl^nda In the county will be delighted with the new* of his appointment and will wish him unlimited auceea? In hla Held of work. TO-NIGHT 'R*d fkar of Courag?' 2 Re?lft 'When Cidrrviilp went Dry' 1 Re?l Comedy "Pair. Fit and Baucjr" 1 Reel Com?dv 'H?*rst-Sel1g N?Wb" 'Tarn of tli? WhMl 1 Re* I Dram* Pri? ? h l*e.

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