WA3HWGTOM N. C. FRIDAY MTKRNOQN SEPTEMBER 10. 1115 Now *7 H tir. HHI1U 0? s*w .uaocTAnoM was PLANS FORMED Tl>? Urit regular meeting of tU* Waehlngtoa Balneal ??'? Aeeo cletlon ?1? held last ? l(kt ln UM room? of tke Cham bar of Conaim. * repreeantallve body ot merchant? ??? preeent. By-law* war* adopt ed, the election of o?eara completed aa executive committee appointed. *?4 otk?r Important matter? ware atteadad to. Follow! Of ar? tb? o Boar? ot the aaaoetatloa. Preeldeat?J. It Hoyt. Vlca-President?J. T Bnckman. Treasurer?W. H. Rosa. ?*ra?arr?J. D. Paul. Tbe following war? appointed to ??"? " aa ?xect*lre committee. Claude Uttla, F. J. Berry. C. A. Flyaa, E. R. Tout, T. 8. Worth; and F. T. Phillip*. H waa decided that th? aaaaal meeting? ba bald oa the third Taaa-' dar In September Re(alar moat'h . lj meetings wiu ba. held oa th? third Tuesday of cach month There waa eonelderahle dlscuaalon ?? to the ha? means of carrying oat the work of th? organisation and maay excellent plana were ?1(|M ed. Another aaaatlng will be Md aa TmMsi. Beptember list. 't : BANK Or WASHINGTON MAKES GOOD SHOWING Highly HaHafigWT Report of Baaka Conditio?! la Olvrv Out. A good ladlcaHoa or the proapar Uy of a city la the oaadlUoa of It? baaklag Inatltnlllona. The Baak of Washington, la their advertisement today, give oat a statement, which lacladaa their business ap to Sep tsmber sacoad. At the laat report o( this iMtak, th? loaas aad dtacoaati war? given at tttl.SSS.4P. The pres?at report ?bow? them tS be tSll.tll ll Caah aad daa from baaka waa tll.?t7.U aad la now t?l,l?7.<5. Undivided produ war* ?11.77?.11 aad ar? sow til,til.M. Bills payable war? 11?.00?.00 aad are aow ttt.ooo.oo. NiNDtR op nmni DICRSAffi IN MUROH Ralegh. Sept. it.?The noatbly report of Chl?f of Polto? C. M. Wal ter* show? that US arrests were la Aagaet. a eabetaatl*! de eraaaa when eompared with Attsabt UK. whan ov?r too arraat? ware made. Whlta people arrested ware ?men/It: wamaa, 7. Colored mm. 7?; woman. 7. The report la remarkaM? for th? nnall numb* ut dranke arreeted, 11. aa agalaet tka former average of It* eavry month HUMANI ON Q?ort? Birron vsi brought up before tke recorder on two jnalerdar?dlaorderlj conduct tod He waa ?HM coeta In both mu itmi thought t bat the "Virginia DarwJHrll." who recently i??? ?n exhibition la thti otti. didn't bare anything _pn him. tad h? proceeded to prore hI? theorr br cUmhlng op tli* ouulde wall of tha Naw Thaatre and entering In tha second at or 7 window. Ha made tha climb euc caaatnllr. h ?t. ha found an offlcer awaiting him when ha got through. Oeorge uyi. "Nerer again!" CREDIT UNION AT NEW BERN Merrtuu*?' ?f thai Citj P Wig Orgsmlsetfcm Similar to the Our H^f. (By Eastern Proas) j New Bern, Sept. 10.?Almost Mty local merchant? and repreaen j tati ve bus! nese men o t New Bern I have signed the contract of organi sation for a credit union and are co-operating to belter the local cred it and trade conditions. Hearty en dorsement baa been given the or ganisation and practically no onpo jsltion of any kind has been voiced I against the project. ? meeting fa | to be bold next week wben perma nent plans of organisation will be adopted. J. T- Henry, state organiser, has been working np interest In tbe local organisation and will remain bere uatll every "business man and pro fessional man has co-operated in tbe work. He will t ben visit every merchant la Craven, Jones, Pamlico, ; Onslow and Carteret counties, gegt ting tbetr support Inma^g on J of the State in this district. CARTHAOB POOTOKFICB 18 LOOTED BY YHUOMEN - ' ' ? The Yeggs .Make Watchman Lie Down. Put Doner BUI Over Hie Ryes and THB Him to bo Quirt. (Special to thfl. Dally News) Carthsgc, Sept. 10.?Two yegg men entered the post office here tbls morning at. 2 o'clock, cracked the safe and secured Its contents con sisting of about $1.500 worth of stamps and between $200 and $300 In cash. The town watchman was attract ed towards thes cene by a noise previous to tfh explosion and upon approact^ng the yeggtmen covered him ', with pistols, conducted him some'50 feet from the building, esnsed him to lie down flat oh nls bsck snd placed a $1 bill over his eyes and requeated him to keep Quiet. He obeyed orders to the let ter, while the looters performed the Job. After finishing they backed off and informed the ofQosr he could get up. The, officer iguv thoin leave snd gave the alarm ,tot flherlff Blue, who IS following upr.{M meagre clusa he 4au obtain. ' ; r prit iTn i fivbst nftm at s: k. ad.%mh , * op. t-lMtl NEXT WEEK IS REDFERN.( WEEK j/t In down In fodr memory?tt 1? An event worth Attending -and dnVf fall to com? In some time dur ing the week. 7 :'~u *'*? N 1 Mlse Bell, en aasocUt* designer ?f Redfern Corsets. will be with us and will gtre you mtn/ valuable, suggestion* about corset?, how to Weer them, and the corset for four ( particular type of figure- sufgea- | II mean a greet deal to appearance. Come n the morning, if possible, as the ?ection will be le? crowded then. iO?. COMPANY MEDICAL EXAMINATION { OF SERVANTS IS URGED IN WASHINGTON Local Citizen Cites Cases Wherein Diseases Have Been Carried Into the Home by Means of Infected Servants. Editor Washington Daily New?, Iff dsar sir: ? , . t- t Ws, M Citizen* of a progressive dtr should seriously consider a Medical Inspection lpw for all par ?ona who ara oogagod in cooking, laundry work, tabla and dining aat vice, or in any occupation whore there is great danger of disease con tamination. 1 Many of oar Southern cities now have such a protecting law an4 In estimable benefit has been shown. In municipalities harlng such a law both the health of the cltlsaoa and the working capacity of the servants hare increased in direct proportion to the stringency of the Medical ex amination. This summer I had the opportun ity of examining scores of patients of an out-patient clinic at a large Southern medical institution. In looking orer my medical charts at the conclusion of the season I no ticed that a heavy percentage of my patients were either cooks, waiter*; butlers, washerwomen or nurses? Just such a class of servants that come in direct communication with our homes. I cannot help but feel [thst a brief recspttnlMlon of la emsll part of gathered statistics will make my appeal more ?lrenlc than i( would othsrwlse be. Of 34 hotel waiters examined, >6 were shown to be In moderate ad vanced or far advaaeed stages of tuberculosis. The other 8 waiters were Incipient case? of tubaronjosi*. An ekMtfWWg of ?T ?w*a. both at" private homes, clubs, restaurants snd hotels, showed an alarming number--* 4-of specified cases These cook*. previously unexamined, nor. forbldden by Uw, daily handled the food that wm ?erred Ufon the table ?sain, of 11? nursia coming un der my observation at'<Jhe clinic, 98 war? speclflcly In fee tod. . 12 were modartftely advanced e|in of tuber culoels, I had laryngeal diphtheria, and the remaining 4 'were In the final stage? of military tuberculosis. Oat of 8f washerwomen, 38 were employed to do laundry work at private homes, 1 at steam laundries and 1 at a Chlneee laundry. There were contagions diseases in the home* of 86 of these women?mea sles, mumps, scarlet fever, whoop ing cough and diphtheria, and yet the family laundry was sent into the home ?vary week to form one of the many portals of entry for disease to Itsr occupant?. I will not burden you with a monotonous column of medical sta tistics, however I hope I have cited enough Instances to show how we are dally jeopardised by filth and disease. Is It not a miracle that these people are not the cause of the stalking abroad, during the night of our social negligence, or horrible Pandemics. 1 hope and earnestly request that you let your paper serve ax the medium for thla social advancement t feel sure that the ph^alclans and an overwhelmingly majority of our eitlaens will cooperate with you to make Washington city. ia JVoroFCarSffna' ta the protection of the health of her people. ALLB.V H. MOORE. COMMENDS LOCAL BANK FOR AIDING FARMERS National Concern Writes First Na tional Bank in Regard to Ad vancing Money on Cotton Stored in Warehouses. 8t. Louis, Mo.. Sept. 1, 1916. The First National Bank, Washington, N. C. * Gentlemen: Attention: Mr. A. M Dumay, Our Mr. W. T. Bailey, Jr.. wfco represents us in the Carolina terri tory and resides at ^Washington, N. C.. has cut out frop your local paper your ad. addreaaed to the farmers lh your community advis ing your wlllUtgneqp to advance them money on ootton stored In standard warehouses, at a rate of 6 per cent per annum. This company only wlahe? there were more bankers In the Eaet and South who were purualng the aame DKLDCMTBH ABB KLFHTKV) 1X> W. C. T. II. COJfVBPfTlON At tta? mating or th? W. C. T. U. yevterday afternoon, Mrs. Fannie SuftK* and Mrs. C. 0. Morris were elected to attend the fltate meeting which la ?oon lo convene in Raleigh. Mre. R. T. Stewart and Mre. C. F. Biand wera elected alter mm *' " ? *4; AT THE BELLMO ' ' ?AMOiai "Thft DIAMOND FROM TWB :KT" "OU Fiw. With t*ew ruu" VC7T1 BMi In.lM W.k SanraiUnn BiAuirtm! uyvw* ? AM ^ i ?CROSBBD WIRfOR" I itu^ ' s r; Whouwr ??Kin Ik* f? )??? Mit? not?c? U ?MU. ?M ' *"?<? ??ta course you are. We are sure were thry to dd so. generally the South today would be in a different posi tion than It 1>. Your advertlxed Interest rate is on a "live and let live" base, and ahou!d be appreciated by every man living In your vicinity, rapeclally those who have come in contact with tho 10, 12 and 15 per cent bankers. We want to assure you that ahould , this house have any business to tranaact In your vicinity.--that bus Ineas will be placed through your good bank. Your* very truly, I - , Parlln & Orendorff Plow Co. of 8t. Louis. i Paul R. McCoy. Mgr. HKT MUD THAI* FOH AVTO. Tfcrti Farmer |lff a Day Poll Ing Out MswhhnI Machine?. Wilerlown. 8. D., Sept. 10.?^-Thlt county bat one who la an active candidate for the title of "meanest man." While travelling In th' weatern part of the county, lfaurlc A. Ilockman. aaperlntendent of brldgee, became atuck with h!? au tomoblle In a mudhole In front of a farmhouae, and the farmer waa call ed oa to help extricate the maehlne. Rainfall had been acant. and In quiry developed that th? farmer bad dag a pit la the road and filled It I wMh water hauled In a tank. Hej ooaleaaed to Mr, Hoc k m an that the; m ad hole had o^tpd about fit a I day. Ha waa aavfng the moaay for aa automobile. tVTNRIHK MUCAD AND OJ* tfca mi aon- y can b?y. M i. B, I ADAMB * CO. I-IMH. 'v WIELDERS OF HAND GRENADES The hand grenade as a war weapon la being used with considerable success on the firing line. To protect the grenadiers from being overcome by. the poisonous gases rblch are used with such telling effect by the Ger mans. a special manic which prevents the inhalation of the gasee hue been brought Into use. Heavy helmets guard sgalnat Injury from bursting shell! overhead, and to complete the antldcath costume worn by the grenadiers they wear a bullet-proof waistcoat The photograph pictures two of the** French grenadu-throwers. equlppod 6lth their grotesque proofs *gsin?t death, in tho act of throwing grenades nt the enemy. NORTH CAROLINA WOMEN IN PLAN FOR MEMORIAL Movement Extends Throughout the South for Organizing Permanent Memorial to Mrs. Wilson. (Special to the Daily News) Xlrs. R. J. Reynolds, State Presi .Ieni-fftr North Carolina of the Klion Wilson Memorial, is making plans for the orgunization of committee* of leading women, of tbc state for the purpose of raising fund* for thf pormaueut memorial to tiio wife of President Wilson. It Ik hoped to have the movement indumeri by th?? 'tato Federation of Womeu's Club*, the Daughter* of the American Rev olution, the United Daughter? of the Confederacy, the Colonial Dames Church Societies, mid other social tnd patriotic orders of women, as well as by individuals, and not only thoir indorsem nt. but ihelr active "o-operat!on in the movement. The movement of the memorial, although it originated in the South, is national in its scape. and it is ex pected that 1?' fore Ionu women all over the country will bo working | for it and will make it one of the i 107,000 POUNDS SOLD TODAY! I<<>ral WarclmuM^ KnJojnl <?o<m1| l>ny'H Sales . 10?.00* pouiiftd of tobacco waul ao'tl at t ho local warehouses thin | morning, divided an follows?: 12,000. 30.000 and 66.000. Market prices Mill continue excellent. Today'? was one of the larftcnt Rales of the bvason at* the local market. riCOMI.VKNT WILMIN'OTON MAN l?IKS OF RRKJHTK RISKA.HF.1 Wilmington. Sept. 10.?0?orgcl W Kidder, one of Wilmington'* best known and ronst prominent j citizens, died today at his cottage WrlRhtavllte Beach after two week'x| lines* of acute BrlRht'a difleaae, In j he 74th year of his a*e. 9PMC7VAI? FOR HAT1 RI?AY?AR movr Star Hanu and Majeatlcl Hams at 18o par pound Phone | 97. J. E. AT>AM8 A CO. KXC*ELtiK\ T I (<CM.1L \>1 M;.. TUK.tTHK TONIGHT The New Theatr? offer? tonight ono of the * best #1x reel prograinr that they have had for Bome time The fourth aorlpa of the "Who Pays" serifs will hp Rhown. pntltlpd "Thp Love Liar." and will no douht he the strongest pictures in this aeries yet ahown. Thpre will alsn l?p a three reel Hroariway feature picture by the Vitagraph company entitled "In the t>aya of Famine.** Ab evpry on? know* the quality of ?h?'ae Hrofidwny featurp picture* It 'a useless to say a word for thpni With Rurh a program an tonlgh^'p the New TliPHtrp should l?e pack'd HWH II \ KKH. I am* look in p and expecting you 'o show up every day. I.OHT: ON K POOTMjK IKHi; Nam.d "Trlxle." Finder plpasp return to Mr*. W. H. Horner, Charlotte St 9-10 2tc. / greatest enterprises of thf sort e\ undertaken by the women of this? country. When the matter of a memorial to Mn Wilson ?a.- ?a;d before the President last summer by Mrs. 11. 1. Hughes. of Kome, Ga , the town iu which Mrs. Wilson was educated. -ugRistinp thai Mr. Wilson ad via* the form the memorial should take, he wrote expressing his appreciation and stating: "My own judgment would be that it would he best raise a fund which should he an en dow m ? nt. the in ter en t of which I should be used to pay the way I through school of mountain boy? and girls,?because I know tha: this .s what Mrs. Wilson would have done If she had had the means and op | portunlty. She was paying for t' education of several herself !r:?r , yir to year. It mle* ? be c.illec I the Ellen Wilson Fu I for th" [ Christian Et'ucat -.i cf Moui Tin I Youth." "GOOD TASTE" RYSTAL ICE CREAM FRESH REACH ITS FINE?TRY IT. ALSO OTXZil FLAVORS. ? Crystal Ice Company PHONE S3 WASHINGTON, N. C ASKED FOR REMOVAL > OF DilBA AUSTRIAN ENVOY IS NO LONGKK ACCEPTABLE TO THE U. 0. GOVERNMENT. NOTE ELSENT Unhivwvlcr Peuflel d at Vinuu In wtrocted to Notify tike Foreign Office of Wlutf Action Has I lorn Taken. Wm Made Public L?-t Night. Washington, D. C . Sept 10.? Dr. ?'onatantine Dumbs 1* no longer ac ceptable to the United States gov ernment ai an envoy to this coun try and action has been taken tu wsrds having him removed A in bas se ior Penfleld. the representative of the United Stateb at Vienna, was y sterday notified by cable to de liver the following note to the for office: "Mr Constantlne Dumba, the A u. tr?-H ungarian ambassador at tta-lwngton, has Admitted that he j? jpuht-d to his government plans io 5: c k a if Htrikes In American niauu I: cluriug plants engaged In tho production of munition? of war The iniormation reached this govern ment through a copy of a letter of ihf> ambassador io his government. The bearer tra* an American citlx*? nauird Archibald who wa? traveling undir au American passpirt. The imbasxailor had admitted that he "inployed Archibald to bear ufTUial ilspau-he* fro him to his govern ment "By reason of the admitted pur pose and Intent of Mr. Dumb* to conspire Io ryippl" -lepitimat?* in Justrle? of the people of the t nited Slates and lo in'erupl ihelr legiti mate trad'-, and by reason of the flagrant violation of diplomatic pro priety in employing an American e:tlx*n protected by an American paHspori a? a secret bearer of off! ctal despatched through the lin s of th?- enemy ol Au>iria-Hungrary, the President directs me to inform your ? -M-ellenry that Mr l.'umba Is n/ longer acceptable to the go ver. men t r?f the I'nit^d Stat"?? a*. the ambas sador of hi* imperial majesty at Washing! on ' /leli^vlng l hat lh?- imperial and n: ' ftovernmoDi will realize that th *rnm?ni of (lie l*::ited Statva hatt i? .tli?*rnatlve bat to request the Wttl. f Mr. IlunibA on account of i ;:.iprup?r conduct. the govern ment of the Cntted States expresses :t* <r ?-p recrg?*! thai 1 liin co'?rne bas jecome nccoMary and a?vs?ir?-a th? mperlal and ropa! government that 't alncerely dof.ire* to continue the rurdial arid friendly r' lationa which ?*xlnt between-1ho 1'nited Stales and Auatr!a-llungary *? I'RIMITVVR IMPTIUTK IK ?1.1? YK\KI,V MKKTI\<; Meeting Will He Held Hcp(?'tnl)?r I I and 12. Puhlic Cordially Invited. Thor?? will ho a yearly meeting >*|'| at iho Primitive Haptlst church on North Market Rtrooi September 11 and 12 Services will be con durted by Klder* N A Harrison and .1 *N. Modgoraon. who are gifted mlnlpfpr* The public in cordially nvlted lo he presen'. KPH? IAI, I.OW 1'IIK KS OX NlVOKR Dry Goods, nto . at J K ADAMS & CO 9-10 -fir. TO-NIGHT 4th 8?r1** of "WHO PAYS" 3 R?#ls V H ft graph Offers In th* Days of Fam'ne" Broad way Feature "THK LOVK WAR Pric S klic

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