Str-jR NEWS )N SEPTEMBER 11. 1915 i . ? . . No. H CLAIMED HE WAS CONJURED fwrwiT'. ?:? VNV8VAL 4UKOK ACiAIKBT A rtUBMD. A QUEER CASE Da via Ia AoeMta? Aretm *mm4 H Up ta O?rt '(By Eastern Preae) ^ * Kinaton, Sept. 11.?Aretus War ley, a prominent real dent of Pink Hill, ha? had ft pcafte warrant aerv \ ed upon him on the complaint of ona Anthony Davis, who also realdea U that aoeilon. The ronton (or aerv lag the warrant la an exceedingly unusual one and has caused much amassment to the local officials. Davis claims that Worley "con jured" him. According to hla Ac counts Worley mot him near Pink Hill eererft! days ago on d they t topped and tftlked together. Wpr . ley draw Davis' picture on ft trco with ft piece Of ehftlk. aaylng that he waa going to ahow Davis a tunny trick. After the picture had Mar . ? completed. Davi* alleges that Wor ley boilt a Or? directly in front of the picture. The Are waa made of many different ? kinds of wood and herbe. When a thick ?moke ftroae, Worley, according to Davis, backed off a Uttle way. drew out a revolver and ahot what he claimed waa a sil ver bullet. Both of thorn mast to aoa whore the buHot had struck the picture and It waa found that it had atruek the left arm. 'All this happened acveral daya ago. Today Da via appearod at the Sheriff's office and swore ont a war b rant against Worley. When asked for hla reason, he rolled up tho aloeve .of hie left arm and poiaUd t ; to a had ?ore la th# idsnti 1 cal spot where WoMey's bullet had hit the pleturs qb tho tree. Worley .will be brought before the magistrata'a court some time ftext week oa. Davis' charge. ^ At ti f. ~ Regular services will be held at the Christian church tomorrow; oervlees being conducted by Rev. R. V. Hope.. E. EDWARDS IS ACQUITTED Wag Given Trial by Jury Yestcartay. Jury Took Only 18 Minute? to Arrive at a Verdict. Ski m on d Edwards, who was ar rested a few days ago. charged with having, too much liquor in his bar bershop. was given a trial by Jury yesterday morning and waa acquit ted. He waa represented by W. C. Rodman. The jury constated of W. H. Barrlngton. jr., John A. Reaps an, O. J. Cutlsr. Chsrlea Baynor, Charlea 8. Jack eon and Charles Woolard. It took them only 16 minutes to reach a verdict. ?_ r FUfHJBT FRUITS AT J. E. ADAM8 AGO- _1L f-10-ltc. WILLIAMSTON LADIES f I MARE CRUSADE AGAINST VICE IN THAT CITY Putting Stop to Gambling, Cigarette Smoking, Wasteful Card Playing and Evil Movie Shows. WOMEN'S CLUB IS ORGANIZED The WilUamaton .Woman's Club was organized tast week with the following officers: Mrs. W. 0. Har rell. President; Mrs. Wheeler liar tinll Jt.. Vice-President; Mrs. P. W. Heft,' Md *\flce-?repl<Jent;" Mrs. * A. D. Mlc?II, a**retgry; Mre.' Jobn Li Hasnell, Treasurer. The woueft. began a careful In quiry to find Jqst whyit their friends end bods were doing when not en gaged la their. usual duties of the day. And to their utter astonish ment, they found certain men who would Secrete themselves In some back room and play poker. Other young men, It was discovered, were breaking into public buildings. The school building had actuairy been broken, into on many occasions and high-handed gambling carried on. It was also found that the court house had been entered by opening a de fective blind and playing in the petit jury room. But the.thing that was molt mortifying to the good women, was that many of them found that their small boya had seen with their keSn and quick discerning eyes, the playing and gambling by their Teth ers and older brothers, and were likewise congregating in outbuild ings, clumps of woods and in other hiding places and were gaming too. No one ?'c* surprised at finding the boya playing, as they had seen their own fathers, lawmakers, doctors, lawyers; educators, town , officers, lty playing, and certainly they fol lowed along. Th* women handled the situation by simply asking thetr husbands and sons to stop and look at their! examples, and by keeping a more vigilant eye on the email boy. The result has been that more than 60 per cent, of this dangerous habit has been stopped. They found that the playftig of rook, set beck, bridge, etc.,*to an excess was detrimental, and a cause for time-wasting; they fecund that 47 glrlg and 21 boys had~br<eA tardy and lost their places on the honor roll caused by late rook playing at night and late sleeping in the morn ing. That a few family spata had occurred because of the neglect to heve some small things looked after such as aewlng buttons on pants, etc., which might easily have been done in the hours of wasted time. The club has been wonderfully successful with this problem by ad vising their members and friends to have an occasional game In some good home where a pleasant even ing can be passed surrounded by the proper atmosphere. Another very Important discovery was the finding by 'many mothers that their own little boys were smok ing cigarettes. All these boys had been told many times not to smoke, and had given their solemn promise not to do It. But force was brought to besr^on them by their larger as sociates and the seeing of growil ] ups, doctors, lawyers and others | very prominent in the town whom | NEXT WEEK IS REDFERN WEEK Jot tt down In your memory?It !? an event worth attending?and ' v ' t * j don't foil to come In some Ume dur ing Hie week. Mlu Ball, an aeaoclato deeigner of Redfern Coractn, will be with na and will give you many valuable auggeetlon* about corset*. how to wonr them, and the eoraet for your particular type of figure?auggea tlona that trill mean a. treat deal to your health and appearance. Come In the morning.' It* poatflble. it the ?action will be 1e?a crowded then. u | BOWERS SROS. COMPANY they had chosen as their model. The result has been that every man has agreed to do hie beat to prevent any other person from beginning a hab it that If so deetructlre to the brain tissue. And yon can now find ?try few boys on the atreetg picking up cigar and cigarette stamps. OAe other discovery made which was s surprise was that the town Is paying out more for shows than It Is for schools. 1N0 complaint was heard at the coat at shows, but much growling and kicking against taxee. It was conceded that an oc casional show of good movlog pic tures is not real harmful. But the great number of pictures of heinous men and beasts were making the wrong impressions upon the young minds of the town. The film trusts bad advertised thousands of scenes that had no foundation of truth in them?had organised .voting con ing contests, drawing contests and other thing? calculated to excite the mind and drift it from the thoughts of mors important and real things. Now only an occasion?^ show which Is strictly censored More it is allowed. The bi>f boanuof the film trusts have been removed from the prominent corners, especially the postoffice. and the picture'Show ha? been placcd behind the home, the church and the school. And much better results are seen in the tschool work. * ara only ^ k.which have been accomplished, s* there sre hundreds of things In ev ery town which may be Improved. And we have the faith in our wo men to believe that they will do their full duty. HAD CRAP GAME; EVERYBODY LOST Six Young Xeftro Boys Were Ar retted by t ho Police Yesterday. A "crap" game, of rather unusual nature, occurred on the gun club grounds yesterday. The "unusual" part of the game was that slthough there were, six participants, every one of them lost. The game was conducted by slXi young colored boys. They were hard at .It when two police officers arrived on the seen*. The officers had a hard time coralling the yotyigsters, but finally succeeded In landing all of them in court. The evidence in the court showed that the gam* was quite a heavy ono ??the defendant? admitting that they shot as high as two cents throw. They were fined costs of court? about $17.00, which they split up among them. The court also ad vised the use of a rattan on certain parts of the anatomy by the parents Pt the boys. % MUCH l.igroil 18 STOLEN. HendersonvlUe. Sept. 11.?About 80 quart* of nil kinds of whiskey from the vsrj bent to ths lowest grades were s:clen out of the local <>xpr in office Isst niRht. Ths th/eves made the'r entrance by way of the colored waiting room through a transom window In the passenger depot of the Southern railway com pany ' The discovery was msde ral ly thta morning and a search was made nea rthe building wh'.ch re vealed the traoks of an autonnobtls. Detectives are aow on the Jok and It Is thought that the guilty parties will be apprehended at once. IMMKIA <*>N9 TO OOUMBOKO. Washington, Sept. \\.?Secretary of the Nary Daniels left laat night far Ooldsboro. N C-, to participate la the celebrstloa of the SOth snnlrer nary of' hfa mother*? birthday. He will return Monday. uphtial um nucM on shokh Dry Ooode, etc., at f B. ADAMS * CO Mftto [E RAILWAY USED BY THE AUSTRIANS . . ? n?c?ti?a th? r^traatlng Russian? destroyed th? steam railway?, the Austrian* In Iholr lnvi.?.?n of Poland war? ?ompcllad to build light horaa railways for tli** transportation of supplfc? to their swiftly advancing front GREAT INTEREST IN BARACA WORK CnraTlraeat tn Clim M Mctluxli-t Church 1? Increasing Every Wm*. InUrnUng litwoos. Since the very beginning of tho present friendly contest into which the Baraca clas? of the Methodist church has entered, there has been more enthusiasm displayed upon the part of each member of the cla? than ever before, la fact there are a larger number who really seem to have the Interest of the class at heart than upon previous occasion?, and the class Is growing larger and ^larger each week. Not only has In terest bsen revived by the old mem bers but quite s number of new fac*>s are seen every Sunday. Last Sunday the Baraea room was almost filled to Its capacity and it is likely that they, will have to cur tain off a section in the main audi torium until suitable quartera can :an j be prepared wherein the Increasing! attendance can be properly accom-l W: IW. Kear Is the teacher and has proven himself to be not only efficient, bnt IgXerestlng when it comes to explaining the Sunday School lesson. Ao invitation is extended to ev ery man and boy over 16 ye^ra of age. All under 16 are invited to J attend \he regular Sunday School session, wh'ch meets at 9:45 every Sunday morning. to proseci:tk men WHO WRONGKD II1M W. J. Nichols Asks (inuid Jury In vevti^juion of Certain Men In Oklaliomu. Raleigh, Sept. 11.?The troubles of W. J. Nichols, the Pitt county man, who claims that he was un justly Imprisoned in the federal prison at eLavenworth, Kan., on tlri charge of ualng the mall* to defraud will get an airing befpre the Fed eral Corut in North Carolina if a Joint letter and petition signed by prominent friends of Nicholas ask ing a federal grand jury Investiga tion of charges made by Nichol* re ceive? favorable attention. The Immediate alleged unlawful aet, the investigation of which Is asked, is in connection with Nchols' relations with a Arm of attorneys io Oklahoma, it being charged that these attorneys accepted pay for getting Nichols' case apepalpd to the Oklahonte Court of Appeals and made only a& Indifferent effort to effect the appeal. Included in the evidence Is SA affidavit from the (tank of Karmvllle that Mrs. Ms rlnda V. Cobb, a sister of Nichols, deposited the* sum of three hundred dollars to the-credlt of the Oklahoma lawyers and that they drew It all out with the exception of fifteen dollars. It is claimed that thin act of the Oklahoma attorney? Is a part of a conspiracy, the head of which was another Oklahoma lawyer with whom the North Carolinian had rel atione. As a result of the latter phase of the conspiracy, Nichols claimed that he was robbed of thous ands of dollars, snd If he can have his way the lawyer who he nays not hie money will be brought to North Carolina and tried before the Fed eral Court. Mr. Nichols went from this State to Oklahoma about eight years ago. He was at one time a member of the North Carolina legislature. X FH'NRIHK RRRAD AM> nAKW? tho bMt raon v can at J, JS. ARAMS * CO * *- J BATHING SUIT BRIGADE ON TRIAL lx?cal Vounx Mm Are Today at Hath Where Tliey Are lleing Tried fur "Indecent Kkimmutc." The many friends of Postmaster N. Henry Moore and Charles, Fred and" Allen Moore are today finding keen enjoyment over the rather un usual pr <~d!cament in which Messrs. Mourn have found themselves. It appears that the above named gent'.emen, in company with a U. 8. Postofficu Inspector, who was here at the lime, went down the river Sunday in Postmaster Moore's speed boat, the 36-Long. The boat iS built fonliigh speed and when she travels through the water she throws con siderable spray, hi order to avo:d wetting their clothes, the passengers attired themsolvos In bathing suits. On the way down the river, the Fostotlice" inspector was told of the many historical spots in Bath and he expressed a desire to see them for himself. According the was headed up Bath Creek and the pass of era disembarked when the to^n Vfc* reached. Attired in their bathing nulls, which were partly covered by rain coal?, the party proceeded to take in the Highly of the town. The na tives were contilderably a?toH4?he<l A.'ter having shown the inspector the old governor's man-ion, tin church and other points of int' rest, the party returned ro the So-Long and camv back home to Washing ton. Yesterday, however, Messrs. Moore notified that they were under arrest for indecent exposure nn th streets, of Bath. They were notified to be at the court in thai city toda v. where the rase is to be brought up The outcome is awaited with a good deal of Interest. MAYOR DUNN IN ACCIDENT Accident Occurred i.n Hrlclf** '>V'*l Tar (liver ?I Cir*i*nvHle I ?asi Night. C LSy Eastern Press-? Greenville. Sept. 11.?A serious accident was narrowly averted lain last oight when an automobile, driv en by Mayor Albion Dunn, crashed Into a wagon, driven by a n^gro, on the bridge ucross the Tar river. Iloth vehicles were badly damaged but neither of the? occupant? ??"a In-, lured. The u gro claims that Mr.I T>unn> Ifrhts blinded him and he' could not see where he was going. I Unknown Sky K iterated. London. Sept. 11.?Official an nouncement has been made that a spy was executed here today. The name was no! given. SPECIAL FOR HATtRDAY?AR mour Star Hams and Majentlc Hams at 18c ppr pound. Phone 97 J. E. ADAMS #. CO. 9-10-ttc. FEARED ARKEST; LEAVES FAMILY \Vil|lajitM((in Mitn, I'twler Munplctou of (tunning a Still I<*m* Timu unci Frtuiily llcliliiil. WH'.iamston. S pt. 11 ?On Tuea* day of laftt week, Job Simpson. who was under bond for appearance here before Judge Godwin, after arriving In town and looking over the situation, decided that things appeared squally, and ho slipped away. . i He drove here through the coun-i try. and saying that he was going to meet his wife and children on the! arrival of the train from James ville, went down the street toward the depot, but evidently took an-j other route as he has not been seen I since. His wife with three children re mained here until the noon train ind friend? took them back home Much sympathy was felt for her and the lilt!? children. It jvill be remembered thai Slier iff Crawford raided a hitll In t lis inwer part of the county recently, aud that he and his companion? sa>r and recognized the men at the still. They knew the man ta b? Jamo? .Simpson and a warrant was evvora out for him. Simpson evidently felt that tli?* testimony of Sheriff Crawford and Policeman ICdwards would convict him. aud reasoning that a good run was better than u bad stand, he quietly went away. roi.l> WAV K I'HKDKTF.D TO <;1YB KKI.1EF IN HOl'TII Washington. S**pt. 11.- -Near freezing weather in the nor'h west la sending a cool wave to the rell f of the KhmI and South, where ? Id summer temperatures hftva pr< 11 ??d during the past ft " da> W 3tIt er bureau forec.- *crt? *ai.. tod that by tonight c Sui 'ay i wovH be decidedly coohr ev vkIu ? c*' c pt along the Sov. Al...ntlc const I.OST: ON K f*f?o|>LK IMXi; Nuint-d "Trixle." Kinder plca?e return to Mrs. W. II. Horner, Charlotte Rt 9-10-2tc. TO-NIGHT The Jioftton T?*rt Parly ~ 2 ItwlN "THE OTHBR GIRL" 1 ReH "The Quality of Mercy" 2 Re?lB 'Then tli? Icp Man Camp" ] fieri Comedy i Price S &. 10c "GOOD TASTE" RYSTAL ICE CREAM FRESH PEACH ' ITS FINE?TRY IT. AI.SO [ OTHER FLAVORS. Crystal Ice Company j PHONE 83 WASHINGTON, N. C. STATEMENT GIVEN OUT BY ENVOY AUHTRIAN CHARGE D'AFFAIRES TRI EH TO EXPLAIN' DUMBA'S ACTIONS. ^ 'MEANT WELL" Htfuii Zulcdnirk Ha) s That Dumb* Hail 'Hufik"?iJtarlan Ide? In Mind.' * Jn.|M-rtal (?ovcrnnMfH llaa no De< airr for Complication*. Lenox. Mas?.. Sept. 11 ?Baroa Erich Zwlednlck. counsellor of tbo Au&tro-Hungarian embassy, who **111 becolit? charge de affaires after the recall of Ambassador Dumba. Lsrued the following signed ?late* :nenl early today. "1 kno'iV L>r. Dumba personally very well, and from my conversa 'ions with him I oou\! not think that he should have intended fomenting strikes in munition* plants W * have certa.nly and naturally felt a satisfaction when reading In tbo papers of difficulties and atrtkes In factories making munitions for the allies, bin to foment such things ourselve* would have been such an absolutely ImpOMlble undertaking that it wculd bo for me quite Incon teivab'e that Or. Dumba should have suddenly had such an idea. Hi:*.! IIummiititriftn Tilen In Mini!. "One ha% only to think of th norm jus number of laborers em ployed :n these factories, which runs into ilie hundreds of thousands, to realize how many millions of dollars would be necessary to product1 any practical ffect Dr. Dumba. ro far ;s I ha\> understood, asked for only a few thousand dollars, so It seem* 0 me evident had only a humanitarian idea in inind, an ho also mentioned to me when return ing from Xrw York. "The imperial and royal govern* ruent had pointed out the legal pen alties which would be incurred by Vutiro-llungarian .?uhjects who re turned bum?- from America after the war if they had wurked in factories making munition; for the allies. These penalties would not only have been those prescribe by the law for helping enemies of the monarchy, but much more .so those of public opiuion. at- ji thr cane of a man who had mad' nitious for-the allies ?-!:.? i -?ulil liack to hi* home v?l ! Ke pi Map: uj inherit the'property 01 men ? 'io h been killed by those :iur it "i. . .\.?iurn3ly these cOndl "ioi ? if l.rought to their attention niigh,. have called a certain nutu I her of Au*tro-Hungarian subjects to rave ihe!r employment in American munition factories and I had been of the opinion that lir Dmnba's plans were designed only rw glv?- al?l to needy worklngm>-n who had given up their work and had nat yet found other ?mp!oyntent. The smallsum of money nuggested ;n this conn? c tion I believe only tlr?.niMi, would have been absolutely insufficient to finance a strike Xo bculre for C 'oinplirnt lonx. ? "llex'dea, I am quite certain, that If. on second thought. Dr. Iiumba had come to the conclusion that li'< ideas were not I? accord with the duties and obligations toward th" I'nited State? government' imposed by bin position bere. he would have withdrawn himself Therefore, even if appearanre? at first sliopld be a gainst him. I am especially sorry that the whole matter of sending this lett-r has been done in such a rush. I am confident that the im perial and royal eovernment has not the slightest desire for any compli cations or difficulties with the United States, for It puts too much value on the cordlil and* friendly relations which have always ex isted between t lie two governments, and which have been emphasized of late." KKHt't'K WOKKKHH TO HOI/T> HETtVU'KH Tho American Heacue Workera will hold two service? tomorrow, which will b* conducted by Staff Captain J. H Ownesr at the follow ing place? and time: t p. Norfolk 8onthern depot. S p m.?Corner of fteapaga and fourth strt?U.

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