?. * -*fll "-ar-'gai 5^ -faM \irwc I Y NEWS . *HB WEATHER VIMtUflp loalftaC Protuble abo??rs tomorrow -7^- " WASHINGTON N. C. MONDAY AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER U I?S Na M k AKNOVVGMnr TO THAT KK FHCT WAS MAD* TWTIR. DAT MOR.MXO. Y: y. I GOES TO ROCKY MT. win utfti Re*. R. V. Hope, who for tli? last ?I* rear? has boon pastor df the Christian church of this sity, 7 terdsy tendered hi* real gnat ion, to take effect to ninety daja, or lees, if It can bo mutoallj agreed upon. Mr. Hope has aeeepted the pAstof ate of tho Christian church at Rocky Mount. During his stay In the rtty. Mr. Hop? haa made a host o{ friends, who will learn with keen regret of his* departure. ? He came her* from Alabama and has labored hard an* WhfuUy (In the lnfcrreots of Bit* church. Tha growth of the church haa Men largely due to h Ur own poraoaal efforts. H? is popular In all olrclee and one of the most e? teemed residents la Washington. Mr. Hope's successor has not yet GUARANTORS MEET TONIGHT A meeting of the Chautauqua guarantor? will be held In the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce to night, starting promptly at eight o' clock About two weoka ago, cards were seat to each of the guataatorf, ask ing them for their optnioa regard lag next year's Chautauqua. The majority of these cards hare been returned and a report will be made on them at tonight's mooting. It will bo definitely decided to night whether the Chautauqus will eome to Waahington nert year or not. All guarantors are requeated to ba oa hand promptly at eight o'clock IMh D THE LAST DAY. The 16th 1? the last day you hare to pay electric and water bills. Fifty ecnts will be charged for re eonnoctlons. Municipal Electric A Water Dept. ? It# AT THE BELLMO TONIGHT. "BAD MAN AND OTHERS" 2-raal RtlUnce Faaotre A stirring drama. "Hungry ' Hank la tho Country" A alda-ipllttlng Alwin comedy VANDERBILT-HE1R ? t Thlf Interesting mapahot of Wil liam H. Vanderbllt waa uk?n at the tennis tournament at Newport. Ha la tlie oldest son of the late Alfred O. Vanderbllt, who lost hla life In ttie sinking of the Luiltanla, and inherits the major part of his father's millions. This 1? the drat picture taken of the youth at any public taction since his father's death. At present he lire* with his mother, Mrs. Elsie French Vanderbllt. at Newport, who wai Mr. Vanderbllt's Drat wife. ROBBERIES AT ROCKY MOUNT Occurred H?turday Night. Thieves Were IM&covere<l Before They COUld M:?ko Ha) With Plunder. - (By Eastern Press) Rocky Mount, Sept. IS.?An un snecessfll artcnjpi to" burglarise tfis safe at th# OniAd th^aTre occurrcY Bar day morning, shortly before throe o'clock, when persons at tempted to enter the safe that con tained Chp receipts of the perform ances of both tho Grand and the AUno theatres. i)^fM?e of the employee of the tfces tre, returning to get his coat, foand the men at work. They had opened the dooc of the safe by combination and were at work trying to open the | Inside door, when thoy were dlscov-1 ered. Upon the approach of the employe, the men fled, leaving their tool* behind them. Entrance to the theatre'was gained through the ven tllation opening. It Is believed that the same par* tie* also tried to enter the new An chor store building, which was Brok en Into during the night. They per fected their entrsnce by breaking oat the window lights In the base meat and crawling through the basement up the stalra Into the store. Thry could not, however, get Ihe safe open. * Ateemer Picks t?i? Poor Men. London. Sept- 18.?A Dutch sfamer has picked up four men of the crew of the English trawler. Nlmrod. which has been iunk. HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW Redfern Models? DEMONSTRATION THIS WEEK Thev are marvels of corsetcy -beautiful to look at and delightful to wear, with shaping qualities that njflUe them quite the corset (or the new figure. Although bonded they ara light and flexi ble, and they posses* the firms?*! neces ?ary to,mould tin1 figure into a perfect con tour a combination that calls for the highest skill In designing and making. There is a wonderful range of models?a style for every voman. Redfe^n Corsets Our corsetiere will skilfully fit you to your motM.and there is one for you. Miss Bail Cortttirrt ? ? BIO NEW DEPARTMENT STORE. CITY SCHOOLS iVfiLLOPENON NEXT MONDAY LARGE E5ROUiMK!fT W BX> MBCTED XT THE OPBKIXG or THE fall term. SOME CHANGES Ummtnmm Com* to be School op?ns next Monday. Superintendent Campbell stated thW mornlug that the vaccination law will be atrtetly enforced t bit it. All children who have not been vaccinated against small-pox. must either be vaccinated by their family doctor or by the county phy sician, who will give vaccinations free of charge. Dr. J. O. Blount Is the county health offleer. There Will be severa! changes In the course? of study this fear. No tuition will be charted for taking the ? business couree, which will be an elective branch ot study and will be und?r the supervision of Mice Annie Cox. Tuition will be charged for those who desire to enter the Kindergart en. This department will be under the supervision of Miss Ellsworth. Domestic science will be taught by Miss Maude McClees. of Durham, who for the last five years has taught at High Point. The music department will be under the supervision of Mlsa Macye Glasgow. She Is rated as one of the best music teachers In the State, being a graduate of the con servatory at Chicago. She has taught in the Southern College In Florida and for the last three years has hsd charge of the music department at the Lumberton high school. 8he will teach piano, voloe and vloUn. A large enrollment Is expected ?? ptamt. ar? t?p*eU11y ?rg ed to see ttet the children aro pres ent at the Drat day of school, In or der to avoid loss of time In their studlen. KINSTON HAS CURFEW LAW Old I*w Will lie Strictly Kn forced 11?'fanning With Tonight. . (By Eastern Press) Klnston, Sept. 13.?Beginning w<th tonight, the city's "enrfew law," which haa been In existence for pome time, but never been en foA&d, - fellt be strictly adhered to. iMi boys under 16 years of age, who are found ont on the streets after ten o'clock at night, will be arrest ed. Exceptions will be made In case the boys are accompanied by their parents or have written per mias'.on to be out. The police Judge thla morning stated that he was having consider able trouble with the boys who re mained on the streets until all hours of the night, and that this practice must be stopped. LOCAL BOY WAS VICTIM OF A GRUDGE OP C1R. f'.VDKR ARREST. IS RELEASED ?L KiBMton to ,, Who Tried Id Aii UBl Him. Wfcaie Que Prom to be a |Ww. ?' (By fcasta^Pres)t> K1 cut on, fcept. 13.?Eujene Har ris, of Wfclfclaftota, N. (X. appear? to ba the victim at a plot, accord lng to events which transftred Sat urdajr o if* t and 8uoday. Happily Harris hm been releawd of all blaiA# In b<mtaetloii -with the affair Harrii and Oacar Aba?, the latter also bataf o f Washington, wire ?leap In the Hotel Tuli jreBterday morning, when E. L. Duke. *ho calls himself a detective, appeared in their room with a warrant for Har ris, chargiif him with carrying a conoaaled weapon. Harris was con Hlder%bly surprised, as he had no weapoft of anj kind with him. and he told Duke aa much. By this time, Jo?l Stephenson, mwnngpr or the hotel. and several others, ar rived an the scene They protected against Ouka disturbing their guests I and asked for his authority. Duke told them he wu a detect'.?*. When asked to show hia badge/ he con feseed that ha had none. Upon~ thla admission, tbe hotel men proceeded to search Duke. They found a revolver on him. which they kept. The ontire affair wan brought to th? attention of the po lice and a trial waa aet for t hi? morning. At the trial, Harris j/as exonerat ed of all blame, it being supposed that ha was tbe -victim of a per sonal grudge. Duke, however, fail court He will be given until Ave o'clock thfs afternoon to show np and If he does not appoar by that time, he will be arrested wherever he shows himself. Harris haa re mained over here to prosecute Duke, should the latter appear thla after noon. FOUGHT 60 COPS FOR SIX HOURS Yonng Foreigner (tattled Officer* I'ntil Dawn and T1i?>n Com mitted Suicide. Han Francisco, Sept. IS.?A six hour battle between 60 policeman and George Nelson, a foreigner 2b years old, wanted for complicity In the robbery of a Lor Angeles bank, ended at dawn today when Nelsou't bullet riddled body was found stretched on a cot In a rooming house. He had ended his life by srndlng a bullet through his head. The police condurted the battle from an upper window of the resi dence of Bishop Edwin H .Hughes, of the Methodist Episcopal church, across the street, and from adjacen! windows and house tops. A power ful searchlight was placed (n thr w!nd6w of another j>earby dwelling j The rooming house Is In a popu-, lous section and thousands of ape?:-! tators watched the battle. Police-1 man Peter Hammond was shot through the arms and kgR by Nel son, and Hugh -McBeth, a lodger in the same building a* Nelson, was possibly fatally wounded. Hardly a square Inch of Nelson's room escap ed the raking fire. , With the coming of daylight, the [officers enured the building and burst NeUon's door. He bad be*n dead more than two hours. Three automatic revolvers and some an moDltl i lay on the table near the body. There was a bad wound near Nel son's right elbow and the police be lle re his Intense sufferings, combin ed with the knowledge that daylight would result. In his capture, caused hi roe t o kill himself. HAYH IIAKKR. Til ore t? a lot 1? flnlahlnK of a picturp Wa lorn tha tin-? flnlib product la tha war of ra toachlnif, ?ifhlM. aouldlst, of tar ?radio la thla cooatry, Pro?? It to tka fOTtrarr. BAKBR'S gTVDIO DEAD AT THEIR POSTS IN A TRENCH rime? sanitary ometrs Inspecting ? c*po.reo German trench in *Uicn u en unbroken Fine of dead soldiers wh'- wor* ktlUd nu they fought COUNTY OFFICERS ARE SUPPOSED TO KEEP AN EYE OPEN FOR WHISKEY All Officers of the Peace Are Required to Search for ^nd Break up Blockade Stills. Not Revenue I ' Officers Alone. Following is a copy of a circular letter Just sent out to all sheriffs in he State by Superintendent of the N'orth Carolina Anti-Saloon l.eagu ft. L. Davis: "To he Sheriffs in North Carolina: "I desire to call your attention to the law passed by the General As mmiy of i9o$ touching twe duty of iherlffs, deput'es and police officers TO SEARCH FOR AND SEIZE HLOCKADE STILLS. "Sections one and two of this law read: ? "Section 1. It shall be the duty if the sheriff of oach county In the -rato and of the police of <-ach In corporated city or town In the *tatn, o search for ahd seize any distillery >r apparatus used for tli? manufac ture of Intoxicatiuf liquors in vio atlon of the hwi of North Carolina "Section 2. That it shall be the luty of said ofllc-rs to seize and hen and there destroy any and all 'iquors which may he found at such distillery, and to arrest and hold 'or trial all persons found on said -?remises engaged In distilling or liding, or abetting in the manufac ture or uale of Intoxicating liquors. This law passed Immediately ?fler the state-wide prohibition law became effective. When tli? liquor "ould no longer hp legally manufac tured and sold In the stat'4, the General Assemb'.y realised that I there would be a tendency to block-1 nde, and, therefore oassed this law. irrqulrlnfc sheriffs to stop the illegal I manufacture and sale. HAH OLD PAPER IN Ml? POSSESSION Postmaster Moore ban In hi? pos session a copy of the "Washington Dispatch." which was published or November 20th, I860. Richard Oranger was the editor of the sheet which w#s piihliHherl weekly. The advertisement and reading matter are oxtremely interesting. flAKKR HAYM. By all means 'oad your ko'dak with fresh films and watch the re sults. We are now handling all makes of Alms- the Ansco. the Hawk-Rye, the KasUnnn N. C. Illmi. Our every day experience teaches ua one make of films is Just as good as another so they are fresh. Kodaks -all makes and styles. Youra to pt a?e and serve BAKER'S STUDIO. CRAP (1AMK HROKKN tr PV TRK POLICE (By Eastern Prwia) Oreenvllle, 2cpt. IS.?In march ing for a coup)? or eneaped convict? Saturday night, t ho polic? stumbled on a t>tg crap in t ha mill aec tlon of tka city. Pour negroes and ona neg" woman ware taking part in the game. All of them war? ar? rtat?4 and will \>*> tried today. I "Although som?* of our sheriffs are complimented for their ?olive work in breaking up blockadc ?tllU.< I many complaints have com** to m* that othor sheriffs are not doing 'their duty In h ti? respect, and some |arc even accused of being friendly I to t lie moonshine ?till. 1. therefore, desire to call your atteutiun to this iaw and to emptiairtxe the fact that t r> quires all sheriffs and police of (^pern to SKAHC11 FOR AND SEIZK blockade hi ills. My opiu!on is thai ihe majority of the people will not be sat'.efled unles8 their sheriff measures up to his duty. There are at work In this ataio l?>** than thirty deputy collectors, known aR revenue officer* There are one hundred sheriffs and possi bly three times as many deputy sheriffs. The responsibility of th? sheriff TO SEARCH AND SK17.K blockade stills is the same as that placed upon the deputy collector by the Federal Government, and the authority to each is virtually 1! sauie. Ther? are more than te times as many sheriff* * id d' puliet as there are rev nue - leers, but* the revenue ofHc art destrt ? ng more th: ? ti ree r ies ? in.ay blockade *til.v 8.. li ? ?";?arlson causes th p<*o: '? lo i mp.aln at th inactivity f t'.ie sheriffs ? and rightly. "The Anti-Saloon league stand: for the enforcement of law. and therefore, will urge the people to elect sheriffs at the next election who wl'.l wage Active campaigns a gainst blockade Rtllls." MEETING CHAMBER OF COMMERCF Will Bo Hi<M Tomorrow Nliclit. MciiiIwj', i(p<|Urstril to In* Cmrai. An Important int-oting of th? f'hamber of Commerce will bp hrld 'omorrow night. The meeting wil' ??tart at &:3f> ami * nperlnl requen' ha? b?'en (sailed for VI members to be pro*' nl. There are several new matter* to be brought up for dis cussion and it in desired to have a* large an attendance aa possible. OFFICKR54 tJKT STILL; AltKKHTH ARK MADEI (By Eastern Prew) Kfniiton. Sept. 13.?Countjr and United State? revenue officers this morning dlacovered a 50 gallon still near Pink Hill. A whit? man and it negro were al?o found near there and have been arretted. They were brought to this city, where they will be trlsd Ths still was destroyed. A oonsldsrable quantity of Hqnor alio found ?>4 toaHd not. ROCKY MOUNT M AN TRI E S J TO SUICIDE K. L. HK1NXRR FOUBB DL'LUCT ? THKOtOH HU HEAD THIS MORIflKQ. HE WILL LIVE Although W'uund la Serloua, Be lieved He Will K?oo*cr. HWa tirri Rudicd to in Time to Krtp HUu from Firing Second ?hoi. (Or Eastern Presp) Rocky Mount, 8ept. i v.?R. L,. Skinner, of Westerly?, a ?mall town about four miles from here, this -morning attempted to take his own life by firing a" bullet through his brain. That he was unsuccessful wan due to the quick work of rela xes who heard him lir? the first ?hot. Skinner went Into hi* room short ly before nine o'cloek, evidently prepared to di?. Hie relatives heard a pistol -hot and rushed Into the room Just an he was preparing to shoot agan They seized him In t'.me to prevent the act and he fell Into a swoon. The flrst bullet had p ret rated through the aide of the train. H?. was rushed to the hon -'tal. where his wounds were treat ed. His chances for recovery are ?>.d to be good Skinner was formerly engaged In *!?c saloon businen* here. Since the ?o!oou* went out of business, he hsa ? en un*uecesful In locating In bus uess. This, coupled with falling 't alth. is believed to have been the r??a?.on for h!? act. 11c has a wife and several chll Iren lie I? about 4f? yearn ??f age. WERE FINED $2 AND COSTS Mntsr*. Monro Wnr Trii d Saturday Afternoon at- liath. At the triaj which wan hp|d at Bath Saturday, Postmaster N. Hen :>? Moore anil Allan Moore w ro each :ned two dollars and costs for "In ject at exposure." The other mem ' ert of the party, who visited Bath i week ago Sunday, were rrleased with flne. The trial wag t lip result of a trip ?hrough Ba'Ii on which tho visitors '??ere attired In batliin? suits and "air mats. Thi* seemed to greatly Y.v't the s'-n.?? of propriety of the ,ia?' and Measra. Moore were later no-' i <1 ?hat they would have to ipp? r .n court. I>K< ISION (OMKS TOI>AV. t By Eastern Press > Rocky Mount. Sept. 13.?With on? ?-mainlug game in 'hp ehampion? hip race that is to decide whether "h^ hunting will he thrown to the ?rper.es in a North Carolina or a Virginia pity, there Ik a manifest ?nterent upon ihe part of baseball followers throughout Carolina and i hope with the supporters of th? Tar Heel*? that today's clash will wind up th* season in favor of the 'srolina team which has already von three to Portsmouth's one, and he fourth game i* the covetpil prlr.?* >f both CSreat clashes have featured hp Ram ? that have been played In 'Ope* of a deelsion as to the aea on's work and both Kooky Mount nd Portsmouth have gathered an iRgreration of fast ball players, anrf ?vhlle the Tar Heels have much the anie club with whirh ih'-y ha*e battled all season, Portsmouth has brought Into the circuit the cream of the South Atlantic league to-night "Exploit* of KUIne" ?3rd Kplaod?' "POLICK DOO No. 5" 1 Reel "The Prince of Pmm" , 2 RmIh ?A BtWCH of MATCHES" 1 Reel J Prte? 5 k.tie,

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