WASHINGTON N. C TUESDAY AFTERNOO^ SEPTEMBER 1?. ItU No. 60 ?_* UNANIMOUSLY VOTE FOR THE CHAUTAUQUA DBTITH7D AT LAST NIGHT'S MMIfiHO or THE LOCAL - V?GUARANTORS. SEND CONTRACTS At a moat enthtstaette and wit! attended meeting of the Chautauqua g us red t ore left night, it wu unani mously decided to here the Chau tauqua here a fain next year. About 16 of the* guarantors were Hreaent. A report waa made on the card? which had recently been sent out to the gwarantore, and ehowed that a big majority were In favor of having the Chaatavqna here again. Many were moet emphatic la ex, prcaalng their approval ot the en tertainment. The secretary wa< ordered to for ward the 00ntract? to the Swarth more company at once. The con tracts are algned by lit names of prominent local dtleen?. who have agreed to act as guarantors for next year. It waa decided to favor Jnne 16th aa the moet favorable day for the opening of the event. Other de tails, In connection nwlth the con-1 tracts, were also decided upon last] night. OVER TWENTY-FIVE SUITS WERE Sf OLEN ffU>r? W 1?. PoUoe Hmv* Foud MoM of OooOs Stole?. The police are ?till on rhe trail Of the colored boys who entered P. Orleans' store Saturday night, and they expect to have all of the stolen good? recovered In a day or two. The Identity of the boys Is known. The boys, who range In age from fifteen to eighteen year*, entered Mr. Orleans' store by smashing two -windows. They helped themselves liberally to clothes and gtole several hundred dollars worth of geod?. Twenty-five suits have already been recovered. 15th IS THE LAST DAT. The llth is the last day you have to pay electric and water bills, ttfty ccnts will be charged for re oonn actions. Municipal Electric A Water Dept. ?-lt-ttc. AT THE BELLMO I SPECIAL FEATl'HE. Intensely Interesting and stirring two-reel drama, full of tense situations and human Interest "HIS MOTHER'S PORTRAIT" Kay-Beo Feature. "THB SILENT CO-RD" Pal staff?1 Reel MAKE EFFORT TO "CLEAN UP" IN WILSON wuii try tu wire *irr -red ?LKilfT" DISTRICT 0 ' ? THAT CITY, j - "? - tj STERN MEASURES Judfe Daniel? Org?? Placing OOcer? in fVomt . Central. Although their warehouse Ik the newest In the city, having only been in operation this season. Messrs. Shelburne and Baugham have prov en themselves to be most capable managers and they are dplng what Is probably the largest tobacco bus iness In the elty. Their sales have been Increasing dally and the farm ers are all loud in their praise over the treatment they have received a* the Central warehouse. The new bouse Is a. big factor In the local market and la doln? much to make Washington a successful tobacco market. "Prices on all grades of tobacco have advanced In the past two dpya "?wry nrooh," ?taU4 ..Mr. this morning. "Some of the grade* of bright first pulllngs in good or der. and free from burnt have ad vanced from $2 to $4, the advance In prices on the second pulling* have been from $3 to $5 a hundred.} Tips also In the past two days" havo advanced from $3 to $4. and are now selling very well, therefore we can see no reason to hold them back "The weather for the past week ' has been fair and the market has about gotten rid of th" sour and mouldy stuff that was graded dur ing the wet spell of ten days ago, and price? are much better tha.: they have been at any time this year, except on the common first pu'.l'.ngs and hard faced green to bacco. These two grades, and the burnt tips, are low and will remain so for the balance of the year. COMMITTEEMEN HOLD MEETINGS Met lil Richland Township Yeatcr day. fhocowiiiity Men Are Meeting Here Today. A well-attended meeting of the echool eommltteemen In Richland township was held yesterday at Au rora. The mert!ng was conducted by County 8chooi Superintendent W. I 0. Prlvette. The compulsory attendance law. plans for next year's county school commencement and "moonlight" schools were discussed. Great In terest was manifested and the meet ing was a decided *ucce?f. Today the committeemen of Choc owlnlty township are meeting nt the court house Tomorrow the committeemen of Pantego township will meet at the Pantego high school hntldlog. IDOPE REND WAS ARRESTED Tried to Bt*?l Morphine Oat of 8Um> of Parmvllle l>rux Co. (By Eastern Preea) Oreenvllle, Sept. 14.?Frank Bat tle, ? habitual user'of morphine, wan arreated at . Far m vl lie jreatcrday. charged with having atolen morphia? oat of the ?tore of the Farmvlll* Drug Company H* wan tried be fore the local court thlc morning and eeatenced to alx month* on the rea6, on lea* he left the eounty at one?. lr?8eni*9erHonel of the teams. It i* hoped that the affair can be straightened out and that straight series, with the players of the Rocky Mount and the Ashevllle teams, can be arranged. PAVE THIRTY-FIVE BLOCKS IN KINSTON Important Str]' Taken It) K O.V I.IR MM'AI, MARKET Prl??* at the loeAl ?i*rk?t irtlll con tlllu? high. About 61,000 pound? wore told today At th# thr> ? w?re housea, running as follows: Jft.OOO 117.000 tnd 11,009 pound*. E. K. WILLIS TO MAKE CHANGES Will <)|mh Ilr&nch Star* ml ihr Cor ner of M ?In and GUildcn Sirwt*. The firm of K. K. Willis is to make a change in the near future, accord ing lo information given out this morning Th< y will operate two stores: one located at their preae.it stand on Water street and the other at the corner of Main and Gladden streets. The new Htor-\ which w il he ready for occupancy by the firsr of October, will be under the man agc-ment of Albert Willis. It will handle fancy groceries aud meats LIVELY SESSION OF COURT HELD Recorder Kept Itu.sy YV'?lc*rday Af ternoon in IMnpoMing of Cases. A number of cases were brought up at the recorder's court yesterday afternoon. :t being on* of the bus i st aessinns that the court has ex* perienred in *ome time. William Haugham, charged with having no rear light on his auto, was fined costs of court Haywood Grimes, disorderly con iluct. was fined 12 and costs. Richard Gorham. riding train without a ticket, was fined cost*. i J aim s Kelly, disorderly conduct, was fined $2 and ensts. Lindsay Dudley, carrying c n c a led weapons, was sent ?i roads for twelve m^-'hs. William Mil'e" car -g c<--*cff:( weapon, W." ? '-fr. to t'l ? roi. ' i'J. six mr: til?. BIG FinE WAS 15 YFARS AGO Washington \ l*lte?l hy IUk Confln (p-allon on September IS. I (MH>. Yesterday war the loth annlver ??ry of "the big Ore." On September 13. IDOO. Or?* started In Brabble's restaurant on Water street, ?wept along this street up Market and as far hh the Rodman home on Main sireet. Many dwellings and business houses wer burned to t'ie ground Thr damage ran into thousands of dollar* The Are started at about noon and w not und??r control until Ave o'clock in the aftornoon. IIOTKIj ni KN'H. Colorado Springs. Col.. Sept. 14. ?Flro early today destroyed th" Mansions Hotel at Mantlou. one of| the largest In this region. The prop erty was valued at |t50,000. The hotel was c.osed last week for the season. HAYS BAKKR. I waw a young m?n call for a pack*?* (lie other day In the po*t oflVce. I thought It looked Ilk? It might bf a photograph of Rome one. The^young man moved up In the corner of the room and began to Open It. All at 'once I aaw big ?mlk* begin to loom up. I said to myeelY, "That mutt be fhe klad of pictures I try to make." Too can't help from goatling back to them. PAXWB iTUDio. GREENVILLE MILLS GET iBIG ORDER WIIX HEN D HHlPMXirr OP GOOD? THROUGH At, EXT TO SOUTH AMERICA, m 3*? ? 50,000 LB. ORDER Lk-llcvetl Ttuu Other* Will Follow Rapkll). Arrafl^rmmM IMng Mart?* to IncrtMf 1*1 an t la Onkr to Turn O* Work lUpldlj-. t By Eastern Pre*?) Green* llle, Sept. 14.?Consider able elation among (he bu$lncaa men of this city this morning fol ow?d the news of a 50,000 pound >rd'*r of good?, which has been Iu#ed by the Greenville Cotton Milts through their agents, C- M "ovnen & Co. of Philadelphia. The lant. Tli v re lias hern much talk In Sort h Carolina oxer trade with South America, but n* far a* can !>? '.earned, thi* la the first order from :iiat country wjiieh Sag been r??-. .reived in thin section of tb<* S'at**. CLEVER NIGGER GETS CHICKENS imitated ("row of m KmiMrr aud In ducer! tilO llt'flM tO C't lllf to lliiu. Ai:iDi!0 Mich.iitlb, colored, who re <.d * about ten utiles frcm town, .ias boon having chicken for dinner practically every day, duo to Ms ?ihiiiiy to imitate the crow of a luotier. II.s ne'ghbor* have dis covered hie talent, however, aud "rooi nu* on tt would se?*iu that the jnly ciilcken* that AI ouzo nnd h la family will have to ,-at are tho^e he talc** Imn.-Hf or puriha*?-? :u town, Alonzo'* meiiiod of operation wan n*. ;.t unique Ho united until a ? t three or four o'clock In the '? tiR and would 'h n atoal up tt? ' ' hi* ne Khhor's hour**. taking ?ile . tuition near iIih lion coop 'i<* *"ou 1 then begin crowing a;wl keep ; u|> uuiil lie ]e*ari|?d by flooring answering i ickle& from the oop. In a minul" or two a couple ->f hon* would invariably Ftroli out from the coop to hold convciae with 'he strange "rooster." As soon a* hey came clone enough. Alonzo i raked them tn with a fishing net at he end of a polo. | Alonzo kept rhis up for n month? liul Ins' w ek one of h!i neighbors,, ?rlio had losi -.eteral fat h^n?, and ?vhosr suspicion? were aroused, lay awake one night to see where hla poultry was di