WfeATHM ? . ? WASHINGTON n. C. ' 1 ? - 1 ? HOUR CHANGED ? Ondfrar WtU Ik tka Tba moit Important brought up at the moetlbi of the Chamber of CMmna laat nl?bt? m tli* appatapaaat of at?adln? coatmittaaa far the aintai rmr: Tka following war? appolatad: Indaatrlaa aad bualbaaa ontarprlaaa: F. 1. Barry, J. D. Crimea. N. L. Blaaou Adaartlalai, publicity amt member ?aklp": J. O. Bmsaw, Jr., Carl Ooareh, C. O. MottU. Edaaatlonal kad Public library: J. B. Sparrow. W. O. Prlrctt?, C. M. Campball. Jr. Pa kilo roada akd aabarba: M. T. A rab ball. Harry MoMullan. John Coray. Health aad Sanitation: Dr. R. iw. Cartar. Dr. J. C. Rod man. E. R. Moore. Talaphona kad T^la?rapb: Frank W Cox, Jamaa BUlaon. W B. Rodman, Jr. Yraeaportatloa and Ezpraaa M. R. H lion, a F. Bland. Jamaa Inanrmaca A. if. Dttmay, J. F. Back man. B. F. Da ww a. Btraata, Parka aad Pobile Improre I ?*- """B: ? J. V. Cowall. F. C. K velar, a C. Cart/. W. C. Rodman, Harry MaMallan, j7 t>. Orlmaa. . ' ? information aad SUUaUoa: ? R. A. Q. Bana?, D. W. Ball. . Honaa: . rl ... "Walter Cradla, Dara Fowle, J_. T. Bland. All of tba chairman of Mr ka poaalbly oak, a/a raqueatad to fraadat at nary meatlnc hal the future. A. U. Dumay. chairman of th? ?ood road? com mitt??, mada a ra-< port on tka coat -of bulldlnc tka road oat of Waaklatton toward? Chocowlnlly ,H* ?aa raqueatad to' avstlana la ?over aad aacartaln tha ooat at ahall aad afe?H-ro?k to eorar tk? eoat of pattlac tfcla road la |ood ?kapa *A ipaclal meatikc ?111 Da called I? raoaira Ik? raport . Tka maofla* *>er rf tka Cham bar kaa baan chen*.d (rant 1:1? to I o'clock and all fatura klaatlnia win katfk at tkta kaar. j. Parle. Baft II?A Oana*a aub marla? kaa keaa torpedoed and auak by a ?Mik tar pa do boat totwaan Mytlllne and Tanadoa. aaya ak Ath ana dlapatck Ik tka Joarnal. ? f [CONTRACT IS LET FOR FIRE BOXES N TO UVB MODKRN AS? UP-TO-DATE KIRK TO GOST $4,415 Tk? city officials have let tke eon tract for Installing a modern and up-to-date lire alarm system to the j Osme well Cotapany, who trill hare the system Installed by January l?t. It will coit $4.415. The equipment and apparatus will ??** * <? boxes of the "smaah ln-the-glaas" type. These will be connected with a sounder at the fire house and when an alarm Is turned In, the department will hare the advantage- of knowing at once the exact location of the fire. It hr also expected that a material reduction will also be made in the key rate of Insurance. A further reduction may be secured by the city If notices are posted Offering a reward for the arrest of persons committing arson. SHIPPED COTTON FROM KJNSTONi Kinstxm Mill* Hare Been Shippiagj Large Amount to Booth (By Eastern Prem) Klnston. Sept. 16.?J. r. Taylor, general manager of a' local cotton mill, this morning denied accounts which appeared In the papers ye# |ierday, station that tM OrWkTni?' |Cottton njllli were the Urat in this taction or th? State to .tip good? to' South America. Mr. Taylor stated that the Klnaton mills kad air gad r ?hipped IfiO.OOO pounds of gooda since March flret Entertained At Oarda. Mra. W. B. Wolfe, of North Mar ket stfset. yesterdsy entertained at bridge In honor of Mra. Ceeil ruber Of Norfolk, who ' ki rtalttng her mother, lira. Harry Mayo.' There were two table?. Mra. Caleb Bell made high ? score. . Refreshments, consisting of a salad courae, folio w [ed the -games. Thoso present were Krs. Fisher, Mrs. Caleb BeU, Mra. Malcolm Worthington. Mra. Jack Nicholson and Missea Adeline Mayo, Etiiabatk Warren and Mary Tank ard . MAJlJtlKD THIS MOR M NO. William H. Roberaon and Mlaa Kota Watton wero married thi? maralo? at the brlda'g homo. Her. K V. Hop?, pastor of tho Christian eburch of thla city. officiating. Ira mtdlitaljr after the oeremonx. tho couple left for Norfolk, from whor ? they will go Jbo Baltimore. Wash ington and gther northern cities. B HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW Models? DEMONSTRATION ONLY THRQE MORE DAYS. Thev are mnrwl* of coraetry -beautiful to look at and delightful to wear, with shaping qualities that make tham quite the coraet for the new figure. Although bonded they nrie tight and flexi ble, and they poxess the firmness necea sary to mould the figure into a perfect con tour?a combination that calls for the highest ?kill hi designing and making. There it a wonderful range of model??a ?tyle for every woman." Redfe*~n Corsets Our coraetiere will tkilfully fit' you to your model, and there it one tor you. Mi? Baft Corttitre BIO NEW DEPARTMENT STORE. MISS SWANNER BADLY BURNED Wan (Tcaaiag Oloree With QmoUm Whem Thej Caught Fire, b MIm Emma EHnor 8wanner met with'? painful accident last night whan she severely burned her hand while cleaning a pair of gloves. Miss Swanner had one of the gloree on i ber hand and Van cleaning U with jgasAline. She broaght It too near the Are and the gasoline caught Are. i In an Instant her whole hand was ?blaze. U was several minutes be i fore the flames coald be smothered, i She is today In the hospital and Is restfng easily. A great portion of lth*-8kln of her hand has been burn ed away. 34,000 POUNDS SOLD TODAY Warrlxjnst? tm Expert Big Salr* Tomorrow and Friday. About 84.000 pounds were sold at tbe local tobacco warehouses to day. It wa* divided as follown: 13,000, 11.00,0 and 10,000. The wareltousemen expect a big sale to morrow and "also Friday. It Is ex pected that both of these sales will average over 100,000 pounds. RUINED RUSSIAN DEFENCES AT JAROSLAU In an effort to check the Germana, the Russian forces intrenched themselves in what they bellered was an impregnable position Just behind Jaroslau, a fortified city In Gallcia. The Germans forced these positions, however, and com pell Qd the Russians to flee before them. In the upper photograph a group of German soldiers aro seen ap proaching the scene of death wrought by their guns In drivfcig out the Russians, while In the lower photograph two German officers are seen contemplating the havoc wrought by their forces In their succcssful forward movement. ROADS (By Eastern Prem) Kinston, Sept. 15.?The Chamber of Commerce, at their meeting la*ti night, paesed resolution! asking; the' Board of County Commissioners to call an election for a 1260,000 bond lrsue, vhlch Is Co bo used In devel-1 oping th? roads of I?enolr county. It is generally believed that the, commissioners will act favorably on thla measure. It will be taken up within the next two week*. Ther-? has been considerable agitation In favor of good roads reoently, and the request of the Chamber of t*oih merce follows out the deeire of a big percentage of the voter*. SUtewitk Prohibition Win*. Columbia, S. C., Sept. 15.?'Re turn? received here early last night Indicated that statewide prohibition woe in yesterday's balloting on tho referendum by which the voters of the state were to decids In favor of retaining the present local option system or adopting vtatewidc pro hibition. Relief From Heat Promlnwl. Washington, 8? p t 16.?Kellef from the heat wit? wis promised by the weather bureau tonight for those states south of Virginia, where local thunder showers and rain will'begin possibly' tomorrow. I In the middle Atlantic states and north, the forecast?/ said, the heat would continue unbroken for anoth er 48 hours. American Money In Favor. Havana. Sept IS.?By presiden tial decree, none but American and Cuban money will be accepted as legal tender In Cnba after Novem ? 11. Circulation of flpnnlab gold 'and silver, aqd French gold has eaused much confusion . ?Hirer. DeaUte In Philadelphia Philadelphia, flept 15 ?Tb? of flclal thermometer h*r# rsfffstered ?0 degrees yesterday Three depths and S number of prosi|>tl^#s srst# HOLD REVIVAL AT OLD FORD iul**r?NUng Meeting?? Bfing Held at Rev. R. W Stanclll, of Ohio, 1? conducting a series of revival meet ings at the Old Ford Christian church this week. The evangelist uses ? chart entitled "the Blbl< Plan of Salvation," which expiaint the Divine and human part in ac complishing a man's salvation from sin. The revival is being well attend ed and great interest being man ifested in the meetings. Mr. Stan clll has preached som'1 excellent ser mons and a number of additions to the church have been made. The meetings arc held every night, starting at eight o'clock. They will continue over Sunday. DETECTIVE LEAVES FOR OTHER PARTS E. I. I>uk.\ Who Tried to OM Local Buy Into Ha? Departed Prom Kliurton. (By Eastern Prow) Klnston, Sept. 15.?tS. I?. Duke, the "Correspondence School" detec tive, who trlod to mike trouble for Kugcntt Harris of Washington, has loft the city for parte unknown. He departed Immediately after the ac tion taken by the court, in which he was given his choice of a heavy sentence or getting out of tywn. IMMi LOOHK OX 8TRKRTH; Al'PKAl, IH HADF Mis. Myrtle Simpson watt brought Wore the recorder yesterday after noon, charged with having allowed her dog on the street? without chain. She was fined $10 and costs An appeal wa? taken. Heber Cowa-d wan charged with n?sault and wae fined $10 and costs. HOLD M KRTIN? J OR THK O. HRNRY ROOK CLUB An important business meeting of the O. Henry BcoV Club will be hold tomorrow afternoon " at 5 o'clock with Miss t. T. Rodman. Titer? la considerable ba^nen to be brought up and It I* hoped that every m?m her will muke a determined egort to be present. Another lammfltkm Hi Portaol. Paris. Sept. II.?A new Insurrec tionary movement has broke* oat not o?ly in Uebon but In the prin cipal provTslonal cities of Portugal, say* % Hybrid dispatch tq the Jour AGREED ON FINANCES FOR COUNTY SCHOOLS Joint Meeting of Commissioners and Board of Education Was Held Yesterday." 3 CENTS ON $100; 9 CENTS ON POLL Above T~ ?? Will be Made. Will Yield the Schools vX>unty an Additional Revenue of About > * $3,200. No Appeal Taken. And whereas. od account of the failure of this Board to maka the levy of 7c on the $100 valuation, aald Board of Education ened out a writ of mandamus against aald Board, and the Julge ordered the levy of 7c on the $100 valuation anil Sic on e*ch poll to be made. And whereas, this Board appealed from the decision of the trial Judge to the Supreme Court of North Car olina. which. In a decision handed down on Wednesdsy, Sept. 8th, or dered a new trial In satd eaae. at the same tithe Suggesting to the Board of Education and Board of County Commissioners that the matter be aatlsfactorlly aettled by the two Boards if possible. And whereas, It ha? always been the desire of this Board to work in harmony with the Board of Educa tion. and to maks such a levy as would be in accord with the actual i needs of the schools of the countv, land this Board has always regarded tho request of the Board of Educa tion at the June meeting as unnec essary. [ And whereas, In accordance with th? suggestion or the Supreme Court, this Board ha? agaJn care fully examined the estimate submit ted by the Board of Education and haa duly taken Into consideration 'he various contentions made by said Board, and based on said Investiga tion this Board believes that a levy of 3c on the $100 valuation and 9c on each poll Is amply sufficient to insure a four months school term for the year eglnnlng July 1st. 1915 ind that any higher levy would be unwarranted. court, the board of county commis sioners and board of education yr? erday met In Joint session for the purpose of agreeing upon the a -nount that is to be apportioned to he schools of the county. The board of ednca '.on originally \sked for a lovy of 7 c nts on the 1100 vsluatlon a .1 21 cats on the poll. Ycttirlay, ly ma'.ual apree ment. It was *rrarr*4 tcu make an additional lei - of 3 retns on the TO ENABLE PATKON8 TO HEE FEATURE PICTURE -? To enable t hone who are keeping ip with the Million Dollar Mystery *t the Belimo to see the exciting and thrilling eplvodo Thursday night and "Peg O* My Heart" also we will show the Million Dollar Mystery promptly at 7:40. This will allow ample time to Me It and not mist (he show. Don't mtar thin episode. It is too exciting aihf- lulling to miss. Remember the Diamond from '.he Sky Friday night. HAI.KIOVI VOTE* BIO BOND 1H8LR MY LAIUiR MAJORITY Raleigh, Sept. IS.?Twelve hu?i dj-ed seventy-seven vote? out of s registration of l.flS eetabllshed a record for bond majorities yester day end overwhelmingly put the 9100,000 hmue over. Mayor Johnson Mid last night no such unanimity had marked any poll In hie day. Lom than <0 voted a telnet the bonds which will be de voted to new school buildings. All factions vanished today. HchoeCa IMsanlas ItocMwe of Hm>I Pittsburgh, Pa.. Sept. 18.?Sev enty thousand ehlldreo were die-: m ?seed from the Pittsburgh public schools today because of the heat, and Superintendent Davleon order ed that no more eeeatoM bo heM un til the heat war* has pasted, the government thermometer retched ? I decreet today. . ? . 7>l tr 9100 valuation and 9 c?nts on th? poll. This levy will flv? th? school* about 93,200 mor? annually. Th? ?t the augg??tIon of th? Suprem? original levy r?qu?ated. would yl?ld a revenue of about 98,200. Th? la create will mean a rale? of only on? cent Id th? tax rat? of laat year, which wac 88 centa, for at' th?lr mooting laat June, th? commlaslon era lowered th? county rat? two centa. The board of oducatlon, It la un derstood. will make no appeal. Th? following resolutions were adopted: Whereaa, at th? Jane m??tlng of the Hoard of Coramhwloners for th? County of Beaufort, th? Board of Education~of aald county r?qu?sted t h? levying of a general county achool tax of aeven centa on 9100 valuation and 21 cents on each poll to maintain the public achoola of Beaufort County for four inontha. as required by the Con?tltutlon of North Carolina. And whereaa. aald Board of Coun ty Commtaalonera. after careful consideration and investigation chad the ronclitalon .. that aald levy, aa requested, was not only un necessary but waa exorbitant and Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Commleeionera for the County of Beaufort: ? lat. That a levy of 3c on the 9100 valuation and 9c on each tax ablfi poll be made on all aubjecta of taxation In the County of Beaufort to appear of record aa of first Mon day In June. 1915. 2nd That the proceeda of aald levy shall bo ulaed to maintain th? public schools of Beaufort County for a period of four months. 3/d. That this tax ahall be col lcr'r?d In the same manner an other C3ttn'y taxes are collected. Th'a Sept. 14th. 1915. Wing for the reaolution: Mr.*, Commissioner* Aycock. 1'ragaw, and Eborn. Voting against the resolut!on and for a 2c levy: Commissioner Whit ley. SHIP TOBACCO TO LONDON Kighty HognhiXl HlUpprd from Um Kin*ton Mark ft YMtrrday. (By Eastern Press) Klnnton, Sept. 16.?Eighty hogs head of tobacco left here yesterday for Baltimore, from wherr* they will be shipped to I^ondoa. The exact dete of shipment Is being kept * " secret. Local business men take this as a M aim of the general loosening up of trade to foreign coantrlea, due to the let-up In the submsrlna war fare. It in expected that tB par cent of the local market will b* id sent abroad. [ ?? TO OPICN MIMICAL HTUDtO. I MIm Ophle Morris, instructor la niuaic at the Waahlngton Coliagiala Institute, will op*n up a musical studio In the city In the near f?t?rt* and will teach her claasea on Wed nesday? and Saturdays. The bal ance of her time will be devoted l* ? her work at the Institute. AT THE BELLMO) m CHILORBK or THE SKA" I Pari? Tk* r?mon? VItImi Rleh ?114 I (Mlbraltb iMMurlm 1? "A 00OD BU|IK|<M MWO,'l

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