DAILY THE WUTIM?KMriUy nlr toillkt. asuili cal Fans Are Eager to Have an Kectvk Board" Here Again This Year. Considerable discussion !s going on among the fana of the city over the preparatlona that will be made here next month, for receiving the reaulta of tha world'a baseball aer ies. Manager Blow of the New Theatre, who operated the electric scoreboard. is not certain whether he will undertake the venture again thla season, aa the attendance at the "games" last year was rather poor. In the meantime, s number of the fana are talking the matter over and some mean a will probably be d<*cid ed upon for getting the results in Washington. Torrron Evaby Villa. El Paso. Tex., Sept. 10.?Torreon has been evacuated by the forces of General Villa, aay official advices received here last night. General Villa and his staff left on the iaat troop train serly today for Chlhsu hua City. AT THE BELLMO Ws srs sorry to announce that our pictures did not arrive to mske ?_\i * ?nloiincm.ni In toda;'? papar. We mi .Mar? onr patron*. how??#r. that ik*r will m hiih-Maaa fin?? fnd up to tka anal nclUit ttand trf ?*( br UU (battrt. TWO ROYAL BEAUTIES These two children ha.ro the dis Unction of being the handsomest of Jie *oungsr generation of the royalty of Europe. They are Princesa IIrana and Prince Mircla, whose father 1? tClng Ferdinand of Rouxnanla. Tt la probable that the kingdom of their fa her may be Involved In the great European war, arraying Itself with the allies agalnat the Teutona. Should Houmanla take up arm# agalnat the Germana, It la believed In Europe that the fall of Conatantlnople win be but a matter of time, Inasmuch aa Rou mania and the Balkan atatee are the ley atone to Turkey. TAKEN ILL ON TRAIN HAROLD NICHOLSON IN HOS PITAL, CONDITION 18 QUITE SERIOUS. Wan at Wam-oton and Started to Come Back Hom?\ Elder Held Found Him In Unconeriou* Con dition on Train. Harold Nlo&olsoo, aon of Dr. Jack Nicholson, of Bath, la In "a rather serloua condition at the Fowle Me morial hospital. Hie condition to day la eomewhat Improved from what it was yesterday. Mr. Nicholson left here about a week or so ago for Warrlnton, where he waa to attend the high ichool. He wan taken alck and started for home. When the train arrived at Weldon, ha was in prac tically an unconscious condition. Mr. Reld, presiding elder of this district, happened to be passing; through the train at the time and noticed the alck young man. From *h? name on the suit case, ^e learn ed Mr. Nicholson's Identity *nd he remained on the train until it ar rived in Washington. Mr. Nichol son waa then taken at once to the hoapltal. MAN, ?O, SHOOTS ANOTHER OF 22 YEARS AT MT. OLIVE Mount Olive, Sept; 20? Ray Jones, 22, a young white man, was ahot Friday afternoon by N. O. Whit Held, another white man, 60, who uaed a shot gun loaded with small ahot. emptying its oontenta Into Jones' leg Juat above the knee. Phy slclans were summoned and gave the young man the necesaary atten tion. and It now seems that the wound will cause him no serious In convenience. Deputy Sheriff D. O. Rhodes, of this place, went to the acenc of the affray Saturday morning, arrested WMtfteld and brought him here, where he was Saturday afternoon given a preliminary hearing before a local Justice and bound over to WaynS Superior Court. Whitfield and Jonea were aald to have fallen out over a Jug of wine, | and as Jonea started to get Into hta buggy and depart for hla home. Whitfield la aald to have hutrled Into hla house, returning with hla gun and emptying Its contents at Jonea, with the results mentioned above. Know the Flow of Rivera. No on? star'? to build a house with out knowing how much room la want ed Or how many people ar? expected lo occupy the h out? The tamo thing should h? trna Of power plants, water ?upply systems, sewage disposal plants, lereae, flood oontrof works, Ir M gallon works, gnd land drainsgb aye Uma. 1/ such construction work la to ! ha dona economically and aooceesfull. ? knowtotfa of the amount of wftiif ^T0lTf4 1# aaMQUftl. KM ?81: nun BBV. I. !f. LOFTIJf TO 8TAHT SERlEtf OP HE ETIKO? THIS WEEK. rSERVTCES DAILY I'^.rfy; - Murnlog Servlcca Will Begin at 10 O'Clock ami KveaUig rtrrvlco* at 7:80. Urfc Coafiffktkfu Ar? Expect?!. - Rev. I. N. Loftla, of Bllasbetk City, tonight will bagin * aeries of revival meeting?, which will be con ducted at the Baptist churcb. Dr. Loftln arrived In the city this aft r-, noon. The meeting* will continue throughout the week. 1 There will be two services dally. | Morning services will bo held at 10 o'clock, and the evening services will begin at 7:30. In the evening there will be a short prayer meeting. The p/eachlng will start at eight. It Is expected that Dr. Loftln will attract large congregation? at all of his sermons. He 1b one of the most forcible preachers in this section of the State and has had great succeae at revivals. "EXPLOITS OP ELALNE" .NEW THEATRE TONIGHT The New Theatre offers Its pa trons tonight the usual alx reel pro gram, In which the 24th episode of the "New Exploits of Elaine" will be shown In two reel?. There will also be a three-reel Lubln feature picture entitled "The Terrible One" and promise? to be a great picture. In addition to these there will be a one reel comedy entitled "Blng Bang, BIS." Tonight will close the "New Exploits of Elaine" serlee, and next Monday the "Romance of Elaine" will start and run for It weeks, and Is said to be more In teresting than either the "Exploits uf TEThJne- or the "New of Elaine." Of courec it has a con nection all the way through t?e en tire series. CUPID HAS LEFT THESE PARTS Only Four MutUcm LImum? Have Itecn ImowI to Wnhl?ntart of her ****** ?> change the rtme of the speed boat. "So-Bong" ? o "Dan CIbM." jftl? le due to an mportant part (fit the tut little fAft p'eyed yeslfrday morning >n e-unltlng e lorinl couple. A pert7 ffom |k country mrVired n the city yeelerdgy morning, bound on en excursion' ?rn the river. They bed charters a boet (or the trip end left the w at about eight o'cloek. Hardly bM the launch left the dock when g mftll-dreeeed young man ran down to wharf, only to And that he wee tag lete. Kot only was he going towpiss the outing, tut the woret mK of It was that hie girl was on Hhrd the boat | The young MMF did eom? quick thinking, and bMBg heard of the "So-Long's" pro^Hi on the water, he ruehed up Henry Moore's house, explained -'the situation to that genial gentllMan end enlisted his eld In overtnfclM the other boat Mr. Moore burring down to the riverfront with hip, started the en gine on the "Bo-L^pg" and they left the city with theimve ot spray get ting higher and higher, as the craft Rained speed. Tho other b0?| wasr nowhere to be seen, but after?nbout fifteen min utes, she was sighted, far ahead. The speed boat overhauled her In short order and eame up alongside of her off Cove Point. Mr. Moore transferred his passenger end re turned to Washington with the heartfelt thanke Ot the couple he had re-unlted. PREACHER IS] IN TROUBLE ARRETTED IN #ILftON, CHARO KD WITH HADKG ANOTHKR Mjvrwirma. Woman In the Case Awfru Tliat Hrr First Husband Lett Her and That She Later Went With Mr. Andrews. (Special to the Dally News) . Wllaon, Sept. 20.?Rev. A. T. An drew*, & Christian volunteer work er, who has been locafd In Wilson for several months was arrested yesterday morning and plaeed In Jail on the complaint tff S. R Hinnant. of Smlthfleld. that Andrews had married his wife. Andrew? has been married to Little Hinnant for near ly three years. The Hinnant woman says that h??r. vr?t. husband took her to Henderson | where they worked in a cotton mill I and later deserted hsr. The Rr-v. | Mr. Andrews came along and she went with him to Dillon, 8. C.J where they were married. There aro two children by the last mar riage and one by the inrt. ARE IMPROVING THEIR PLANT! Pamlk-o ChMnlcil Company Hu( | to lx> Mud? T?rlce an large. Extensive Improvements ar? fin der way at the Pamlico Chemical company'* plant, located about two mllea down ?h? river. Work ha? already been begun on enlarging the building, which will be Increased to about twice Ite original size. It Is expected that the Improvements will be completed by-^Chrlatmaa. 86,744 POUNDS WAS SOLD TODAYl Price* Wrrr High. Market la (Jain, lug In the \uml?er of Patroin. At thft local warehouses today. 3G.744 pounds of tobacco were dis posed of at excellent prlcea. Ware houaemen claim that pri cm are net ting batter all the time for the high grade of tobacco. Tha patrons of tha local market have Incraaaed in number and now It Is doubtful If there are moro than three or four farmera In the entire ooantr who taka their tobacco to other markets On tha otber hand, a number of load* of tobacco have bean received at tha local marfcftt fronj M*!"1!1* #i)4 fit? oountf. lin OTTH HUNDREDS HONOR MR. HARD* ING BY THEIR PRESEN? "E AT CHURCH. ABLE SERMONS lllahop D?ra< PrttlWa m Both Moraine ***& Kytnimg H fry in**. Kxm>I1?bI Mulo by the Choir Wm Large congregations at both Mr ?Ices and a number of "visiting clergymen wers at 8t. Peter's Epie ! copal church yesterday to com* ^ orate the forty-second annlve [of Rev N. Harding's eerrlces rector. 8peelal mualo by th? choir 'and two able termona by Blsbop Thomas C. Darst helped to maks the services both boautlful and Impres sive. At the morning services, practic ally every seat in the church was ( occupied. The Bishop delivered a ?holt but most eloquent aermon on the work that had been done by Mr HardLng during his long years ef service In Washington. His remark? were well chosen and Impressively delivered. In the evsnlag. Blsbop Darst preached ^Another splendU' sermon, taking as hia text, "Be still and know thy God." The choir rendered beautlfu! music at both services, Edmund Harding, son of the rector, presided at the organ and was aanlated by Cornetists Sslby Jones and Fore man. Solos were sung by Miss Car rie Bright, Mlw Bessie Connolly. Mre. E. H. Harding and Mr. llouv ton. All are talented singers and '.heir selections added Kreaily to tlif beauty of the servlcee. There were two conflrmatlone at he evening services. Charles Camp bell, Jr., and Lucy Congleton. BARACA CLASS GROWING FAST Tweotj-iwo Xew Mrnihprn Have Ile-en Added During the Prf*fnt Campaldii. The H a rac? class at the M *-r !iod 1^: -hurch ia steadily growinr both tn membership and popularity. The class room ia crowded ?very Sunday and If the membership continues tn increase as rapidly as it ha? done In the past. steps will have to be taken to afford larger accommoda tion*. The class Is divided Into two V.dea: the "Reds" and the "Blues."' Racit side |k end' avorlng to secure the larger amount of new member* and rivalry la exceedingly keen. A number of new members were add '?d to the roll yesterday end th?* score now stands: "Reds." 12. ?Tllues." 10. Those 22 new mem I bcrs Have all been added during the present campaign. W. M. Kear, who is the class tcach-r, deserve? a large percent of for the ilar ab'.e class, for lit* ab'.e and Interesting method of conducting the lemtons is a big factor in drawing the young men to the church every Sunday morning. HOKst: steps on i/orisnt i?; f'HIlJ); HF.lt DF1TH RKH1I/TS| (Special Lo the Dally Loulaburg, Sept. 20.-?Annie New II, (lie three year old daughter of| Mr. and Mr?, Joseph S. Place, wa^ ??erlouely wounded yeaterday after noon about 6 o'e!o?k, and dleFNT MEN IN THK TO BACCO Bt'Hl VES88. I'ummI Away This Mornini ?t KJii Ktun. IHed of Cwirvr aughtvr. f By KaMrni Preset KinMon. Sept 20?George \V Knott, aged 50. one of th* most ironi.nent tobacco men Id thin srr ion oi the State, died tin? morning it 6 30 of cancer of the stoma: h Mr Knott U aurvlved by four son* ?nd one daughter W. A Knoll, his eldest son, will mi creed him in bual ieaa. The d caascd ara* a senior mem ber of the firm of Knott liro?., who awp.one# of the larger warehojitvB r the rlly and who have been In (be tobacco buslines for many year?. AIMItT HANI>KD. While traveling through Alabama a young naW-sman was one day for? .?d to dine at a farmhouse, mya The National Magazine. Not being *er\ wall satisfied with his m al of curu broad and bacon, h* a?kf?d if h might have a gjass of milk ? No." r< plied Uin hosi "Ah don't reckon you 11 And any milk around here *;nce the dug died " "Blnce the dor di d?'' ac hoed lh< stranger "What's that got tr? with It?" ' Why." replied ih* ' rmor. "wh 1 do you-all reeko..'a g to j a-i fetch th? et va?" 150 BA?VS COTTON HAS BEEN MOVED! ' I Ureal Burn- Flfllpvm 'Hint R^?rtii>n Will Follow And Tltat tli* IVice Wi| Drop. According jo information given out by one of the locul cotton buy er? this morning, About IRA hale have moT?4 out of thin olljr tine# the flrat of Rept< m>??r The price "tarted aj H 1-4 cen*? and is now ,-it tO cents. When anker] about the future of the market, thr buyer Mated that no definite information could li* g.ven an to t h* t. hut aetordlng 'n hia vlwa. n reaction wh* hound in take pier? in the market year," he aalri. "wh"n tb? pric? of cotton ranged from fi to cent?, practically all of the fanner* net their mind? on ton cents and wer determined to holri it until thnt price waa reached. It linn now been reached and a big amount of I cotton ha* been turned on the mar ket at that price. In other word?. the supply 1? greater 1 linn th? de mand. Consequently. I belinvf thai a reaction will follow and that tha price wl'l drop off again*' HAYS HA K Kit. Next Saturday If nothing prevent! we hope to put on display In our ahow window at the foot of our stairway a vary attractive dlnplay o' our photographic arta. We want you to an? thin display of plcturea for thin la ona tlma we are making our beat affort and want your com mantr Look out for Saturday. BAKERS STUDIO. * FALL TERM OP WAflH0T?**X H< noOLS BfSGAK THT0 MORNING. 674 ENROLLED Atte*da?ce i? Kept Low ua Aitoui ct Epldiinir of Whooplnf Couch in tlM> Cltjr. Fioivk?* 11*4i Title XorqlBg. Tha elty schools ope?ed ?bis morning with an enrollment of ?74 in the whit? school While this may biff in small. It must ke taken Into consideration that at leajt 70 pu pH? tn The lower grades ar* enable to attend on account of an epidemic of whooping cough. It 1s expected thai by the time the school term la 'wo or three weeks old. th? total number enrolled will be wall above SO* in the white schools. Appropriate ex*rcl?es were he?d '.bis morning st the high school au d'.tortum Among the speakers were Congressman John PI Small, Count? Superintendent W. G. Prlrette, Mr. Fletcher. superintendent at the Washington CoOleglate Inetftut*. Rev. H D tjearlgbt, Rev R. V Hope and Rt*?. C M Snipes. 'i number of puplln enrolled in tli?' high school today was ISi. COOL WAVE IS NOW WITH US lit.I S|:rll Will Tomom)" Ue a Tiling uf flu* I'm'?!. Acroriliiig to the IIhII) St-vrm lYiiUitiou. W'jshinpten resident*. who ha*e li.'en complaining of the Intense heal ilunnp the lain two we., k*. may be rrn'iU?'d to know tnal the hot WH\e h** paased over an1 that they may row begin to get their overcottp aut if the moth halls?or the Bioltl balls out of the overcot*?It's im mater.al which. Beginning with tomorrow, the mercury will begin to desrend In it? ?ube and begin to investigate the condition of the tabe around tka HO and 6'? mark Thsa information maybe uk*n as offMa'. as the T)aily N?.w? h sr. ne**r ?"X failed In f.vir.t a corree* pro ul.ety of r).? wmher an* lime. NEGRO IS ARRESTED ON GRAVE CHARGE K' . 'amily nf SI* Woiiin ?t Bin ii . Alkti*! to H??o i om juMt^l <'riiiiinni Awwnli. I Hy Katrani Kia?ion, Sw|H. 20,? Alexander Maltor. iy>1or'? today on * aravp rkarir* It 1? thnt h?* kopi a Pa m >' y of nrin ??omin ami fiva young clrla In hi* hott?*?. who ??fp of no r ix'son t-m hint anr fin *|n nn?l one of 'k#> ??*!#( am Ultra plana announced that tka IriHtPiHt had oicliidaH II.