DAILY NEWS I ENTERED McKEEL-RICHARDSON STORE AND THE HARDY RESIDENCE, r , NOT BEEN CAUGHT Stole a Number of ArUd*m from Hardware Store a*d Were la the Act of nmlln teto Hardr loai When RdUnto Notified Police. Thieve* last nlfht entered the store of tbe McKeel-Rlchsrdson Hardware Company, atole several articles, and then proceeded to break Into the Hardy residence at the toot of Bonner street. They made their entrance Into tho hardware store without being dis covered and after taking what they wanted, they went down to the Har dy house. They tried to break In through tho basement, but . were heard by some of the residents, wbo immediately telephoned the police. When Officer Hardlson arrived on tbe scene, ho saw a burly negro standing near the house. The police man called to him and the negro, with a sudden start, proceeded to run. Hardlson fired In the air, but the negro never stopped. Then Har dlson took careful aim and fired a galn. The fleeing man rolled over, and It Is believed that he was hit In the arm. Before the officer could catch up with him, a number of other person?, attracted by the noise or the shooting, came running down the stfeet, and the negro disappear ed in the crowd. it to not believed that they were successful In stealing anything out tof tho Hardy residence, but they took a number of articles. from the hardware store, among which were a pistol, some cartridges, two raz ors, a raincoat, a sweater and i pocket knife. They also broke dn to the cash register, but found noth Ing th<*re. In fleeing from tbe officer, the ^egro dropped the raincoat and the yocket knife. The coat had Mr. IfcKeel's name inside of It, and this Is what gave the offlccr the clue to the earlier robbery. This morning, a resident of Pine town, came into the hardware store ( and stated that he had purchased i two razors from a negro at Bunyon. He bad heard of the robbery since then, but stated that he had no Idea a? to the Identity of the negro, al though he believed him to be a resi dent of Washington. The police are working on the case. 1 US vim BIGGEST DAY OFTHS YEAR FOU WASHINGTON. MANY VISI TORS EXPECTED. HERE OCTOBER 26 Coning -Her? Direct .from Raleigh. Washington WiU Re Only City In 1W? Section of the State at which Circus Will Show. Elephants, peanuts, pop corn, pink lemonade, clowns, dare-devil trap eie artists. dainty equestriennes and hundreds of other attractions will be in evidence In Washington on October 16 th. ? Thia will be "Circua Day" in Washington. The biggest three-ring circua In buslneae today la coming and will show here on the afternoon I and night of the 26th. Big etreet parade* will be held, all kinds of [slde-ahows will be seen. Animals of all kinds and from all countries i will be on exhibition. i The news of the coming of the clrcna was received from the Nor folk Southern railroad thla morning. The attraction will come here from Raleigh, travelling In a long apodal train. After atopplng at Waahlng ! ton, it la understood that they will ! proceed u upon the spot where he fought for his country, After being away from that place for 62 year?, was the exper ience of George Thomaa Allen, a Confederate veteran, here today. Mr. Allen, who Is stdll In the beet of health end who resides in Nash county' arrived here yeetelday to vlalt relative?. I*aat night, in the company of two or three other vet eran?, who bad come to talk w!th him over old time?, the conversation naturally drifted to the Incidents of the great war. "It wae at the battle of Klnston In 'If, that I hod my, most excltfn* experience." Mid Mr. Allen. 1 was detached from my company and e?nt to the bank? of the Nouee to act as ehspsbootv I remained there for over four hours and during that time 1 know that I Milled and wound ed no lee? than SO ot the federal soldiers. I had several narrow es c?p. Just captured by the German force?. It to the !a?t Ruwlan uronihold on the Koyno Brcm Litorsk defense Une to slve In to the Inraders. Washington 'Market Offers As Good Prices as Any For Good Grade of Tobacco To the Farmers of Beaufort County: Gentlemen: While there aro many of you who seem to realize the true existing conditions with regard to the local tobacco market, there appear to bel some who persist in thinking that they can gel better prices for their' crop elsewhere and who are hauling 1 their crop to Greenville and other markets, In tho hope of securing better prices. . The action on the part of this latter class, la not in keeping wiith the good, sound business judgment that has always been displayed by the farmers of Beaufort county. They not only lose both time and money through their transaction, but they hurt the local market, thoy hurt the county, the city and they I hurt themselves. Tho same companies are repro n.ned on the Washington market as >n the Greenville market. Why then, should It be thought that the latter will offer better prices for jrour tobacco than the market In thla city? Thero is absolutely no reason for believing that. You come to Washington for your food and your supplies and you sell your vegetables, eggs and produco here. You do not haul theae arti cles to Greenville, you realize th* foolishness of such a procedure. It is Just as foolish to haul your to bacco to another city and take the business away from the local mar ket. The warehousemen in Washing ion realise that they must push your tobacco for all that It ls?pprth in order to keep up the local market. And they are doing it. They have a personal interest in every load' that Is brought to this city. The warehousemen In other cities, know-, in* where you are from, will prob ably do their best to boost the pried a little *ln order to induce you to bring future loads there and to tell your neighbors about your transac tion. You can't blame them; it's good business. We wish to repeat, however, that your tobacco will bring just as good prices right here in Washington as It will anywb< re clue la the State You can't get away from that lac no matter what arguments are of fered. A large part of the tobacco sent to Greenville is probably carried there through forco of habit. The local market is a comparatively new cue, while the Greenville market has been established for a' consid erable length of time. As a result, those farmers who carry their to bacco out of the county do so be cause they are afraid to change. But you have absolutely nothing to fear. Your Interests will be bet ter looked after hen at home than in some other county. Why not take the trouble to Investigate? Why not bring a trial load here and find out how It Bells? Why not ask your ueighbors, who bring their tobacco to the Washington marke:, what thr y think of it? And. in conclusion, we aga'.n wls'i to impress that important fad on your mind?you get as pood, if nor better prices for your tobacco here In Washington, an you will any where else in the State. A REV lil Cmc of Morton va. Light A Water ( ('Dipaijr is to be Tried Again. Decision* Handed Down in Other fWn. The Supremo court yesterday. In the ceia of Morton va. Washington Light A Water company, granted a n w trial to the plaintiff. The cane will be tried before the "Superior oourt in Beaufort county. Metsra. Morton, who, at the last trial, were allowed approximately $t,500 for damage due to their prop rly when an Insufficient supply of water was obtainable, appealed the case to the Supreme court. A new trial was also granted by the Supreme court yesterday in the caae of Fowle vs. Warren, of this city. The court found no error In the case of Elliott vs. Railroad and Lumbar Company. The caae of Cutler va. Cutler was affirmed. AT THE BELLMO TONIGHT?He ana 10c?TOXIQHT Thfl ftSlat Bpdeodtf of the ")(IIA.M>N DOULAR MYSTERY" The Document# In the Tr???ur<* Box The Sel? ure of th? RumIid Agent. Keystone Comedy / "Wh?m Ambro? Dved Watm? Special Production in I Act* "THE ARROW MAIDEN' JMp't FMI to Re? Th?? Wiow> BUSINESS IMPROVES THROUGHOUT CO. Ft-?leral A11'KKHHION OF WOMKN'B CXUB9 Willlamston. N. C., September 22, 1916. Kdltor Washington Dally News, Washington, N. C. ' r>ear Sir: ? Having seen an article In your Is sue of September 11, concerning the jWoman'n Club of Wllllamston, we wish to nubmlt the following to your attention. Thla Woman's Club Is of very re cent organisation, having for It? object the betterment of our town. Asr yet only one department of work has been planned, that of sanitary improvements. Our reason for writing this letter is to correct the imprcaelon which you evidently received through read ing an article written In The Wlll lamston Enterprise of September 10 as we cannot claim to be the club mentioned In that paper { Yours very truly. The Woman's Club of Wllllamston, Mr?. W. H. Harrsll, President. Should Senate He Called Into Extra Sctsion. It WIH II? About October 15th. Washington. Sep:. 23.?President Wilson in lncl'ned to favor an extra s* anion of the seuato to be call?*-1 some tlnv next month to consider the Colombian and Nlcaraguan treat Irs and some form of cloture In the senate. The President's attitude wav made known at the White House this afternoon aft r he had talked v/lth Senator F. J. Stone, of Mis sourl. chairman of the senate for e'en relations committee and oth?T 'nfluentla* statesmen. Should th" President d'dde to call the senate Into extra session he would prob ibly set the date for October 15 or thereabouts. LIST of letters Remaining uncalled for In this of flee for the week ending Washington, N. C.. Sept 18. 1915. MEN? M'.ller Card well. R. E. Currln, Oard'.ey Bafthua, Isaac Kln?ey, Shu ard Martin. W. J. Moore. Hannln Lee Reese. E. W. Staton. Clarence Salisbury. Mr. Sues. Jas A. Wheat 17 WOMEN? MI ms Elvy Grass, Miss Heste*- Ken Ion, Mrs. Helen Little, Miss Ruth Loft See, Mrs. OH*or Murphy. Mis? Thelma Reynolds. Mis? Patsy Wll liams. Mrs. Maokdeller Whiter* These letters will, be went to thf dead letter office October 4th, 1916 I' not delivered before. In calllnn for the above, please say "Adver llMd" giving date of list N, HENRY MOORE. P M. K IF K m LARGE AUDIENCE SEES "BARBARA" Acting Wan Excellent Hut In the Mind? of tli? Audience There Were Weak Spots In the Plot. "The Winning of Darbnra Worth' which was shown at 'he New The? tre last night more than ilxed up t expectation? and made a most ( vorable impr ssion on the large a dlence present. The characters we: excellent In their part? and *her wag not a weak point !n the play The acting wan all that could h desired, but much dlscusHlon wa heard after the play as to the merit! of the plot. The majority app?are War lln* ? IUU* of Inimfit. Denver. Col.. S- pt 23.?Higher average of rat?? of Interest in the Untied States, will be one of the in evitable results of the European war in the opinion of United Stat?* Senator Theodore Burton of Ohio, princ.pal speaker hi the annul' baniiuet of the Investment Hunkers association of America here la^t night. Senator Burton said the following results may be expected froin th?*. present war: "An enormous decrease in capita available for Investment. "Temporary shrinkage in the ag gregate volume of commercial ari industrial actlvitrs. "Higher raies of in'?rest aiu! greater degree of di^ ?? llnat.nn 01 the part of the Irv-eat:. pub!! ? "Inter1-?! cn h:;? i t !e b ndw posslb'y v 111 *'"cllr. ? "Certain cl:. s"s * doiaostlc en terprises, "t^h: : ng liie building of electric ruii- ayi and possibly th-* bulidlng of steam railroads will ex perience a material doline." MANV FATIIKKM DIE OF TUnKRCILOSIS IN 8TATK Of Twonty-flve Orphan Children, Tlilrte<*n had Tubercular Parent*. ltalelgh, Sept. 2.1. Of twenty- j Ive children recently admi'*'d t< ho Odd F' Hows' Orpbr?n Home a oldsboro !t was found thit n' '.h fathers of the twenty flv> chili-"', dmitte.d ihirteen died of t'tberci ?osls. The application blanks whir' ?II for I he cause of death of t h? fathers, for no child is admit t d ?' the institution whose fsther in liv ing. revealed this noticeable fact. Hut the above fact* do not close Ihe story. It hngr developed that those little children are falling vic tims to th? same disease. One of the children has been sent to the State Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis while application? have been made for two more. Un less provla'on can be made whereby these two children may be given treatment, they will have to be sent away with no alternative but to die Here. It seems, is the county's op portunity. The laat General As sembly passed an act whereby a county or a town may pay the coirt of treatment at the State Sanator ium?one dollar a day?-of any In digent tubercular patient residing In that county or town. No more appealing or deserving case could, call upon th? county for aid than that of a child coming down with tuberculosis. IS PASSION OF TODAY 1'REACIIKD STRONG SERMON ON ??TilK MAX WHOM GOD CALLED A FOOL." MANY PRESENT L-i Conpiyaltug Wm Uie I Uiltflft of the Week. K\n:i|(rlut Ls Making (irt-fti Juiprcsaion oover>thlng there i? to be known about running our 'Ive?. AVe believe we can do If without any assistance or h1 'p. This nun In the parable was evidently of .lie same belief, lie had w-alth. he ;ad power, and he probably occu pied a high social position. If he were In Washington today, he would irobably be one of your leading itizena, a man greatly respited. :lut nevertheless, he would still be i fool. 'lie was a business and aortal uccess; why then a fool? Dut my rlends. listen: there are many bus r. ?* and roclil suoresM's in this vim-Id today, who are uiter failures ind who ore fools !n the sight of ? od. We shoul 1 p?*t It fixed in our n;nds. and get ;t fixed firmly that uojjpy or soda! poMtlon eannnt np n the gat"* uf Heaven for us. "The man Ic the parabl- reason ? JuxY iike an animal He wanted He wanted to sir down and ?i . !i:s wea'th In comfort and en j liy Himself. If I may digress ?r c "lornent, I wish to say that !t and mon y that the people ihis world today are af er. It not he;r salvation?that :s m?re a minor IncUl^r.t. Th" passion .* the hour Is MONEY, becausa aoney is all that will give raso. ?et money! G t It honestly If you an; ?-hu? #r?t money! That Is ap ?arently the law of today ?"1 have married many couples ;n iiy time and I have burled as many i* probably any other minister in his section of th' Slate. And ev ry tlm?> I marry two young per on?. it I? not iinestions of the man's haracter or business that I hear. ? 1? "how niurh Is he worth?" "la f we"I fixed?*' And when the poor ,evll dl h. thf? ?ame quest'nn is ask 1: 'Hnw much did he leave?' "At;d. geltlng bark to th" parable. O you notlre Hie number of times he man mentions the T In his talk, t Is 'I will tin this.' and "I will do bat ' II?* U egotistical another asuli for calling him a fool. He hlnks th?* world circulates around ilm He never took Ood Into con Ideratlon. "The Lord alsn called him a fool ?eraucc be thought he could feed its soul on potatoes, corn. peas, or whatever cl?e he raised Frlenda, 'ou cannot feed your soul on ma erlal things, things that decay Ood done can Rive you nourishment. He ilone can comfort your soul. You :annot find the true comfort in the hlrgs of this earth. "And the man reasoned an If* his loul was his own, with which h* ?ould do as he pleased. Hut God tave yon that soul, my friends, and Sod will take 4t from you again. And He wants that soul to he as Mean and pure when it In returned to Him as it was when He gave It lo you. Won't you listen to His word? Won't you jplve heed to th? warning?? Won't yot? confess you* ftltb in Him?"