ILY NEWS ess WEATMK??*a?rall7 Mr W >i(k< Ullwtl IMUHj wim* = WASHINGTON N.C FRIDAY AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER M. It?* " No/? OCCURRED AT lO O'CLOCK. WAS I4H7DBR THAN REPORT OP A CANNON. NO EXPLANATION YimL Police Inveetlgattag. ' The moat oft repeated question la Washington today Is "Where was the explosion?" As far as we know tcday, no one has found an answer for It, and as a result, the whole town Is mystified and on edge with cariosity. ? " . Last night, at about ten o'clock th* echoee were awakened by a re port which equaled In noise that of a large cannon?louder. If anything. It rattled the window panee In al most every home and for a moment It oaused considerable alarm. One of the operators at the tele phone office stated this morning that her switch board was a blase of lights direcCTy after the explosion occurred.^ Almost everyone In the city wanted Information mm to Its source. But no Information could be secured. A crowd Immediately gathsred on the streets, the majority of them going dbwn to the Episcopal church yard, where, in the opinion of many of them, the explosion had occurred. A "crowd of almost a hundred per sons gathered at this spot, but noth ing could be learned. The police In vestigated the matter last night and aro continuing doing so today, bat they have been unable to learn any On the streets this morning, number of person? answered the query by staling that it was prob ably the naval reserves, practicing shooting. Captain Morton, however, when asked about the matter this morning, stated that the naval mi litia were not engaged In any prac tise last night and that he did not beHcve they had anything to do with the matter. In the meantime: What Waa It? to Establish Camp Him liar to Om te PUttobwg. (By Parkar R Anderson) Washington, Sept. 14.?Senator Overman, of North Csroltna, today will ask Secretary of War Oarrlson to establish a business men's train* lag camp similar to the'one held ?t Plattsburg, N Y., this summer. In North Carolina. The oamp, estab lished, will be located either at Ashe vllle or Morehedd City. Both placts ?re being considered. If the secretary decides to allow one of the?? camps to go to the state It would be of grrat talne both to business men who take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to get valuable military training and also da an advertisement for North Carolina. AUSTRALIAN FIRING A TRENCH MORTAR This remarkable looking weapon, which la being used with telling effec against the Turks In the Dardanelles campaign, is a tronch mortar, one or thi new engines of war which haa been brought Into play during tbe present European war. It Is mounted on boxes, and Judging from the way It le bandied when fired there la considerable risk to the pointer or operator o' the weapon, for while one arm directs the fire of the mortar the other arr. pulls the sin# which sets It off. MOTHER SAVES CHILD AT EXPENSE OF HER LIFE Mrs. Sam Cobb of Snow Hill Burned to Death When She Went to Rescue of Five-year-old Son. (By Eastern Press) Snow Hilh Sept. 2J.?Mrs. Sam 2obb was burned to death yesterday if tor noon in trying to have her flve rear-old son. She lived only a few hoars after receiving the burns, and luffered untold pain before she pass ad away. Mr, Cobb was buaUy Lai the kltcheh of her. home and the boy was pfaying around on the (loor. She was not giving him any thought. Vben he suddenly uttered i terrified scream. Turning, ?he taw her by enveloped In flames. Ho VENTERS IS NOW IN JAIL Man, Accused of Bigamy. Will Be Held to Aw?4t Action of the Superior Court. Charles Venter?, who vm arrest ed Monday In Belharen, charged with bigamy. I? now reposing in the local Jail, where he will be held to aw&lt trial by the Superior court. Venters' case 1s a serious one, and 4f he is convicted of the charge brought gainst hlta? It will probably go hard with h1m. S etero W?Bt?l at Pulman. 29. C.. Wm Located te Washington by Chief Robfrtii Yewtrrdajr. Chief of Po'.lce Roberta yeetrrday afternoon arretted William Oorbam. colored, who I? accused of. stabbing hie wife and' Inflicting serious In juries Oorham comee from Palman. N. C , where the cutting affray oc curred.' The Chlrf aetod upon the 1 following telegram whleh he reetlv-| eff several days ago from the ehlef of police at Pulman* "Arrest for serious assault. Wil liam Oorham. colored, brown skin, thirty year* old, (Ire el* or seven, and 140 pounds. ?matl mus-, tache, cook t>y occupation. Rela flre? Ure in your town. Left today for Washington." Acting on the above Information. Mr Roberte mad* s&me investlga tlone and located hie man. The oilier of polloc at J?ulman ha? been in formed and a man Is eipeeted here today to take Oorbsra awa* had upset a can of kerosene on the kitchen store. With a cry of horror and fright Mrs. Cobb sprang forward and eel*~ ed the child In her arms. 8h4 press ed him to her in the atteihpt to smother the flames, and beat at them with her hands. In doing so bar own clothing caught Are and when neighbors, attracted by her screama, arrived on the scene, they found her lying on the floor, horri bly burned. She had succeeded In eavlng- her son. who waa not very Berlously burned and who will live. IS PREACHING AT HAW BRANCH Rev. H. W. 8tancill Will Hold Meet* ins* There Until the Knd of Meet Week. The evangeliste meeting at Old Ford closed Monday night with ten confessions of fslth. On Tuesda> night. Evangelist R. W. SCancill de livered a most eloquent lecture on "Courtship and Marriage." A large srd appreciative audience was pres JR. Meetings have been begun by Mr. 8tanclll at Haw Branch and will continue over Sunday and during (he next week. The public is cor dially Invited to be present. For the benefit of his many frlendf who are anxious over the condition of bis hand, in which blood-poison ing has set In. Mr. 8tanelll desires to say that his hand Is at present Improving rapidly and that there If no danger of any further offecte from the wound^. ?WHO PAYS" AT TUN NEW THRATRB TONIGHT In their tlx reel program at thf New Theatre ton'.gbt the atxth aer ial of tha "Who Pay a" carlea wir b- ahown. entitled "Thjj Heaae of O'an." There will alao ba another three rael feat ur?1 entitled "The Way of the Tranagreaaor." With this ?plendid proftrapa they should have a full houa?. HKNOKHHONVll-I/K HOOW TO. HAVE A NEW HOMIKftY MfLI, Hendertonrllle, 8ept 14. Jam** P. Or' y and aon, James P. Grey. Jr. of Johnaton City. Tenn , hare an nounced their plana to have a $10, 000 hoelery mill In operation in HenderaoatlUe by the flret of the coning year. f A alte baa been ^nrobated on Fourth atenue, near the Southern railway track*. ? t um MAX CXJHEX PIKD 1? THE KE Hi'i/r or iH LLir* wound AT TfTUA. WAS WELL KNOWN Served an Captain ~ dm (ho Staff of Col. W C. Dodnutt. Waa Alao at One Time CHtf of Goldaboro Pire IfepartMrtt (By Eastern Press) Now Bars, Sept. 34.?Informa tion has been receive^ here that Wax Cohen, of Goldsrboro, was shot \nd killed Tuesday night at Tulsa. Oklahoma. Mr. Cohan had gone to )klahoma to purchase some oil ?roperty. Details as to the shoot og a ere not given 1? the menage. The body will be brought back to ?oldsboro for Interment. Cohen was wall ksown throughout his section of tha State. He was \t one time chief of tha Qoldsboro ire department aa4 Ala? served as aptaln on the staff of Colonel W. iC. Rodman, of th? second Infantry j M. C. N. Q. ? I J PAJAMAS GALORE; NO USE FOR THEM Sailor* in lT. 8. X*ry l>ook Ankaurt* H UanntBU latcnded for "Nlffhtftw." Washington. D. <3., Sept. 24.? Seventy thousand cults of pa>araap ace going to waste in the United States navy. Every battleship and rulser has bales of them stored in 'heir slop ehsta. The reason is that h tars refuse to wear any auch con raption. The Arofcy and Navy Jour-, ttal la authority for tbia statement Two years ago orders wer$ issued hat pajamas be provided for enlist - d men, and It was aasumcd that his article of night apparel would oon become very popular. 8ome hlng like 100,000 pairs were pur haaed, and sailors were notified hy could draw them whenever they lked. For a time there was no demand ?>ut finally some of the men discov ered a use for the garments. About 30,000 pairs were distributed- Then t was found that seamen were using he pajamas as underwear; other? vore them while coaling ships. The navy department will soon iqer 70,000 suits of pajamas for ale to tho highest bidder. ME L VIN HORN K CONVICTED OF FIRST DEfiRTCE MURDER Wilmington. Sept. 24.?After de Mberat'ng two hours the Superior :ourt jury which had In hearing the case against Melvln Home, formerly leputy sheriff, for the murder of D. l>. T. Cappa on the streets here July :1 last, at 9:30 o'clock last night returned a verdict of guilty in the first degree. He appeared not to >e perturbed In the least, and when '.old to hold up his right hand 14 receive the verdict he Jokingly re marked that he could not as hlr arm has been\amputated. He used his left. As he left the court room i "?turning to Jail he threw up his '.eft arm to the several hundred spectators and cheerily remarked, "boys, I'm gone." CKLKDKATKD loth BIRTHDAY. Miss Mary Baugham yesterday afternoon, from Hve to six, enter '.alncd about fVfty of her friend* In honor of her tenth birthday. Tfco guest* were inrtted through novel invitation cards. on which *m depicted a little girl flyln* through the air, under which was the following vere?: To my party you munt hie. Be the weather wot or dry. Kr'n If you havo to fly . . Uke an ajr?htp. thro the sky! Game*, music and refreshments were enjoyed. The cutting of the Lbirthday cake proved quite an ev*nt. I.tttlo Mice I.-Miieo fthclbume so cured the friendship link for guete? Ing the nearest number A boa of candy was given to the boy whq tilt clo MASCOT UNDER ARREST Michael, the maacot of the Second and Sixth battalions of the Royal Fusilier?, put under arrest for mis behaving himself. On his forehead Is the sllrer shield presented to him by :he marquess of Anglesey. Prominent Citizen of That Country Predict? That Anarchy Wl?l Fol low Recognition of Carranza. Washington, D. C., Sept. 24.?A gloomy picture of what would hap pen In Mexico in the event of the recognition of Carranza by the United States and other Amerioan lepubllcs is drawn in a statement Issued by 'Roque Oonzales G aria, jne-tlme president "Of the Const'.tu^ .!onal government aifd now in Wash Ington to forward the peace conven tion pfan forward shrdl oZ cmfw :lon plan which the Villa and Zap ata element? have accepted at the Invitation of the Pan-Amrrican con .orees. Garza urges that the convention be held to set up a provisional gov ernment In Mexico in spite of Car anza's refusal to participate and declares anarchy soon would follow cognition of Carranza. Describing .at length the present military sltua lon he denies Carranza's c'.alm to control the greater part of Mexican territory and expresses the belief 'hat Carranza continue to de'ay his? i removal to Mexico City because of I fear that such a move would be fol lowed by occupation of Vera Cruz by his enemies. ft * niTii vin ? m w m 11 mami i LAKfafCKT KAL K OF WEEK; OO.OOO LBS. SOLD TODAY Fifty thousand pound? of to bacco was sold on the local market tods? Prices averaged at about eleven cent?. Farmers uy that the? will have larger quantities to bring In next week snd that It will probably be the biggest week at the mar ket so far. One o' the business men In Wp-' "" who happened to ille yesterday. met aort county farmer at ^ue of the Greenvlfle houses and a?ked him how his tobacco was selling. The farmer replied that he had brought loads to the Washington and to the Greenville markets and that aa far as hn could see, there was absolutely no difference In the price. In fact, he stated that he believed the Washington mar ket gave him a little the better of the deal. It Is reported that during the last two or three days, the number of farmers who have taken their tobacco to Green ville has decreased appreola tlvely. LUMBERTOX SCHOOL BOY DIES SUDDENLY YESTERDAY Lumberton. Sept. 24.?Guy B'.akc 16 years old, died very suddenly iere yesterday afternoon about 4 /clock. He had returned from school n apparent good health, had eaten i hearty dinner and went to work n the garden. Soon his mother leard h!m scream and upon going 'o the door saw him lying upon the ground, and upon going to htm found him dead. Charter (irantcd Tjiis Morning to t ho Klnstoii Stmt. Railroad rom|>an) at Raleigh. (Special Telegram) Raleigh, N. C.. Sept. 24.?A char ter was tpd&jr Issued to the K!n?tor Street Railway Company to c ;rat a street railway In thr' city. The charter contained the p.o '.slon ihat the railway five rai'.le* in each dire: Ion. Th romr' -y In , corporate-! for ^2f?"0, Local m n form the corpo -.lion. CAROLINA BEATS 'EM ALL BUT PEOPE ARE TOO LAZY Kinston Physician Says Resources Are Here but Are Not Taken Advantage of as They Should Be. (By Eastern Press) Klnnton, Sept. 24.?Dr. W. F. Hargrove Is back from an extended visit In Ban Francisco. Seattle, Sit ka, Denver, Kansan City, Ch'.rago, Cleveland and several dozen other placra. He spent three days in Ashe vlile before winding up his trip, which waa commenced about Juno 1. Dr. Hargrove, who travelled hel ter-skelter to suit himself and ?aw pretty roach all that was to be seen In thirty Stat ?, declares that North Carolina la the best of all. That la, ?o far aa resources and advantagea ar? ooncerned. But, he asaena un qualified. "oar people are the las lest of all." However, he admits, there la this much to be sa'.d In their favor: "In the past decade they have been humping. Another generation will aee North Carolina leading the Nation, and then the gvrfaoe will have Just been aeratahed." f ''Yea, for a genuine, dyed-in-the wool beauty apot for reat, Aahevllle has any place In the Weat beat, bat the Weat Carolina mountain? are hill* compared with some of the Western ranges, not nearly ro rug ged nor grand." he said. Dr. Hargrove noted that th^ fll'.J wero still In evidence in Kinal?.:. He saw them everywhere, be:a?rc a<* an anti-fly advocate he wan In terested and took note. "But In Rochester, Minn., a town an big an this, there are only 12. Juat a round doien." And he knows, he state*, because he hunted all over for them. AT THE BELLMO TONIGHT"?Be and 10c?TONIC1HT 'Tho DIAMOND FROM THE 8K Y" 11th Chapter. "To the Highest Bidder" VTHK MOUNTAIN OtRL" 2 Reel Majeftl? Drum* "APPLIED ROMANCE" A Beauty Novelty CONDEMNS CARD PLAY MORE WOMEN INTERESTED""!? THE PASTIME THAN IN THEIR SALVATION. STRONG SERMON IMrldc? Thow Who Find Amu*e mcm Id an L'ntort?lnBieat Tlu?t W?? Invented by a Chine?? Prlnc* to EnUtfMn II In Concubines. With practically every p^w fl!led o Its capacity limit with a keenly attentive and appreciative congre gation. Evangelist Loftln last night prcached the most impressive and the most Intensely Interesting ser mon that he has yet delivered at the present revival. His text was "The lost one'? home coming," which he Illustrated from th? par iblo of the prodigal son. He opened ills sermon by reading this parable ar d niso quoting a number of pas isjics from the scriptures, showing (jod's love for man and Hla willing acu to forgive them If they bul iO:ue to Him. "God goes after the sinner, my Jri?nds. He wants you to be saved. Arid I might say right here that if Jod came personally to Washington, lie would have a lot of 'going, after' o do. 1 thought at one time that i-Jlzabeth City was as near to the neart of the devil as any city could jo, but during my four day?* stay .n your city. 1 belle\e that Wash ington is as nearly Godlea? a.? auy city I have ever seen. "1 honestly believe that there are more women?your so-calkJ "nice women'?who play cards and war.? their time in Washington, than thero are women who care anything about heir salvation or the hereafter. They spend their time at an amuse ment that was invented by a Chine** prince in the eleventh century to amuse his concubines. And thfede iame 'nice' women, through their actions, give one to think that th<*y ure not different from those very same concubines. "When our jaws get decent, they will go after these women just as ju d n* th?y now go ufter the poker pin;- - i f. and the crap shooters. The ?ad f attire of our laws today is tat i'tey are severe enough o:i the .ree i. four negroes who are caught Ambling, but wh n some of the porting set or your influenzal cit! iis get caught, the matter Ib hush .1 up. "But these women, and these In ? uentlai people are prodigals in the ghl of Cod. Tliey nred salvation a* much as the worst sinner in our mntry today. "Your town is one of classes and of factions and In thin alone It shows itself in the wrong attitude There are only two clashes in the sight of God: the saved and the unsaved. 8o many prr3ons, when they are asked to Join the church, say: "But you people are too atrlet; I don't want to tie myself down I want n llife freedom.' IFreedom. my friends? You will never know free dom until you entr-r the doors of heaven. Then Is when you will be .ree. I)o you rail it"freedom* to obsosn your soul with ?In and shame and fllth? Is that freedom? "Now let us nee. turning again to the pro'l'RRi son, how the plan of ?alvatlon workn out. lie says: "I will arise and go.' There in the first turning point?the desire for salvation. Then he thinks of how much better ofT are the servants Jn hit father's house than he la at prevent. There Is repentance. And then he says: 'I will confess unto him.' And there I? confession. The desire; the repentance, and the con fession? the three Important *teps. "Won't jrou come to the Father, my friends? Won't you go away from tho hof-pen of dirty sin and fllth and enter Into the door that gives you liberty, nourishment and swtenafice? He will )>e on thi look-out for you. He will welcome I you and me?t you. Woi't yo? MlfM genuine Corduroy Suits, in Black, Navy and brown, $12.50? . IS'

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