tn iiu ? i m ? SHINGTON DAILY NEWS THE WEATHER?0?B*r?Il7 Mr to kl|kt lisdmt* M?tvl7 ?<>4 PWMK & ' WASHINGTON N. C SATURDAY AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 26. Ml* No. 7? ^ ; REPORT ON THE RAVAL MILITIA CLAIMED THAT IT PUTS N1W BERN MILITIA IN A. FALSI LIGHT. MAY DISBAND " Both Men and Officers Are Angry at AMrtta* MmU by Christy of the K< Take it op With DtiMt. (By EuUrs Press) New Bern. 8^>t. 25.?Members and offlcers of the New Bern Divis ion of th# North CaroHna Naval Militia, ara highly Incensed orer the report rent into the Nary Depart ment by Commander Chrlaty, of the U 8. 8. Kearssrgs In retard to the ?bowing that they made when they took a cruise on this ship a few weeks ago. The report made by Commander Christy shows the North Car ollna men up In a very unfair light and they claim that they hare been done a grors Injustice. This morning one of the offlcers of the local division stated that the men went on these crulsea in order to be taught tome thing by the regnTar offlcers of the eblp. Ho admitted, and it might be sup posed, that the North Carolina mili tia is not proficient In the dutlee of the sailor soldiers who are in the navy, but they have done everything possible to learn what they could In regard to this work and they feel that these cruiser are designed merely to find out what they do not know Instead of for the purpose of teaching them aomethlng. Last year practically the same re port waa mads by the commander of the ahlp on which the North Car olinians cruised and, it seemed that they weer singled out for an attack. The matter was taken up with S"** retary Daniels of the Navy Depart ment and he succeeded In pouring oil on the troubled waters and the affair was forgotten. However, the report of Commander 8hirley, which has Just been sent broadcast over the country, was. flgurately, the straw that^roke the camel's back and there is some talk of disband ing tho entire militia. Just what will be done In the mat ter remains to be seen. It will prob ably be taken up with Secretary Daniels by several of the offlcers of the different divisions and he will be asked to make some Investiga tion in regard to the charges. e SEIZE ? EXCITING CHASE OCCURRED NEAR WELDON YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. MADE~ESCAPE Occupant* of Gar Fed, Deeet-tlng the Automobile and Ninety Uafl lou of LAqnor. Police Fired Shots at Speeding Auto. Ninety gallons of liquor and an automobile were seized by the po lice of Weldon yesterday, according to information given out today. It Ij believed that the parties in the automobile were either headed for. Qreenvllle or this city. The police officials of Weldon i were notified to look out for the car j and when It appeared, they ordered I It to stop. Instead of this, the driver Increased his speed, bent up on making his escape. The officers shot and riddled the rear end of the car wjth bullet?. One of the tires was punctured. Jumping Into an other automobile, the police gave chase. A short distance away they came across the first automobile at the side of the road. It had been deserted by the occupants. Both the llqnor and the car were taken mack to Weldon. If the owner falls to turn up <or them, they will ke kept by the city. CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY I. N. Loftin Ha? Been Pastor at Elisabeth City Nine Years To morrow. Hal I>ooe Remark able Work fca that Time. Rev. I. "N. Loftin will tomorrow "celebrate his ninth anniversary as pastor of the Baptist church at Eliz abeth City. Mr. Loftin will conduct cervices there both morning and evening. He assumed charge of the church when the congregation consisted of but 45 members and was housed in a rather poorly constructed frame building. Since then he has increas ed the church membership to over eight hundred, started a night school. Interested hlmse'.f in other educational work and built a hand some new church, one of the largest In this section" of the State. During the last year, almost 150 new mem bers were added to the church. COASTAL WATERWAYS WOULD MAKE U. S. RICH Small [and Moore Working for Project in Raleigh, Would be to U. S. What Kiel Canal is to Germany. Raleigh, Sept. 26.?Congressman John H. Small, of North Carolina, and Congressman J. Hampton Moore of Philadelphia, worked 10 hours in Raleigh yesrterday getting this city Interested in the Atlantic coaatal waterway, the project advocated by the Atlantic Deeper Waterways an-j soc'.ation, of which Mr. *Moore !s president. the two representatives, the first from a North Carolina dtartrlct that givea a majority of about 10,000 to the Democrats, and ~lhe second a Republican who \nkes his seat in Congress each tlnke Vlth a majority of about 10,000, are preparing for the convention which ia to be held In 8avaanah November 9. They spent Thursday in Norfolk, left this afternoon for Columbia and will get to Savanuah the nert day. They in tereeted several Raleigh people In their big undertaking. The Democrat says the handnom est things for the Republican who has done hie apprenticeship as re porter and staff man for the Public Ledger of Philadelphia. The Repub lican thtnke that no man Is build' Ing a more laetlng mauument than Small la In hit development scheme. Bach thinks that the coming of the coasts! waterway will produce a Panama end then several Panamas for business and will make the Unit ed States rich from the very day of the opening. "What the Kiel canal ll to Oer thii COMtel wtterw^y would be to us," Mr. Moore (raid this mdrn Ing. Just now oar country In greatly Interested in the question of preparedness. In ths event of for eign Invssion conceive what a sup port to our fleets and to the cities on the coast that this waterway wou!d give. And if an enrmy's fleet lay on the outside of our har bori we should still have perfect protection With the Inland waterway which would give us chsnce to mob ilise our resource? from within. 'I think this feature of the pro ject must intereet every American and it should be opened ss rspldly as possible. Qovernment engineers have gone over the entire territory snd estimate the cost at $47,900,000 This stretches from the tfmw Eng land states to Florida and when completed would give to this coun try the greatsst Inland waterway system on the earth. It would give to us the greatest protection In the event of war. Secretary Daniels has become grestly Interested In this phase of if He is a member of our association, ths only honorary mem ber 1 believe that we have. We hope to have both him and Secretary Garrison at tl*e Savannah conven tion " ? ? ,1, ? RrHisli Steamer Hank, i/oodon, Sept. SS.?The British vteemer Urblno. of 6,?51 tons gross from New York Sept. It for Hall. hM boos wo*, TU? ore* wm TWO MORE NATIONS TO ENTER WAR CAME 79 BORROW A BILLION FOR ALLIES fS\ UhMWWOOO ^ VuMoenooo Representatives of England and France, who came to the United States for the purpose of negotiating a loan ot a billion dollars for the allies, are shown In this Illustration. J. P. Morgan (1). as financial agent of the Brit ish government, acted as their host- The others are: (2) Sir Edward Holdcn of the Londou City and Midland bank; (S) Sir Henry Dabbington Smith; (4) Lord Reading, lord chief Justice of Great Britain and bead of the commission; ?S) Octave Honiburg of the French foreign office; (6> Basil B. Blfeckott oi the British treasury; (1) Ernest Mallet, regent of the Bank of France. CINIK SCHOOLS I Xcnv Plan Being Worked Out He ganlin? Taking Census. Hellcved Total Itaroilment Will be Above 7.000. With several of the county schools already opened for the fall tenu, and with others to start Monday or he following week, Indications are that the total attendance In the ru ral schools will amount to over 7,000. The enrollment last year wan 6,820, which did not Include the schools in the cities of Washington and Beihaven. A new plan is being put 'n effect tli's year, which will materially in crease the attendance, as has al ready been shown In the Highland school, which opened Monday. In stead of the committeemen taking tho school ensus, the district teach ers are requested to arrive at their schools a few days beforo they open nod make a personal visit to the homes of all the children who are I ot school age. In this way thoy I come in close touch with the parents of the children and In the Instances where this plan has been worked out. increased enrollment on the opening day was the result. This plan ha* also - worked out 'successfully In the Chocowlnlty and Plnctown schools. ** In the latter school, an additional teachor has {been engaged and the attendance no far has been well above that of last j The Idaiia school will open Mon day. The tcachers have-already ar r!vd, At Aurora, the new school build ing Is not yet quite completed and school will not open until the new ?trneture Is ready for occupancy. It Is expected that the term will begin !n about two weeks. AT THE BELLMO 1 TONIGHT?He and 10c?TONICJHf THE RU8E" t Reel Drama, featuring W. 8. Hart ?. "To Melody the Sonl Responds" 1 Reel Vivian Rich and Jo? Oalbralth An Interesting program, tbftt !? w?:i wwm K Gil Meeting Held Last Night at Court House Ww. Well Attended. Ar rangement* Made. Another Meeting Wednesday. At a meeting which was held last night at the court house, and at which a large number of young men were present, plans were formulated for organizing a Young Men's Club in Washington. It is plannod to rent two rooms in tho Laughing hous^ building, which will be ap propriately furnishad, contain books, magazines and various games, so as to provide the young men a place where they may spend their even ings. Hubert Ellis acted as chairman of the m eting The following com mittees were appointed: Finance: Henry Webster, C'.ay Carter and Honda Ricks. Purchasing: Ben Braddy, Bill El tis and Eugene Harris. By-Laws and Constitution: - Hu bert Ellis, Dave Whitley and Fred Moore. Arrangements: Henry Wobster. Ben Braddy and Hubert Rllls Another meeting will he held Wednesday night, at which these committees will make a report. CONFERENCE STARTS MONDAY | Mr. Way. divisional secretary, will be at the Methodist church tomor row and will speak on Sunday school work during the Sunday school ses sion and at the morning and even ing tervices. ? The Sunday school conference of the Washington district will be held lu Greenville Monday night and Tuesday. The following program has been arranged for Monday night: 8:00. Song servlee by local choir led by Mr. A. B. Ellington. 8:15 Devotion?, conducted by Rev. M. Bradshaw, Wilson. N. C. 8: SO Opening Addree*: "The Twentieth Century Sunday School Movement." by Mr, J. M. Way, Div isional Secretary. Spartanburg, 8 C. It U expected that a number of promloeot local church members, Sunday school teachers and mem ber* will attend the eoBfersnce from urn ct<r, (: m rnxs BAPTIST PASTOR DELIVERED STRONG SERMON IN ABSENCE OF DR. IyOFTTV. MANY PRESENi Wll Be So Herri cea Tonight, lUy ular Service? WU1 Be Held To morrow. Dr. Loftin to Return for Services Monday Night. Before a larg" congregation last night, Rev. R. L. Gay preached a strong sermon on the text of "The Son of Man la come to seek and to save that which is lo?t." Mr. Gay conducted the services In the ab arnce qt Evangelist Lofttn, who was called by telegram to Elizabeth City to conduct the funeral services of one of his congregation. 'In a number of eases in the scriptures," said Mr. Gay, "we have told to us of something being lost And the search that is made for It. It makes little difference If the a tnount lost I? small or large--the ?ame zeal prompts the search. The shepherd who had 100 sheep and lost one, left the ninety and nine in order 'to hunt for that one?one percent. The woman who had ten pieces of silver and lost one. hunted zealoutfly for that one piece?ten percent. The man who had two j cons, one of whom went astray, prayed earnestly for that one to be ! restored to him?fifty percent. fAnd all you unbelievers.?you may not think you are lost, but you are hopelessly lost"In the wight of God, until you como to Him for sal vation. You are already In the very gates of Hell. You may think you are happy and contented, but. brethren, the soul is never rrally and truly happy away from God. It not In harmony with sin and shame. It iff like a flBh out of water. "Christ came lnt othc world as you and I. But what suffering, what agony was his before he departed from here? was tormented. He wan scourged and He was crucified. He suffered as no man ever has jr no man ever will. Why did He do it? To save YOU. my brethren, each and evrry one of you. And still, you won't listen to Him." There will be no services tonight. Regular services will be held to morrow and on Monday Dr. Loftin wll) return and continue his meet ngs. KEEN RIVALRY INBARACA CLASS [Hum Exjmx-I to (irt AIhwiI of Tomorrow In Heeurlnjc More Member*. Young Men Are C.'ordlaFy Invite?!. Members of the Baraca Class <*? the MethodlRt Church are not hett-1 Ing men. and consequently they d?> not wager on the competition thatl Is being wagerl by the Rods and thoi Blues. but the acu'e rivalry between the two sides and the question an to which will bring tho greater niim-, ber of new member* to the class each Sunday, is a matter of general conjecture and discussion. The Blues are now two members behind the Reds, but they are con fident that they will even things up by tomorrow. The 8unday 8chool commence? at 9:46 and all of the young men in the city, who are not members of any Sunday School class are cordially invited to be preaen'.. EXPLOSION IS STILL UNSOLVED Xo SolatJou to >1 y Btrrlau? Report Tbund?; night, AlUtuuffa A Numbrr of Conjectures Hair Ii?teo Made. 1**J No solution ha? M yet been dis covered for the explosion which oc curred Thursdav t, although a number e been msde ./fParker. who _ on Market street, was .-?uk up a stump with dynamite. Rut as most of those who heard the explosion are confident thai It wss close to the Episcopal church, this doesn't seem to fit In at all. Another suggestion offered Is that It was a meteor. Still another 1s that somo bor? secured an old can non. loaded it to Its full capacity I'.mlt, fired It. and then hid It under the grass in the church yard. No authentic information can be secured. EDITOR'S BACK (ireen\iUe Reflector I ?enounco* Al? titudo of Wnxlitnctnn Pmmas. Paper Has Become Filled With Political Rot. (From the Greenville Reflector) , It 1b not that we wish to meddla In the affairs of the Washington Ni va and the Washington Wo stated our Idea of the afTa.r the drat tluie we referred to It. but it seems that the editor of the Progress has become bo wrought up at the owner of the Washington News that he just must voice hla spjeen on him. Boih of these papers could be do 'ng a world of work In Washington. We believe that the N1 ws Is dnlne a world of work, but the Progress has become so filled with political rat that It cannot take t!me to al<l In the work, Tho dispute was brought about by ?he editor of the Progr ss casting a slur at the News. WTe read the *?d5 torlal we refer to. It was unbecom ing the modern form of Journalism, or the clean form of journalism, to let any such lt?-m get in a paper. Naturally the News took It up al that. The Progress delved back in to history and brought up somr nas' occurrence to throw at i'j?? N ws. We tried to medlta'r but there ? ? v no chance to Irfusr - y re?-in Ir1 > the head Tf tl Prr;-:r ss" c-! tor. BFA ? NHGRO FRIGHTFULLY (Dv Eastern Press) Greenville, Sept. 25.?Snndie M-* Gowan and Will Griffin, two while men who aro residents of this coun ty. were brought Into court this morning charged with beating Tom Moore, an seed negro They wf placed under 1200 bond to await the action of the Superior court It is alleged that the two m?-n stopped the negro a? the lat'er w coming to town. They dragged hl'ii from his wagon and administered frightful healine to htm leaving him half unconscloua hy the road side. It Is claimed that they w?i*t to the home of H. Hardy, who lived near by and a?k??d Mr Hardy for gun. The latter, not suspecting their purpose, let them have Moore claims that the two men then rame. hack to him and that Grlflln had the gun pointed at his head and was about to shoot, whn McOowan pushed th^ barrel of the weapon to ono side, He al*o claims that the men then beat him again. GREEKS ARE 111*1X9 ARIA N OFFICERS IN FRANCE LEAVE FOR HOME. GREEK RESERVISTS ARE RE* ING CALLED IN. TO ENTER WAR RoM?ved That Ruth Countries Will Soon Hp Encaged in the War. Greek Re?ervi?ts Here to be Hrot Dark (u Native Country. Paris, Sept. 26.?An Athens dis patch today stated that the decision to mobilise tbo (Jr-ek army waa reached at a cabinet meeting yes* terday. All Bulgarian officer* ir. France left for their homes. Greek* Golnj? Home. Home. S^pt. 25?All Grce'< ro bcr\:HtB in Italy have been recalled to the colors The Grepk minister here hai? received telegraphic an nouncement of Greek mobilization jrdcrs. 'l'o Send Re?rrvl?U Hen' to Greece. Washington. Sept. 25.? The Greek embaasy today declared no word of mobilization has yet l?e?*n received. Anticipating the word, however, the embassy has prepared notifications to consular agents throv'iout the country regarding sending Greek re 3 rvlsts home. Bulgarian* Mohill/liitT. Paris, P^pt. 25 ?A aRo from Sofia to the Havnii news n^rncy ntnk^s the definite announcement 'hat mjbi'i2atl:?u of Qulcarian mil -"v 'ore*?. reported to have been *. r'd*(J upon It says the Official Journal, the organ of th?? Bulgarian povernm^nt. published today a decree ordering mobilization of the class-* of 1890 to 1912. Mobilization Now (ioneral. Sofle, Sept. 24. via London, Sept. ?Although a partial moblllza ? of th Hulrarlan army lias been s T>uneed h??re rs Immln-n:. It i? ri . general and comprises all tho reserves since 1KHG, thu* including men approaching their fiftieth year. The total Bulgarian forces, in rlud'ng Mar -Ionian*. la likely to reach 70i>.ftOO. Those not included so Tar are untrained m*n and a small class which \a exempted under taxation. Sav? for an outburst of enthusi asm tli" Huluarian capital la quiet. AMIM T\TIO\ OF H.\XI> M \ V XI ?T l?K S KI KHS.\ ItY May He TIihI MIhn Swaniifr Will Xot Hhvp to Imsr Hand W hich Wns IturniHl. Physlc'ana at the Wa?*h ngton hos pital are still hoping that II will not be neceasary to ampuinie the hand of Miss Mary Flllnor Rwanner. who ?ev- rely hurned the member several dayn ago whll* cleaning a pair of kIovps it is believed that thero rn:i> be enough live flesh on the hand so that it wl'| h*>al. h?> Angers are , v? ry badly burned. "GOOD TASTE" I rRYSTAL ICE CREAM \ Try Our Grape Cream It is Fine Crystal Ice Company ! PHONE 83 WASHINGTON, N. C. TO-NIGHT TUK TOM ROY" 2 "RpoIb Thoy Nearly CJot lh^ Money 1 R??el Comedy ? A WOMAN'S RKVENGK" 2 Reel? "Th" Bachelor'* Burglar" ^ 1 Keel Comedy / Pri? S fc tOe .

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