Mg GTOM DAILY NEWS KotarmU eeeterlj ?ti/ WASHINGTON N. C. TUBS DAT MBknoON SETTEMBEK 28. ms No. 72 IDI H LE NO LONGER BEING TAKEN LITERALLY '?DANGER OP A PMOONClI\TD m&A ov TEH PAOB OP ACTWWIT." PREACHED STRONG SERMON fttaC la tbe World Today U That People Haw 1dm That "One Thk? d a* Good m !Ut. L N. Loft in returned to Waahlngton r*twd?y afternoon and began another week'? revival at the Baptist chnrch last night with an exceptionally Inspiring earmon. which waa heard by a large congre gation. He took ae hie tart. "The dancer of a preconceived Idea la the face of aatfcortty." "My frlende," began the erange 11st. "we W>re paeeed through the age when the word of God war taken literally. In theee modern tlmee there are all klada of Ideaa and theoriee advanced regarding the Bible, and a man. who beHevee in It aa It waa written, la called an Ignoramue by theee euart aleca of new-faahloaed ideaa. >? ?. /. "The idea of DOINO to be ssred seema to be the oae that 1? preva lent today. 'What must I do to b? eared?* Some perrons appear to think that all they need for salva tion Is to be up-to-date and la etyle. It Isn't the DOING that la the Im portant factor In aalrailon; it Is the RECEIVING. We're boon going to church, we're been IIring moral Uree, we're been honest la business, but all that doeea't bring salvation. Instead, we are hopoleealy loet un less we go to the feat of Ged and receive the gift He h^ offered as. "We are trying to mahe a pigmy of our God. It la 'Behold I thought this.' and 'Behold I thought that.' It lan't up to you to THINK. It If up to you to so to God and -lake HIM as your authority. I am a prohibitionist. I am agaiast prost! tutlon. but I tell you, my friends, thst this modern Idea of 'one thing Is as good us another.' Is the most damnable thing In thp World today The Bible uhrays was the law of God end it always will be. We mast come to It and we must tube It J net ss It Is. We must come bbck to tbf goepel of the Almighty Ood, M IT IS, or wf will be eternally dumned because we hare turned away from our faith. "There la no atatement more mis leading than 'I hare as much right to my opinion aa fom burs to yotrs.' YOU HAVE NOT. If I hate been studying and preaching the word of God for fifteen or twenty years and yon hare Juat dabbled 1a tbo knowl edge of It, are you entitled to hold and opinion on the nutter? YOU ARE NOT. "I do not wish to aocuee anyone, but I hare heard?1 hear It on the streets?that the people of Wash ington do not go to ohurch. I rend In the papers that the church It losing ground. This msy be true, but I want to tell you that the only way for the ohurch to hare sny power and to regain that which it Is claimed It hue loet. Is for the peo ple to take the word of Ood Juat aa It. la without a preconceived Idea." Dr. Loftin's words received the closest of attention. One fact, wor thy of note, la that the congregation last night waa composed largely or men, nod It Is evident thst the eran gellet baa made a deep Impression! on them. Tonight he will preach on "In Hell Alive." BELLMO TOWIQHT?S? ud 10??TONIGHT "TH? TIDB or rORTONK" Strong 1-RMI Ktrbeo Drama Edwtfi PimmU "POT ON THB DAT LINE BOAT" Doll(Mfa) 1-Rool Comedy Picture, will ittrt In plMtr of tlm? for IkOM who iluln to tuna t ho perfornano* of "Potoob u< fwlmatfr." K mi MSI M MAY STAGE GAME HERE An effort l> bclni made to aecure tk? Carolina-Wake Forest football tam? for Washington. It Is believed that it tthe proper pressure 1? { brought to bear the two tea ma will air?? to atavs their annual battle |on the local Held. I There la no question bat that the jane would prove a big attraction i for lecal football enthusiasts. There are three aefclngton men on the Un iversity line-up: Captain Dave Tay loe, John Tayloe and Horace Cowell 18 DRIVEN TO SCTCIDB BT THE TAUNTS OP WOMEN London, Sept. II.?One of the ao called "white feather" brigade was bo much worried by the attacks made on him by the tannta of the women that he haa Just committed suicide at hla home in Shepherd's Bush. He was a chauffeur named Richard Charlss Roberts, and it was] said at the coroner's Inquest that he had tried to enlist but had been | rejected on account of a weak heart. | This of Itself had depressed him. but when some women tannted him and j called him a coward life became un-! bearable to him. The Shepherd's Bush coroner gave some of theee women a lecture. He described their eondnct as abomnl ble, and added: "Here waa a man who was driven to death by a pack of silly women, who knew nothing about the cir cuinstances jrhlch bed prevented the dsesased from'becoming a soldier." dim was umor Commander Christy's Report Was in No Wise sa Attack on the Naval Militia of the State. Raleifh, Sept. 18?Member? of the natal militia, the condition? of which organisation vere discussed by Commander H. H. Christy at some length last week, were pleased today to hare through the adjntant general's office assurance that noth ing caustic had been uttered and that | nothing discreditable had been found j The report of the officer was pub lished last week and several papers Interpreted it as "a roast" of the ilUtla. From First Ueutensnt J. j Ken yon Wilson, commander o 1 dlv-j islon No. ft. Elisabeth City, a letter' wsef received by Adjutant Oeneral Young netting/forth -that the report' was the routine'w6rk of Commander Christy; that It was In no wise an attaok upon the organisation, and wae simply an honett review of the militia by a man who was under obligation to tell the truth abbut It. C*pt. Russell C. Langdon, of th* United 8tate? army, agreed that the Christy report was far from eny roa&t and thoroughly understood By military people, bat that the Im pression reflected by newspaper headlines and by rsportortal*' Inter pretation was so different ss to hart he organisations. Oeneral Young uw in It the rawness of the man untrained to army or nary condi tions. trained finely to deteet sensa >n In humdrum news. The criticism of the militia may be embraced In a few linee. it sag gests that there ere members who shoald not be I? the organisation; that the maintenance of physically unfit members had b*en in disregard of the required standards of bodily exeellenoe, and that the body had lacked training greatly, many of them never having had a look at a battleship from within. And these are th? Maditlon* which the depart GOLDSBOKO MAN KILLED HE CAUSE HE INSISTED ON FAIR BUSINESS METHODS. SKULL CRUSHED Fight OcohtwI With an Attorn?*)-. Latter Delivered Blowg Which ( muKxl Ouheti'tt Death. Imitated Upon 1 udiiw Hftviox Money. * {Vy Eastern Pfess) Ooldsboro, Sept. 23.?The mys tery surrounding tho killing of Max Cohen of Goldsboro 1? solved with the arrival of an account from Tulsa, Okla., where the tragedy occurred. Cohen was prominent in Goldsboro business circles and well known| here, had been at Tulsa some time, j If Is said that a. realty operator lo cated In Klnaton for some time In terested him In the oil lands in thai section. Cohen purchased a tract from an Indian through John Tur ner, a lawyer. The report says Captain Cohen encountered Turner Ip a hotel lobby and told him that he had learned from the Indian that the attorney was not dealing square with the for mer. Cohen said he would Insist that all the money In the transaction with the exception of |75 stipulated as the attorney's fee be turned over tr the original owner. "It wss Conen's Insistence on a square deal for the Indian which brought on the trouble." Turner assaulted the North Carolina man. and bis blows crushed Cohen's skull. Turnsr, un der arrest, declares "the thing came up so suddenly I am at a loss how to make a statement." ^Oklahoma papers say Cohen was upright, kind ly and exoellently disposed. BoiIbcm Men of City fnter<*?xl In Movement Which Ha? Bera Started. Meeting ml Court House. The movement on foot for the "or ganisation of a Young Men's Club 1n Washington. toward? which pre liminary ?tep? ware taken last week. 1? meeting with the hearty endorse ment of the buetneee men of the city and It !? positively certain that If fh- rlub I? formed. It will be well supported. Another meeting In to be held In the court house tomorrow night and the Club will be definitely formed at that Ume. All Interested cttl c M are rsqeeted to be In atten Iftfs. - ? COUPLE MARRIED^ " THIS MOANING Mr. Hardlam Tiee Knot ft* J maiim R. R?m and MIm Harj ^ukr. Have IX* on Trte. 1 James R. Rom and Mils Mary Cutler were married this feorntng at seven o'clock by Rer. Nathaniel Harding, rector of 8t. Petei*? Epis copal church. The ccremonj was performed at the rectory 1? the presence of a few lmmedlatyl rela tive*. The couple left this ^wnln* on the Atlantic Coast L/lne fW Bal timore and other point? t$>. the North. Upon their return tlMjf will make their home on ?iat- Main -street, in the new home, now being completed by Mr. Sou The marriage came as a sukprlse to the many friends of the 4f?pl? in Washington. Mia? Cutler Jp the daugluer of Mr. and Mr?. T. ?KCat ler and Is a popular yotnnr lady of the city. Mr. Russ Is a member of tho firm, of Ruse Brothers, on Main street, and the son of W. C. Russ. io on i Mr. Joynrr Addwwed Op? Letter to All School Teachers on Fire Prevention Day. To Superintendents and Teachers of the Public School? of North Caro line: In accordance with an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina he 9th day of October has been des gnsted by proclamation of the Governor as "Fire Prevention Day.", 1 urge the co-operation of super intendents and tcachers with the State Insurance Department In its commendable efforts to prevent loss of property and life In North Caro lina from flre. Let every teacher on Friday preceding "Fir# Prevention bay" read td'the school children the proclamation of the Qovernor apd the letter and practical suggestions of the Insurance Commlss'.oner for ths prevention of fires,- Post Nhese suggestions In the school room and carefully observe them, not only on "Fire Prevention Day" but through out the school term, t have no doubt that the lose of many aehool h o uses In North Carolia* by flre can be prevented by the observance of these simple precautions and that the destruction of much other prop trty by flre now and hereafter can be prevented by instructing ths school children to observe these pre cautions for the prevention of un necessary flres Very respeetfully, J. T. JOYNKR Cfelcaffo < ThamptOfcsMp Series. Chicago. Sept. St.?The annual series of basebsll games for the championship of Chicago will begin Wednesday. October f. The first game will be playefi at M>4 Ameri can league grounds. The soiledula provide? tor eeven games. ,11 M NAME OF CHANCl THAT "MY8TERY OF NINETY GALLONS" WILL BE EXPLAINED. FROM PACTOLUS Rrported TtuU Wcldon Polic? Se tur?! Nomber of JCmr and That Owner U a Prominent HokIim?? Man of Pactoluji. Weldo?, fiaj*. 2? U?cai officer? today intimated that they had se cured the name of the owner of ttr automoblle that was found abandon ed here one day last week, and which contained ninety gallons of whiskey. The officers, however, refused to divulge the name of the owner, but stated that he was a "prominent bus lness man of Paclolus, near Green Till?. The manner of Identification wait carried out through communicating with the 8tate license department and locating the name of the ownor of a car with the number corres ponding with that of the car taken h<re. The car was found Just outside of town hero one day last week aftor the driver had refused to obey the order to stop given by a local police officer. It was thought at th* time that the car was either bound for Greenville or Washington. It Is expected that Indictment will be started agalnat the owner within a few days, If the local report is true. HOW'S THIS FOR A TEMPERANCE MOV KI Atlantic Ctty. 8ept. 28.?Mayor | William Riddle has ordered a coffin to aleep In instead of going to a Turkih bath after banquet? no as to be ready for his official duties In th? morning. Talking of the exper iment. he Mid: "When a fellow go*s out with the boys and kind of gets by his limit, he should hav? something to remln* him of It the next morning. I'nt go ling to have this coffin made and placed In my apartment. When I get home after 1 o'clock tn the morning from some banquet or like, It will be my aleeplng place " HIOH8 OI'KK FOOTBALL 8EA8ON AT KIN8TOX (By Eastern Press) Klnston. Sept. 28.?The first game of the season for the Klniton High Bohool football eleven will be with tho Wlntervllle Highs here Satur day. The Klnston tesm 5? a prom ising ot of material and loom up like winners, although there are but four of last year's men in the line up. Will Lewis Is managing the tosm. Ctny Brewer, a '14 star, is the captain. GAUCtAN OH WELLS BY THE RUSSIANS" Wan the Ruealana captured part ofOallcle, with the nu Au M Boryalar, theirollenpplywaaat lack a loo ?tats tbit they drew cn the wella'to their atmoat o*pa?ltt, Tm ^Mtrtau. cut ol completely trota their malt ?upply of 0(1. fought doeperately to Ortre the Ruaalana out. Tm they ?aeoeedad In doing only to Dad. on theli return to Boryelai. the oil wella on Ore Thl? ramarkabu pIcMJe of the procreaa of the Ore waa made abort:? after thay had been Ored by the retreating Riuulaoa. The borteirlnwa M the foreground were blown op by e ciar'a army. ' " . JUa, RECOVER 34 BODIES E City is Recovering From Effects of Terrible Explosion Which Oc curred Yestf/lay. MANY .STILL RFV *ED MISSING Scores of Houses To' f ,-n and Desiroyed by Fire. Caused by Explc ?> ,t Gasoline Car. Property Damage O /er Half a Million. (Special to the Daily News) i Ardmore. Okla., Sept. 28.?With 14 bodle? recovered, a ?core or more atlU mlstflng end unaccounted for. fully fifty building destroyed by the force of the exploelon, and property damaged to the extent of over half a million dollars, this city le today recovering from the terrible disas ter which Tlslted H lato yesterday af ternoon. when a ISO-barrel tank car of gasoline exploded In the heart of the business district. The full extent of the disaster has not yet boon realised. Search 1s still being made for missing people and It la feared that when the death roll Is flna'ly completed. It will number over sixty pcrsous. Throe hundred received Injuries from fall ing parts of bulldnge and these are being eared for In the hospitals and private resldencee. The city Is un der martial law. Two work nu n were busy repairing the tank ctr at 2:50 yeeterday af ternoon Suddenly one of them ?truck It with a hammer. A spark from the blow Ignited fumes escap ing through a amall leak. There was a terrific explosion, followed by many smaller ones. The workmen were blown to pieces. The abock shattered the Ardmore railroad sta tion uaed by the Santa Fe, Frisco and Rocky Island railroads and scores of other buildings quickly look fire from the flying liquid. The flames spread rapidly until all Main street appeared a biasing furnaco. The scene? that followed were terrible. Men. women and children ran through the streets and wers crushed to death by buildings which toppled over on them Many were caught In burning houses and lost their lives In the flre. The fire de partment se< tued unable to cope with the fierce blaxe and ^e flames rag ed for eeveral hour* before they were Anally under conir-jl. The heat was terrlflr and a pall of ?ni.>ke hung over the city for hours I'ntAAh and Perlmattcr" Will . B? Shown Here Tonight. Curtain Will RIm Promptly at H:80. Tonight at the New Theatre the amusement seekers of this city will bave the opportunity of seeing the beat farce comedy that will visit this section for some time to come. This play will ba none other than the well known firm of "Potash and Perlmutter." The company pre senting this play Is a wrl| i iian<* d one judging from thr press notI< 3 from other cltic-j tha It ha* bee-? shown In. end ti-^uld receive a ful'. house. The mane :emer' of (ho Mew Thratri anr mneo again that the curtain will ilse promptly at 8:30 sharp. 5 ?-ne comment has been made on loo many shows coming here. Tho manager of the New Theatre states that after October there will not be many shows, so that the people had better take ad vantage of them now. land and Industrial Agwrt of the Norfolk Southern PaaA?d Away In Washington City. (By Eastern Preee) Relhaven, Sept. 28.--News was received here today by telegram of the sudden death of B. K. Rice, land and Industrial agent of the Norfolk Southern. Mr. Rice died <>ar1y this morning at Waahlngton City. Deceaed waa well known through this section of the State and most ably Al'.ed the position he held with the Norfolk Southern. In whose em ploy he has been for the last flva years. Before that time he was ronneeted In a similar capacity with the Virginian Railroad A sterile?? tomato of large els? has been bred b> en amateur horti culturist In California. CDLLECT Tli ON iirntintTniMr Sixty Estates In Beaufort County Are Affect?!. On? Will Have to Pay Tax o/ $2.200. Others Smaller Amount*. The firm of Dar.lel & Warren have been appointor! by the State Corporation Commlaslon to collcet the unpaid inheritance taxes in Tlcaufort county from 1905 up to This will affect about 60 ea in the county, and will bring :on*.hing like 16,000 in revenue, all i.f which goes to the State. Most of th" earn tea are only nsReseed small but several of them will have to pay three or four hun dred fmall amounts, but several of thom will have to pay three or four hundred dollars, ami one in partic ular Is assessed for a tax of $2,200. Very few toxes hav# b?*en paid !n the State, due to the fart that there has been a misunderstanding re garding the nature of the law The tax applies to real estate and other property a* well n? money. C. M Brown Js the Inheritance tax appraiser In this county. Any Job Would Do. "Father says he doesn't wish you for a son-in-law." "Ask him !f lie's got any other good position lie could give a fel low. will you?" TONIGHT A H. Woods offer* The Intprnatlonftl laufCiilnR Rurcens 'Potash * Herlmutler' KohI lanich producer of the nraiion Curtnln At 8:30 nharp > PRK'ES > fcv ROc. 76c. $1. $1 50 /A, Ladies fc? Misses White Coats and Sweaters, $5 to $20 ' -- .'.v' %*???-?', ^ ! LEWIS &CA LA 13 Main Strttt $tor?.

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