?JELLY fl.SB U? biahiL win ???IiBVBH B. CLARK. JR. *11 modern convenience. Carriage k*"?, tern, etablee. Large ba yard. Vegetable garden a ehlehen lot. Apply U 41? But Mm la Street. t-li-tfc. W1 KAVB OX OQOi fllMi FOR or Iun. T?ma to nU pa* ckMW. WlOlUlM BtlW BmUi|* Mtlwc ? Wraali la a auwl tea? aate ?eblle see aa. Wa ha t a ea ha a 4 ?aa S psae eager Balah, aaa 4 yaa watar BarMtt. two B peaaanger R. ?. H.. aaa R. ?. 1 B-ll-tfe. beard sleep. 81 foot I W ( faat B; with twe aad a Ml harao perta Ma aiator. I7B.BB. With sails ealy tSB.BB. Write. M SUBNET. WftAlalUa, N. 8. B-ll-tfe. WANTED?HOUSE 0 TO 8 ROOM8 coatrallr located. Apply Dally Now?. 9-*8-6tp.? FOR RENT?NEW BRICK BUILD, tng naxt to Dally Nawa offlca. Ap ply Bowers Broa. store. 9-SB-lwc. Appropriate Reeponae. la a certain country towa thnre lived an old French man named Le Blanc. One night some of hla friends (nT? him a surprise party and pro aanted him with a watch cbaln. Thai week the local paper printed an aq eount of the affair, saying that la aa knowledglng the girt l(r. Le Blaaa re a ponded In "a few well-ohosea words.' Curious to know what the old French man said, aomeone asked the reportei who was present what those "watt chosen words" were. "Well. Ill tel) yon," he answered. ?'When Charlie finished hla presentation speech and held oat the chain, the old man?whs had been eying it greedily all the whl'c ?suddenly snatched It from his hand and exclaimed, "Py chee, dat waa ? good one!"?Youth's Companion. SAVES DAUGHTER AArin ef Mother m Doah Pit Daajkter'a U?tf?ely Ead. Reedy, Ky?" ? Ml able to *t was dowa la bed lor three months. I cannot Mng how I suffered with my head, and with nervousneae tod womanly troubles. Oor hm!l]r doctor told my husband he could Mt do aw any good, and he had to (rive It <*.We trie? another doctor, buttie did >o( help me. At last, ray mother advised me to take Cardui, the woman's tonic. I thought It was u use lor I waa nearly dead and lotblnf seemed to do me any good. Bui took eleven bottles, and now I am able d do all ct my work and my own I think Card* ? Dm best medicine la Ihe world. My weight has increased, and I look the picture 0? health. " H you suiter from any of the kllmeats peculiar to women, pi a bottle ol Cardui many thousands ol other weak won la the past SO At all to Oha r mu, * WE ARE AGENTS Iver Johnson, Rending Standard, Emblem, Hudson Dayton and Great Western Bicycles sold for cash or on time. We alto have the moat complete repair shop in the city ill work guaran D.R. CUTLER I SHORT ITEMS FROM Neighboring Cities. -The co a tract tot -the New Hud ter build In# at Monun> nt corner hu beea Ht to Blalock Bro? a Klaaton construction Arm. An jouncment was atda Friday night ?hal the Blalock a war? rarceaaful 3T?r eight other bidder. Several atimatee ran eloee, and tla local contractors Moored the work by bidding leae than a hundred dollar? under their lowest competitor. The ?tract ure, to be four storlee high, *111 coat I2MM without eleratora. plumbing, lighting and tatting flx BTo Death la ttrw Month*. Beiharcss?There hae not been leath In the towp of Belharen cnoag tn white raddente since June 24th. The person who ^as*?d away at that time waa near eighty years of age. This la a record that can not be eurpaaeed anywhere In North Carolina, aurely In a town with the population of Belhaven. * To Bare ClUMtoaqaa Rocky Mount?Our city Is to en toy the rery beet of the Red pa t h Chautauqua aaaoclatlon'a talent dur ng thla winter. An excellent pro gram of two musical number?, two lectoree and an Interpretation of a modra play. will be girea. om ajH ber mch ^ ob t Iv beginning with Oa tobar at the ftfaaoftlc tb lie dock oa Front etr et. Aadtrsoa had la hie MiKtf.'op $ometWag like three galloiK and b.mp.oa three quru. , . m Mmny Men Employed. Now Cera?The fore? of men #m ployed at the local shops of the Nor folk South rn Railway are now work lag full time end are tornlns out a large amount of work. The chop* here are oow doing all of the repair work and building for thin division and, ae might ' be supposed, the force 1* kept pretty boaj. Marrlag* * Sorprlea. Xcw IHn?A marriage which came a* a surprise to the numerous friends of the contracting parties, occurred in this city laat night when Miss Eula C. Buck, a charming youag lady fit Grantsboro, became the bride of Joshua Brlneon, also of Orantaboro. TO GET VIEW OF BANKERS IN THE WEST New York, Sept: J8.?Having reached a virtual agreement with bankers of the eastern section of the country over the detail of the pro posed half billion dollar credit loan c Qreat Britain and France, m?m< bere of th? Anglo-French Financial fom mission, accompanied by a mem ber of the firm of J. P. Morgan & "o., have arranged to leave this af ernoon for Chicago. According to one prominent bank-' ?r identified with the negotiations, adoption of the tentative program by the bankers of the west and middle west aqpured lta final adoption In Its iresent state. With all parties ac quiescing, ratification of the agree ment will be sought from the British and French governments. At the same time virtually all the bankers of the country would be asked to participate in floating the loan, syndicate of prominent financiers conducting In their behalf, the ne gotiations with the commission. TEN-YEAR-OLD RUN OVER BY AUTOMOBILE (By Eastern Press) Klnston, Sept. 28.?Ten-year-old Robert Booth, a nephew of Mayor Fred I. Button, was Instantly killed FIRING SQUAD TO EXECUTE MURDERER Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 28.? Joseph HUlstorra will be put tc death by shooting October 1, Id ac cordance with the sentence of th<: court, Governor William Spry toda} notified the State Department at Washington. A telegram of the Swedish Minis ter, W. A. F. Ekengren, addressed to the Stato Department and for warded to Governor Spry, auggesteri that delay might be advsable be cause of protests that Hll'.strom had not had a fair trial. The telegram sent by Governor Spry after a meet ing of the Board of Pardons, as serted that the trial had been fair and every opportunity extended Hillstrom to prove his Innocence. Hlllstrom was convlctcd of kill ing J. C. Morrison, a grocer, and his 18-year-old son. FIRE .\T OXFORD. Oxford. Sept. 28.?iFire last night destroyed t Kb stable? of Prof. L. T. Buchanan, containing buggy, wagon and lots of feed; a fine horse and two hogs were burned, lots $800. at Danville, Va., early Saturday night, when he was run down by an automobile driven by Sidney Bate man, a chauffeur. Bateman 1? in custody. He claims that the acci dent was unavoidable. He threw on his emergency brake? when he saw the lad in the street in front of him but .It was too late, he says. The car skidded over 30 feet. WINCHESTER 12]wl6 and 20 Gauge Lights Hammerless Repeating Shotguns Sportsmen differ aa to whether a 12,18 or 20 Qauge la the beat shotgun lot field shooting, bat the knowing eaee agree that the Winchester Model 1012 lightweight, hammerleaa repeater la the one best bet in the shotgun Use. This Winchester being made In 12, 16 and 20 gsugea permits an advocate of the big, medium or small bore to Indulge his fancy and be aure of getting a gun that la true to its gauge in balance, weight and length. 1 All three gauges of thia model are made of spedaly wteflwl materiala. Nickel steel, which la twice aa | strong aa ordinary gun steel, ia used throughout for the L metal parts in thia Winchester. This means a light ^weight gun without aarrlftnlng safety or strength. HL This gun haa ? cross bolt trigger lock, a smooth. Hfc quick and easy action, and a simple Take-Down system. It loada and unloadaeaaily and ita shoot fa* qualities, are not excelled by the higbeat priced doable gone. There ara many other pleaaing and aidudw fsalurea of thia Win?heeler which appeal to sportsmen that could be enumerated, but the gun Itaeif is the beet eyideoce of its quality sad desirability. POM A USD LBTTBM DAY AFIHW, , BBOOT-A WINCHESTER SHOTGUN YOUR MEASURE for your Fall m4 Wiaiar OotMag. wM to fit you. mTYPB Buti An Individual GEO. ARAMOONEE 131K IfcfcfBli lili. t Waakington. N. C. tomU mtd Mm'? Cuatom Tailor. Mmm.Vtrnn ing and Pressing Done to Satisfy You BUSINESS LOCALS AND OTHER ITEMS. *1 their Market trert ?tore, Wok -a large number or )rdere for fall Mite yesterday .'heir tailor vil be whh them an il this evealaf- ' A large number ?f samplee are to be aeen. The merchaata of Washington who Advertise In thia paper ar? keeping :halr ads. ttva and up-to-date. Moat ?f them change dally. Each haa an Interesting story to -tell yon every tajr. Bead then, -*? IUmera Rrotitevl^re soiling a arge number of fall hats to young ten of taste theee days. There are wo price*?14 and 92- Both of hem are exceptionally food values "or the money. The demand for poultry and eggs hla winter may not be as brisk as risk aa the J?owl for guns and am munition. but nevertheless It will pay you to pay does heed to the gg production of your fowls. With proper car? and feed the number may In many cmm t>? almost doubl ed. And every ecg in winter has a ready sale and a high market ralue. Jmmkcm E. Clark'? advertisement in yesterday's Issue of the Dally New* attracted considerable attention. It did more than that, however. It brought a large cumber of custo mers to the store this morning to inspect the bargains that were of fered. 1. K. Hoyt's men's depsrtment Is doing a big business these days. They have ons of the largest stocks of men's rsady-to-war clothing in ths city; good quality and correctly priced. Claude L. C arrow is still selling Maxwells and is selling tbem fast. Thlc is fast becoming the most pop ular car In the city. Mr. Carrow has a most attractive salesroom on East Main street. Good Bowels Are An Aid to Growth lowing Children Xe?d * Mild Lax ative to Footer Rf?ol?r Bowel MoTwmnt. As a child grows older It requires nore and more personal attention rora the mother, and as the func ions of the bowels are of the ut nost Importance to health, great itt ntion should be paid to them. (Diet 19 of great Importance, and the mother should watch the effect ?f certain foods. A food will con ipate one and not another, and so wo have a healthy food like eggs auslng biliousness to thousands, ind a wholesome fruit like bananas 'cnstlpatlng many. It Is also to be cnsldered that the child Is grow ng, and great changes ace taking ?lace In the young man or young A'oman. The system has not yet icttled Itself to Its later routine. 'A very valuable remedy at this itage, and one which every growing *3oy and girl should be given often or occasionally, according to the In dividual circumstances, is Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. This Is a lax ative and tonic combined, bo mild 'hat It is given to little babies, and yet equally effective in the most ro bust constitution. At the first sign ->f & tendency to constipation give i small dose of Syrup Pepsin at night on retiring, and prompt action will follow In the morning. It not only acts on the stomach and bow Ms but Its tonic properties build up ^nd strengthen the system general ly, which is an opinion shared by Mr. John Dey, of loomfteld, N. J. MARIE DEY ne na? a large family and at agesi where the growth and development! must be watched. Little Marie ban, thrived especially well on Dr. Cald well'? Syrup Pepsin. Mr. Dey con-1 slders it the right laratlve for young and old and has found none better for young children. The uec of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will teach you to avoid cath artics, salts and pllie as they are too harsh for the majority and their effect is only temporary. Syrup Pepsin brings permanent results, and U can be conveniently obtained of any nearby druggist at Ifty cents and one dollar a bottle. Results are always guaranteed or money will b refunded. Families wishing to try a free samp!# bottle can obtain it postpaid by addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 419 Washington St., Montlcello, 111. A postal card with your name and addr- ss on it will do. GETS A YEAR FOR STEALING A BICYCLE * (By Eastern Press) New Bern, Sept. 28.?When Je rome Moore, a young white lad whoce home Is at Klnston, was placed under arrest in this city last Friday night he sworo in several different languages that he was in nocent of the crlmo and In fact had never seen the town of Klnston. However. Chief Lupton w*? sure that Moore, who was endeavoring to ae'.l a high grade bicycle for four dollars, was a crook and Anally snc ceeHed In wringing from him a con fession to the effect that he really was from the Lenoir capital. 8aturday morning aa officer from Klnston came to New Barn, took Moore in charge and carried him back to stand trial. It waa proved that he had stolen the b'.cycle from W. H. Bltsell, of that city, and was sent to the roads for twalve months. Moore took an appetfl and in de fault of bond Is now In Jail in that cltj. t. HmMotr -w. ?aM Mai* tm ? ltltl* Whll?," r.pU?d hwr Com. *i*M. ~TT? r**trl m ?? cM o* O . ?pwk*n hi th? ?ali j. m' mm m A MILITARY CAMP FOR N.C. IS OPPOSED Chapel Hill. Sept. 28.?In dls cusn'ng the advisability of having a btMncas min's training camp lo cated In North Carolina, similar to the one held at Plattffburg, N. Y.. this summer. Dr. J. M Booker of the English dapartmant of ?h? Uni versity, declared himself opposed to the plan. Dr. Booker was one of the nve North Carolinians who at tended Ihr* camp at PlattRburg. COUNTIES THREATEN TO SECEDE Whoo'tn*. W. V?.. 8?o< J?.? Threats of Oovernor Hatfield to send militi? her? to enforce prohibition resulted today In counter threats of as attempt by Wheeling and Ohio count If* to "secede" from the fltate. Wheeling voted overwhelmingly wet, while th? rest of the Stat? vot ed dry. ? new London theatre hat a culn In-tho-atot (t^eybon? on (he bacli of ftoh Hit A Man's Legacy To hit famity should be wcurdy protected. A life income policy in the Mutual Life of New York payable to hit widow and children it at safe at a govsra^ient bond. Wm. Bragaw & Company, First Insurance Agents, Washington, N. C. EAST CAROLINA Teachers' Training School A State School to train teachers for the Public Schools ol Norih Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall term begins September 21,1915. ROBT. H. WRIGHT. Pres. - Greenville. N. C. NEW THEATER TUESDAY, SEPT. 28 First Appearance Of the Moat Fa in Modern Fiction, mous Characters AHW0005 WtKENTJ THE INTERNATI J?4AL LAUGHING MUSS i Poi45H^PERLMIlir?K ATUif TO-DATt MRHtNT IN TwUCf PltCES TROO MATTBMC j - THE SJITORD/1Y EVENING POST ?????!? M NmtmuI Gl?M DIR?CT PROM IT5 SECOND YEAR/ at thc Cohan Thcatic, ?fw vo?k YOU SMILE ? YOU LAUGH - YOU ROAR f5?* Orchestra Sl.OO, SI.SO lr'TlCCS. Balcony Sl.OO, 75c,50c Scats on Sale Monday Worthy & Etheridge's. EXCURSIONS $22.55 State Camp, F la. (Near Jacksonville) and return. NATIONAL RIFLE TOURNAMENT. Tickets on sale October 3rd, 4th. 5th, Cth, 7th, 12th. 13th and 11th. Extension of final limit to November 20th mar l?e obtained by de posit of ticket with Agent Union Station, Jacksonville, not lnt*r than October 13th and payment of foe of 50c. $8.50 Jacksonville. F)a. $10.50 Tampa, Fla. and return, tickets on salo for all train* SeptemW 28th, 191ft. Returning all tickets void after midnight October 5th. 1915. $8.70 Washington, D, C. and return, tickets on sale September 25th, 2T?th and 27th, returning all tickets void after midnight October 15th. 1915. For rates, reservations or anv inclination, phnne er write the ATLANTIC ( OAST LINE "StavJnrd l.jilw l of Ua South" S. R. CLARY, Axrerf NEW THEATER FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1. H. H. Frazee Presents the Laughing Hit of the Century. The World'? Funnlett K?rc?. One Solid Yeir in New York. Prices $1.3<>, $1,00, 75c, 30c. Switt on Sn\c WEDNESDAY, SRPT. 2? WORTHY fc RTHERIDQR'3 ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS