THE DAILY NEWS PEUTTB MORS LOOM: KJWB THAN AK* OTHZS ?MB UT THS BTlTS ASHINGTON DAILY NEWS m wuun-oiwinr m <mu. (MmuMtmriki ^SfnNGTONKC WEi>*M8D^toTERNOON SEPTEMBER M. WIS No.73 PIUS Sin SEM III THE lEIt. "ID III 111 wr?-r LOFTIN BRINGS FACTS HOME TO HIS HEARERS SAYS MBIT WHO GO TO HELL ABB ALTVB AM PROTI<1 OF THIS WORLD. NO RESPECTOR OF CLASS !*?'? Wealth or. HI? Poverty Do? Not P?v? the' Way t? Hfivea to HrU. Story of Rich BCaa ai is Told. "In H?U Ally?" formed the stirr ing theme for Rev. I. N. Loftln's lermoo Inst night at the Baptist church. In a most forceable man ner. ho brought out the terrors and frightfulness of hereafter punish ment and urged hie hearer? to. take the ?tepg that would enable them to eecape the' .^orment and auffeitng that awaited all elnnerf. He llluo trated his text by reading the story of the rich man and Lasarua and quoting tho rich man's conversation while he waa in hell and suffering the anguleh of the damned. "I wish, first of all, to Impress upon you, one thing, and that Is, that the men who go to hell ore not dead?they are olive. They are just so capable of suffering as we are right here, or I am very much mistaken In the facta as set forth In the word of Qod. "When tho final day of Judgment comes upon us, there sre certain laws that we know will govern that Judgment. We will be judged ac cording to truth; aooordlng to deeds and according to tho Oospel of Je yuf Christ Amd furthermore, tho Judgment will bo no respoetor of persons. Men don't go to hell bo cause they are rich, nor do men go to heaven because they are poor. Classes make no difference. And I want to say right here, that where you have claaeea, you have hatred, and wealth and poverty 1? the great er! j cause for thla hatred. But re BOjftbor, my friends, thst Just be cause a man la rich, Is no reaeon why It should be surmised that he is bound for hell, t doubt very much if John D. Rockefeller will ever get to hell, but I have my doubts about Carnegie. "It yon don't belter? In God, you are Just aa cure of hell right now a* If jou were already suffering Its torments. In Revelations, John gives u? some of the classes of peo ple who wlll .be damned in the life hereafter. They are the fearful, the unebllevers, the abomlaable, the murderers, the whoremongers, the sorcerers, the Idolaters and ALL liars. You don't Ilk? to associate with that clase of people In this world, bnt If you don't profees faith In Jesus Christ and lire according to the Bible, 70a are going to asso ciate with them In the life here after. "I said that the mep who are Iri hell are alive. Prom thp story I have Just read 70a we have proofs that they are alive. The rich man talked to Abraham. Dead men do not talk. H? saw Lasarus. Bead men do not see. He suffered the torments of hell. Dead men do not suffer. He wanted to drink. Dead men arc not thirsty. In faet, It Is shown that he possessed all of the faculties that he possessed on earth. He was ALIVE. His plea that salvation be sent to his five brethren oA earth, that they might not follow him into hell, ahows that the Urn and damn ed are eager for the unsaved In this world to BELIEVE and esoape the punishment th%t they are undergo ing* The lost naa'a plea also proves that he was in hell because of hlr unbelief. My frtende, had the de mons, or the los* la hell, the op portunity to preach Christ and the way of salvation in Washington that these profeased Christiana have, they would at least Join the Salva tion army and believe In the truth." Tonight Mr. Loft In will preaeh on "The human passion for the pro cession." Berlin, Sept. If.?According to the Overseas New? agency, Qreece ha? auursd Serbia sh? will re?lst t h? passage of foreign troopt through ?rt?* wrntBry, TO ADDRESS YOUNG MEN Several Speeches to be Made at the Meettag of Young Sic? at the Oowrt Howe Toaight. It to understood that severa! prominent business men will bo present at the meeting of young men *t the court house tonight and will address them In regard to the club that It Is proposed to organise. The meeting will begin promptly at 8:30 and everyone is urgently rsquested to be on hand on time. The younf men are planning to get into their club rooms at an ?arly data and at tonight's meeting it Is expected that orders will be given for purchase of furniture and other equipment Gathering of Mexicans on Border Csumm U. 8. Holdlrrw to Pre pare for Trouble. Brownsville, Tex., Sept 29.?Up on receipt of Information that sev eral hundred Mexicans were gather ing on ths Mexican side of the Rio Grande near Progreso, army officials today held a cavalry patrol in read Incss to proceed to any point along ths river front. Major Edward Anderson, at .the ltth Cavalry, said Iris officers had been Informed that the Mexicans op posite Progress seem to be well or ganised. Denies Carranza Soldiers Participated in Raid. Washington, Sept. 29.?T. R. Belt ran, Carranza consul at San Anton io, discussed the border situation to day with Assistant Attorney General Warren, and denied that Carranza soldiers hsd participated In the raiding. The trouble, he said, wai local and caused partly by adven turers and partly by Mexicans In Texas "ho think they may separate Texas from the United 8tates and found a social republic. TOTAL NUMBER OF I>EAp PLACED AT FORTY-POUR Official* of flante Fe Ro*d May Be Charged With Criminal Negll gnu? m Rfflnlt of Explosion. Ardmore, OkU., Sopt. 29.?Offic ials of the Atklaon, Topeka and Sante Fe railway may be charged with criminal negligence in connec tion with the explosion and Are wh!ch caused the wrecking of the business district of Ardmore and the death of 44 persons here yesterday. This announcement was made In statement issued last night by Rus sell Brown, city attorney of Ard more. Investigation with a view to fixing the blame for the disaster will be begun tomorrow by the munici pal authorities. An officlsl list 1s-| sued by the police late today placed the number dead at 44, and the to tal property damage at $550.000. Early official statements had plac ed the number of victims at b6. This discrepancy was explained by the fact that several persons pre vlously reported dssd were found either in bpapltsls or In their horn** after a close police chock with the physicians. CASES BROUGHT DEI ORE RECORDER Aa Affray and Small Theft Wpw the Only Oaaes Dtopoe?l Of. Sever?! (cases were brought up and disposed of at the session of ths recorder's court yesterday afternoon. 0?7 Wsston and Harry Carter were ehargsd with an affray ('artsr wss fined 910 and half the costs. Weston was finsd half ths costs. osorgs Dawsos, colored, charged with stealing a quarter from a small bar, was fined costs. Ths quarter ??? fn? t? i h? owner, MADE INVISIBLE AT MIGHT Of all the utrange Invention* which this war has brought out, none is ?tranger than the uniform which Is shown In the picture. At night, in the darkness of the trenches, the officers don theee phantom uniforms am: walk about in the open to inspoct th< linea. This they can do without rear on account of the dress which makes them practically invisible because o. the black raatorlal of which It Igfmade Two holes through which the wearer can see and another hole through which he can breathe are cut Into the hood. EXCELLENT COMEDY SEEN LAST NIGHT 'Potash lutd Perlmutter" l'leased Audience at New Theatre. Wan Extremely Well Acted. All the favorable advance report* regarding "Potash and Perlmutter" were verified at the performance of hit play at the New Theatre last ?light. It Is, without question, one >f the most laughable and true-to lature shows on the boards today, l'he characters, especially the two principals, were excellent In their parts. They portrayed the type of Jewish merchants who are found everywhere in the big cities. Every gesture, every word and every ac tion was true to life. In addition to being a flrst-clase comedy, the play also had an inter esting plot, which was carried ou' to a successful and satisfactory 1: conclusion. It was the best show that lias been sflbn here this season. HALCYON CLUB TO HOLD MEETING Will II? Annual Meeting of Ijocal HtwUl Organization. McmlxM-n K?qu(?t(Ml to bo Prt'sent. The annual meeting of the Hal cyon Club will he held tomorrow nlght at eight o'clock In Worthy & Etherldge's drug store. Future plans for club work, the election of offl cers and" other Important matters will be brought up for discussion All member* are urgently requested to be In attendance. MKH, IX>N<;WOKTH'H PAIR OP PASTS HTI Its CHICAGO They're of (Inlh, Not Ruffle anil Lace, an<l Rmm-Ii to Her Ankle?. Chicago. Sept. 29.?Mr*. Nicholas Longworth, who gave tke country "Alice blue" when she was Alice Koosovelt, came Into Chicago in pantalettes and caused quite a stir. They were not not and ruffled and lace trimmed. Instead, heavy skirt, material with a wide tuck In each leg. and reaching to her ankles. The pantalettes are longer than the aklrUr Chicago la wearing. A long, heavy traveling coat, with a broadcloth co'.lar and oonsplcuous for the absence of fur of any kind, wo* worn with tke "sklrtish '-look Ing trousers. Ties of the cloth pro truded from either aide of the col lar. and made a warm knot at the neck In eaae of cold wlnda. Mrs. Longworth wore laced low ?hooa and a hat of straw, with a silk front. Her traveller porn was ? l?rf? iqwf Hathtr m. i lit rail ir jupn KARMHB KAl'KBgjpB HLMiiSLF AH WELL PUBD WITH PRICES ? OTHERS~ABE TOO Cdrns Tliat Aooaal of Tobacco llriojc SfBt to Gn^rllle Market Ls Growing Leas ill the Time. Arv iiringlng Crop 9 Editor Dally Newwt Dear sir: Daring rtre last W*ak or ao, I have read a number f article* In your paper on the tobacco market. 1 want to aay right bare that I am one of those farmer* who fook their tobacco to Oreanvllla^ daring the early part of the scaaan-, but 1 alto want to say that 1 am throuRh. In the futare all of my tobacco will go to Washington. I can see ab solutely no difference in the price pa!d, and when one db&sldera the tlmo lost, and the coat 4f taking the tobacco out of Beaufoft county. It la a self-evident fact tb^t It pays to trade In Washington. j 1 believe that most of our farmers realize now that the OreenvtUe market la In no way auperlor to the Washington market, and that their lntereata will be well taken care of In Washington. I also believe that lr. the future, yon will aae very lit tle tobacco going to Greenville. I have talked with some of those farm ers who have been taking their to bacco away from Washington, and they do not appear to bo vary well satisfied with the way that? baeineas dealings came out In Qjftenvllljl^j I stacarerr *ho9* ? That' TSs ~Wilh - | irigton market will be moat afleeess ful during the remainder of the aea ison and that they will break all 1 records in the quantity of tobacco sold. With beat wishes. B. D. K. K ml An Eyort Being Made u> Get Var ious Companies In the State at Morehead City for Practice. The Authorities of this state have requested the division on militia affairs to authorize the concentra tion of several divisions of the naval militia at Morehead City to engage n small arms target practice, field netructlon and Instruction relating tc the naval militia service. If the request s approved all di visions will be assembled about Oc tober 10 for a period of flvo days. The state authorities fcelleve that the haracter of the instruotlon afford? better opportunities for instructing the men in such phases, as rccent | reports showed them moat deficient. Adjutant General Young Is anxlou? for the naval rallitla to have all the knowledge necenaary to enable them to meet the federal requirements (Tilna Get? Order, for Htaunm. Copenhagen. Kept. 29, via Ix>ndon. -fror'-th* first time In history Chl netro shipbuilders are competitors of the European yards. A steamship company of Drammen, Norway, ha? ordered three steamer? In China to be delivered In 1916 and 1*17. The placing of this order In China Is due to the unusual pressure on the home yard?. NKW HON HITA L TARBOKO. Rocky Mount, Sept. 29.?Saturday at Tarb<rro the contract for the Bdge combe Central hospital was awarded by the county commlaslonara, the <t?cce?sful bidder being J. B. Stout and company, of Sanford, and the price named being $10,698. The price named does not Include the plumbing and heating, ga? plant or furnishing? for the building, and only embraces the building Itaelf which la to be of atone and brick and the roof of tU?. The details of construction plana are aldng the line? of the moat Knproved and the atrnctore when completed will em brace practically awy known Im provement for ?*iil<?Uo? Hi 60? plUI comtort >? WILL HELP ORPHANED SERBIANS Miss Dora Grulch (right> of Serbia and her aecretary. Miss Eva Head of Oregon, as they were about to sail from New York for the purpose of opening the Frofhlngham Home for Serbian Children orphaned by the war The Institution, which will be American In character. Is xhe gift of John W. Frothingham of New York and hia sister Elizabeth, and of live Serbians whose names are withheld. TWO DEATHS AT OCRACOKE OTHER NEWS FROM ISLAND Mrs. M. J. Gaskill Meets Sudden Death. Hatton Wa hab's Daughter Passed Away. New Residences Are Being Built icracoke, 8ept. 27.?Mr?. M. J. Gaaklll, the wife of Capt. Rob Gas klll, dted suddenly of apoplexy last night soon after returning from church. She wa* a devout Christian, a most estimable, amiable and kind hrarted woman whose loss will be greatly felt by the entire commun ity. whose sincere sympathy goes out to her grlcf-stricken husband, sister and brother. Child Dltxl Saturday. Hettle Goldle. th* seven-year-old little daughter of the late Hattan Wabab. died last Saturday. Goldle was an unuaually bright little girl and endeared herself to all who knew her. Han Hold House. Stephen Taylor has sold his FANS PLANNING TO SEE SERIES Thin Hertion of the State Will Ik Weil Ropmnented at World's Kcrli-w (iamra. (By Eastern Press) Rocky Mount, Sept. 29.?Accord '.ng to advance Information from fans In this and enighborlng cities. North Carolina will bo well repre sented at tho world's aerie* games next month. Over a dozen ar? planning to sen the games from Ilocky Mount. They will leave her" Thursday, October 7th, If the first game Is played In Philadelphia, and on Sunday, October 10th, If the in itial contest la staged In Boston. Among those who have already ar tanged for tickets aro J. P. White head, Dr. M. R. BraBwell, W. 8. Moyo. Ed. Gordon. Norman Shstn bless and Dr. Leggett. the la?t nam ed being of Scotland Neck. FRKIOHT TRAFFIC TIKI) IIP. Rocky Mount.Sept. 29.?For more than three hours yesterday the main line of the Atlantic Coast l.lne was blocked at a polift near Rennert when flames from an unknown ori gin destroyed about 20 feet of tres tle. It so happened that there were no paasenger trains to pa?* about the hour when the flames were dis covered, and the delaya in each In stance were with freight traffic. NAVY DRPAKTMKNT AHKfl BIDS FOR 1(1 HITOMARINKfl r sixteen new aubmarlnA, five sea going crnlsera and eleven of the comet defense type, will b* opened ?t the Nary Department tomorrow. Tli? boat? were AUtfeoirleed by the la?t Congrats. >%??? dttry-Hnxtae near'the steamboat wharf to W. D. Gasklll. who will enlarge and run It as a summer re sort. Mr. Gasklll also sold hI? resi dence to his brother Ben whose fam ily have just moved up from Harbor Inland and are now occupying the house. New IWidenc? Built, Stephen Taylor has built a neat residence out on the beach 100 yard* beyond the old Curtis boarding house. The Taylors have be*n long and favorably known to summer visitors and winter sportsmen, and will be very much missed by them. Catch Pew Pish. The pound nut fishermen are catching very few flsh although sheepbead are being caught by an glers laelde and drum along the beach. COLD WEATHER 1 IS PREDICTED Frceslng *.??r tn NVw England. Tropu;.! Storm Lki Raging. Washington, Sept. 29.?Freezing weather In northern New England tomorrow and heavy fronts along the Great Lake*, the upper Ohio valley and the Atlantic coast north of Maryland were predicted today by tho weather bur au. The lowest temperature recorded today was at New Lisbon, N. J., where the ther mometer rrglntorpd flvr depress be low fre??zlng. The tropical storm which has been raging during th* lart two daya In th* flouth Atlantic, today was centered south of the MlM>*tp pl and moving northward. Easterly galra wore reported from New Or leans to Pnnvacola, Fla. WORK OF RIOT CAM* MARKS CHICAGO STRUCK Chicago. Sept. 2ft.?A ?core of riot oalls, which resulted in as many arrest?, but failed to develop Into nerlous (Unorder, marked tho second, day of the ttrlke of Chicago Kar-, ment workers. Union leader* claim ed that nearly 26,000 were out and that thla numbw would be increas ed to close to 2B.000 by noon to morrow but manager* of tome of the leading tailoring and clothing establishments of the city declared that not more than 2.000 had quit work. Mor? than thirty clothing houses were a gee ted by the strike today. Thirty halls were filled with strik ing employes all day long and to night e*lra police guards will be sent to preterm prder at th4 facet ing placet. ALLIES INIAKE L ATTACKS ALL THE HEAVY GERMAX COUNTER ATTACKS ARE RAID TO HAVE BEEN REPl'LHED. LOSS ENORMOUS Pirn t Report That UK).(MX) Gcrmua Had lk-?*n L<*?t Now A|i|>?arii to li?? Vcrlflwl. Hu-nIiuin Claim Hue? w'wpm In EaM<t-ii Theatre. London, Sept 29?The new gen eral offenslv of the allies on the western front has reunited 1n the gain o' additional ground both In the Artols region, near Souchez and Int he Champagne, according to to day'* Frenrh offclat statement All the heavy G rman counter-attacks are declared to have been beaten off. Lost I"p to 10O.OOO. French officers estimate that ye* ?erday's futile attack? by the G r tran Crown Prince In the Argonne brought the loss** of his armies up to 100.000. German Awtault I'neffectlve. Yesterday's German assault on the Argonne positions la described by French military men as break ing at the first line of defense, which had held up under the pre paratory artillery fire of the Ger man? The same Ihlt.g is declared to have occurred on the three ro peat> d attempts, the ground being left thickly strewn wit]) the iefznan dead and wounded The Serbian war office at Nlab reports two attempts by Teutonic forces to cross the Dnna Into Ser bian territory, both of which were repulsed HuH>.iirii> Sur?w.ful. The KiiM.ans claim to have si lenced German lard batteries on the Gulf of ItiRa by t he fire of their fleet In a recent bombardment. One itussian warship was hit by a ?hell, it Is stated Peace Offer* Fail. Berlin has a report that the ef forts of Greece to obtain an agree ment with Rumania for a common policy have failed Greece al*o informed Serbia, ac cording to Berlin advices, that she wnuld resist the passage of foreign rn *>ps through Greek territory. T!iir supposedly has reference to r? - j"s that the allies would send tro to Grcecc If Bulgaria should atta? k Serbia. (Py Eastern Pr^sa) Rocky Mount. Sept. 29.- Sam Ilarrl?, the young Salvation Army captain, who wan stationed at thin city, was tr5nd yesterday afternoon at Durham, charged with bigamy. He wan Indicted In March on the ????m p hi i i^t of his flrat wife, Lucie Ellis, of Durham. It developed that afrer his marring'' with Ellla, Harris ramo to th!* city and married MIm Hatte Stewart Hi* Jlrat wlfp ha* been rranted an ahpolut?* divorce And Harris has hcpn dpiitfiicpil to 12 months Im prisonment TONIGHT t?REELS- 6 of SPI,KN1)1L> PICTURES TOMORROW NIGHT "WHO PAYS" 'Filuo Blood and Ywllow" Price 5 fc 10c .

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