DAILY NEWS ?? 110?, * tU JKMtoOot act of Mareh 8, 1ST?. SBBBCBXRIDK Ok Ifontk *'? *v? ? ?!? ???? *Vt * a ? I M AtttJIlfAft ?? I ?>?>!?! ? ? ? tjL.t ?????????*? .11.00 !????? mw???????????????"???.? 1*00 Om i, 8.00' 8ubaa?ptioaa moat la paid fc? tx advance. If paper U oat or wrtim tku effiee. BabieriWi dedriaf tka W win ykese nullfj tki* offlee, otharwlaa St vi!^fc*eaa4frfaM*i MgpU* aoteerlptua rata*. JAMES.L. KATO - CUp*9HtaK3K I E<Kut. . m<*> ? ? 4w ? * ?i ? ?? i nw i ' WASH TNG TON, NORTH CAHOLINA, SEPT. 2 29. 1915. Paris, Sept. 29.?French make big gains. Have captured 50,000 Germans. Victory is awn ml. Berlin, Sept. 29.?German repulse French attack, llave captured 50,000 French. Victory is certain. Aw, what's the use. Some headlines seen in Eastern Carolina newspapers. Wonder if some of our clever scribes can tell the papers that are represented: ?'Everybody now favors Sanitation Law." "Police arrest six for riding on freights." '?Cat swallows fish and ewims ten miles." "Fair is going to bo a big success." RIDICULE OF CATHOLICISM. "Had the Pope full power over all the European nations, his pratings for peace might prove of 9ome avail, but then wo question if war is not preferable to abject Roman Catholicism." The above sentence conclude dan editorial in Monday's issue of the Greenville Reflector, which dwelt with the effect the Pope's word would have in ending the European war. In that sentence, tho Reflector makes light of a religious sect, and ridicules its highest dignitary. It use? the term "abject" in referr ing to Caiholiui.sw, the synonims of which are "degraded," "servil." "groveling," "despicable," and "sunk to a low level." It refers to the efforts of the Pope towards securing peace as "pratings." The sentiment voiced in that sentence rightfully deserves the adjective and its tifnotiim* which it uses in critici.*ing a religious faith. It is almost unbelievable that a modern newspaper?supposedly liberal in its views?should make such an assertion as does the Rc flector. What right has it to hold millions of pious aud truly re ligious people up to ridicule and scorn? Their faith is just as good as others. They have as much right to their belief as other churches have to theirs. What is more, there is more true piety, more ardent belief in the doctrines of religion in tho Catholic church today, than there are in all tho other churches combined. In attendance, in devotion and in support, the people who believe in Catholicism set an example which Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists and all the other sects might well follow. With reference to the Pope and the war in Europe, it is doubtful whether his word will have much effect in bringing about peace, but he is. nevertheless, trying to do so, which is more than can l?o said of the high officials of the other churches. The writer does not happen to bo a Roman Catholic, but if he were. he certainly would be as proud of his church as the most devout Baptist or Presbyterian is of his. He would have a right to be. The Catholics have done untold good in this and other countries. They are an active sect and they deserve commendation and respect instead of the ridicule and contempt with which the Reflector treats them. "Yes, we took the children to the animals."?Xcws and Observer. Good! And did they want to know what caused the strange re semblance between papa and certain inmates of the cages f With a revival of action in ail tho European fields of war. Old Man Carranza will have to tnrn some new trick in order to keep oa the front page. Judging from the appearance of the editorial page in the Rocky Mount Telegram Monday, Editor Home has returned from bis little visit with WfKxlrow and Jo9t*pluis. An advertisement in a .Richmond paper says there are "choice lots for salo in the center of Hopewell. Tn preference, please sell us one in the renter of turbulent Mexico.?New Rem Sun. Why not jiit?t sav plain every-day "Hell." KEEN COMPETITION IN Bl'SINESS. One of the promim-nt business men in Washington this morning mad?' the statement that never l>efore had he known business coin petition to 1? an ken in all lines as it. was at present. He stated that every store ifl the city was alive and hustling to beat itn com petitor an<l rhat they were bringing every resource into play in order to l?e able to do so. That t h?* al*>ve statement i* true, may l?e proved by visiting any of the ntoro* in the city t'tflay. Window displays are arranged as at-1 tractively a.s possible, atoms have been improved inside ami goods an j arranged where they may lw> m*'h to the greatest advantage. T rt I addition to this, the progressive, merchant* are sending circulars through the mail and advertising in the local paper in order to in duce new customers to patronize their establishments. Ft isn't the man who keeps the largest stock who is going to do the most business in Washington this season. It ix the won who let* the people know what he has to sell them. Tie must advertise in every possible way he can think of. That is th* only plan he can follow, if he hopes to succeed. We are glad to say that the leading stores of the city are realizing this and that they are fast forming the habit of carrying regular space in the local paper. There is no question but that they are deriving lienefits through their advertising campaigns. Some merchants, however, are either too old-fashioned or too slow ?o realize what advertising means. They consider it money thrown swav. In spite of the fact that they must sec that the other stores are doing a larger business than they are, they refuse to modernize themselves. We again wiah to urge our readers to read every advertisement in this paper daily and to read them carefully. Each has a new story to tell you. They are meant for YOU. Patronise the atore that fdyertiyes, In a certain city there dwelt * i ud wbo fcUo did l termed t lady'a I that city. Now U appaeead ea? dayt tiN>* ulii?? milWy?! to re spond to hi* call, he heard a wondroualj fveet voice, calling forth "Number fyleaaet" in an exquisitely moaieal face. And the man felt hia heart flutter strangely, but be did aias&?r. to control him self. And a few days late^ the mm *oftoa answered to hia oall and I this time, the man did verily mustar up enoogh courage to make date with the owner of th? Toiocyanmaptad. And when he appeared ? the m?) did the man meet a woman! who waa as exquisite aa b*r voice t Did he gaxe upon a creature wowfeously beautiful of feabuya^and perfect of form I ? Yea indeed, Henrietta. You probably expected ub to ut no, but you aee he waa in Wsshiligtato. Had. fee been in New Bprn or Greenville or Kini ton, it nkght have betlt different Best Editorials Of' the Day. LET AMERICA AID I THE STRICKEN CHRISTIANS. The coutirmatioB at tba report? Of tfcs terrible Atrocitiee bein* committed agataat ?on-Mo*lemk W Aliatie Turkey, where a half million or moro Armenian?, who have'embraced the Christian faith, have been murdered-or outraged, should call for a determined effort on the part of Christendom to put a stop to the annihilation of thesoi people. Germany and Austria'^ar?-in'frsttor position to restrain the terrible Turk than are any othofr katfrSA rTbe influence of America j and other neutral powers should *be bitaght to bear upon these na tions that Christianity be not blotted out and the followers of the Meek and Lowly Nazareno'be pcmeeuled and murdered in the mobt diabolical and atrocious manner; as sosiih their fate from the re ports. The day is past when the1 any country can be closed to Christianity. Shamo upon the Christian people of the world if they permit their fellow-Chris^ianit.in ?emi-heathen lands to die the df-ath of dogs as is purposed by the Turks. Let America do her duty lin this case, and that very promptly!r?Kinston Free Preas. ? T... $2,000,000,000 FIRE LOSS DUE TO NEGLIGENCE. If when you receive The Star this morning you faced a screaming headline on the front page announcing the fact that a two-billioa dollar fire had occurred in North- Carolina last night, attended by the loss of a dozen or a score of Kveaf ^ou would be startled. Then, when you read the story of the fire, if1 you were told that the confla gration and the loss of two billion dollars' worth of property, with the terrible loss of life, was due to carelessness or negligence, your wrath would be aroused and you-weald-bo ready to declare that some body ought to be sent to the.StateVprieen for life or to the electric chair. - However, when the highest authority in the State on fire losses. Commissioner of Insurance James B? Young, tells us thst "approx imately $3,000,000,000 worth of property is destroyed by fire in this State annually, and that fully two'thirda of this loss is preventable,' wo pay little attention to it and it makes little impression on our minds, and but little more impression is made when Commissioner Young declares that "even this loss, enormous as it is, dwindles i d importance when we consider the loss of life caused directly by fire." Yet, what is the difference between the destruction of two or three bil lion dollars' worth of property and a doaen or a score of lives in one night and suffering the same loss in ono yearf These thoughts are occasioned by the proclamation of Governor Craig sotting apart Saturday, October 9, as "Fire Prevention Day" in North Carolina and urging "all the people to a proper observant of this day in obedience to the law of North Carolina," as enacted by the General Assembly of 1015. The Governor urges the public schools of the State and tho municipal officers to give proper and. formal recognition of "Fire Prevention Day" and its meaning, and requests the citizens generally to give special attention on that day to tho condition of their premises, tA the end that the waste and loss of property and life by fire may be reduced in this J3tate. A duty dictated by economy and humanity, the Governor declares, is the prevention of the needless destruction of the fruit? of our labor and of human life.?Wilmington Star. NEW LIFE. Governor Craig, who of late has been spending considerable time looking over the farms up around Raleigh and talking with th< farmers, says that the South has been inoculated with new life and that wo are going to make back this year what we lost last veer. Tl looks as though Governor Craig is right With eotton selling for eleven cents per pound and indications that it will go higbor and with the crop of tobaooo unusally largo and selling for good prices, there is no reason why we should not make back the money lost last year. As for new life, well it might be supposed that such prosper ous conditions would put now life into anyone.?New Born Sun. Fictitious Conversations "Are you the editor!" "Yep." "I came to pay my subscription. I always believe in keeping it strictly up to date." "Much obliged. Here's receipt." "Thank you, so much. I heartily enjoy reading your paper. Vour views are always in accordance with mine and I believe that you slwaya hold the right opinion on whatever questions are brought up. I'm the manager of the store down the block aways and be ginning with next Monday I want to run a page advertisement in your paper every day." "I'm sorry, air. We have so much advertising now that we ab solutely must refuse any additional. I would suggest, however, that you give your contract to the other paper. In helping them, you would also help me." Et<*7 Rons ?1Mb > Fattjlfal Commit ud UoM W?n HMOBI cfc?#? U4 *oM*j ?n???r?wbM tov fnt i ?ft?r ?1(1111? te oh irk? ku I tb?n |t 1? tku ? MM | t?R*d r?n*4r ihouM b* faithfully "rt. "1 inM ?rrot? a taatlaeuMi b?for?, but, 1 know poaltlrelr I hit for mtli ui famllr, Dr. JUnr# M?r DtMOTMT to th# bMt coiuh nrnt&j w* rut m4 tw w? h>?a Um tkm tU," tOc and $1.00. *? la Book Na. m. ParnlUa I ,V.r.r sao t ] l?|M. will oil the l?th day of Oeto bor. 1911. at twelve o'clock Hoea of tke Court Hoase Door of Boon fort County. cell to tke high sot bld t?r for cask all those eertala tracts or pareela of laad situated Is Beas fort Coaaty, North Carolina. omd described u follows: FIRST: That certain tract Of load dcecribed la o Dood from H. Ryaa to J. ?. Wilkinson. dstsd May ITtb. lttt. aad recordod la Book No. lit. pags No. dlf. Regliter of Deeds Of fice. o Ban fort County. SBCOND: Tbat oorUln tract of load described la a Deed from 6. J. Topping aad wife. B. B. Topping, to J. A. Wilkinson, dated November 14th. 1999, aad reoordod la Book No. lid. pace No. 71. Register of Deeds' Offloe. Be*ufort Couty. THXMD: Tkat oortala tract of laad deocrlbed la a Deed from K. *. 8ha^ reader t? J. A. Wilkinson,1 dated November 98 th. IBM. aad recorded la Book No. IS J, page No. lid. Beg istcr of Dcs?' Offlee. Been fort Coaaty. FOURTH: Tbat oertaia tract ef land described la a Deed from 0. J. Topping and wife, 8. B. Topping, to J. ?. Wilkinson, dated December 14th. 1901, and recorded la Book No. 141. page No. ddl. Register ef Deeds' Offlee, Beaufort County. FIFTH: Tbat certaia tract *t land described la a Deed from 8. J. Top* ping and wife, 8. B. Topping1, te J. A. Wilkinson, dated December S7tb, 1907, and recorded in Book N*o. 160, page No. 900, Register of Deeds' Office, Beaufort County. SIXTH: Tbat certain tract of land described in a Deed from 8. W. Wil kinson, Commissioner, to J. A. Wil kinson, dated February 10th, 1999, I and recorded in Book No. 80, page |No. 919, Register of Deeds' Offloe, Besufort County. SBVBNTH: That ocrtala tract of land described in a Deed from Isaiah D. Smith, to J. A. Wilkinson, dated June 9th, 1894, and recorded in Book No. 89, page No. 498, Regis ter of Deeds' Offloe, Beaufort County EIOHTH: That oertaln tract of land described in a Deed from John T. Wlndley and wife to J. A. Wil kinson, recorded in Book No. 89, page No. 488, Register of Deeda' Office, Beaufort County. For a more complete description | of all abore lands reference is made] to the deeds herein referred to. CI This notice dated and posted this] 13th day of September, 191S. W. A. WORTH, Mortgagee. 19-14-4 wc. Stat* ef North Carolina. County of Beaufort. In tha Superior Court. Washington Hon? Exchange Com pany and W. H. Hookar, lohn P. | Hooker and T. P. Bonaer, trading u W. H. Hookar ? tiro?., V*. M. P. Broom*. O. W. WUllamaon. George B. Colbert. M*ry Eaaoa. Delia O. Broome and H. If. Bonner, and heir*-at-law *f Adam Holmee. To Whom It May Ooooero: The parte* ahor* nam*d, and all other persons interested, will takei notice that on th*~ 4th day of Aug-1 art, 1915, tS* abore named petition er* filed a petition in the *fflc* of! the Clerk of the Superior Court of' Beaufort County, to hare the title to certain landa therein described reg istered and confirmed puraaant to Chapter 90 ef the Public Laws of 1918, and that lummoni has been Issued, returnable at tke office ef the Clerk of the Superior Ceurt of Bean fort Couaty *n the 7th day *f Botc her, 1916. Bald lead la altuat* In Beaufert Ceunty. Rlchlasd Town ship, 8tate of North Carolina, and adjoins the lands *f H. If. Bonn*r and vthers, and Is described as fol lows: Beginning at an Iron pipe on the West sid* of ths Broome Road at Emma P. Broome'* Northeast ear ner, said Iroa pip* being tmb*dd*d In cement; thence rnnnlng North ?? Weet 1717 feet to an iron pip*; thence North t East 1171 feet to as iron pipe; thence South II Cast 1191 feet to an Iron pipe; thence North 2 Rast 141 f**t to an <r*a pip*, thenc* South ?? Bast 761 f**t to an iron p!^* at tb* sld* of th* Broom* Road; th*ne* with th* Broom* Road North S Rast SOS f**t to an iron pipe; thenc* South II Bast 747 fe*t to an iron pipe; thence South t W**t 479 f**t to an Iroa pip*; tb*ne* North II West 747 feet to aa iron pip* at th* *td* of th* Broom* Road; theac* with th* Broom* Road South I WMl T?S fMt t? tka b^tnalli, tka Mint karala tuftlit tor 1*11, Mid Ih< ktTtni tan nr ?frt ul tk? wmn awM Rop,rt Boaaar. Tka 4af?n4aat, karalakalora ai ?4. ui an atkar parsaa, ara karakr aatlfla* tkat aa >all ratlin, 4ar tka patltloaar? viti apply ta tka Court far a Daaraa at Kafttatrattaa far tka tltla ta tka Iaa4a 4aaerlt>a4 la Ml* fMHM Tkli tka 4tk 4ar af Aayaat, lit?, pa*. A. PAUL, 5l*k (I(?rl?r Onrt, follow?, t o-wit: Beginning at the month of a 1 branch m akin* oot of Punco ' at an Iron pipe, than?? North 60 West 60 poles to a gum and Iron pipe, thence North SO decr*e? 46 minut?? Bast 1621 feet to an Iron pipe on- the edge of Dardens Creek, thence across Dardens Creok North ?Xdecxweo 10 mlnataa Bast 160 feat to an Iron pipe on the North adge of Dardens Creek, thenco North 10 decree? 46 minates West 1067 feet to an Iron pip?, thence North 65 de creet West 1460 feet to an Iron pipe, thanoe Booth 4 decrees 16 minutes West 1146 feet to an Iron pipe, theoce South ST decrees Bas? 421 feet to an iron pipe, thence South 6 degrees SO m In ate? W?st 110 feet to an Iron pipe, thence Booth 4 de gree? 10 minute? Wert 171 feet tc an Iron pipe, thence South 6 decrees West 106 feet to an iron pipe, thenee -South 14 . decrees 80 minutes East 1061 feet to an Iron pipe In a ditch xnaklnc out of the small branch or C?t from Punco Creek; thencc down said ditch, branch or cut to Pungo Creek, thence ISastwardly with Pun go Creek to-the beginning, contain ing 308 acres. -1 The defendants shore named and all other? who may be in anywise interested in said land are further notified that said proceedlnc is re turnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort County on Wednesday, December 1st, 1015. land that they are required to flic their answer to the petition assert Inc and setting Up any claim that they may {?re to ?ald land; and all persons falling to answer or demur to the petition will be bound by ail orders and decrees entered in said jproceedlng. This the 84th day of September,! m?. ? GBO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court. - ' : , I EXCURSION TO NSCHMOND On eooount of the VIRGINIA STATE PAIR The Atlantic Coast Line will sellj excursion tickets to Richmond. Vs.,| for all trains from OCTOBER 9 to 16, INCLUSIVE From Wsahlncton at $6.06, and at proportionately reduce* fares from intermedlats points, limited return ing October 18th, 1015. For schedules and any further in formation deaired, call on S. R. CLARY, Ticket Agent, Washington* N. C. ' THE ATLANTIC OOAST LINE I The Standard Railroad of the 8outh| -? ? ?... - Subscribe to Daily News Come to The GARAGE That guaran tees you Satis factory Service in everything. Whether you store your car with us perma nently or just buy occasional supplies, we guarantee to please you in both quality & Price. The Beat Grade of Gasoline at the lowest market price, Try our Service once and notice the differ Washington Motor Gar Co. - w TAwrmm. m. m .v - | trm nnwvt Dnu Man * lnnltoll*a.llU???. WA8HIHOTOM, *. a ? ? ? ? ? At ? wmtiiM, n. a I ? W* ?r?otio. la tfa* Court of ? tk* Flrvt JadloUl D1? trie t tad ? tU* Federal eonti I ? ? ? *????? W. C. ?muli WtUlMtou. N. 0. ? > ,a *A*I?T MeMULLAA, ? ATTORM*T-AT-LAW. ? Aft?r hHirr It. 1*11. ? XltniiM '? , ,,??** ? Corn?r gccono tun Mark.i gu. ? *? *? n?I* Jr 1. *. L O. Wom w. W. , IMWIln, * WARM!?. MAH. - miw ? iiTmn. ? ?BnlMH M-lA, ? Prattle* Id th. Superior. P?d?r- ? ?1 AB? Sopran? Court, of tki? ? BUt?. ? A. D. Mnfif. n. a Aurora, If. G. ? Mr LB AN A THOMPSON ? AttorM7Mt-u?, ? Aurora and Wsahln*ton, Jf. 0. ? STEWART * BRYAN ? AHwi?>.?Ua?, ? Waahlniton. N. 0. ? U f" hi i'. * ? ? W. L. Vndni ? ?CMMONg A VACGHAH ? Lawytra. a 11-14-11, Lao|Uaik?iii ? Ballam,. ? w??bi?ft<?. if. a ? i* II. r?nn a Smpbea O. Bra??, . Wnll?, J* T ? UlUi. MwLMX. BRAQAW * ? BODICAM ? *WM)? ai Uw. a Offioai on Market St, Oppo- ? ?it? 01 ty HalL ? Waablnfton. jjortk ?. a. nmuH * Baa rnui mnnuioi WAflHDIOTO*.- >. a HWII II? ? Wu\hyrto?, *. 0. ? ?nbecrlbe to th? Dally N?w?. North Carolina?Baanrort County. In th? Superior Court. T. H. Blount *, 4?. t <^n TI. W*. Kulfkt. I Th? dcfkndaat abaT? named ?III Itaka notic? that an action entitled ?* Ahoy? baa been coramanc?d th ?h? Superior Court of R??nfort Connty wb.r.ln th? platmi? n?, Meorer th? ?am of Two Hiadrad Thrao and It.lto (f SOI.SI) Dol. fnr?, and that a warrant of attaok ??nt ha? taan?d analnat tk? prop ?rty Of th? defendant. ? Defendant will fortkar taka no II??: That IftJd Bait t? returnable In th? Snporior Court, bafor? th? Judi?. ?n Monday, Oetotwr ?th, nt th? Court hon?? la Waak. In (ton. In aald County of Baa start M< defeadaot win further tak? no Maa tkat upon ki? fallar? t? ippnr and aniwar or demur t? tka com print wktck will k? IM In ?aM "?" *HW? tk? *nt t km day? ?f ??Id t?rm tkat th? plaintiff will tak? ladrnont ?telnet him Thh th* loth day ?f Aofurt, nil. ??O. A. PAin? OI?rk 8np?rtor Cewt, i) Mtttrib? m tk? mu,

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