HA. B. Strm * MMta VORMU:OKl?] Bali Do| i Oao watchama cloeb for 11 1 tlon?. Both pActteally m. mVBNB. 9-97-Mon-Wed-Sat-?t?. 1XMTT: ONE OAJODO PUT OB POST ? offlc? block or rood o eemetery. . .Flndar pImm ret ara to Mta Bllm . ?b?th Mallleon ud rwdn re ??1? rmri IIT4U. FOR A. B. Styron ? A Co. 9-19*4 tO. JAMBA GRAPES?BMW far BUT or prwerm IT.IB th? baeheL 'Will doMrer Thursday. Phone or fe&ll JAMBS B. CLARK. JR.. RiT?m?w torn. Ml-lto. Mi RBNT: S LAMI ROOMS w?th ?11 moderm conToalenee. Carriage beaso. bora, atablea. Larco back rord. Vegetable sard?* and ehlekea lot. Apply to it* mat l-CS-tfo. BIO ASSORTMBNT OF CROOO late-*nd other candle? fr?b and sweet at A. 11 Styron d Co. 9-19-41?. ?al? or lease. Term? to salt fur ehaaer. WaahJajtem Vera? ? -29-lWo. oao ? >i>na|? Baiak. oao ?1 seager SerbKt, two K | R 0. B-. oao 1L ?. B. Palca Bs9s?t SUos ?0. MI-IB. OUT SUNRISE BKBAD AND YOU bare the beat. Phone your orders to A. R. Styron A Co. 9-19-4 tc. "?B SAXJ9: beard deep. It-foot IbT I foot ?.* with two aad a half havao perta blo motor. 979.99. Witt eail? a air 999.99. WHt* MS M BABftBT. WaahtajUS. B. * MMB. WANTED?HOUSE 6 TO S ROOMS centrally located. Apply Dally Now?. 9-19-9tp. FOB RENT?NEW BRICK BUtLZV tng next to Dally Newa office. Ap ply Bower? Broa. store. 941-lwe. -Why dldat yoo iota tor mj m iUctlonV -W? wanted yta Sum* 9m a little while.- replied mar Oorw Km Bel. "We regard yon aa oao of th* iTveut speaker* la the eouatry. aa > yrm$r ?Wwithwm* fWW* New Crop Bulbs French and Dutch Hyacinth?, whit? and yellow NarctMus. Tulip?, Crocus, and Lllloma. Plant ?arly for bmt r?tuU?. CHOICE OUT FLOWHRS Rotes, Carnation?, Viol at?, and Valllaa ~ "i yeetcrday morate? with aa enroll ment or olcfct fcmadrod and slxty flro, on locroooo of fifteen pupils >vor t ho Btmbor oo hood on th* opening day loot yoor. Puatauytd Auto oad Garafa. | Rocky lkraot?fire thle morning practically conemed the garage and bora aloog< wUh the new automobile ol Mr. J. P. Bonn at hi* homo No. 4Sf folio rood, the total lou being upward? of 9S.000 with Insurance only on the frame structure. All Ready for Fair. New Dem?Practically oil arrange mente have been completed for the opening of the groat Eastern Caro lina Fair oo next Tuerday morning October 5th add all that now re main* to be done 1* the work of re ceiving and placing of the exhibits. These will begin to come In this week and wlM bo taken in charge at once by tho various committees In charge of the different departments Farm rill? io Booming. FaimHUe There ore three or toor now fine house* now being built In Tdrmvllle. Mr. Ely Jfcyner to Joyner furniture Company, is building on North Main street. Mr. Tony Long, on Contentea street.-Dr Jones ha* finished the first bungalo* In towa. Mr. Benjamin Joyner wil! also build on North Main street Farmvllle haa a granolithic sidewalk erase Just now. SOLD COTTON (HERE TODAY FOR 12 GENTS A tel? Of cotton told -bore today (or It wnU. The prte? wu the highest paid on the local exchange in two years. It was said that the price was prompted by the enthusiasm of buy era who overstepped the market for a purely patriotic motive. However, the market was good and strong, and up from Monday's. The prices, legitimate, ranged from 11 1-1 to 11 1-4. Twelve-cent eotton would not sur prise responsible local men In close touch with the situation, ft was said today. The level may he reached within the next few days. Prices here, it was pointed out. have not been bettered on any of the smaller exchsngee In this part of the coun try. New York futures quotations were: Open Close I October ' 11.10 11.10 December 11 4 9 11.49 January 11.70 11.64 March ..11.*5 11.91 May .18.05 13.09 Seme Family Tree. Sir Watkln Williams Wynne, talk agtoa friend abovt the antiquity of his family, was told roughly thst hs waa Ma mere mushroom." "How is that?" he asksd indignantly. "Why." ?aid the other, "when I was in Wale*, a pedigree of a particular family was shown to me which filled more than *ve large parchmont skins, and negan firing. Barvle was still alive when friends entered the duel cham ber. His last words were: "It's our private affair." VANCEBORO ORGANIZES NEW LEAGUE (By Eastern Press) Vanceboro, Sept. 29.?A few days ago a number of Vanceboro's most progressive citizens met and formed a Business Men's League, the ob ject of which is to look after the advancement of their town and to do everything possible to aid any progressive movement. Among other matters acted upon was the donation of a fund of one hundred and fifty dollars which wll be given to the men who sell to bacco on that market. Each farmer who makes a sale here will be given a ticket which he will keep until the end of the sea son. At that time the man who has made the largest sales will be a warded first prise and there will he several other prizes offered. ^It Is the desire of the league to make Vanceboro one of the leading tobacco markets in this section. KIU)M CAMPBELI/8 CREKK. Mrs. W. H. Cayton and daughter. Mis? Deasle, of Corepolnt, who vis ited friends and relatives here last week, have returned homs. Jno. Rawls, of New Bern, was hero Sunday. He returned Sunday evening accompanied by Mrs. Rawls WlW had been spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mlxon. Mrs. Nancy L?wls, of Blont's Creek, Is visiting relatives hers. R. H. Mlxon, of Bayslds, was h^re laajt week. We understand he 1? contemplating moving. We would be glad to welcome him back to his old, home. The rsvlval services are still going on here and the pastor. Rev. Mr. Trot m an, Is preaching some soul* stirring sermons. Mrs. B. H. Mlxon Is quite feeble at this writing. We hops she will' soon be her usual self agsis. We believe our farmers bass more esrn. more hogs to fsttea and more susks of My than #vsr before. eW are fla* to fee U1I4 flga of self w??ort, HAVE YOUR MEASURE r for your Fall and Wimr Clothing. Mtfctlwn Nat m TYPE But] An Individual. GEO. ARAMOONIE 131Z. Main Stmt, WaUinrton, N. C. Lndim and Mm'? Custom Tailor. Altering, Owning and Pricing Done to Satisfy You WAR. REPORTS CONTRADICT EACH OTHER Pari?, Sept. ft.?The greatest battle of the 7