A Suit or Coat? ? ? Whether a suit or coat or both, you buy here you may rest assured that you are'getting Quality, Style, Fit and workmanship all combined.^ Our lines are complete with the' latest styles. and -T clothes?and all Economically Priced r"Y J. R. HOYTfirst 8AFK BLOWN. TAKEN. Glbsonville. Sept. 28?The store of H. 3. Hufflnen at Glbaonvil'.e was broken open befora day Sunday morning, the &afe blown and $556 !n cash taken by the robber. The GlbsonvlUe postoftlce was also en tered but as there was so safe In the place nothing was bothered. NEW THEATER t! TUESDAY, OCT. 5 JOHN C. FISHER OFFERS THE GOR GEOUSLY STAGED MUSICAL COMEDY HIT "The Red Rose" -WITH ? Maugerite De Von The Original Globe Theater' New York Company. The World's Greatest Singing and Dancing'^Choruf. AUGMENTED - ORCHESTRA AND A BIG & BRILLIANT ENSEMBLE. Seat? on Sale Worthy & Etheridge's Monday. $395 KXCIRSION TO liALKKill <>n account of the N. C. AUKICTLTTRAL fair Tt-' Atlantic Coast Line will toll excursion tickets from Washington to Ra'.elgh, N*. C-, at $3.9$. Imdud Inij <>ne lutniKston rv?u|>on to lli<* fair. Tickets will be BOlrl for all train* on OCTOBER Ml to tt*, INCLT'SIVK Limited returning up to and Includ ing midnight of October 25th, 1915. Proportionately low fares, on ?rame dales and with nam?? limit, will be mad" from aJU stations in North Carolina and Virginia. For schedule* and further Infor mation. call on S. R. CLARY, Ticket Agent. Washington. N. C ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South Tlie .Wit, llfjit Thing To Tlif Pino Forfflt For Colds In? Dr. n*ll'n Plne-Tar-Honey, which *oes to the v<*ry root of cold trou ble?. It cluars the throat and gives relief from that clogged and stuffed feeling. The pines hsv*n ?? r.ot ?julte ex'lnct 1? ?;*Vor. Th* ic?:al {.-ofeaalon. which . ?rrr ?nnrv?(lv?, cllr.ftH lu It t? iwslT. nad nor.? of the courta ? ac.ossory the quill la to cooual, /lir'.her lh oaten!atlo"al> taiHn? ? inaklo? a ap?n?ch. or In helping ?> polr.i a warning flnjer at a ho? ?u *:tno? -Ixid4od Ckronlcla nr.Ai/ni a xr> n \ ppi n f.km dk PKXD UPON VOI R MVKIt. That ulunftlflh liver with its alu* *!?h flow of bile Ik what mak?** the world look so dark at tlinea . Dr. KltiK'fl New Life Pill* ro Rtrnlght to !he root of the difficulty by waking i p tho action of 1h?? liver anrl In Teasing the bilo. Dr Klng'a Sew Life Pill* can** thr bowel? to art more freely and drive away those 'moody daya." 25c a bottle. New Shirt Waists All the newest novelties embracing styles that are entirely different from those generally seen. IN ALL THE WANTED SHADES $1.98 to $5.95 JAMES E. CLARK "Ttu Store that Sella Wookex." If Your Feet Hurt THERE will be no occasion for any one going around this fall with "sick" feet. We have the best 6hoes on our shelve?, made by "Selz" which is sufficient guarantee of their honesty in material and workmanship. So many people spend half their lives suffering from the effects of ill-fitting, cheaply con structed shoes. The "bargain counted' kind. They become habitually misguided in the belief that all shoes are alike and price alone should be the guiding factor in their purchases. Such an idea means terrible punishment to your feet, purse and general health. The shoes we offer; "Selz" are built with a reputation of nearly half a century of honest shoe making to sustain. Their motto is "Selz" shoes will never be built to meet a price, nor will shoes stamped "Selz" ever contain substitutes for leather. This means to you, shoes with longer life and your money's worth. The lasts over which "Selz" shoes are made, are perfected through a generation of experience. Can you expect more in footwear? C. A. TURNAGE'S ??Selz Royal Blue*' Store NKWH KHO.M It. F. D. No. 4. H?v. J. J. Lewln filled his regu lar appointment at Anbury M. E. church Sunday. MShh l/ci;a Culler *pent Saturday n'Kht and Sunday with Mine Annie Congieton. Mrs. Larane? 8pencer Is visiting her daughter, Mr* Leonard Cotten. W. F. and J. O. Woo'ard visited at W. A. Congleton's Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cutler visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. U PERSONALS Thsro will h? m prftjw m?etlag at th? Methodist church tonight on account of th? revival which is to ll* hsld at th? B?ptlst church. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mr?. Charlea Bprulll are In Roper. attending th? funeral >f Mr. SprmUl1? mother. Jude? Stephen Btai?w I? In JU lelfh tod?7 o? bwlneea. ? ? ? ? Arthur L. McMuten, of Ellsa beth CltJ. 1? ?pending today la Washington. ? ? a ? Mr?. Wiggins ?ud daughter, Julia Nettle?, ?re la th? eity today from Tarboro. ? ? ? ? D. H. Peterson, of Kdsnton, 1? spending today her?, transacting husln???. ? ? ? ? A. D. O. Bunn, of Wilson, wm in Washington today. ? e e ? Mr. Sam Orlst, of Chocowlnlty. la again seriously ill. ? e e ? H. O. Park?, of E11sah?th City, was among th? out of town visitors In Waahlngton yesterday afternoon. ? ? e ? W. T. Ralph, ? prominent resi dent of Belhavea. was in th? city yesterday on business. ? ? ? ? George Olds, of B?lh?ran. was acen here yesterdsy afternoon. ? e ? % L. V. Roberts, of New Bern, a prominent resident of thst city, was In Washington yesterdsy on busi ness. ? ? ? e H. E. Le?, of Oreenvlll?, was In Washington yesterday on business C. V. Knight, of Aurors, was ? local visitor yesterday afternoon. ? ? ? ? Miss Lilly Cherry am Mr. Pete Burbank were in Greenville today representing James E. Clark In that city. - ? see W. K. Helm?, of Rocky Mount, j who is well known locslly, was in the city yesterdsy on business. ? ? ? ? I R. H. Thompson, of Aurors, was | seen on the streets of the city yes terday. ? ? ? a I Mrs. J. P. Fleming and Miss An I nle Fleming of Pactolus, were Wash lugton visitors yesterday. ?RISONER ESCAPES AS LAWYER ARGUES HIS CASE Ashevlll*, Sept. 29.?While his attorney argued hI? case, Monroe Hensley. arraigned In police court yesterday on chargee of retailing, msault, resisting arrest and disor 1erly conduct, entertained a hunch that things were not well with him and walked from the court room be fore officers discovered that he had made his escape. He Is believed to have parsed out with a group of at torneys who were arguing to the court earlier in the session but who had completed their arguments Judgo J. Frazler Glenn Immediately Issued a capias for the fugitive, al though a search for Hens'.ey through out the afternoon and evening was fruitless. Conglcton Sunday. Mrs. M. F. Congleton and Mra W. B. Woolard visited Mrs. A. B. Alllgood Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Tleaeie Alllgood was the guest of Mrs. Oliv? Nelson Wednesday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Alllgood. of Washington, visited their parents. Mr and Mrs. D. H. Benette Satur day night snd Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson were th? guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Cox Sunday. C. A. Nelson was a Washington visitor Saturday. Should have his Suits se lected with as much care as his older brother or his fath er. "Mothers who want their boys well dressed usually bring them tothi s store .?''a '1- ? * V' '*c*4'r' i-i--'" *+"'?*??" ' We have a large stock of Suits suitable for school wear-low priced and serviceable--and also a big as sortment of "SUNDAY SUITS." PRICES; $3 to $10. Bowers Bros. Co. Washington's Big Store. A WONDEHFUIj antiseptic. Germ? aud Infection aggravate j ailment? and retard healing. Stop j that Infection at once. Kill the i l?rma and get rid of the poisons I For this purpose a single application i of 81oan'e Liniment not only kills r the pain but destroys the germa. j This neutralizes infection and gives | nature assistance by overcoming congestion and gives a chance for the fr?e and normal flow of the blood. Sloan's Liniment la an emer gency doctor and should bs kept constantly on hand. S6e, 60c. The 11.00 s lie contains six times mueh as the S6e. LA8T POPULAR JUCUU1UI0R Of ths Season N To NORFOLK. VA, SEPT. 28th ?Via? NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD New Short Rout* Extremely Low Fares Liberal Return Limit. Ticket* on aale Sept. 21. ? Qood returning Sept. 3?tk. An excellent opportunity to visit Virginia Beaeh and Cape Henry, fle llghtful seaside resorts of raro beauty. Frequent Sleetrle Traia afenrlee from Norfolk. Apply to Ticket Agents for oem plete information or write H. S. LBARD, O. P. A.. NORFOLK. VA. DAILY NEWS WANT ADS GIVE GOOD RESULTS GREAT EASTERN CAROLINA FAIR NEW BERN, N. C. October 5, 6, 7, and 8tK 1915. ? Big Midway including Johnny J. Jones EXPOSITION SHOWS EXCITING HORSE RACES ? SPLENDID EXHIBITS Fare by Railroad to the Fair Grounds 10c. General Ad mission 50c. Season Ticket $1.00 Grandstand Admission 15c REDUCED FARE ON ALL RAILROADS LEADING TO NEW BERN. Just Arrived at the BAZAAR a Full Line ol v." x. ? Up-to-date shapes and trimmings of the very latest We are also in position to save you 50 per cent on your millinery. Also Ladles SAMPE COATS and SUITS will t>e sold cheap while ttiey last p> # Q Y ^ pr J^[ ? ? Market Street. Washington, N. C. MILLINERY GET A MAXWELL?Tm WONDER CAR 17ni? II ENJOY LIFE. MAKE THE WHOLE FAMILY HAPPY KEEP THE CHILDREN HOME r U1 || A CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED. CLAUDE Li. CARROWy m m m Main Street, Washington,North Carohna.