rpr** jwa "" ' jr aunr ttcnra ram nt teb stxtb INGTON TBI weather ?c?Der&ll/ (tir toIlfh'. H?JUi?i iMHrly iki = |VoL7 , WASHINGTON N. C. THURSDAY 10 111 flu I ? TOO MANY ARE FOLLOWING IN PROCESSION FT*"? - ARB GOING ALONG THK LINK OF LBAST KRRIHTANCTK WITHOUT CARS. HAVE NO BACKBONE ODI? hs 11mm to Jelly FUh. Christ! Did Not Come on larth to Lwd % Pro resslua Bat to Ctfl Vcoplr Out of It. _______ Evangelist Loftin's sermon last night on "the human passion for the proceeslon," wu on? of the moat interesting and inspiring that h? ha? yet delivered. In spits of the ln clsmer' weather, a large number were present to hoar him. "The passion (or the proceeslon with the majority of people today," began Dr. Loftin. "far dne to the fact that they haven't got the backbone to step ont of It. They haren't the conrlctlon. They are like a jelly ?fish. They go along the line of least resistance. Ton cannot depend or yon cannot put your truat in the man or tho woman who follow* along In the procession and who hasn't the strength of chsraeter to draw away from tt. I may lnswtt some of you Baptist? In my next statement, but 1 cannot refrsdn from saying it, be cause It is troe. The Baptists be lieve in immersion, but because there, is not. a large enough procession here In Washington of their belief, they have abandoned this part of _ their doctrine. My -friend?, the Lord did not be to earth to lead a proceeslon. \ came to stop them and call out j>:them to think and act for them* . He came to hear the beg He came to hear the harlots, drunkards, the sports of the i and the outeML women of this inanity, whom some of yon wo ln this church wont associate "I wonder what the churches of jftkshlngton would do If a prostitute ne down their alslce, professing kith? I wonder what the people In onr congregations would ssy? But hrtst Is no reepecter of persons. ^ He came to save the uttermost, and vkJtot to lead the procession-. "The world calls out to those who - try to break up the procession "hush up' don't disturb us " A great many think that If they can only stop the noise snd the cry of sin, that sin itself will be stopped. Bdt that is not so. "From what I have heard sinee coming into your oity, there are wo men here who are outcasts, who are never epoken of. I wonder how msny of you here tonight would reach out ft and save these women T I wonder ?? how many would clasp them by the hand and ssy: "81ster, God hi* you,' My friends, that would be the most sublime confession of faith that you could make in this world. "If you leave thle house tonight as sn unbeliever, you are lost; but If you come forward and confess your fsilth, you are saved; yeu will have shown that yon have the oour age to leav? the procession snd stand on your own oonvlctlon. Won't you come snd do that? Won't you do It tonlghtT" Mr. Loftin will preach his last ssrmon here tonight. He will take as his text the, question which Pilate asked the multitude: "What ehall I do thbn with Jesus, the one whom thsy call ChristT" M. F. Wright claims to havs soldi the Isst watsrmslon of ths season In Washington. Ths melon weighed 40 pounds, it wm raised In Bees fort eesnty. C.\ . ? BELLMO TOXKJHT?(If !Oc?iTONIGHT ilfjt.ION DOLLAR MYtTBRY" Stud KplM?* "Tlx Co?plr>tora Trap,?]" IN A LAUNORY" n, Scram with >11*??? I* WMk. Hi BOOZE IS HOMELESS! Oai. W. B. Rodmaat Ask. tar Legal | Opinion cm Two Suitcases Left on Norfolk Southern Train. Raleigh, Sept. SO.?-Attorney Gen eral T. W. Blckett to now enter taining the appeal of the Norfolk Southern for aid In disposing of tvo ?oh cases of liquor found on Its train. The general counsel. Col. W. B. Rodman, aiki for a legal opinion. The railroad simply discovered the whiskey on Its trains, evidently left there by some man trying to get by the "Mich and searsure" law as rJudge Ras Jones, Forsyth senator, called ft two years ago. When the road found Itself in possession of more than a quart it sought com fort from Its attorney. The railroad tried to hand it over to the federsl. government but th.at institution did not want tt. Then It tried to give it to the State and the 8tate was drirr than the nation. Then H tried to give-it to Mr. Blckett who Is drier than state or nation. The* attorney general had no opportunity to give the appeal the consideration today that it deserves. He will write an opinion officially and tell what to do with illegitimate boose left on the doorsteps of the railroad company PASQUOTANK FARMER BRING TOBACCO HERE Wae Sold at the Central Warehouse at an Excellent Price. Others Wfll Follow 8?It. Elisabeth City, 8cpt. ?0.?C. T. Scott, of this city, left Monday for Washington, where he has made his first shipment of tobacco for sale. ?Mr. Scott, this year, observing the success with, which tobacco has been grown in Perquimans and sd Jscent counties, determined to give tobacco growing in Pasquotank a tryout. He prepared a tobacco bed. put out his plants, built his bam, cured his tobacco and the result Is a hogshead of what looks like ex ceptionally good tobacco. The plant had a good growth, the leaves wore Jarge, not too heavy and cured well, and If the weed brings a good price, no doubt Mr. Scott will undertake the growing of tobaoco as a regular business and others will follow his example.?^Ledger-Dispatch. Idr. Scott brought his tobacco to ths Central Warehouse la this city and disposed of It at an excellent price. He was very well satisfied ? with his business transaction and stated that a number of other farm ore in Pasquotank would probably j bring their tobacco to this city. PINETOWN HAS A FINE SCHOOL! Many Improvements Made. Complete | High School Coarse Installed. ProspecU Bright for a Successful Year. Plnstown, Sept. tO.?The Oradedl School has opened with bright pros-T pacts for a successful school yrar.j Prof. Wm. M. Harrison from Shir ley, Va., Is head master again this year. He to a graduate of William A Mary Collage and the work he Is doing hers Is praised by everyone Ths Graded School building In an honor to Beaufort county* and has m built by the people here with out Iwulng bonds. It Is announced I that young men of this scctlon msy| eater thto school and havs s very ad vantage of a high school right at I kone by paying a ?m*U tuition fee I There are four teachers la the I school this year. The high school' gradss are taught by Miss Sprulll. a graduate of Oreenaboro Normal, snd by Prof. Harrison. Mlseee Har rlsoa and Odcrm tsach the lower grade*. Long Acre Towashlp has never had such a school before sad Its euc cedtt last year marked the beginning ar a aew era In education In this 1 of Beaufort county A great I! of ?h. wa<*4u ft t!M ?hoo| 1? >" t*? ??rr ?r?t lnt?rwt Uirn In II ? tt* Bo?r4 of Eduction of A bu .. L. ' ,.ii BROWNSVILLE, CENTER OF General view of ?rown? v Hie. Tex., which 1* Immediately i and la the moat Important point In the preeeut trouble? with 1 the tenta of the American troop*. CONT.REHSMAN SMALL RETURN ED FROM TRIP THROUGH SEVERAL STATES. PLANS COMPLETED CxtctMlre THp H?? liven Arranged for Who Will Attend Waterway Convention In Mavan nah in November. Congressman Small has returned 'rom a trip through the eastern States with Congressman J. Hampton Udotm. mm fblok tk> iUMnnh-1? \ the Waterway convention at 8avan nah wai arranged. Mr. Small stat ed this morning that ho and Mr. Moore were accorded a moet wel come reception at every city they visited. The delegates to th? conventlor will meet in New York City on Sun day. November 7th. A special trair. will be chartered and will pick up the delegate? that Ure along the route. from New York the delegate?' will go to Philadelphia and Wash ington. stopp'.ng for a few hour? at both Okies. They will arrive In Richmond Sunday evening, wher< they will be welcomod by Governor Stuart and the mayor of Rlohmond Later In the evening the delegates will visit St. John's church, wber' Patrick Henry made hla famous speech. The aexton of the church will deliver the same speech to the visitors, standing on the exact spot where Henry stood. Prom Richmond the delegates will go to Raleigh and take breakfast at tho Yarborough. The party will be welcomed by Oovernor Craig and Mayor Jobnson. An auto trip through the city will also be given for them. They will leave Raleigh at 11 o'clock and go direct to Col umbia. S. C., where they will be welcomed by Mayor Griffith and Governor Manning. They will arrive at 8avannah at midnight. The con vention will begin Tuesday morning continue nntlt the ISth. About 250 delegates are expected to take the trip on the special train About 1,000 more will go by steam ship d'reet from New York and Philadelphia. Elaborate prepara tions have been made for their en tertslnment In Savannah. Daughter Hffionrfjf HI. J. D. A Id ridge left Ust night for Oriental to be at the bedside of his daughter. Mrs. Oeorge Hardy, who is seriously 111 In that elty. Orave doubts ar<* being felt as to whether she will recover { Allies Mattaaln TtiHr PoaRSons. Paris, Sept. SO. Continuous I fighting has been In progress all day on the heights between Souches {an! Vlmy, where the allied fore? have maintained all their positions, according to the official communi cation Issued by the Frenoh War of fice today Beaufort eounly who hate shown a decided leasing toward helping those who try to help themselves. ?very Prldsy night the Literary Society meets snd there are some fine debates and fine reflations. all of which add KTtlN *ehool spirit and interest la tuch matters, "AH THERE!* SAYS COP TO FAIR KINSTON MAIDS City May Pass Law to have Policemen Talk Nice to Young Ladies Outloo LAte lathe Evening. Escort 1 At - (By Charles W. McDeveit, Eastern Prewr Correspondent! Klnston, 8ept. SO.?Did you ? Nervy, ugly, grizzled cop uniform at that?trying to mak4j dat? with a school girl! That la Just exactly what happen is Klnston within a weeks. Judge T. Chris. Wooten of city court today said "the ladles ( the city" are in favor of chang the curfew hour from 10 p. m. 9. Also, Superintendent of 8ch Caldwell and teachers of the scho recently Inaugurated. Is working a world of good, they say. Lessons are better recited, etc. Women who, he says, probably never gave a sec ond's attention to any other munlc 'pal law, are heartily backing up the liBthorttles 'in the ?ri?orcemen of he moth-eaten ordinance, passed a .eneratlon ago, that was just put nto effect a few weeks ago, accord ng to Judgo Wooten. And many iave approached him with the re ?uest that the hour be made 9 In tead of 10. Now Judge Wooten intends ask ng Council to change the ordinance 'o give him the power to make 9 p, oi. the curfew hour In winter?when he kids are is school?and 10 p. m. the time for ringing the big bell in summer. He will, with the pasa 'ng of the new law. draw up a for mula to be recited by cops who are called upon to enforce the law when young ladles are to be dealt with. For Instance: Cop meets young miss few days under 19?over 16 all are adults so far as the curfew Is concerned?in front of moving picture shoj*. Time, 9:06 p. m. "Permit me.?" says the cop. "Sir " I "I will see you home." Cop then blushes, stammers, etc. Young lady gasps. \ "But. you can't. You see?" "Reajly, you see, my' dear yousg lady: 'The exigency of the occaslos makes It incumbent upon .me to see you safely to your destination. I pre sumed that you were on your way home. There might be a bear or a burglar." Then the young lady will be ex pected to take the hint. Very gent kindly the cop will enforce hla attention? upon her, and will go WBMUr to bar papa'? front 4*or. Ha mOl retrain from awingiag hla dab or doing aaytbiag els? police manly. And h. wUl tor,et to . u tiwt M.mb tw i"C.\T3 "-*1 _ they decline ing" eacorted. ; for coort. I Judge Wooten know8 that he la 1 not the moat popular person Is town ao far as the Juvenile population la concerned. But he la getting to be exceedingly popular with parente. "The youngatera call me 'Father Time,'" ho aaya. TO PURCHASE FURNITURE At the meeting of the young men at the court houae last night It was deolded to go ahead and purchaee furniture for the new club rooma In the Laughlnghouae building and to have everything In readiness ao that the next meeting could be held In the new quartera. | S. C. Carty appeared at the meet ing and Informed the members ?hat Mr. Puller had donated $160 to the Y. M. C. A. proposition In Washing ton. He atated that the present truatee of thla fund dealred to know! the nature of the new organization and that If It waa along the llnea of Y. M. C. A. It might be poaalble to aecure tho above amount for club purpoB'S. A commlttoo waa ap pointed to look Into the matter. The next meeting will be held Monday night. flu'garla WUl Att*ck Serbia. Parle, 6*pt. 30.?The Athena cor respondent of the Havaa News a gency. aaya It la now expected that Bulgaria will begin an attack on Serbia within 15 daya. Ik. motlT? (AT explosion lut M?k is tk* *t>la coj*l church 7?r<J bow i??n Mr tain, according to tatomatioa which vu un?artk?4 M&r. A negro, fern Jaekaon, who WM Iimai on the wall eurroundlng t h? aravajard os the night of tk* n plaglan. clatma to. baae orertmrd a comwatlon which hmi to kave a direct bearing OD th? CIM. According to Jackson, two pa?od br th? church aloig Main street nt about nine o'clock that evening. They bad. m dmt m bo ooufcd toll, o souple of shovel? mod o yMl^ Ho watched thorn dU ! ippMr around the cof?or of Harvfcy street ftDd loot *l*ht of them there. About too minutes after war da, he [heard eomeono ma k In? their w?*J through the bruah aid fthrubbery to the churchyard He moved over In tbat direction and oanght saatcheft of the conversation that was carried Jackson claims that the men meii tM "money" and "Jewelry" jmt oral time*, but that be could not oatch the Uwid of their remarhe. He wae afraid.to go nearer and left ghere soon afterward?. One of the resident?' nesrr the chnr abroad aloof claim? having seen the men pass her house and states that Imme diately after the explosion, she saw two men running down the street at top speed. They were running towards the east end of the city. The general Impression now 1b tbat the robbers had heard of money or Jewelry that was burled In some grave and that they were after the valuables. As there was absolutely nothing burled on the Simmons lot. It 1? believed that they made a mis take In locating the grave they were after. EPWORTH LEAGUE TO HAVE RALLY DAY Event WlflL B? Corrli 1 Out Stmt Tueoday. Inter* ting Program Is 1U 'tig IV pan 1. Next Tucsdft;. Oc;?.:?er jib. will I he Rally l>f?7 f. r the members of the Epwortli l eague In this city. The 'committee In charge of preparations (for the event are endeavoring to make It an enthusiastic affair and all those who are interested are cor dially Invited to be present. An interesting program will be ren dered. All members of the League are requested to keep ths date In mind and bo on hand. '?WHO PAYS" HKHK TONIGHT The New Theatre will offer their patrons tonight the seventh serial of the "Who Pays" series, also a three-reel Essanay feature eutlilud "The Profligate." You are cordially invited to visit our Main street store formerly occupied by Walter Credle & Co., which we will open Saturday, Oc tober 2nd. E. K. WILLIS A. G. WILLIS. 'Manager, PHONE 308 ?SESiXSSK ALUES PROGRESS to KHfgltatt , . l??ndon, Sept. 10.?Oecmaa loes ?* in the mat battle? incident to the opening of ffe* general off coal v? of tke allies on the western front tr? officially estimated by the French war office ae equalling the etvength of three army corps, or more tkan U0,?w men hlUed, wounded or captured. The allied force? are continuing their progree* against the German lines, their commanders report. Paris today announces further ad vance* tn the Artols region while north el Mnesige? In the Champagne district 1,600 Germans surrendered to. the French. ?* Treop# Withdrawn from East The lessening for a time of the German pressure on the northern half of the Russian front is believed in Petrograd military circles to have been due in part to the withdrawal of lareg bodies of troops to reln foroe the German lines In the west. Mtojuioa UnrhMgML The laWlt statement of the Rue slan war office say? the situation ?ronnA > nnohaoged, >nt that Ihe heavy Itgtmng "is contlft'u-' ing. The encircling operations against the Russians from the Vllna region, however, are represented as making but little headway. Active in GalAciA. In the south the Austro-Ccrman forces apparently have been strengthened and Vienna declares that the recent success?"-? for the Teutons north of the Galiclan bor der have resulted in the breaking of the Russian offensive in the Vol hyn'.an fortress region and has caused a retreat of their armies along this entire front. The Rus sians still appear to have the upper hand In Gallcia. WIRELESS TELEPHONE AT LAST PERFECTED Communication Established Yeeter day Between Virginia and California. Washington. 8ept. 30.?Long dis tance wireless telephone communi cation was accomplished for the first time today, when experiments ex tending over several months culmi nated In successful transmission of the human voice by radio from the great naval plant at Arlington, Vs., across the continent to the station at Mare Island, Cal., 2.500 mllos away, The experiments were conducted under direction of Captain Dullard, -chief of the navy's radio service. In cooperation with tho American Tel ephone and Telegraph company and ' the Western Electric company. Sec retary Daniels, announcing the re sult today, predicted that further development of wireless telephony would make great changes In long distance communication both for military snd naval service In com mercial usage.

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