NEWS - CIVIL Cooke presiding C. M. Cooke of UvMo?, Is The October term of U? Superior court (tiTtfMLurqrt county began this morning, with Judge C. M. Cooke, of Lewletoa, (1. C., proeldlns. Oni/ clrll ceees will ke uken up at this There afe a number of Interoetlng end Important cases on the docket. There are two of opeclal tnteroet on the calendar for today. The eult of Hathaway vs. Smell, orer the Wash ington Park matter. Is set for trlsl thte morning, as Is also Chas. and W. B. lforton re. The Water Com pany. In the flrat case Mr. Smell Is represented by his own firm, while Ward dk Grimes are repreeentlng Mr. Hathaway. Mrs A. E Clark ?s. J. L Dray, la the other caoe on today'? docket. Human in tov. Kidney Lor? is For Lc*toUOon Atom* New Um. Uw to Aid Tbo?e who heard the lecture of Jlev. 8ldney "Lore, secretary of the North Carolina Prisoners' Aid 80 clety, At the court house yesterday afternoon, vent out with a food dtftl of food tor thought. There wma nothing of the apectao ular or gosh to appeal to the emo tion, but he ahot out facts that ap pealed to reaeon, to heart, to soul and td decency. He showed hlmaelf a diplomat. Ho did not mlnoe mat ters, and though he must have driv en tome ahafta Into aome in the au dience, the Justices of his position ?sa so dear that none coald take of name. At the close of hie lecture he had th# ?ntlre audience with him. That la the* ea!d they were, whether they wifro or not, for all la the large audience stood up on his proposi tion, and no one failed to arise In the negative when an opportunity was given.' The subject of Mr. Love's address was "The Daughter That Thou Oavest M? " In the course or his lecture he gave some Ineldenta la the life of a wayward girl In this 8tate. Man'a part in the destruction of the llvre of girls was portrayed. In tbfe connection be pictured the human vultur? In quest of victims. The need of legislation against this, moral hyena or moral acourge, was emphasised. At present the law 1* directed aolely against the woman for certain moral transgressions, wheress the lecturer thought that the law should mske each equally guilty. In fact he placed the great er responsibility upon man. One of the ohjecta of the lecture was to create sentiment for the enactment of legislation which will make man as anponable to the law as woman. The court house was practically full. Another matter iht jscturervpre American regular mad aoldlur of Carranza s army seated on tM Interna tional bridge at Brownsville. Tex, with the monument marking the border line between them NAVAL MILITIA WILL GO TO MOREHEAD CITY TO CAMP Secretary Daniels Has Given Consent to Having Vari ous Divisions go to Camp This Month. Word has been received that Sec retary Daniels has granted the re quest of Adjutant General Young to Allow the naval militia of North Carolina to encamp at Morebead City from October 11 to If This -encampment haa been asked to Instruct-thsnava! militia in tbo points so much needed and to pre pare them to overcome such deflc ienciee as were recently shown in Commander Christy's report. Cap taln C. D. Bradham will be in corn HALCYON CLUB HKBT8. Meeting Footpoued from Last Thurs day to be Held Tonight. Owing to tho bad woatber Thurs day, the annual mooting of the Hal oyon club, which waa to have been hold in Worthy 4 Etheridge's drug store, wa? postponed until tonight. All members are urgently requested to be at the drug store tonight at eight o'clock to attend tho meeting. BELLMO TONIGHT?Be and lOo?'TONIGHT "THE HONOR OF THB DISTRICT ATTORNBY." Ao unusual melodrama of gripping fascination, In two reels, featuring Vivian Rich and a cast of other well-known players. "THB RUNAWAYS" A funny "kid" farce In one feel. sentrd to the audience was that they give their support to legiilatlon which would give to the wive* and children of .prUoner? the value of their labor leas the expense of the prisoner's keep. > Another was legislation which would prevent Soys, both white and colored, under 16 year? of ago be ing sent to the rokde .,* " maud ?nd the Now Bern, Belh&vea. Washington and Elizabeth City div isions will be encamped. The courso of work* and study taken up during the encampment will go into the varloua. detail? of naval work and will be complete In every way. The local officer? an& men aw * fcreatly.. pleased wifti the announcement of Secretary Daniel*" consent, and are beginning to pre pare for the encampment. It is ex pected that a large number will go to Morehead from this city. TAYLOE MAKES GOOD ON TEAM John Cotton PUjrd Excellent tivuc Again* Citadel Haturday Afternoon. * * Washington was represented . by two men in the Carolina line-up a gainst Citadel Saturday. They were Dave Tayloe, captain of the team, and John Cotton Tayloe. hie brother. This ie the letter's first year at Carolina, but he has made good at the start. He played right guard and his work was of such excellence that there seems little doubt but that he will hold down this position for the remainder of the season. HOLD RALLY DAY EXERCISES It la expected that a large num ber will be pretest at the "rally da>" exercises of the Epworth league which are to be held tomorrow night at the Methodist pareonage. The committee In charge of the ar rangements are preparing a most In teresting program which wll) con sist of recitations, readings, music and other numbers. Refreshments will follow. , < _ , ... ? .1 - ' CAPTAIN WM H WAN QUARTER UQ9t ^ '?, LAR/JK AMOUNT. NOT RECOVE R Out Captain Walter Maaoo. or Quartar. dropped between four . five hundred dollars on the of Washington late Saturday Nothing has been beard of the ?o? fj since. The police have been no tified of the loss, and are endeavor ing to aid Captain Mason in recov ering it. Captain Mason arrived in Wash ington Saturday evening. He went from R. H. Hudson's place of busi ness to A. A. Nichols, from there to Art. Rumley's and then to K. John's. He "believes that he pulled out hlB roll somewhere in making change. Young Boys Were Playing With Weapon. One Shot I/Md Into the Other'? Breast. Slier City. Oct. ^?Hobeon, the 10-year-old son of 8. J. Smith, waa shot by his alx-year-?M brother here Saturday night about t O ?atogfc. andj with their father's gun i way th? little fellow pulled the trig ger, discharging the entire load into the breast of the older boy. The father had been out hunting and coming into the house, laid his gun on the bed. forgetting to remove the ihells. REDS ARE NOW SIX IN LEAD Lengthened Their Lead Over the "BCues" in Baraca Campaign. The "Reds" lengthened thoir lead over the "Blues" in the Baraca mem bershlp campaign by securing two more new members yesterday. Al though the Blues tried hard, they were unable to add to their Ust. The score now standB Reds, 16; Blues, 10. A largo number were present at the class meeting yosterday and en joyed an Interesting lesson, which was most lucidly and impressively explained by Mr. Kear. AT THK XKW THKATRK. An Interesting program will be shown tonight. In addition to the 86th episode of "The Romance of Elaine," In two reels, there will be the following pictures: "Polonel Heesa Liar," one reel. "He Who Breaks the law," three reel feature. The last named v*s one of the moat Intensely Interesting pictures to be seen today. In all It la a pro gram well worth seeing. EARL OF GRANARD HONORED By KING The earl of Uranard recently resigned'his post of master of the horse to the king of England and went to the front with his regiment, the Royal Irish At the tame time King. George Invested him with the grand cross of the Royal Victorian Order. The photograph shows th* earl and his beautiful wife, who was Beatrice Mills of New York and Newport. COMPLETE EVIDENCE OF ARMENIAN SLAUGHTER Committee, Formed to Make Report, Makes Public Atrocities That Have Been Committed. New York, Oct. 4.?Documentary evidence of the atrocities Inflicted by the Turks upon the Armenians was made public last night by the committee formed by Charle? H. Crane, Cleveland H. Dodge and oth ers Investigate the facts of the Armenian massacres and which alco W-t?fctng-steps to aM sufTcrer*. committee states that the ev idence was collected fronw sources that ara unquestioned as to the ver acity and authority of the writers, but that for obvlou* reasons their names cannot be given and in most cases names of towns and citie.i must be concealed. Quotations are given In the com mittee's report from 24 sourer h. sources, some of which describe in detail instances where Armenians ?havo been put to death, women vlo latrd and children slaughtered, of robbery, torture, and death by star vation. and of terrible privations en dured In long marches to the desert I regions to which the Armenians! have been exiled?crimes, described J by the committee, as surpassing "In ' their horror and cruelty anything' that history haH recorded during the' *past thousand years." '*The Idea of direct attack and massacre, carried out in former times," says one authority, writing ander date of. August.8, "has been altered somewhat in that the men and boy? hare been deported in great numbem and disappeared en route and later on the women and children have been mado to follow. For sometime Btorles-have been prev alent from letters arriving from the interior of the killing of malr* and of great number? of bodies along the roadsides and floating in the Euphrates river; of the delivery to the Kurds, by the gendarmes accdm panylng th" convoys, of women and children, of all the younger members of the parties; of unthinkable out rages committed by gendarme an 1 Kurds and even the killing of many victims." MRS. MANNING DIED THIS MORNING Wm Wife of Captain Benjamin Manning. I ?c?t h 1m Mourned By n Ilowt of Friend*. New? was received here this mom Ing by long distance phone announc In* the death of Mrs. Benjamin Manning, wife of Captain Benjamin Manning of Bladeevllle. N. ?. Th' end camo Ihla morning at two o' clock. The causo of her death wan hemorrhagic fever. Before marriage Mrs. Manning was Mi** Louise Warren, daughter of Mr. T. E. Warren, for years a highly esteemed citizen of WanhlnK ton. The dereaaed leaves to mourn their lotrs a husband and one child beMdea a number of relative* and friends. The funeral will In all probability take place at Sladenville aome time tomorrow. NEW POSITION FOR MR. GAY Pan tor of BaptlMt Church to Act ns Field Secretary for Antl Saloon liCAgne. nev R L. Qay, psstor of the First Baptist church of thin city, has accepted a position iui fluid sec retary of the National Anti-Saloon League. When seen this morning r< pardlng the matter, Mr. Gay stated that he did not know the exact dat? on which he would start work but Intimated that It would he In the near future. AT THB BRUMO. In addition to th" Ihree reels that are mentioned In the Belimo theatre advertisement in today's issue, there will he two other reels shown, mak ing five in all. COMMITTEE OK L ADI EH APPEAR* ED BEFORE HOARDS THIS MOHMFCO. WANT $500 00 Asked I k Mini of juid County CouimJaMtfoneni to Andut , Tbem la Oi gauging f.ub in Uit? Count)-. A commute? of ladles appeared this morning before the county com missioners and the board of educa tion, for the purpose of having those boards make appropriations for or ganizing canning clubs among the women and girls of Beaufort county The ladles asked for a 1250 ap propriation from each board, to which the government will add an additional $500 for supporting the work. The details of the work were explained before each board. It Is planned to start the work at the earliest possible moment. Thirty Light counties In the State have al : cady made appropriations and the work Is being carried on very suc <*p Rfully. The cojnmlttee consisted of Mrs. W. P. Baugham, Mrs. H. C. Carter. _MrB. J. \V. Dalle)*, Mrs. Bain, Mrs. Fowle. MrW. A B Branch and Mrs. F. H aPrker. The committee first appeared be fore the board or county commis sion?? and after presenting the de tails of the proposition to that body, went before the *>oard of education. Th? commissioners after a brief dis cussion decided to make the appro priation. The board of education also acted favorably on th?1 matter, and consented to appropriate the r< quired money. Now that the necessary funds have been procured, work will begin Immediately In organizing for work WAS THROWN FROM BUGGY Mm. H. G. Kelhy Met With .*~<*i<Jeut When Horn?' Took Fright, I'pnettimr Vehicle. Mrs. H. G. Selby was thrown from a 1 uggy yesterday afternoon and is tod;;- suffering frr>m a number or painful bruises and cuts as the re sult o, the accident. Mi*. Selby and her nistcr. Miss Mabel Hill, wen out driving to gether. Their horse took fright and suddenly turned around The sud den motion of th*? buggy threw Mrs. Selby to the ground. Miss Hill was uninjured. Although she spent a bad night, h-r condition is today Improved, and she Ir resting easily. our Buyer, Mr. Lewis, is in New York Purchasing Coats* Coat Suits Dresses Wait For Our Big OpenlngH SATURDAY, - MONDAY - TUESDAY LEWIS & CALAIS m Main Street Stpre, Washington* N. C.

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