JH?Wt:'J/A\WUOLE a^ssBssus F TOV EAT WILL TOU W1L1 feel well and act well. Good Met 1? the moti MMRtlfl part of a food meal. We pirlde oureolre? on the quality of oar meat*. Try oae of our JUICY 8TEAK8 or e. FINE ROAST eod you will realise the trathfalaeei of Ibeee ltoea.' Pboae 17*-4T0. COZZBN8 ft ' FORTISOUE. - 10-6-2tc IAMT IN WASHINGTON MONDAY Double-case-Elgin movement goltJ watch, fob attach ?d. Pindar re turn to this office and get reward. 10-6-ltp. LOST: PACKAGE MONEY. TWBN ty dollar bill?, soma over four hundred dollars, between R. H. Hudson's, Water street, and Kalle John's fruit otand. Market and Main street. Party finding same bring to R. H. HUDSON and re ceive reward. 10-4-Stc. WANTED: GOOD GENTLE HORSE for a few* days. Suitable for aged man to drive around on farm. (Will be well fed and cared for. Phone 370-J. ?10-5-SL WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of Sterling Silver. Don't forget thnsn wedding pres ents. Select them early so we can engrave them. Stewart's Jewelry 8tore, Market street. 10-S-7C. WE HAVE PLENTY of CUT GLASS end China. Stewart's Jewelry Store, Market street. 10-5-7C. FOR RENT: 5 ROOMS With RATH suitable for smsll family. Apply at 119 South Bonner street. 10-4-lwc. LOST: POCKETHOOK WITH ONE ?110. one 96. one $1 bills and 95c In silver between Beaver Dam and ?Washington. Finder return to F. ?. Boyd and receive reward. 10-1-9 tc. WC HAVE SIX GOOD FARMS FOR enle er lease. Terms te ?uit pur shaser. Washington Herse Ezchsnge Company. ?^19-lwc. ?antral ID?HOUSE ? TO S ROOMS lly located. Apply Dally 9-l*4tp. WE HAVE THE LARGEST LINE of Flatware ever shown In the city. Stewart's Jewelry Store, Market street. 10-I-7C. FOR RENT?NEW BRICK EINLD Ing next to Dally News ofltee. Ap: ply Bowers Bros, store. 9-18-lwc. FOR RENT: O LARGE ROOMS with all modern convenience. Carriage house, barn, stables. Large back yard. Vegetable garden and chicken lot. Apply to 410 East Main Street. " iO-5-tf. i i *? AM In a Hurry. A Chicago doctor says It If J* Mo to kuow when a person U teftfef B He by feeling Oe speaker* pnlsa Sensors, ?teas agenta, flahermen an* NOTICE OF SUMMONS. Worth Carolina, Beaufort Coanty. Superior Court, November Tsrm. 191?. Frsnk Hart. re- L ? Marina Hart. The defendant Marina Hart will take notice: J That an action has been Instituted In the Superior Coart of Beaufort County, North Carolina, whereto Frank Hart Is plaintiff and ah<\ said Marina Hart, Is defendant, summons la which said sctlon Is returnable to the November Term of the said Cosrt. to ba held In Wsbhlngton, N C., on the llnd day of Novem ber 1916, whlab nald action Is lft-i atltuted for tha purpose of JMMtfng an abaolnte dltoree; and the said defendant is notified to be and ap ?ear at the -aid Court at nald tlm* JTUlwir lb. compUI?l ?1.1? bv b**D or !?? M'"' la 11? ?m? will M ~ThU 41h 4?r of Oolafcor. 1?1?. "?cU'SU. c... Model 1912, llgbt.Weight HAMMERLESS SHO TG UNS Ztook Good To Everybody The Winchester Model 1912 Hammerless Repeating Shot gun has won the enthusiastic approval and endorsement of shooters everywhere. Its i light weight, strength, bal ance, easy-working action, and splendid shooting qualities appeal to men who know a good gun. Its Nickel steel con struction means not only a lighter and stronger fan, but a better balanced one, because of the better distribution of weight. This gun loads and unloads easily, has a cross-bolt trigger lock, tnd a simple take-down system. It is made in 12, 16 and 20 gauges. If in the market for a shotgun, don't fail to examine this, " THE MOST PERFECT REPEA TER " ' SHORT ITEMS FROM Neighboring Cities. Organi?! Moonlight School. - Goklsboro?There vu organised this week at the high school of Fre mont a "moonlight school" (or the benefit of the men and women of that section who cannot read or write. Waht Canning Clnb Fund*. Elisabeth City-?The members of the Pasquotank Canning clubs will appear before The county commis sioners at the regular meeting to day to ask for an appropriation of 9600 to carry on this work In the county during the coming year. Murderer in Jail. New Bern?Failing to secure a bond of iSYe hundred dollars to guar antee his appearance at the next term of Craven county Superior court, to be held in this city begin ning January 10, Bert Redding, col ored, who several days ago tried to kill his wife with a hoe. ka* been ?cnt back to Jail by Mayor Bangert. low Rate? to Fair. Xew Bern?The Norfolk Southern Ir to give attractive fares to the Eastern Carolina Fair, which is to be held in New Bern this week. Tho Norfolk 8outnern is doing all that it poaslbly can to make this fair at New Bern one of the greatest In lis history. Anto Don Circns HtunU. Ktnston?Dr. O. 0. Edwards, a Greene county physician, bad s novel experience when his automobile did circus stunt? on a county road, said Puts "Pep" in a Man That eiceee energy, bright ness of mind, and general physical fitness so noticeable In real "doers" is largely the result of carefully selected food. GrapeNuts and Cream la a concentrated, cereal ra tion, especially prepared to counteract and rebuild the dally wear and tear on mus cle, nerves and brain. Orapa-NuUr la made of whole wheat and malted barley, and contains all the nutriment of tha grains Including the vital ml a era 1 aalta?Phosphate of ?Potash, ate., ao lacking In white bread and many other food?, bnt absolutely necessary to tboroagb aonrlshment. Orape-Nutu fj partially pre d'gested and agrees with all. It's a boon for bfatn workara and Ideal for growlag school children. "Ther^'a a Reason" ' Sola b/ Orocsr, KKritin a report today. The machine turn ed over twice and stopped standing upright on the front wheels, and al though the top, windshield and on' wheel were smashed, the damage to the car was comparatively small and the doctor escaped with a few bruise?. Norfolk I loose. WIIkod?Several negroes, loca! bl'.nd tigers, jumped from the mov ing excursion train returning from Norfolk last night when Chief Wlgge and Deputy Sheriff Frank Barnes boarded the train at Qtantonsburg. Two negro men and one negro wo man jumped from the tra'u while it wag running. Tom Duboy Is the ame of one of the negroes. They found on the cars four nuit cases and one bundle. Altogether about 20 gallons in all. CONG. HOOD TO TRY AGAIN Har try ^ for the fe:ice ? Here's need for a true eye, quick judg ment, with every muscle and nerve at attention! Crack! He's keyed up to just the rhdit pitch by a mildly stimulating chew of the famous CHEWING TOBACCO When he's back oil the bench, he won't feel the " let clown" that comes of chewing strong, black tobacco. There's complete tobacco satisfaction in long-last ing PICNIC'?the TWIST of perfect chewing leaves of a richly mellow taste. Look for it in 5c twists or in the drum of 11 twists, *" ?^ B? ?ure it is th? original PICNIC TWIST drum.