BATK8 ?tvrr ? yr ? T(i> ? ? *Mi ? ? ? ? %l-00 '? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? >'? V?T? ? i.?o ? ? v? ?vt ? ?*? ? av> ??? ? ?r* ? ? ? ?100? Subscription* most be paid for Is advance. If paper is not re ceived promptly, telephone or write this office. Subscribers desiring the peper discontinued, wiH pie?s notify this office, otherwise il will be s?tinned et Wfiilsr subscript*?* /JUkTBS L. MATO ? c Proprietor. 01RL QOERCH ???????? Editer. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, OCT. 6, 1915. The First National Bank of Sumter, S. C., is setting the pace, all right. It announces that it will loan money on cotton warehouse receipts at 5 percent interest. And tho South Carolina rate is 8 percent. Will some 6 per cent North Carolina bank speak up?? News and Observer. Gladly! For tho edification of tho News and Observer scribe we are only too willing to inform him that tho First National Bank is loauing money on receipts at 6 percent, and not only that, but at no time has it ever exceeded this rate of interest. The Washington News arises with gravity and informs a breath" leasly waiting world: "The city market has been greatly improved on the inside." Bully. And we hope you are the ?smo.?New and Observer. You bet we are, and we'll be even more so, when Wv go to New Bern Thursday night and enjoy some of C rum pier'i "luscious bivalves." WHAT THE WOMEN CAN 1)0. Monday's action on the part of the Civic Club of this city in securing a $.">00 appropriation for a canning club in this county, i a fair example of what the ladies can do if they set their minds on a thing. Everyone on the committee which appeared before the county boards was enthusiastic over canning club work and deter mined to see the movement started in Beaufort. Accordingly they went ahead, arranged all the details, and now they have the money and the club is assured. Some of the Washington men may be asleep, but the ladies most positively are not. This last is not the only work they have done for \\ ashington and Beaufort county. Thcv have brought numerous other plans to a head and have advocated ami carried out manv projects. Washington should be proud of the progressive spirit of its lady citizeus. If the men had taken hold of the canning club project, it would probably have been many months before they would have formulated any definite plans. But the ladies have shown them aelvai of a ditferent calibre. They don't hem and haw and appoint a dozen different committees. Thcv go ahead and get what they go after, and they get it quick. We earnestly hope that the Civic Club will turn to other matters in the city and county. There are numerous tasks which they could accomplish and which would bo of groat benefit. The club is an important asset to tho city. It is composed of "live wirflB"?if the term may be excused?who are setting an example which the men might do well to follow. CHURCH ADVERTISING. Stvn hI comments have recently appeared in various paper? rela-1 tive to church advertising. It has been pointed out that announce ment of church sermons in Saturday papers, and a resume of the same sermons in Monday's issues, has a decided affect in increasing interest in church work. In Monday'* issue the Greenville Reflector carried an excellent editorial on this matter, which expresses our views in the matter exactly. We take pleasure in reproducing it in full for the benefit of our readers: What was doubtless the first instance of its kind to he carried out in the South on such a large scale, was accomplished Saturday when a Norfolk paper carried a full page advertisement of the sorvices to 1? held in the different Norfolk churches Sunday. For a number of years it has been common in the North to advertise the churchesj in the papers, but the movement has never before been extended into tho South. We see no reason why the churches in every town in the country should not advertise. They have something good to offer, then whv' not let the people know it through the best form of publicity?tho, newspapers ? The plan to advertise the churches was successfully carried out in tho city of Baltimore and with the result that just br soon a* the advertisements started appearing, the churches ex perienced the greatest congregation* in their history. ft has been fried with equal success in the city of New York, and practically every largo city in the I'nitod States. The advertising of the churches in the newspapers make the peo ple whom the church pastors want to get hold of, pay attention with the result that they usually go to church on Sunday. If through this manner the church can get hold of more people, ran bring mor? back from a wayward path, why not do ?lie advertising? Il i* largely through wwspaper publicity that fame has so swamped Billy Sunday. It is the newspaper that has helped Hilly Sunday swell his I i st of converts. The paper? have reported his urmioim with flatning headlines and naturally a large number of people that would not have heard of him otherwise desired lo hear the man in person. A section set aside for the ehureh advertising each Saturday in the papers and then have the reports of the various sermons printed in this rffetion Monday will have a great influence on the great mass of humanitv that, reads tho i paper?. I. L BOW WOOD JAMB8 W. OOI.B ' Hmbn *?? Turk (MM Iiriiuo ' J. LEON "WOOD & CO. { > BANKRRSJind BROKERS. < I Utook?, Bond?. Ootton, tlfUa Ud Provision*. 78 PI na? Mrttt Carp*nt*r Bolldln?, Mfffolk, Vi. i PritiM vifM to ??# tWVk '*(0?* feiflfettif?. Cfctotfo Ro?rd j TnId? m? 0tk?r ftaageiftl Miun. ( Oerreepeefl?B?e r?p?tfilly ?olteiud. Ur??t??Bt Ml mt|1uI uoouU flT?m a*r?fmJ ?tuotUMi I MODERN PARABLES Now there vu a certain young nu who was desiroua of adding to hi* balanoe ia the bank. Ho was not satisfied with wotting for his money, and wai anxious to increase it rapidly. So one evening be hied~tiun*?lf forth to where there *n a poker game going on, and he joined the party in their game. For tone time he played with inXflUreht success, but at last it looked as if Dame Fortune bad thrown her smile his way. V . He held a royal flush. And there As another man in ths game who raised our friend every time that the latter raised him, and they did verily have a time of it. At last, after their watehaa and collar buttons had been placed in the "pot," our friend "called." And did he rake in the pot with one fell swoop and take all the money for his own I Did he verily make the bank cashier's eyea pop the following moiiiing whan be showed him his deposit t Not at all, Henrietta, for yon see his r^yal flush wasn't any good. The other fellow took the motley. By way1 of explanation, we might say that they were playing with a pinochle deck, and the other chap held eight nines. Best Editorials of the Day. JUST GIRLS?SOUTHERN GIRLS. There aro girls in the South?great numbers of girls?who are doing things to make their litea inspirations to all who would bo workers in this world. And there are instances in North Carolina of girls of that kind. This is the way of self-h?p in securing an education. In this paper there was told Monday \u? a number of girls who are attending c olleges in this State, meeting-their- expenses from the profits made in the summer work of canning fruits' and vegetables in which they engaged. There are young women who ha re thus helped themselves now in attendance at Meredith College, at Peace Institute, at Littleton Col lege, at Murfreesboro, at the State Normal and Industrial College, and other institutions. They "wanted an education, and they are' proceeding to help themselves to it. What a fine example they aro .setting. North Carolina can indeed be proud of claiming as its daughters such young women. Woman is showing herself in the pasaiug of the years to be more And more the master of her fate. She is not sitting idly to one aide waiting for things to happen, aha ia making them happen. And the sex is being lifted up by the example set by the young women of the North Carolina canning clubs. It is an erample that is an inapira' tion to all who hope?and labor?for better things in this, life. News ond Observer. HOW TIKE HEALS. I r is 42 years since the old aufpiiitheater was built in the national eemctory at Arlington. In a few days- the corner stono of a new amphitheater will be laid in the southern lelds of the same beautiful city of the dead. The first memorial service of 1873 was conducted by the Depart ment of the Potomac, G. A. R., and President Grant and hiB cabinet were present. The orator was the Rev. De Witt Talmage, and in closing, he said: "Year after year may it stand to show that they who suffered and died for their country shall be held in ever lasting remembrance while the name of our encmeis shall rot." The G. A. R. was assembled in Washington last week, and with President Wilson as the orator, the new corner stone was to be laid, j but the storm caused a postponement until this week. Then a new: sentiment will be uttered, and the old one be forgotten, for time has softened memories, hoalod old wounds, and cemented eeotional friend-' ships.?Ledger-Dispatch. LIVESTOCK AND BANK DEPOSITS. In the ''North Carolina Club Studies," published in the University News Letter, thero iB mention of a trip through Watauga county, in which there is not a stalk of cotton or tobacco grown. It is "a region of cattle, rabbages and kings, a land of peace and plenty, overflowing with milk and honey in lucious abundance," the News Letter ntates. hi a travel of 33 miles, the News Letter economist writes, that in the three, little banks at Blowing Rock, Boone and Valle Crusis he found $255,000 in surpluses, undivided profits, time deposits and open accounts. The banks as well as the money belong to the farm ers. The average bank resources for men, women and children in Watauga is $20, whereas the News Letter emphasizes the fact that it contrasts strangely with banking resources of $14.50 in one of the State's cotton and tobacco producing counties. Another remark able fact is that in Watauga, the banks and money are owned by farmers, while in the cotton and tobacco county the merchants and mill men own the banks and most of everything else. What farmer can any longer imagine that he has to grow cotton and tobacco because they are so-called dash crops? Watauga is proving that cash does not depend on Such Crops at all?a mere idea that needs to be exploded for the good of the entire South.?Char ' Totte Observer. ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS a uunvicD hyhtkm NRKD8 ATTENTION Ar? ron billons, dlaay ud listless? Dr. King? New t-lfe Pills Utn at once seises upon constipation end start* the bowels moving naturally and easily. Moreover H Act? wltft [ont griping. Neglect ol a clogged system often leads u matt eerloas complications. Poisonous matters and a body poorly functioning need . Immediate attention. If row Tlsh.1 to w^ko BP tomorrow morning kap py la mind and entirely satis? ed, *?rt your trtoalgkt, fie ? bottld, ' ? $3 95 BXOUHUON TO BAI.EIOH On imouI of tha N. O. AORleUI/TVRAI, FAIR Tha Atlaatlo Cent Liu will sell ?xcnraloa tlakota from WMhlnitos to RaMfk, N. C., at ?1.??, I?il?l Coir. Tlekata ?III k? aoM lor all train? on oorom la to as, nouwn Umltad ratnmlac op to and Inelud l?( mldtolckt of Oetobar Sttk. 1*11. rroportloaatolr 10? faraa, on aam* dataa and ?Itk Ma limit. ?111 k? ma?o from afl fUtmi la. North Carolim aid Virfthla. .fot aaka*u?r ?ad mihar Infor mation Mil on I. X. <7LA*r, Tick?' Aft?, Waahlntton, 1?. O. I ATLANTIC 00AST Utn Tka lutftr] of O? fealk J -? - ? z tha or! (la #f 1 of 11/. and almoet Invariably you will find that t tb? ca um. it is not to be apKtM tiiat a mesa of fermented food ? remain la the system beyond time without vitla t In* the blood aad affecting tba nerve? and muscle?. It coageata tbe entire body. Tba raaolu are colda. fevers. pU i headache?, acd nervouanes*. with !ta accompanying Indigestion and BlaapleaaaeM. There la only thing to do, and that 1? to r<~ 'he troable. and wbeu natvre ifl unable to do it. outa!de aKt ta nec ; You will And the beat of all oatalda aide a remedy that i thooeande are now aalag for this \y purpoar*. called Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Papain. -Many nundreda of let ters are received by Dr. Caldwell telling of the food reantta obtained, and among the enthuelaatlc letters 1? one from Lieut. O. W. Vaughan, of 613 W. North 8t.. Decatur, 111. He 1* 71 and has had a bad lirer and atomacb atnee he came omt of the army. He aayg be tried about everything, but never succeeded in getting permanent relief until he took Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. He \? never -without a bottle In the house, and he la aever without good health. aw. It bat untold ad van tag?? over pil is, salts and the various coarse cathartics and pcrgatlvee. for while these do but temporary good. Syrup Pepelu oves permanently. The ef fect of lte action In to jtratn the stomaeh and bowel m use lee to do their work naturally again, and In a ehort time all forme of medicine can bo dispensed with. It can be bought without inconvenience at any nearby drug store for fifty cente and one dollar a bottle, the lattar elsa being regularly boegbt by those who already know it? value. Reeulte are a!way? guaranteed or money will be refunded. Families wishing to try a free sample bottle can obtain It poet paid by addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 419 Waahlngtdn 81 . Mont i cello. III. | A postal card with your name and address on it will do. Electric Starting and Lighting The new Maxwell is equipped with theSimnu Huff Electric Starting and Lifhtini System. This system is a single unit type, combining in one instrument the generator and motor. It is the simplest, "?ure-fircw powerful self starter made and has tbout o no-h a If the wire of ordinary starters. We are waiting to take you for a lest ride in the car that has broken all low "Fir?t-CoetH records, and is breaking all low "After-Cost" records. CLAUDE L. C ARROW Washington, N. C. State of North Carolina. County of Boaafort. In th? Superior Court. Washington HorM Exchange Com peny and W H. Hookor, loka F. Hooker and T. P. Bonaor. trad In# aa W. H. Hookor * Bro?., Vi. M r. Broom?. Q. W. WllUamaon, Oeorge B. Colbert, Mar# Eaeoa, Delia O. Broome and H. M. Bonner, and h?lr?-at-law of Adam Holme?. To Wbotn It Majr Cancers: The part?? above nam?d, and *U othor per eon ? lnt?rMt?d, will tak? ?otic? that on th? 4th day of Aftf^ uet. 1011, th? ?b?T? named petit I oa ere filed a petition la th? ?ffl?? of the Clerk of th? Superior Court *f Bean for t Oonnt/, to hare the title to certain land? therein d??orlb?d rea lat?r?d and confirmed puriuant to Chapter ?? ?f th? Publl? Lava of It II, and that ?ummo?a ha? b??n taiQrd, returnable at the offlM ?f th? Clark of th? Superior Conrt of Beaa fert C?uaty ?a th? 7th day of ?et* ber, 1011. Said laftd ll eltuate 1ft B?aaf?rt C?unty, Rlehland Town* ablp. Stat? ?t North Carolina* aad ?d)olaa th? land? ?f H. M Bonaor and other?, and is described ft fol low?: Baclaolns At an Iron pip? ?ft th? ?4* ?? w* h W Emma F. Broome'? Northeast ear ner. said Iroa pip? being Imbedded In cement; thane? running North It Waet 1717 fact to ao Iron pipe; these? North t East ISTI fret to an Iron pip?; thence South 8? Bast It SI feet to an Iron pip?; th?ne? North t Bast 141- feat t? an tran pipe, thenee South 18 Bast 751 f?et to an iron ptj* at the elde of the Brooi Road: than?? with th? Broom? Road North S East HI f??t to an iron pipe; thenee South tt Bast f47 fe?t to an Iron pipe; 4h?ac? Sooth I W?et 47? t?t t? an Iron pip?; thane? North II West 747 fe?t to an Iron pip? at th? aid? of th? Broom? Road; thenee with th? Broome Road South t West 711 f??t to th? beginning, th? eeoree herein botng magnetic for HIS, aald lead baring been eur ?"red add the core ere marhed hy Rupert Boan?r. Th? d?feadaats her?lnh?for? earn ed and all other persons ar? hereby notified that on said return day Dm petitioners will apply t? th? Court for a Decree ?f Registration for the trti? to the lands described la Mid petition. . * , This the 4th day of August, lili OSO. A. PAUL. I . ?E Olork Superior Court. ??**?? to Mm 0*11/ N#wt. :: ?i Pham* ?< H. 8 WW. i WubtoitoB. N. a W? Ipraettoe u u? Conrt of th* iir?t Judicial Dietriet aad tb? ridui) eoaris. W. O. BOfiltil ittorMv^t-Uw. Waefctaftoa, N. O. ? ????? ? ? f HARBT MeMULLAH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. After Jw'11 ? R Laifhliiitjuu.^ ciuiMlui*. ? Corner Second and Market Ste. E. A. Dnu, Jr. J. ?. 1 L O. Warn W. W. DMOL A WAHMW, ?INO M KlTtlHlN. Attomers-ai-Law ? Practice In the Snperlor, ] a] aad Supreme Courts of tfele A. R ? wwrssr*? ?* i McLRAH A THOMPSON0' a AtlornfjM(.u?, 1 Aarora u? Waahtnftos. W. 0. ? ?????? ??? STEWART ft BHTAJT ? Ittcnar-M-lwr, t Wublnrlon. N. C. ? W. L. V?| Inn ? * SIMMONS A VAUOHAN ? * Lawrera. m * Room* 11-14-11, UlfUntMii? ^Waahtattoa. M. a. ? Jio. IL I ? Stephen 0. ? Rodman. Jr ? SMALL, MacMUUr. BRAQAV ? ? RODMAN ' liwm. ?> Uw, ? Office? on Market St, ? ait? City HalL ? Waebin*ton. Nora ? ? ? ? ? ? X ^ ?. Asymvun ? bro. t TO muRANQM WAflHwaro*. *. a WMttdt?, M. ?. Subscribe to Dally News M NOTIOK. North Carolina, Beaufort Count*, Is tha Superior Court, October Tarn. Itlt. Ida Campbell T*. Itfae Campbell. Tha defendant abore named la heraty netlfled that tha abora en titled ault wae Inatltuted ernlnet bin by hla wife, Ida Campbell, for au abiolute dWoree upon iHtutorjr trounda. allered Id tha complaint; that ?nun therein wae retu?i afcla to tha October term, lilt, of the Superior Court of Beaufort Coon tr; (hat Mid uaaoM wai not per ?00?11? aerred and aald defendant la now notified to h? and appear at Iba followin? tar* of tba Buperlir Court of Beaufort Countr on Mon day, NoremMr Itnd, 1?15. at tha coart home In Wenblnnton. N. 0.. than and than to aittwer tba aata plelnt ni.d aitalnct him In aald nit, el m Iba rellaf demanded ?111 be ?rented accordldl to the aonrae of tha c?art In inch oaiee WITH** m, hand and ofldal ? el. thle September^?, l?l?. (MAD Clerk Superior C?Vt. i,?o?w. . ; (OouMllu.4 OD pt|t 1 &>?