Please BLOUNT. FAC t y dollar hundred Hudson's, ' John'? fruit Paru finding brin? to R. H. HUDSON ud re-1 ceire reward.' ? 10-4-ltc. r- > I PAT Be uca FOR COPY OF T Sm i ??llr Km. D?l!r New. ?[ J llr Mk ud 7U>. for a few days. Suitable for a| man to drive around oo farm. Will be wall ted and cared for. Pbone 8 TO-J. 10-5-81. ' '' WIHAVI JUST RBCEIVED A large shipment of Starling Sllrer. Don't forget thoee wedding prel ents. Select t hern early eo can engrare then. Stewart's Jewelry Store, Market street. 10-5-7ft.r - WE HAVE PLENTY of OUT GLASS and China. Stewart's Jewelry 8 to re. Market street. 10-5-Tc. FOB RENT: a ROOMS WHb BATH saltable tor small fanlly. Apply at 110 South Bonner street. 10-4-lwc. WE HAVH THE LARGEST LINE of Flatware ever shown In t city. Stewart's Jewelry Store. Market street. 10-6-Tc. FOR RENT: ? LARGE ROOMS with all modern oonveotence. Carriage house, barn, etablee. Large back yard. Vegetable garden and chioken lot. Apply to 480 East ? Mala Street. 10-S-tf. AN OPPORTUNITY WIlii BB AF forded the Washington customers of The D. Lowenberg Boot 4k Shoe Co. of Norfolk, V?.. to Inspect their complete line of samples of Fell and Winter Footwear, at the Hotel Louise on October ?th and 7th. This Arm handle? only their own exclusive stylo?, and has no branches anywhere. The quality of their shoe? is unequsled in the entire South. The pubHc 1? cor dially invited to call. t-U?l0-l-4-?-4tc. FACTS FOR SUFFERERS. Fain results from Injury or e< gestlon. Be It neuralgia, rheuma tism, lumbago, neuritis, toothache, ?prala, bruise, ?ore stiff muscle? or whatever pain 70? bave yields to Sloan's Liniment?brines new freah blood, dissolves the cong??tlon, re the Injury, the circulation 1s and yo4r pain leave? aa if by The nature of Its Qualities Immediately to the sore Lon't keep on suffering. Ost bottle' of biOw.r's Liniment. Use it. It means Instant retief. Price lie and 50c. $1.9? bottle holds sis times as much as tke lit sise. Know ths Flow of ftlvsrs. No sue starts to build a house wltb out knopvrlng bow much room Is wantr sd or bow many p?ople are expected to occupy the boks?. The sam? th should b% trs? of power plants, water supply systems, sewage dlspossl plants, levees, flood control works, li* rigallon works, and land drainage sys terns. If such construction work Is tc be done economically and successful): a knowledge of the amount of water Involved I? ssssntlal. NEAR DEATH BY SMOTHERING W*k AUrfOrW, jDrton, <* -.asa :T iti Neighbor Thursday evening. September 1?. the boslnee? men of*New Bern And Brldgeton met in lb? Chamber of Commerce rooms and organised "The Business Men'? Association" under the system tf tbe Merchants' Mercantile Agency of Pittsburgh, Peon. * ' - * *yg?. New Bera? Every school child In Craven and adjoining counties has been extended a cordial Invitation to oome to New Bera and visit tbe great Bastern Carolina Pair, and in dication? ere that there will be sev eral thousand of tbe yoangsters In attendance. Friday bee been deelg nated an "Children'? Day" and an that dar the athletic contests of the week will be held. '**5^:; CnpAd Bach est Hie Job. ?l?tim?Marriage licenses for the week-end surpassed in number any two-days' business In that line at the court house In months, it was said today. Orantsd permission RIDICULER MAY BE SUED Made Fu of Salisbury Fair by DU tributlntf Circular? Through the City. Salisbury, Oct. f.?A salt for damage may b? tho outcome of an '.ncldent In connection with the call ing off of the raes* at the people's Pair, Friday. The weather contin ued bad and the directors announc ed that there would be no races. Later the track dried off and racea were announced for Saturday. tn the meantime' some one had printed and distributed a number of circulars calculated to hold the fair up to ridicule for cutting out the races. The bulk of circulars were satsed before distribution and their author became known to the fair people. While the aaaociatlon has taken no action officially, some of the stockholders hare expressed themselroa as farorlag a suit against the author of the circular. LOW PRICE: SHE FAINTS When Wilson Merchant Quoird Hrr Price on a Coat Salt, It Was Too Much for Customer. (By Eastern Press) Wilson, Oct. C.?That the mer chants of Wilson are offering this season the highest qualities st the least price was . emphatically erl " SMS FROM ing Cities. to wed were: Whit ?r Heath. It. ud Gertrude Stewart. It. both of L*aolr county Wl'.lle T. Obm. 15. and Uuit Stanly. 18. both of Lenoir county. Colored? Elbert Parker. tS. and Mary Smith. It. both of Ktosjoa. Flemlsg Daniel. ?S. and Laura 8wife. 47^. both ^of Kin at on. Claud Rhode?. 231. and Coma Speck a. 1?. both of Lenoir Adam Sumpter, SC. and Eauna Phillips, ST. both of Lrcolr coonty. Otacm Fire Prevention Day. Rocky Moort?So far aa la known Rocky Mount la tho only city Jn the State that la solas to observe dr o prevention, day next Saturday, Oct ober 9. In compliance frith the proc lematlon of the governor, j John P. I KtoeCoo?Mr. fphm P. Bufcltt, the well-known offlce manager of the B. W. Canady Hardware Store, euffered a stroke of apoplexy thla afternoon and had to be taken to hia ,home. Hla condition Is serious! DANIELS ASKS FOR SHIPS la PniMwin? Katlnutea as to Nam b?r of Warships Xwenry for U. 8. Navy. Washington, Oet. 6.?Secretary ?Daniels made It plain today that the navy bonding program would In clude at least two superdreadnoughts each to cost $18,000,000. "We have learned nothing from the European war." the secretary said, "that shakes our faith to theee heavily armored ships, as the main lighting line of the nary." He would not indicate whether more than two battleships would be asked for or how many battle cruisers his esti mates would include. The number of ships of esch class to be recom mended, he said, had not been Anally decided. The secretary expects to complete his estimates tomorrow week. fenced yesterday when a customer from the rural district ~ actually fainted at hesrlng the low price quoted on an article of clothing she wished to purchase. When the clerk named the price on a beautiful coat suit, he was greatly aurprised to see his custo mer sasume the pallor of a ghost Emitting a muffled aound. she fell to the floor in a faint. The entire cor pa of clerks ran to her assistance After the application of cold towels, and the injection of hypodermics, she finally recovered. Brushing a Side all Inquirers she seised tho garment upon which her affections had been so securely fastened, and afcld. with a sigh, "I'll take It." DUMBA HAS VAMOOSED Aurtrlan Minister Ha? Left United Stnte? for HI? Native Land. New York, Oct. C.?Dr. Constan tin T. Dumba, the Auatro-Hungari in ambassador to Washington. who was recalled at the request of President Wilson, tailed with his wife for home yeeterday on the Holland American liner Nleuw Amsterdam Dr. Dumba eailed under a aafe conduct arrangement made by the State Department. The Nleuw Am sterdam will touch at Falmouth, England, and thfen proceed to Rot terdam. From the latter port Dr. Dumba will go at once to Vienna ?t r?ngth T m ted. On a teat, a bee was found conps 'Cut to pull a weight 200 times great* be it its ora PAGTOLUS TO GET BRIDGE! ComnximUooera of Flu County Voted ] on Matter Yentenlay Afternoon. (By Eastern Press) Greenvllle, Oct. 6.?County com-|j miseioners were In session yester day and while there was a large a-[ mouu^ ?t routine buslneB?> thero I was very little of Importance thans-| acted. One thing that speaks well (or tho present board of commissioners Is that It has learned the value of the county's money to such an extent that the board Is doing all in Us power to cut down tho county's ex penses Incurred In building steel bridges. ?Hitherto it has been the policy of the commissioners to go ahead and give the contract to the lowest bid der without Investigating thorough ly tfhat the coBt would be. The commissioners have been making a study of their expendi tures, and when It was decided to build a new bridge at Pactolus, In stead of going ahead as before, they got a man to take the contract and have as his help, the convict force of the county. This will, In bo doubt, savn the county several hun dred dollars. The bridge Is to be a steel one I and will cost In the neighborhood | of $1,700. WORLD SERIES PREDICTIONS Managers of Phil lien and Red Sox | Are Conservative in Their Statement?. IIY WILLIAM CARRIUAN Manager of Red Sox. We Red Sox win be the baseball j champions of the world when the verdict on the big series is In, if I grit and determination w)l do 1. I don't like to say too much In ad vance, because we had rather let our work in the series spesk for us. People say my pitching ststf 1? about the best alWround bunch that has been gotten together. I'm proud of them and I rely on tbdm to come through. We don't hold the Phillies chcaply, but I believe we can down them. BY PATRICK J. MOR AN Masnftv of Phflliee. Don't be asking me who will win the world's series. We ar? going t-> try to, but I won't predict. Tho bost loam, or at least the team that plays tho best boll, will grab the hor.oro. All through tfca season my men and t have p|aye<l one game at time. Wa've done tho day's work without fretting about what was around the oornor until we got to It. Tho Phillies will follow tho MO |game at-a-atims Idea la tho ?orle?. Wo fO Into tho olash unafraid and dotormlaod to 4o our Wrfl best to ,?pkol4 tto hoaor of qu Itart^ ' ? If Coffee Came in Capsules at its drug, caffeine. Is frequently sold, coffee drinkers would wake up to the fact that coffee is not a food but a drug. Yet in ?pite 6f the warnings of reputable phy sicians, many persons fall to realize the harmful effect* of caffeine, coffee's subtle, habit-forming drug. Taken regularly this coffee drua?the frequent cause of nervousness, heart-flutter, head ache and other ailments?sooner or later gets Its hold. Look coffee in the face?read what physicians ?ad health experts say: (Names on application.) "Coffee 1? a dope end narcotic almost equal to opium. Slowly bat surely 1t gets control of It* victim and hod? blm Id Ita grasp a pitiful, helpieee victim." "COffeo Is a drug. Those addicted to its ose are drug addicts." people get the craving; for alcohol by first taking toa or coffee.'' "They (the t^s and coffee drugs) are comparable to opium in that thay Induce a habit and ehonld be avoided." Right now, Mr. Coffee Drinker, is the time to find out whether or not coffee he* ? hold on you. Iff simple and easy?quit coffee ten days ard use POSTUM the pure food-drink of wheat and a bit of wholesome molaaaw. Postu m has a delicious coffee-like flavour yet contains no drug or other harmfnl element. j The better health that follows freedom from the coffee drug ahows "There's a Reason" for POSTUM Sold by Grocer* everywhere Small farms, tobacco lands FOR SALE IN BEAUFORT COUNTY. I KO. 1. 40 term, with 5 teres in eultivnticfc, M -mil?* fro Washington, N. O., S ailai from snhssl knn Mid ehuiek. rtfice 4-room cottage, buildings cost WOO. Sit? shspe, lie? good- A great bargain at 9950, payable 9360 cash, and belanc* 91(0 a ye?. MO. 9. IT acres, with 7 acre? in cultivation, in ti? town of Royal, Beaufort County, within 100 yards of tbo Washington & Vandemere Railroad depot It baa 9 dwelling house? eost about 91900, in food condition. There is a 900-foot flowing artesian well eo?t $160. Very fine light gray soil, with clay subaoil, Tory rich fertile land. Adjoining lands same acdl, farma, sold for 9100 an acre. Party we purchased from had 91800 in this place. A great bargain at 91860, payable 9860 cash and balance 9260 a year. NO. 9. 7 sores all in cultivation, 3Vi miles from th? City of Washington, on th? beet read in tli? County, most progressive neighborhood and moet highly improved farms. Hss pretty road front, all level land, light gray soil, and lies in nice shape. Church and school house and highly improved farms around it As fine s pier? of trucking land as is in this County. Haa over 91200 in improvements and buildings. Th* building? situate?! in a beautiful grove all nicely painted, etc. The finest plaee for small trucking farm, poultry ?r dairying near tho City of Waahington and th* only plaiw of its kind in th? Ceuaty. Trim 91760, psysbl* $880 cask and balanc? 9260 a y?ar. NO. 4. 60 acres with 19 a?r?? in cultivation, tan mil?s frees Waahington. 2f/2 mil?? from Wslla Watta Station, Norfolk Southern Railroad, good road front l.ighl gray aoil, slay subsoil. Buildings sad improvements coet (400. Good land, good location. Price 91450, payable 9360 cash, with 9250 a year. . - - NO. 6. 70 acres, 16 acres in cultivation, 2mile? from Washington, light gray soil, fin? tebacoe land, buildings and improvements oost 9500. Price $2250, payable 9750 cash and balance $250 a year. NO. 6. 40 acre?, with 8 acres in cultivation, adjoining No. 1, 10 mile? from Washington, all new buildings nice shape, cost over $1800. Biggest bargain in the County at $1750, payabl? $250 cash and $250 a year. NO. 7. 112 acres, 18 acres in cultivation, light soil, near the town of Yeatesville, $600 in improvement*, new house, looks attractive, in pretty grov? and great bargain at $12.60 an acre, payable $260 cash and $250 a year. Fine growth of young timber. NO. 8. 55 acres with 15 acres in cultivation, six nils? from Waahington, buildings and improvements worth 9800, light gray soil, fine tobacco land, price $1375, payable $375 cash and balance $250 a year. We have over fifty small farma and if none of these suit you, we oan show you anything that you i rant at the right price, if you will coms here at any time. Write us. Washington Beaufort Land Company Lanfthinhons* Bnildini Washington, IM. C. /NO. E. COREY, Manager. HAVE YOUR MEASURE Taken now (or your Kail and Winirr ?Jotliing. Have them made to fit you. Not a TYPE But An Individual. GEO. ARAMOON1E 131E. Main Street, i Washington, N. C. Ladies and Men's Custom Tailor. Altering, Cleaning and Pressing Done to Satisfy You. Automobile Insurance We insure the car against fire against fire in any location, originating either within or out side the machine. The cost is small. Ask about it. Liability Insurance too. Wm. Bragaw & Company, ^First Insurance Agents, Washington, N. C" $5.05 EXCURSION TO RICIi 'ONB On account of tbs VIRGINIA 3TAT23 PATH The Atlantic C:ast I.lne ?.11 ?ell excursion tickets to Richmond, Va., for all trains from OCTOBER 8 to 16, INCLUSIVE From Washington at $5.05, and at proportionately reduced fares from intermediate point*, limited return ing October 18th, 1015. For schedules and any further In formation desired, call on S. R. CLARY, Ticket Agent, Washington, N. C. THE ATLANTIC COAST LINK The Standard Railroad of the South New Crop Bulbs Fr nch and Dutch Hyacinths, white and jrrllow Narcissus. Tulips. Crocus, and Llllums. Plant early for beat rcsulti. CHOICE CUT FliOWERA Rosea. Carnation*, Violets, and Valllna In aeaiKxi. Wad ding decorations in the latest styles. Our floral arrange ments are of the finest touch. Mall, Telegraph and Phono orders promptly executed. Phone 149. J. L. O'Quinn & Co. RALBIGH, N. C. CALL And Were on the Way When You Want R-U-S-H Work Done Phoae 395 City Pressing Club If You Want Good Service. Our cleaning and pressing is the best. WE FIX 'EM LIKE NEW. Bruce A, Wilkinson PROPRIETOR. Opposite First National Bank

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