More Suits & Coats JUST RECEIVED Extraordinary Values AD these and others to ?elect from. No two alike. that's the beauty of k. They arm all chic with ihat air of elegance that is difficuh to express m mere words. Lots of beautifully fur trimmed ones Economically Priced ? J.K.HOYT? HBRR ? GOOD kIWH FOR MTOMACH HOIHW Qeme very remarkable results are ( being obtained by treating stomach.] liver anil lnteetlnal troubles witu: ?ur? vegetable oils, which exert a, cleansing, soothing and purifying action upon the lewer bowels, re moving the obstructions of poison ous fecal matter and gases and pre paring their abeerptlon by the blood. This dene, the food is allow ed free passage from the st/?mac).. fermentation ceases and stomach troubles quickly disappear Geo. H. Mayr for 20 years a lead ing Chicago druggist. cured himself and many of hln friends, of stoma? h llvoc and 'uteetlnal troubM? of feara atandlnu by this treatment, and so successful was the remedy he devis ed that It has wince been placed in the hands or druggists all over the eountry. wtvo have sold thousands of bmottlea. Though absolutely harmless, the effect of the medicine Is sufficient (o convince any one of its remarkable effectiveness, and within 24 hours the sufferer feels like a new person. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy is sold by druggists everywhere with the GAVE THEATRE PARTY. Connall Lucas was host to a theatre party at the performance of "The Red Ros?" at the New Thea Itre last nigh:. The party was given [in honor of Miss Evelyn Jones. A I mong those Invited were Miss Ell* |ab<th Carrow. ReRoy Kear; Miss i Ella Lee Chauncey. Hugh Wlllfntn*; | M its Latham Jones, Mr. Lea; Miss Mae Mount. Mr. Gray. 1 A delightful Hiippor was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. W E. Jones on Esat Fourth street after the p-r formance. Found Uiitd tn lle*l. Winston-Salem. Oct. 6.?1. C I Cornish. a prominent farmer and merchant of Clemmons, was found 'lead in bed this morning at this hom\ death befffc due to lieart dis ease. Mr. Cornish rotlred in ap parently good health last night, though his heart had troubled him some recently. positive understanding that your j money will be refunded without question or quibble If ONF bottto falls to give you absolute satisfac tion. A D DISCOS TO HOLD FIRST MEETTNO OP SBASOX Wi?l Meet Tomorrow Aftmooa with Mb? Wlswafc on West Main Street. The first meeting of the Addlsco Book Club for the coming season will bo held tomorrow afternoon. It wl 1 begin promptly at four o'clock.! ai d it is hoped that all, members will be present. The club will meet with Miss Wiywall at her home on West Main street. Til K COLDS OF MANKIND Cl'KKD BY PIXE8! jk Have you ever gone through, a typical pine forest when you had a cold? What a vigorous impulse it sei.t! How you opened wide your lungs to take in those invigorating and mysterious qualities. Ye?. Dr. H*:i'? Pine-Tar-Honey possesses tUone Humiliating qualities and ov ercomes hacking cough*. Tho inner llnlig of the throat is strengthened in its attack against co!d germs. Every family needs a bottle con stantly at hand. 25c. BIG CIRCUS STREET PARADE PERSONALS John W. Robert?, of Swan Quar ter. was in tm city yesterday after noon, attending to business matters. .# ? ? ? J. S. Norman, of Greenville, was among the oat of town visitors In Washington yesterday. ? ? t i Mrs. C. 8. Whtchard. of Vande mere, - arrived in Washington yes terday morning and spent the day In the city with friends. ? ? ? ? John Tooly. a well known attor ney of Belhaven. was In the city on a brief business trip yesterday. ? ? ? Miss Annie Orist. of Chocowlnlty, wss among those who attended the performance of "The Red Rose" at the New Theatre last night. ? ? ? ? Shaw Bonner, of Aurora, was In the city yesterday snd also witness ed the performance at the New I Theatre. ? ? ? ? NEW UOT LADIES READY TO wear hat? just received. Popular prices at Ruse Bros. Variety Store 10-6-3tc. * ? ?.>* Albert K- Bancroft, of New Bern, spent yesterday In the city attend ing to business matters here. He returned home thlg morning. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Charles Sprulll left this morning for Roper, N. C., where she will spend a few day? on a visit to friends. ? ? ? ? LADIES ?OAT SriTO AT POPTI,AK prices at Russ Bros. Variety Storo 10-6-8tc. B. L. Henderson, of Wllllamston, passed through the city this morn ing for Aurora, where he will spend a dsy or two, attending to business. ? ? ? ? Miss Bertha Holmes, of Elisabeth City, who has been visiting friends In Washington during the last few days, returned to her home this morning. ? ? ? ? HAVE YOUR PICTURES FRAMED todsy at Russ Bros. Variety Store. Neat work and quick service. 10-C-Stc. ? ? ? ? Mrs. C. C. Thomas has returned from Florida, where she has been visiting her daughter. She also spent gome time In Edgecombe coun ty with relatives and !s now stop ping with Mrs. D. R. Willis on East Main street. i ? ? ? ? W. C, T. U. TO MEET. I The local d I vis! on of the W. C i T. U. will meet tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock with Mrs. O. B. Car mault. A full attendance of mem bers Is earnestly requested. ? ? e ? NEW LOT OP CLOTHING POK m<"n, boys aud Children Just re ceived at Russ Bro4< Variety Store. The lat*?t sosppy styles. 10-6-ltc. the Carl Hagen beck-Wallace Circne finish breakfast they begin actWe preparation* for the parade. Well fed horses and ponies In shining harness and wavering plumes take their places before glittering psrade chariots; the sound of ttusle -a lies: d from bands perched ha*ard ously high; clowns, charioteers jockeys, Roman hippodrome riders, camel* from the great desert with native riders and ponderous ele phants. some bearing a weight of feminine beauty in Oriental costume, make appearance In a picturesque, kaleidoscopic pageant more than three miles long. A man on horseback In a deep ?olee cries the oft-repeated warning: "Look out for your horsrs; the ele phants are coming." Behind him a bevy of pretty women buglers trumpet their clarion-voiced lnstru ments,~and then Jeanne d'Arc. In I polished armor with clanking ctir tains of chain-mall. The flush of| tan has tinted her ears and cheeks. Sho is a young woman, adopted bv a wealthy aunt in New Haven, Conn, who sent her to Europe to keep her from entering circus life. Her sud den return and her romantic mar riage with a ciown caused daily pa pers all over the country to devote considerable space to the incident. Through densely crowded streets the pageant measures its gaudy pas sage. The husky youth who sits high up on a wagon representing the German empire, and he himself the Kaiser, is in reality. only a candy butcher. With his royal helmet of shining brass and his purplo and gold jacket he impersonates the mighty man who rules over a great domain. In the afternoon his regal attire will give way to a white Jack et, and he will stop being king long nough to peddle lemonade and pea nuts. Cage after cage and wagon after wagon fl'.lcd with rare and costly animals pass in a fantastic reaf WmB: W ea ther F orecas t Cold Wave predicted m the Soutn Atlantic section today. Cloudy and lioht northerly winds. Guard against the cold by wearing a comfortable sweater; We have them m silk and Woo). ATI Btyies. Attractively priced. Ladies, Misses, Men, Children Bowers Bros. Co. Washington's Big Store. Oar sales for the past week have been very high on all color/ tobac cos of tips and leaf, and everything that is not burnt or green Is selling well. The wrappers and high grade tobaccos are especially high, with Export and Imperial strong on them Our market Is not glutted and having every concern buying here that the larger markets have, we csn guarantee you as high prices, and while they are glutted we can get you more money for every grade than they can give you as our buy ers can give each pile their undivid ed attention. We are pushing our tobaccos high and when you bring us a losd you can feel ?ure It will be run to Its limit. panorama. The calliope shrieks madly, and behind It half a hundred boys, playing "hookey" from school, trail tirelessly. The Carl Hagen beck-Wallaee Circus will come to Washington Friday, Oct. 15th, for performances at 3 and 8 p. m. The parade Is at 10 o'clock. Below yre *1t? you some prices made on o?r floor : J. H. Latham, fit. $14.85, $14.76 Alexander Hardlson. $11.Tl, $11, $ia, $11. Fannie D. Hardlson, $11. $1$, *23.50. $25, $85. R. A. Hodges * Carmell, $9.(0, $11.76. $18.60, $16.50, $88. A. D. Bennett, $9.60, $11.76. $16, $1$. $80. $84.60. $87. s Isaac Austin. $18, $16.60, $80.60* $88.00. Robt. Corey. $11.60, $16.60. $18.86, $17.60. H. P. Co*. $10, $16. $19.60. W. T. Bennett. $10. $11.86, $1$, $16.60, $19.60, $88.60. Yours truly, SHE7LBURNE-BAUOHAM CO. By V. B. 8helburne. Magnetic Mbuntalna. the mountains of Porto Rico are so Ma?Mt*c that they attract surveyors' ytamb Knee and It has been found that sime old surreys are Incorrwcx ct taU ? mil? or mm OOUOH8 THAT ARB BTOPPKDs Careful people see that they are stopped. Dr. Kind's New Discovery Is a remedy of tried merit. It has held it own on the market for 46 years. Youth and old age teetlfy to Its soothing and healing qualities. Pneumonia and lung troubles are often caused by delay of treatment. Dr. King's New Discovery stops those hacking coughs and relleree la grippe tendencies. Money back if it tails. 50c and $1.00. "The Range Eternal" EVERLASTINGLY GQOD A salesman from the factory of the ENGMAN-MATTIIEWS Range Company (two generations of malleable range builders) will show you why it OUT LASTS, OUT LOOKS, AND OUT COOKS Any Other Range on the Market. He will also give you a beautiful COOK BOOK and an inter esting souvenir. A $10.00 set of Cooking utensils goes with each "RANGE ETERNAL" purchased during this demonstration at store of W. C. Mallison & Son Washington, N. C. The factory salesman will be at their store during the remainder of this week. BE SURE AND SEE THIS WONDERFUL RANGE. BIG B^DUCTION^ SALE On account of the continued warm weather, Fall and Winter goods have been moving very slow, we are therefore overstocked and compelled to sac rifice some of it to meet outstanding obligations. Come in, look the stock over and if dur prices are not lower than elsewhere it costs you nothing. Sale Closes Within a Few Days. GEO. GANTOUS, AGENT NeJct to Western Union Telegraph Co. A New Line of MILLINERY and HAT TRIMMINGS Just Received From New York. See them at THE BAZAAR. m YACHT LINE HUDSON CARS Ape now on display at Cappow'tf GArdde. I! 1 O ten 17 T* $200 reduction m price. A distinctive car with many new feature*. Be ?ure*6nd tee tfiem, ?])i OC/1/ 1 ? V-Z# X/a jL/wtl ( CLAUDE L. CARROW, O k Gar-age on East MainSt.^^gtrPitt^6f Beaufort Cour

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