BASEBALL EDITION 2 EDITIONS DAILY This is "Dress-Up Week" in Washington. Read the advertisements of Merchants Offering Special Bargains ASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Tu? weather?G?n?r*llj tmlr ??ni?ht. Movant? Mrtrrlr trta ! ================ Vol.7 * ~ * ASHiKGicji n. c. monoa*-Afternoon october ii mt no.s? ? BOSTON WINS THIRD GAME SCORE; 2 TO 1 ALEXANDER LbSES His| SECOND GAME OF SERIES (Special to the Daily Newt) Boston, Oct. 11.?Boiton won to day's game by the acor? of 1-1. The final ran wae made In the ninth In ning The larreat crowd, that has attended the same? so far, was pres ent at the came. 42,200 paid ad mission. [' The fltat ran of the came was made by {Philadelphia in the third lnnlnc. when Burn* scored on Ban croft'* alncie- Boston evened it up in the fWi^Lh lnnlnc- Prom then it was nip and tuck until the ninth lnnlnc In their half of the final session, Philadelphia was unabl* to cat s man on baae. Hooper started ^hlnc* for Boaton by clncllnc to richt fleU. 8cott sacrificed. Hooper taklnc sec ond. Alexander passed 8peaker pur posely. Hoblltzel was thrown outj at first and Hooper took third, and Speaker second. Lewis singled and Hooper scored, ending the came Tw*-baae Jilta: ?coit. t baa* hits Speaker. Earned runs: Philadelphia 1; Boston 2. Sacrifice hit*: Ban croft, Alexander and Scott. Sacrl floe file*: Boblitael. Double play: Burn* to Bancroft to Luderus. L*?ft on baae*: Philadelphia 2; Boston 4. First base on errors: Philadelphia 1. Base on balls: off Alexander I; off Leonard V. Struck out: by Leonard 6; by Alexander 4. The t&al receipts from paid ad mission* amounted to 981,191. Players* share, 144.823. (National Commission's share, 98,219.10. Each club's share, $18,974.28. R. Boston 00000100 1?2 Philadelphia 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0?1 Vmr Help? Jermrj Hone Show. Morrlstown, N. J., Oct. 11?The I entry list for the 18th annual horse[ ?how of the Morrlstown Field Club,' which opened hf re was larger than ? In past years by reason of the In-j ternatlonal horse show not taking i place this fall In London, thas keep-} Ing more One animals In this coun-l try. - \ L A ROE ATTENDANCE AT baHaca CLASS Forty-three memberi of the Meth odist Haraca class were preaent at Sunday school yesterday morning. The Reds ?till lead the Blue? In new members secured, the score beln* 17-12. In attendance, the Blues yesterday had 71 per cent while the Reds bad <9 per oent CKK8CITO CLUB TO MEET. Will Hold Special MMli| Tomor row tlunim. Mrmbm Ar? to i A called mMttnt of the Cruel'.? Club will b* held with Mr.. Claude Carrow tomorrow at four o'clock. Thare will k* epcdal bualneee of Importance lo b. brouiht uv >nj ?TM-r member it urgently requ?.t>d to b* preeent. BELLMO TOXHiHT?Ik Ud 10c?fOINIHT fIVK EXTRA OOOD HKKI.R TO | WIOHT. A apcclal program thai la far* to place* Old ud jrounc alike. ] ?#9TO C9XIBDY AJTO DRAMA. CARL HAGEXBECK-tt'ALLACE SHOWS TO BE SEEN IX THIS .CITY OS FRIDAY. GIVE TWO SHOWS! Afternoon Performance Will Ik^la M Two O'Clock, While Evening' 8t?*r wp? Hurt M Elgin. Is j Blggrr and Brtter Tlutn Ever. Only a few more days await the appearanco of the Carl Hagenbeck Wallace Clrcue In Washington. The date la Friday. October 15, and tho jmall boys aa ulual are at fever heat In antclpatlon of what they will a?e and hear on clrcua day, acknowlcdg-| ed to be better than Christmas ami the Fourth of July combined. Nothing seems to dim the popu larity of the clrcua. eapecially those of the larger type. A new crop of children appear cach year. They must aee the dear good old clojku and amell the aawdust. But tne blare of the band, the rumble of heavy red wagon? and the roar of the Hons seem to make the grown upa. kida agali^ on clrcua day. Of course they generally say they, are going to "carry the children to aee the animals." But deep down In their hearts they know they would not mist the big ahow if there was not a amall boy In a thousand in?Irs on circus day. An Idea of the magnitude of the Carl Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus may be obtained from the immcnae street pageant to be seen on the down town streets at 10 o'clock preceding the flrat performance. There will be upwards of three mllea of sclntll latlng finery. More than 1,000 men women and horses will be seea la the great display. Eighteen differ ent nationalities will be represented, and the characteristic music of tho1 world will be played upon brass In-' struments, torn toms, drums, fifes and oymbals. Eight bands will yield circus ibe'ody, augmented by two of the largeet calliopes ever construct ed. Many of the dena containing the Carl Hagenbeck wild animals will be j oper for public display. There will; be more than half a hundred elab orately carved and decorated tableau wagona and allegorical floata. Three herda of ponderous elephants will make up the rear of the pageant. The performances will begin at 2 and 8 p. m. Doors to the Carl lla genbeck soo will be oponed an hpur earlier. WESTON KLECTRD CAPTAIN. (Charlote Observer) ?t a meeting of tho Horner foot bell squad yesterday afternoon. James Weston of Washington, N. C. was chosen as captain of the Purple and Orange for the season of 1915* Weeton received tho captaincy by n substantial majority, with Hlnes, Cheek and Nance being the recipi ent? of nomfn&tlons. Weston, although a first-year man at Horner, la a gridiron performer of much scholastic experience, hav ing occupied a backfleld position up* on the Washington High School eleven for five yeare. The Washing ton team Is *ne of the strongeat in the eastern portion of the Stato an i I? each year g formidable contender for the State championship which ?? decided at Chappl Hill. Owing to Ilia extensive experience and indi vidual ability, the selection of yee terday should prove a highly capable pliot fen- the Horner teftn. IXidBdloB Without a 1* t Jit United State* 1 h < y occa ?tonally lynch a man, but In mill lb* U nwtlanM M a praiidenlla' I^Wfci'.ltr ?Wall ?trt? Jonrw.1, ? ROQUE GONZALES GARZA Roijue Gonzales Garza, at one tJm* president of the convention govern nient of .\!exlc6. is now in Washlngtor as a representative of the VlUa-Zspsta factions. He says any pacification plar that recognizes Carranza and does not Include the Villlstas as'factors In the! situation will mean nothing but anar chy in Mexico. WIM, BE ON A I.ARGEK SCALK THAN' EVER. PREPARATIONS ALMOST COMPLETED. MANY FEATURES Numerous Exhibit? Already Receiv ed. Social ?nd Educational Fea tures Are Well Cared For. A Uig Time Is Expected. (Special to the Dally News) Raklgh, Oct. 10.?Another week and the Great 3tate Fair wllhbe on. North Carolinians -from ev^ry auc tion of the State will gather at the capital for the annual fraternal greetings and to witness what God hath wrought through man's Indus try and Intelligent direction on the farsi, in the orchard. In the shop. In mercantile ertabilshmonta and the various other forms of endeavor. Great things are being prodicted of the coming event. Colonel Pogue. the secretary, says that It will be the biggest and best that has ever been seen In the o!d commonwealth. It Is not merely a catch phrase to draw crowds to Raleigh. He's got tho facts to back the assertion. Coming events cast tbelr shadow* before them. Within the past few days indications have transformed Into realities. Exhibit entries have grown so great that extra space must be provided. The floraj and mlll-l tary feature has Assumed such pro portions that It can now bo said without stretching the facts that thlfl feature will be the greatest ever' pulled off In North Carolina. The i social features have a!ao been brought to the front as never before J*;-Will be an occasion that will ptearn the crowds so Immensely that all Will -ha glad that they came. There la rfl kinds of steam be hind (he fair (his year. ?olonul Pogue In the years past has dem onstrated his ability to pull off big events. This year he Is putting h's usual energy Into the work and In addition he t^as (be co operation of the president, Capt. R. J. Parrlsb, of Durtfffm. who, Is throwing his whole haart, body an'd mind la the effort to tnake-the fall1 the greatest ever held In the State and the ef forts of both ar? meeting with on usoal ?access In the aotlal depart ment, Mr. R. O Everett,,of Durham .the chief marshal. Is putting form I Urtouout ?n4 U|? ?tj?* F?<T MERCHANTS JERK EXPECTING A BIG WEEK'S ^BUSINESS IN ALL CLOTHING. ANNUAL EVENT Week I? Being Obncrw-O Under the A bo to Name All Over the Coun try. Special PHce* Are Made on Men'? and Women'* Clothing. Even the elements entered Into the spirit of DRIS?8-UP WEEK this morning. After three days of dreary rain and dark lowering clouds, the bright October tfjn shone from th* brilliant blue expanse above and cast its radiant Varmth Into the crisp autumn atmosphere. Nature herself seems to have thrown In hor lot vith the merchants of Washing ton, to hare enlisted in the cam paign for better trees. For bright and early'this morning she had cast a6ide the sombre garments of the pant few days and appeared smiling, adorned In all her best, to encour age. the efforts of iho merchants, to set an example for the citizens of Washington and to make the open ing of DRE88-UP WEEK a success. But Nature with all her golden sun shine, her blue skies and bracing breezes. could not outdo the mer chants of Washington, who have dressed their stores, their thoughts and their hearts for the occasion. While It never can be said that the clothiers and furnlabers of Washington are not ?t alt tlems "dressy," yet the extra effort for baiter drees a&'aUt-^ftnes for their customers and friends br evident In their shops and shop windows to day, where everything they have to offer betokens a fresh mess. a new ness, a stylishness that pleases and | displayed In attractive ways and prloes. If Nature, the merchants j and their establishments can "doll up" on this beautiful autumn day. then why can't you. And If you put up your best appearance today why cSn't you continue to do the same all the rest of thle year and the next. Go to see tho merchants of Wash ington today and let them show you how it can be done, and see for yourself how they have done It. And If you can't se? them today then visit their stores during the present week. MERCHANTS' DRE88-UP WEEK began this morning and will continue through next Saturday, Oc tober 16. You will have plenty^ of opportunity s to avail yourself of their inducements. Get the spirit of 1 the merchants of Washington. It's the proper spirit; It's an aid to your buslnceff. and It's a pleasure with all. Dress up! NAVAL MILITIA GOES TO CAMPS Thin Mornlnj? for Morrlioad Cltf, Whcro They Will Spend a Week. Ttao Washington division of the1 militia and four other divisions went down to the camp at Morehead City! (his morn In*, their cars being at tached to the regular passenger train. Immediately after arrival there they will begin getting the camp in readiness for an occupation of Ave days. Oh tomorrow the aotual work will begin. This will consist of target practice and instructions In the us o of sman arms. Adjutant Oenerai Lawrence W. Young went down to Camp Olenn Saturday In order ?o get everything in readiness tbr the arrival of the sailor sroldlers. He'p for London. Oct. 11.??PtfcMoIal help la to be flveu ftuaala by England. An arrangement for a commercial credit for Kuola la being mad", it WM reported today, by which Rtfs* ?Ian government btlia will bo dla I counted up to 1100,000,000. tall ant other KM)?) ??tnr?i will b? ?ttfMtlr? ??d brilliant. WILL ASK FOR WANT CONORKS8 TO APPRO P K ATE 977,000.000 FOR ISl'ILD. ING NEW VESSELS. HAVE 28,000,000 Appropriation WUl Include 44 Naval Vu**eU, Pund? for Aviation, for Ordnance Reserve and for In- ^ crease of Personnel. (By Parker K. Anderson) Washington, Oct. 10.?The Dally News presents herewith from an au thorltive source a detailed statement of the naval building program which Abe navy now confidently hopes 10 have approved by President Wilson. The figure* given represent the * mount which (he next Congress would be asked to appropriate for the first yoar's work on the con struction of ships: For two battleships .110,000.000 For two battle cruisers. 12,000.000 For twenty destroyers. . 7,500,000 For thirty submarines. . 7,500,000 For 5 sea going sub's. . 2,500.000 For five scout ships... 12,500.000 For aviation 5.000.000 For ordnance reserve. . 10.000.000 For Increase of personnel 10,000.000 Total $77,000,000 (For the continuance of aew con struction work authorized by the last Congress an appropriation of S28.000.000 ia required. This bring* the total figure of appropr;atlons for construction work to $105,000,000. (The expectation la that the navy will be allowed. $100,000,000 so that the above program may hive to be cut $5,000,000 somewhere a long the line. The allotments made for the personnel and for battle cruisers appears to be more una t tied than any other time on the list and If change are made it Is not un likely that they will be made Ihera. (Nrcodsary appropriations for maintenance of the navy, with a con siderable increase for expenditures ashore which the growth of the navy afloat Is necessitating, will amount to something less than $10ft,090.0og so that total naval appropriations < xpected will be in the neighborhood of $200,000,000. GOOD COMPANY AT NEW THEATUE Vaudevl'le Troup?-? Will Show Local Playhouse K very Night Thin Wwk. The Now Theatre opens tonight with the "Hutchison Musical Com edy Co," presrntlng "A Mldautnmer Marines*," a musical comedy that la full of good Ringing and dancing throughout tli? entire bill. Thera will also bo plenty of good clcan' comedy that will keep the audience laughing all the time. This troupe also presents the "Shooting FoxeV a team that will do some of the best crack shooting that this town has ever e'en. This Is an exceptionally good company here this week Judg ing from all reports, and no douot will receive good houses every night this week, as they will g'.ve an en tire change of bill every night. Tl.e 17th episode of "The Romanca nf Elaine" will also be shown at t h if* house tonight, which alone an*ur a a full capacity for tonight's opening bill. INVITATIONS SENT OUT. The (Dally N*wi KanouncM re ceipt of the following fhvltatlon: Mr. and Mm. Exum Thomas Hwmon requ^m the honor of yOur prm?nr?> at the marriage of their daughter Clara # to Mr. Edward King Willie on the evening of Wednesday. OctQber the twentieth at eight o'clock Quaker Church High Point, North Caro'.lna Reception immediately after the ceremony, four hundred and four North Mtin Street NOTED PASTOR IN TROUBLE Kev. Dr. Newell ?wight Hillit. sue cessor to Henry Ward Bsecher tod Ljrran Abbott Id the historic Ply mouth church. Drooklyn. is Involved In financial dlfflcultie? which, as be admitted to his congregation, are du* to his ambition for wealth and powc.. Doctor HUUa It here aeen In his pu'pit Amusements of Many Kinds Will be Frovid?!. Exhibit? Promise ut , He Larger and IkiU'r Tlu?n Evit. (Special to the Daily News) Aurora, Oct. 11.?The commlit-e in charge of securing the amuse ment attraction* for the big fair to be held here next month, are endeav Ing to secure the best shows avail able and to make 'his feature of the fair brtler than it ever has been be fore. The exhibit commitfe Is also hard at work and they stated this morning tbat last year'? exhibits would be surpassed both in number and quality by the ones on display at the coining fair. Hardy Thompson has r? gne?: a, secretary of th' fair Ion, ti account of beir.** aoa* :?> to give ti .* office proper tlw?? atii h.tent. M.. Thoni. jn in :eil(ill rjtto.i ginninr am' t hi* ?k?* in pr.t<"tir ally al' of 1 ? tSn ?. J. W. ( hapin was elc(f J \> All hi* place. Th> oilicer8 of the association are as follows: President R. I.. M. Bonner. Vlce-presiden'?J. W. Clayton. Sery.-Trea#.? J. W. Chapin. MERCURY TAKES A BIG TUMBLE HI* Dtrtm* Moro an?1 (lic Frvc/Jng ' Point Would Have lle?*n K<*ncl?. e<1 Tli I? Morning The mercury dropped 2ft dare's last night. This morning found th" official thermometers hero register ing an the mlnlmam for the n!gV 30. Six degre s colder would have brought a freeze, probably. Anyway. It was cool A husky little wind during the night mad ? fo'ks In bed glad of It. It was the coldest of the season by some de grees. NOTICE TO TKACHKIW*. All teachers, who expect to teach this year and hnvp not mad? nr rangement about certificate*. will please take notice thst on Thursday ?nd Friday. Oct. 14th and 15th, there will be he1<| puhlic examlna-j tlon In Waahlnjtton. This Is the )ast public eiamlnatlon that will bd; given this year. Kxamlnal'.on for colored teachers will be held on Saturday, Oct. 16th. 81(n ed? W. G. PRIVETTR. County Superintendent ! X 0-11-4 te. TAKES LIPE AI BETHEL I IlKMi'S WKI.I? KNOWN' IN THIS SKt'UON, KJKKU A IHLLKT TMK'H'fiH HIS UKKAST KATl'KUAY. CAUSE UNKNOWN U'iv- ill <' ir.|M:i) With Another V?-;<iik Muii at the Time of the TracKlj. I>rntli F0II0W<<<I AlnuMt Immediately .\fim\ttjxls. Wu, au Or'ian. i Hy Hnn'i-m Pre*?.) Gre? nvlt,.-. (.m-.. 11 ?Marshall Pig*?, while, 111 >4-ars of nire and an orphan cotum it?-:l tuicide Satur day. He I j vol w.'rb a Ms Jone?, by whom h. had b?- r. adopted, about three mi I** from itethel. Death rs tu'.ted from a bui>t wound through the breaat 1 r. G revne, the coron*r i.eld an in?U"Kt t h 1 ^ morninp. I - wen! out fiaturday with J one./ .son af'er a in ad of wood. Af-_ ter had prnc??*d i a short dis tance, UieiT- ask d ilip other young man to e: >p tin- wagon for a mo ment. Hi th n ilfw uded and went around to the r- ar f the vehicle., curious to km. a the meaning of his actions. look d a* iund to watch him. II?* ?av; lJigf.s take a re volver ou; of uifi pock-'t. put it ?o fcia br?-a>t and tire, hiimol ately af terwards. liiggf Htagger-d hack, ?houtiitg "I have killed myself!" Oca:h followed nhortly aft r It Is rot known what caubed the young's ra?>h art. Ho was tn good health and i:i apparently Rood and no trouble* of v. liiih any?ne knew anything about. Th?- ?hooting tuay have b ?.n au ao ciileut. al'houirh ti e c< ia jr.! Isnpres s?.on if that it vas deliberate *ui ridc. I ? Seen I?) ji .Nunilur of KrHidcniA ?<ui IVfinlwK. Siv CiiSIm por I'c icc H?nt In. fix (?Jfplinu? calls wore received, by th*? polic? Saturday nlgiit from rf*:d?iiis in rliff'Ti ui (?aits of tho city, who ?ta:? d 'l v > v?-ral n-xroPH w?*n* Hc'itip KiiKpirSfMiBly n?*nr their lirrrniscft. Four arrests u*re made and tij?- acr-ti<-,?d parties will be tried i h i ? afiTji' -n T'-. wi"%? haneing .1 -i nuinliT of bon???. a<ir] in one or two Instanr^a It I* c'alined that they tried to ge? In through w nOo-n They wer?? seen by W W. Mcllhenney, J. T. Harri?. an?i alRo In th? vicinity of Mm Mayo's :inm> it!> Wat r *ir?et. it i= believ ed that the n^grrvn w>r?? the onea wlxti escaped from the Greenville lock-ii]? is k'wk KClll RKXT: WHIMS Fi?K I.HilVT hniii.pliofpilip Will real rooms with bonru or v ill furnJ h tabli hoard only. Apply No. 216 West S?rr?n-1 f'roet 10-11-1 tl'P.

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