D/\aE,DALrL Euinuw 2 EDITIONS DAILY This 1s "Dress-Up Week" in Washington. Read the advertisements of Merchants Offering Special Bargains WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS TKt WEATHER?ftiifcririr fair tonlfht. llodaraU MStftrly wtm t 1 r ? "ijp" ? ? i VoL 7 WASHINGTON N. C. TUESDAY AFTERNOON OCTOBEK 12 ms No. 84 RED?SOX WIN BY 2-1 SCORE rr? i SHORE AND CHALMERS PITCHES FOURTH GAME Or SERIES' l?** ? Total receipts: ?10 Natl. Com. shsre: 11,104.61. Players' share: $44,305.11. Each club's share:: $14,768.37. FIRST INNING. Pkllle* -Stock singled to right field. Bancroft grounded out to Bbore. Paskert and Crarath fann ed. NO RUNS. Boston?Hooper atrlkea out. Scott fsns. Speaker walked and Is thrown out trying to steal second. NO RUNS. SBCOND INNING. . Phillies?Luderus singles. Whit ted cacrifloes. Niehoff fouled out. Barns walked. Chalmers fanned. NO RUNS. Boston?Hoblltsel fanned. Lewis out on a grounder to Chalmers. Gardner flies out to center field. NO RU-N8. THIRD INNING. Phillies?Stock grounds out to Gardner. Bancroft walks. Paskert fMS field. NO RUNS Bwii?Barrr walks Cadr sln ?1m Shore sacrifices, Bsrrr going to third and Cad7 to second. Hooper i singles an? Bar; scores. Scott popa out. Speaker ground! out to flrat. ONE RUN. FOURTH IN NINO. PhlWee?-Lnderus flies out to Hooper. Mlbltted la tossed out br Scott. NtehoS walk#. Burna sin gles to right Held. Nletvoff takes second. Chalmera foreaa NlohoS at third. NO RUNS Boeton?Hoblltael singles over shortatop. Lewis sacrifice?. Hol> lltael goea to second. Gardner Ulna out to Whltted. Barrr flies out to Paakart. NO RUNS. KlfTH INNINO. mill??Stock Hies out to Lewla. Bancroft lile? out to Hooper. Paa kart fllee out to Lewla NO RUNS. Boatoa?cadjr singles to ceoter fleld. Shore (ana. Hoblltael flies to Paskert. Bcott Dies out to Paa kart. NO RONS. SIXTH INNINO. Phillies?Crarath Die? out to Speaks!1. Luderua single? to center field. Whltted pops out to Csdr Nlehott fllee out to Lewie. NO RUNS Dee Ms?Speaker thrown out br Nlehott. Hoblltsel single? to lert. Lewis double? to canter, and Hob mael rare?. Gardner file? out te Paakert. Barrr thrown out at first br Chalmera. ONI RUN. HKVKNTH JUmMa. Plilllleo?Burns thrown out br Scott Chalmera gsts a Texas leag uer to left Held. Stock torosd Chal mera at second. Stock out trying to steal second. NO RUNS. Boston?Cadr (ana Shore tans. Hooper thrown out br Bcott. BIOHTH INNINO. -*??*"??Bancroft flies out to Lewi?. Paskert out to Gardner Crarath triple?, bsll bounding or?r ?pecker's bead Luderus singles snd Crarsth score? Dugsr ran. for Luderss Stasis second Shore throw* oat Whltted. ON* RUN. BosSnv?Becker plsrlnc Isft field for Phillies. Soott thrown out hr Stock. Spesker bouncss kit ofl stock's shins. HohUtssI singles snd Spssker tskss third. Lewis wslks. Oardner hits koto a double plar. Bpssksr forced St horns. Rums, getting Gardner at first. NINTH INNING. PMIlew?Nlehott thrown out br Gardser Burns pops oat to Scott Brras hits (or Chalmsrs sad files tat ?0 Spesksr. NO RUMS. R.H.E. Boston ' ? ? 1 ?? I ? ?x?I ? 1 PftHUM 0 # ? M 0 0 ? 0?1 ? ? MACHINERY IS ASSEMBLED FOR MATTAMUSKEET Oo?t Orer *100,000 and L Now la Norfolk.. Wftjl Be Taken to the Lake Through Inland Waterway. Machinery |s now being assem bled at (Norfolk preparatory to tak ing It to Lake Mattamuskeet. where it will be uaed la connection with tke big reclamation project. Hast ings Bros, will take this machinery1 amounting to about 9100.000 worth down through the Inlaild waterway. The machinery ta to be used ?n pumping out this lake which Is 21. miles long. 7 miles wide and only 4 feet deep In the deepest part. Canala have already been dus and the plant for the Installation of tho machinery provided. A peculiar feature about this land development acheme is that a tre mendoosr amount of water will have to be pumped and kept out, as the lake is below sea level. There will be eight pumps, each six feet in di ameter, used In the work, and they wll] be kept in readiness for use at any time after the water ha? once been removed It la claimed that not only a large amount of the lake bottom will be made avaiiablo for cultivation, but aleo a great deal of the surrounding land which Is now unfit for use. NERVY BURGLARS HAVE PARTY Entered Home. Stol? a Piatol. and After Occupants Had Gone Bed, Game Back aad I>rank Wine. I Talk about nerve! No one ever had anything on the robber or rob ber? who entered the home of Mrs. H. R. Bright on East Main street Saturday night. Between six and eight o'clock that evening some one entered the Bright! homo while the residents wero away and stole a pearl-handled revolver out of one of the rooms. Upon re turning home, Mrs. Bright searched! through the house, but wsb unable, to locato it. She retired for the night and Sunday morning she saw further evidenoe of burglars having1 been in her home the night before. A court? of wine glasses were fohnd on a table and the strong aroma In dicated that some of the beverage1 had been spilled on the tablo or floor. Mrs. Bright Is positive that the glassrsr were not on the table when she made her search after1 missing the revolver. It Is believed that the burglar or burglars returned to the house af ter Mrs. Bright had retired, opened the bottle of wine and had a nice sociable little party a!l by them selves. EDISOK HTKARM BY "WIHKLKHS GET RRAI>Y FOIl WEDDING. Trfegr?phJc Tape on Knee and Wrlat Enabled Him to "Hear" at Meeting. jWeet Orange. N. J., Oot. It.? Thos. A. Edison, chairman of the new naval advlsoi? board told friends today how. despite his deaf nrsa be waa able to preside over the board's meetings In Washington last week, wlthooft e*barraasm?nt Mr. Edison explained that It was I due to a little wireless telegraph system in which Dr. Miller Rerso Hutchison, chief engineer of the Ed ison laboratories, was ths operator. Dr. Hutchieon and Mr. Rdlson are both experienced In the use of ths Morse code aad during the sessions ?f the board. Vr. Hutchison set be side Mr. Edlsoa end with his 4?wrs ticked off the itbetance of the dlt cuesions. eonirtlmee upon Mr. Ed isdft'i knee and at othsr ttmee on hi# wrist. At the rate o t thirty wfr*i ? glut#, HUE 111 DOIIC "DRESS IT WEEK" CAUSES IN CREASE IN TRADE IN VAR IOUS STORES OP CITY. ARE ADVERTISING Progrcesive Merchant? of the City Ar? IH* playing Many Exceptional Bargain* During the "Drr<*?-Bet ter" Campaign Thin Week. Do you know of anybody so lack ing in even a faint suspicion of taete and a love for the beautiful that he or she has never given a slight twist of the neck to cast a fleeting glance arter a well and daintily dressed woman? Isn't it difficult lo utilise all the Angers on a single j hand In keeping tally upon those , you have known to be so utterly void of the beauties of life? Have pou ever failed yourself to note with pleasure and admiration, passing a long the streets of Washington, or any other ctty. a woman whose gar ments, whose shoes, hat, gloves, and everything about her appearance give evidence of discerning taste and careful seleej^on In the ctvolce of her appareir / Well, perhapf A-ou may have been so thoughtless/pnd unobserving, 0*1 occasions but Mt'i a safe bet that your mind and thoughts were far away from that vicinity when tho dainty person passed you by. and you were sorry you missed when your attention was cslled to the surely noticed the countleu heads that turn successfully, as the young lady makes her triumphant way up the street. Why is It? She doesn't have to be pretty. It's the general effect of the clothes she has upon her back and the manner In which she wears them, that oompels a sec ond glancc from the eyes of observ ing men and women. Nothing Is so beautiful, so attractive, so pleasing to the eye as a well dressed woman. And the next thing to It is a well groomed man. DRESS UP WEEK startod yester day and will oontlnue all through the week. The DRESS UP crusade was started In Washington with the lowly males as prospective converts to the cause of cleanliness, neatness, tidiness, and fashion. But the Idea was such good one, the object so worthy, and the TeBults so beneficial, that the spirit has spread among all the merchants of Washington and has found strong support In the ranks of both sexes. It is just as necessary, Just as es sential to the woman as to the man that she Bhould put up her best ap pearance at all times. There is Just one difference. _ Most women know this, realize It. It Is In their make up while man. though he does know it to be true. In often careloss and 1 neglectful. But the merchants of Washington have left nothing un done to carry the campaign for bat ter dress into every nook and cortwr of the town and to every citizen, male and female. The milliners, the dealers In fem inino apparel, aa well as male cloth iers and furnishers have united to got the people of Washington Into the spirit of looking their best at all tlm's. . If you wish to succeed. If you wish to please your friends. If you wish to please yourself, see the merchants of Washington, get into their way of thinking, get the hab it, and begin, this week, to DRESS UP. WOMEN HAVE OWN PAIR. Houston, Tesan. Is Sc*ne of Ptrat Event of Itn Kiml In Thin Oonn try. Better Ttuui Men's. Houston, Texas, Oct. II.?The first annual Texas Woman's Pair opened here today with all the fea ture* that have gone to make up state fairs for the last half eeatury ?and a few new ones. Several wo men's bands and orchestras furnish ed mttslc. Home economies and bet ter fcablrf will be prominent. TM (tlr tm'w 0???? ?? ? GUNBOAT PRINCETON, SUNK, SAVED AND HOME A6AIN United 8l4tfcs runboat Princeton photographed aa ah? appeared recently in San Francisco bay flying her hotnu going petraanlq 'A year ago the Princeton ran on to an uncharted coral reef otf Samoa and sank. She ?a? pumped out by har ow| crew and the hole in her hull patchcd, and aho la home again after an absence of At? years PAY HONOR TO BISHOP STRANGEl Kpiifcopei Cbmtbe? of tbl? Diocevcj to 1*7 Mbut? <?> Former HLshop by Special Ser vice? on October 31. The various Episcopal churched in the Eastern Carolina diocese will observe Sunday, October 31, which Is also AU-Salnts Day, in paying tribute to the memory of former Bishop Robert 8trange, who died a bout two years ago. Special services I will be held at 8t. Peter's church ln| this city on that day. Bishop 8tranfe was one of the most popular and best beloved cler gymen in the -State, and his memory is alwajrp kept green by those who ?UWliiiHiW Hiu. Wcre In still alive, he would, on Novembor 1st, celebrate his eleventh anniversary as bishop of this diocese. TO SELL bIG FARM AT AUCTION OCT. 18 Joe Crisp Farm II? Been Subdivid ed ami Will Be Sold by the At lantic Realty Co. A roal estate transaction, which | will undoubtedly attract consider able attention, is announced in to-l day's advertisement of the Atlantic! Coast Realty Company, which ap pears on page three of this lBsue. The Joe Crisp farm, one of the most desirable farms In Beaufort county, located about ten mile? from Washington, is to be Bold at public auction on Monday, October 18th. A large number of persons are ex pected to be on hand and bid for the various subdivisions of this farm. A barbecue dinner and music by a flrst-rlaus braSS band, will bo among the features of entertain ment for those present. RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Seeley, Who Fitted Csar of Ruwdu,, Cabled to Washington. F. H. Seeley. of Chicago and J Philadelphia, the noted truss expert. I will be at the Hotel Ijoulse and will remain In Washington Thursday only. October 14th. Mr. Seeley says: "The Spermatic Shield as now used and approved by the United States Government will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, affording immediate and complete relief, bit closes the opening in 10 days on the average case. This Instrument re ceived the only award In England and in Spain, p'roducing results without surgery, harmful Injections, medical treatments or prescriptions. Mr Beeley has documents from the Unit?-d States Government, Wash ington. I). C-. for ljppection. All charity cases withtint charge, or if any Interested call he will be glad to shoW same without charge or At them if desired. Business demands prevent stopping at any other place In this section. lltllS-ltc. De Yivt !* do anything tn this wvrli wort* Max. ws must not stand back sblv ?ring and thinking of t*? cold and tsuger, but lam* tn aad scrambu ??rem??. M w?U m ?? Mk-frOMT Elm City i.umbtT Co. Lom? ('&?<? Again/it Washington Horse Ex change and A. J. Cox. Kill Ingawortii Awardtxl Dam ugee*. Other C Several case? were disposed of In Superior court yesterday. The suit of tb" Elm City Lumber Co. vs. tbe Washington Horse Ex change and A. J. Cox & Co., result ed in a verdict in favor of the de fendanta. Tbe suit was over a dif ference In price on a carload of No. TimoUiy way, which the defend ant? claimed wa? of some other qual ity and which they returned to the lumber company, refusing to pay for same. Two hundred dollars damage' was awarded J. B. Kllllngsworth in hla suit against the Norfolk South ern Railroad. The plaintiff asked for $500. Suit wa? brought because of the non-delivery of a rarload of wire to the defendant at Plnetown and a dispute over bills of lading. The suit of A. E. Clark vs. J. L. Bray resulted In a verdict In favor of the plaintiff, who was also awarded $270 damages. Action was taken by the defendant over a land deed. Divorce was granted to Mrs. Eva W. Doughty against Tillman Dough ty. ARE VOTIXG IN NORWAY. Women Are F*pe<cted to Play Big Part In Norwegian Politim. Christiana, via London. Oct 12. ?Worn' n are voting today for the first time in Norwoglan general elec tions. Thero are 170.000 new elec tor? on the rolls. Press forocast" predict thu w.onr n's vot<? will bring large gains to the socialist repre sentation in parliament making that tho strongest single party, although the government expects to maintain Itself by a combination of thr'e po iltical groups. OKT BRADY POR WEDDIVfJ. I'n*l(l?it'? Wedding Trip In llfinc Considered, Rut No Arr?n?o :Mont* Mad* Vet. Washington, Oct. 12.?President Wilson and Mrs. Norman Oalt. hi* fiancee, today bbgan making prelim inary arrangements for their wed ding. They are not discussing th'ir detailed plans even with their lm mediate friends and relatives. A wedding trip Is being consider ed hut the place has not been re vealed and may be kept r?eret for a time. The Presidential yacht May flower may be used. Shun Mental Oarfcnesa. Fear for tba future la the moat har rowing and the moat ^satisfactory frame of mind poaslble. The mind given over to worry la constantly oc cupled, for It la easy to And thinga to worry about, once you atcr? looking for them. But with all Its constant occupation, It accomplish?* nothing. exc?pt destruction Fear and worry are powera for 111 and should be avoid ed and ahunned from tbt -utaet. Wc should not allow wa<r> to vnte* latf our thoughts, for ofcee I relation to the galnJ lt/raj>'dljr (akea w'.lr* pon?Mt?j. 01?oe U la given ad nJ lt/raj>'dljr (gkai r, C. OF C. MEETING HELD TONIGHT Hour of Meeting Hu Been Chan?- <1 to ElKhi O'Clock. Member* I'rged t? bf on Hand Prompt" y. A large number of member* are' expected at the Chamber of Com-1 mere? meeting tonight. There isI considerable work to be brought up before the meeting and It is hoped that all members will be on hand promptly. At the last meeting of the cham ber it was decided to change tl;e| hour of future meeting? to eight o'clock. Members are requested to tako notice of the change. The var ious committee?), appointed a: th? last meeting, are also expected to make report* of their work at to night's session. Gl'ARD GETS SIX MONTHS ON ROAD Lee HI Ami Who Struck a Convict Now Must Serve Six Months For It. (By Eastern Press) Greenville. Oct. 12 ?I-ee Bland, who was formerly a guard on the county road force, and who wan In dicted last week charged with wil fully striking one of the convicts with a gun, was tried in the county oourt today and sentenced to s!v months on the roads. In giving the sentence It wi thought that thin vould make a vis-j ible i m f> ret.? jn o'm :? ny oi:.*r p.irrtl that may try he s ne ti.-k o.. al eor- ct. FIR F. LAST NIGHT COOPERAGE CO : Quick Work of Fire Department I*revente<1 Much Damage. Lo*? Ls Estimated at $100. Another Are broke out last night at the Pamlico Cooperage Co. plant ?>n Kast Main street and hu! for th-1 quick work of the Are department, ?erious damage might have resulted. The trash-receiver was burned up tnd one corner of the mill was also damaged. The damage Is estimated %t about 1100. The b'.az" Is believ ed to hav? been started by sparks from the tall chimney at the plant MERCHANTS OFFER MANY BARGAINS Among the merchants of the city) who are offering special value? dur Inn "Dress Up Week" are the fol lowing: Bowers Bros. Co. James E. Clark J. K Hoyt J. F. Buckman & Son The Bazaar Lewis it Calalw (Main 8t Stor?). Spencer Bros. Lewis t Calais (Market St Store) RAKKR SAYS. The last of this week we will get In -our new line of photographic mountings, f want to say they are the pretttest this year I have ever seen. Entirely different. In color and design. Our prlpe? upon those good* ai?e going to be cheap and reasonable, and the workmanship will not be surpassed by any studio j -'BAKER'S STUDIO. [Ill (IS H KNTIKK PLANT AM) HyllPMENT 1 TO IIK KUI.D TO HIGHEST IIII>I>EI< OX THAT DAY. MORTGAGE SALE Kale l?u?* to 1?.fault In Pay moot of 1 ItiU-nM nnd Mnturlng of i'rlnci | pal ?>f Di'bl. Will Take Place at I the Court ll<?u??e at Noon. 1 Notice of ih?- mortgage pal- of the 1 Wash:::K-fn (la- Company, m being |publ:sh"U tuJaj. According to the :mrriinun\ the properly of the cuiui-any ?'.I: bo sold on Friday. N'gv??a?b??r 12th. at the door of the rourt hou?- :n this city The ?ale la due* to dofau having beer. made tn the payment for upward? of two year? of ?h?* Interest on the bonda and the whole principal debt having matured and !?? rame payable Mort p ap?* i." held by the Title Guaranty and Trust Cu. of Srrnnton. Pa. The sab- will Includf a tract of land, the pas plant, tcgi-ther with all erjuipmeni and the right? and frar.chifm from the city to oporate the plant. Local tii-u. who .irn interested in the company, claim that It Is not paying 't ha* be- n in operation in Was-liinirtiui f.?r about twelve or fourteen y ar? New llullding Will He lieady for Oocupanry at Ttuit Time. Let ter Received from l'r<?f. Smith. According to a letter received this morning frjm Prof. Henry W. Smith, principal of the Aurora h.gh school, the school In that city v - ? ^?n for the fall term on Ti ... /. Prof. Smith'* letter, which contains instruction? to pjplls. reads aB fol >w?: lit or Daily News, 1. ar sir: Will yi'U please announce in the luluuin* i;f your pap?ir (hut the Aurora Public High School will opftn Thursday. Ocrr?h:r 14. 1015. Please ??ml.ody m this anno !n< cment the I f.ii-r tha* ;> high *-cho<? pupil* will i by a d lit t'.d tult.rn fro. that all whn r?"?'1ve:l their County Certlfl cat' last Apr 1 will b? ?dtnl'ted to the Fr---hm"n Claas without exatnl nailon. nr.d tiin* n free medical ex j i m: nation will be offered to every ? 11> i I r?f tli" *rl!f>-?l. Thanking you :n advaree for th?> favor. I am. Your* truly. HENflY W. SMITH. OrtobT 12. 1 91 R IIKAI TH TI. MN'R OF WF.DI>1NC; PRESENT*! Win. flell. fh" Jeweler. I* today ndveriifl'ng a number of excellent KUgtrevllon'? for woddin? presents. Mr lleil'? adverii*'ment in a timely one and we uree our readers to look over his ail It will help them in maklnp thHr ^election*.

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