MOOOff COHMBNON* TO UK* thi% farm: l\V>n - 1 w; M?MANUS' BIG MUSICAL COMEDY SEMSATION "BRINGING UPFATHER BOARDERS WANTED. TERMS reasonable. Table well furnished. | Centrally located. .AU madam convenience. Apply 101 Witt' Bund street. I rr' - ' ' ' ;j A*T?n bv country Boy? poalUon si dark In crocery atore until Chrietmaa Address X. 2., care of Dally Ne?s. 1D-J?-Jtp. Am?, ONIONS, ORAVCKH, Oak. bagae, Potato ?? Wholeaala and prloe la right. H. B. MAYO. W-*?-?te.'"V ? ' j HUNTERS TAKR NOTICE, for rent. J. L. PHILLIP. OYSTERS:? AM WOW PREPARED to dellyer oyster* anywhere In Uia oltr. from one quart up C. H. SJERLINO, Phone ?0. Phone roar orders. 10-Jl-tfc. BARGAIN : FIVE ATTTO SHOES * Tabes, 81m 34x4 l-?; la good ?rdar; for Ml* chop. J Herons lO-li-Ba-To-Th-Sat. HOME AND MULK FOR SALE reasonable. CmUl Ice Co. lO-llSa-Mo-Wed-Frl-Bat. . . "JUB THB THING," ?A tailor'* work !? Hdcnlkrj. That la why moat tailor* suffer from eon stlpatlon. 0. W. RobaraoD, Wichita Fall*. Tb , ?aja:- "I Had Folor Cathartic Tablets the moat dell(ht ful, Cloaaalnt cathartic I hare arer taken. Thar ar* lost tha thing." Thar krap the stomach sweet and tha llrar actlva, dMr* away hear! ache, dullness. tlrod foaling, billons raM. bloat aad othar results of cloned bowels Prompt and effrc lira, without (rip* or pala. Htout poople pratao than for We light, fra* feeling th*r (It*. Daren port Pharmacy. WE ARE AGENTS Iver Johnson, Raiding ';f Standard, Rmbtero. Hudson Dayton and Great . Westora Bicycles ?oW for cash or on time. We also hare the most complete waif shop in the city all work guaran RAILROADS MUST TAKE LIQUOR SHIPMENTS ______ tolled States iidp Decide* nu Tbe* Cum BeTu*. to Take dilute, Oct. 13. ? A permanent Injunction ?aa iuuiH today bj I Judge Carpenter, of the United States District Court restraining the. officials of the Chicago, Rock Island' and Pacific Railway Company from! refusing to accept and deliver con signments of liquor to points In' fowa and to agent* of the consig nees on the written ?order of the latter. The loda State law directs that llqnor consignments must be reced ed by the consignee# in person. My Name Is Coffee I Fool the People All the people can't be fooled all the time, but I've been pretty successful in fooling part of them, although more and more, I am sorry to say, they are getting wise to my pretensions. , How do I f651 them? I'll tell you. When scientists a ay I am not a food, I tell the people that coffee "is a food," and when drunk "with hot milk ? * a meal in itself, we may say." Then when the court says, "coffee is not a food," I trim my sails to the breeze and tell the peoplo "there is no reason for supposing that coffee possesses any value as a Nevertheless, to keep them coining, I tell them it is n "half food," "an encouraging contribution to human effie^ iet?cy?" And the people ? some of them ? fall for it ? When noted authorities say the caffeine in coffee is & pois onosu drag sod hinders digestion, I bring forward some chaps who say it "is not a poison;" "it is an aid, not a hindrance to digestion. " This fools some. But, there's bean am oh a gtlr against me. especially by Postum, that I am hard pat for arguments, so one of the latest things I am- teiliag J?: "Beware of taking coffee with a lot of crcam In it." It is the cream. I try to make It appear, and not the drag, caf feine, that makes a combination that '>111 in time lead to chronic indigestion and stomach, heart', and liver troubles." And somo believe me ? I hope. But I whisper on the side to people who like cream In their coffee, "Coffee is always Improved when cream is add d > to it." You see, I get them oomlag and going. There's oae aafe way with coffee. Quit it. and for a pleasant, delicious, wholesome, nourishing beverage, use Made of wheat, roasted with a bit of wholesome molassei Postum is free from caffelas or any harmful ?ubtH*nc? it pofats the way to health aad som'fort and frecdoai from coffee troubles. . i J? ?>*>' ? . r ^ "There's a Reason" 'America', pm foxl-drlnk. | ? i Mix Tn? jMwtl ..4 ?,!? SHORT ITEMS FROM Neighboring Cities. Tailor Hkjpped With Clothe*. Qrmirifh Whaid. Mrs. PcMlir l>lee. Greenville ? Mrs. Sarah B. Pen ler, wife of Mr. 4j. H. Pender, dlsd his morning about sight-thirty o' clock following an Illness of about two weeks. She leave* a husband and two children, Mr. Leon Pender and Miss Nellie Pender, and one sister, Mrs. H. B. Sledge, of Tar boro. School Committeemen Meet. Greenville ? At least one hundred and fifty enthusiastic school commit teemen of Pitt county met here yes terday with County Superintendent 3. B. Underwood to discuss the work of the school committeemen and to form new ideas that would mater ially aid the schools of Pitt county. Attacked Woman. New Bern ? Jtfhn Fenner, colored, was arraigned before Mayor Pro Tem William Ellis at Police Court this afternoon on two charges, one of resisting an officer and the oth er of attacking Rachel Bowman, also colored, with a deadly weapon. Work on Lumber Plant, CireenviL'c ? It is announced to day that work will probably begin [ next week to rebuild the Pitt Lum ber and Canufactufing company. Thkr plant was recently completely destroyed by fire, and has just made ready to rebuild. Country Correspondence RIVER ROAD 8TATIOX. Mr. Wldner conducted prayor. neetlng aervioes at Asbury Met ho- 1 list church Snnday night. The Asbury Bpworth League Is progressing successfully. Rev. N. Harding, of Washington, *nd Rev. C. D. ketone, of Choco wlnlty, were gueetH of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Alllgood, at Magnolia, one day recently. We regret to announce that Char lie Woolard, of Magnolia, is vory 111. The Magnolia Graded School was commenced Monday with W. A. . Pri vette principal and Miss B ss!e War ren and Miss Ruth 11 m?Dt?. and Folar Cathartic Tablet,. ? whol?xon>? Ud thoroughly claan ?101 Mtharttr, (or conitlpttloD. btl i louiDMi, haadtcht tad alufOth 'bpw*!*, D?r?npor( Ph*r??w, DAILY NEWS WANT ADS GIVK GOOD RESULTS