Thi WEATHEK ? C?n?r?llj ftir Ullfkt XodmM euUrl? *1?u VoL7 * ' -r SHINGTON DAILY ? ?' ' ' v- _ WASHINGTON N-C WEDNESDAY AVTERNOON OCTOBER 27. DIB NEWS^l No. 9' DPKIll ieehic mu HE HELD B ? ? ? V% OMEN'S CLl'BS TO MRKT I* WASHINGTON LATTER PART I OF NEXT MONTH. MAKING PLANS Members of Local Club* Arranging for fivent. Committees Appoint ed. Meeting Called for Friday 1?V . Afternoon. November 6tb. District No. 10 of the 8tate Fed eration of Women's Clubs will bold a meeting In Washington November 19, for the purpose of meeting their ' State President, Mrs. T. W. Llngle. and of exchanging views as to the plan and scope of federation work. Mrs. R. B. Cotten and other 8tate officers are expected to be honored guests on that occasion. The clubs composing district No. 10 are as follows: Spring Hope, Pierian Club; Enfield Students Club; Elizabeth City, Civic League; Farmvllle, Magazine Club; GrecuTllle, End of Century Club, Round Table, Southern College Wo men Association; Scotland Neck, Round Table Club. Tarboro, Civic League, Home and Betterment; Be thel, Round Dozen Club; Aurora, Le Llvre Club; Bath. Civic Club; Hyde County, WomaITs Club; Washing ton, Addlsco, O. Henry, Cresclte, Civic League. A central committee, composed of two member* of each /of the city clubs met at the residence of Miss Llda T. Rodman and appointed the following ladles to eerve on sub committees to make arrangements for the meeting as scheduled. Committee to Obtain Hall for Meeting? Mrs. H. W. Carter. Committee on Hospitality ? Mrs. C. M. Brown, Jr., Mrs. 8. C. Bragaw, Mrs. 8. R. Fowle, Mrs. Claude Car-) row. ! Committee on Program ? Miss L. T. Rodman, Mrs. W. H. Williams, Mrs. Frank Rollins, Mrs. Harry Mo Mullen. Committee on Luncheon ? Mrs. H. W. Carter, Miss Bettle Harvey. Mrs. ^A. C. Hathaway. Mrs. Hugh Paul, Miss Adeline Mayo. Committee on Decoration ? 'Mrs. Tucker, Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Caleb Bell, Mlsa Marcla Myers. Committee of Ways and Means ? Mr*. Jno. B. Sparrow, Mrs. Carl Richardson. Mrs. Oorham, Mrs. Bus man. Press Committee ? Miss L. T. Rodman, Mrs. Baugham, Mtb. Leach, V ss Sadie Wlswall, Miss Katherlne Small. Reception Committee (to receive the gueste at the hall) ? Mrs. Moss, Mrs. Small, Mrs. June Grimes, Mra. Wm. Rumley. It la hoped that the ladiea named for these committees will take up their work with enthusiasm and that every member of the four clubs will} stand ready to assist In the work ofj preparation and entertainment asi this Is the first meetfng of District \ No. 10 and everybody will expect Washington to sustain Its reputation' for courtesy and hospitality. Every club member Is expected and ur gently requested to attend ttj? meet ing and to come to whatever social function the committee decides is best suited to the limited stsy of the delegates. As the benefit to bo derived will come In large measure from the social gathering and ex change of views on Federation mat ters. it Is earnestly hoped that every woman will ahare In the reciprocity meeting. The committees ss here given are requested to meet with Miss Llda T. Rodman, at the rooms over Cherry* store on Market street, formerly IDEAL Pressing Club Our work 1? saining us new cuetomers dally. All are pleas ed with the wajr wo clean and press their clothes. Thorough Satisfaction la guaranteed ev eryone. A trial will convince you. Tailoring by Edward E. Strauss Co. of Chicago. Ladles work a specialty. CLUB RATES ? tt.OO PER MONTH Fhoaa JWJ. E. G. Weston BARON VON BISSINQ Baron von Biasing, half brother o General von Bisslng, military goven or of Belgium, though a naturalize British subject, was taken recent! from his home In Kensington. Enp ?and, and interned in a workbour. with other "enomy aliens." MAY NOT TRY EDMUNDSON S"4d TH?t Defense is Having Trou ble Sc?curtiijf Witnesses. Case Will ^PTobably Be Post ^ poned. (By Eastern Press) New Bern. Oct. 27. ? According to information which 1b said to come from the district attorney, F. A. Edmundson, the banker who is charged with violating the white slave law, and against whom a true bill was found yesterday, will not bo tried at New Bern. It is said that the defense is having some trouble In secruing all of its witnesses and that this will cause a delay. The -aae will probably be brought up at i some other term of court. Hnioker of Chamber of Commerce WU1 Begin at 7:30. Large Num ber Expected to AlU ud. Bet we n three and four hundred persons are expected at tonight's big smoker at the Elks' Home, which is being given under the auspices of tho Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of planning hotter roads in this community. A large number of invitations have been sent out by the Chamber to residents who reside i in Washington township ann oth<r parts of the county. Several visitors are also expected from Oreenvllte, who will tell of the work that !s being done in Pitt county. The meeting will begin at seven o'clock. The "Rector's Aid Society have in charge the preparing of the supper and have been bu*lly engag ed today In pr paring for tonight's event. Mr. Fallls. State highway en gineer, arrlv/J In the city this morning, and will make an address 'tonight. Mr. Wlnslow. a govern ment road man, In expected to be here this afternoon. He will al*o make a short talk. GREFXYILLK MAN DIES IN HOVTH CAROLINA (By Eastern Press) Oreenvlllo. Oct. 17. ? The remains of C. E. Brlloy. a well-known for mer Pi ft county man. were brought here today from Charleston, where he died Monday. used as the law offices of Rodman & Rodman, at four o'clock, Friday afternoon. November 6th. This )? the day after the next club meeting and will fire the committees tho1 opportunity to talk the plana over h? their respective clubs and enable them to come prepared to etart tho work of preparation. LIDA T. RODMAN. Ch. Dlitrlet No. 10. ?> RKlprooftj' Com. FARMERS WRITE REGARDING MARKETING OF TOBACCO . _ - ????? ^ \ No Desire on Part of Business Men to Dictate to Them. ?*" Wrong Impressions Have Been Formed. Considerable comment has been. heard from various sources regarding an article which appeared In the Dally News la*t week, stating why some of the farmers of Beaufort county tock their tobacco to nearby cities. The merchant, who was quoted in that article, stated (hat the farmers sold their tobacco elsewhere because of the "good time" they could have away from home, where they wou'.d not be known by everyone whom they met. We are publishing below two letters that were received thla morning from prominent farmers In the county. They are alike in sentiment and both rebel against the idea that the farmers of the community must sell tl^elr tobacco according to the dictation of * Washington merchants. There la a slight misunderstanding, however, about the matter. The merchants of Washington do not desire to dictate to the farmers of the county. They would be foolish to attempt it. What they desire to Im press upon the farmers Is that the local tobacco market Is In a position to pay as good prices for the weed an the markets of othar cities In this ( section. This has been proven by a number of farmers who have split their loads. The farmers have for many years been taking their tobacco elsewhere and when the Washington market opened some of them were afraid to make a change. Accordingly they kept on taking^ their tobacco away from here. It is the desire of having these farmers give the local, market a trial, that has brought eo much talk and argument on the part of the business men of this city. The Washington market Is their market | and the farmers should realize that in helping it, they help themselves.1 We have the same buyer* h're that othor markets have. Is It unreasonablp or poor policy for local business men to endeavor to persuade the farmers to bring their tobacco, here? As for the article which bnupht forth this dlecusslon. it was the view of one man ? not everyone, Just an the letters wo are publishing below are the views of Individuals. We want the farmers to remember, however, that there is no desire on the part of the Washington merchants to control their action*. We want Beaufort county tobacco on a Beaufort warehouse and we are making every effort to have it brought here, but if the farmer believes that it Is against his interests to bring his loads to thla city, he In at perfect liberty to take them elsewhere. The letters follow: Washington. N. C.? Oct. 25. 1P15.I Editor Dally News, Washington, N. 0. Dear sir: Pleas" ai.nw me >. pace !n your ;.a per to reply to .?n artlc'e printer! October 22. lf>lo. Mr. Merchant says he has solved tho problem a* to why Beaufort county farmers carry their tobarco to a near by city, instead of bring ing It to the local market, but I think his method is Incorrect. He will have to "try again." Now Mr. Merchant seems to think it our bounded doty to carry our tobacco to Washington wheth'r wc get a good price or not. Of course thero are a few chum* that get a fairly good price. I have been grow ing tobacco for several years, and know what it takra to grow and market a crop, and when I put my- 1 a* If to so much trouble to grow the weed. I feel that I have a perfect r^sbt to se'l where I can get th< most for it, and 1 know by past ex perience that I can get better prices In a nearby c'.ty than In Washing ton. Mr. Merchant seems to think it a v- ry pleasant trip, bo he goes over. He doesn't seem to think wo care anything about what we get for our tobacco at all. He need not Judge everybody by himself. When It , com b to the pass when a farmer labors In the .hot sun during the summer months to raise a crop of tobacco, and then have to go to aomc city dude to get advice where to sell. I'm looking for another Job. FARMER. t'ear Editor: Will you allow me a small space In your paper to nay a few words In regard to that gentleman who be lieves he has solved the question as to why the farmers of Beaufort county are taking their tobacco a way to nearby cities? He stated he believed that certain farmers were more anxious for a two days outing than they were about the prices they MADE ANOTHER BIG HAUL Police Unearthed 72 Pint* of WIiIh key at the Atlantic Coast Line Depot Yesterday Afternoon. The police made another impor tant "haul" yesterday evening, when they discovered a trunk, containing seventy-two pints of liquor at the Atlantic Cosst Line depot. Tlio trunk was checked to Washington from Petersburg, Va. The liquor j was of a high quality-*? "Jefferson Club," ? and is believed to be the propetty of some prominent local cltlsen. The owner has not turned up to put in a claim for his prop erty. This makes 184 plnta that the load police have seised In the l**t two days. The liquor Is stored a way at police headquarters and will ?osa be poured out Into tlx |uii?r? were getting for their tobacco. I don't know whether he knows U or ?ot but the moat of the farmers in Beaufort county could carry their tobacco- to Washington and then take the time for a two days outing if they wanted to and most of them can get a drink without carrying their tobacco to the nearby cities to get It, for 1 know of two farmers who carried their tobacco to one of your u- arby cities, as you call them ihte week, and one of them left three or four good drinks in his home, and the other one^doesn't drink at all and both of them are able to tike not only a two dayB outing If they wanted to, but a three or four day outing. So why did they carry their tobacco to that nearby city? It must have been that they thought that i hey could get better prices. Now the question is why was that local business man from Washington tak ing a. two days outing at that town? Was it that he al5o wan looking for a drink with the farmers? He stated that one invited him to take a drink with him but he didn't state wheth er he took it or not. ThlB gentlemen failed to publish his name but some of the farmers have him sized up, a? they have been] seeing one of your business men In that city very often and they have the right to believe the same thing ? on him that he believes on them. : We know that the farmer carrys I his tobacco to market to zrt aB much out of it a# h^ can, regardle^B Of what market he brings it to. But why the merchants of your city are on and around the tobacco markets in the nearby cities haB been a puzzle to the farmers in Beaufort county. It Jh not a puzzle any longer, how ever, for this merchant that believes he hag solved the question among the fnrmerB hat solved It on hlm Bolf . It must be like the old darky who was caught stealing chlcknns; he said It t?ok a thief to catch a Ihief. So while the merchant of your town waB catching the farmors he was caught also. TOBACCO. 1 CASES BEFORE THE RECORDKR Intoxicated, Disorderly, Hrti?lllni{, and Hp?y||ii| Wwe Among the ChnrfcrN !lmunlit Up. I Several raaeg were brought up b: fore the recorder yesterday afler . noon. George Jackson, Intoxicated; wax fined coat*. Matthew Lewis, Intoxicated and disorderly; was fined $10 and coatR. Pors Wilkin#, aaRault; waa fined $5 and coata. Dave Little, npeeding automobile; waa fined coata. Riley Brown, retailing; waa found not guilty. Trial by Jury. Newlon of IVmvliui Coa|rr??. lJm?. Peru. Oct. 17.? -Congress adjorned laat night. An extra eeaaion wm called today for tomorrow, RESCUED SERBIA FROM TYPHUS From Veft to right: Dr. Richard t-.naded the sanitary work in Serb. a iges of typbua fever. Doctor 8tro::g. ??rd Medical school, wan ohtcf of the 'on. with headquarter* at Nlah. Dr ;t Uelgrade. He wears the muda! of P. Strong and Dr. Kdward Ryan, who that saved that country from the rav professor of trnpiral diseases In Harv Amor linn Red Cross aanltary coromis Ryan In head of the American hos^ita! the Frenc h Legion of Honor. an me mis nns Ausirlans K.^w.rt l?lg Gains. Bulgnr Iadh Have Anftuincd tlie OITiiiglvo Against tli* French, 1 London. Oct. 27. ? Teutonic forces I nave gained further ground In Ser bia, Berlin announced today. Pro gress as made east uf Vlsegrad in Bosnta. where tho Auatrlans are en gagRd; and advance was scored in the Kaoa valley 60uth of Palanka. and to the east, Markovat&h, Laope and Kuschovo were captured. The Bulgarians in the Strumltsa region have taken the offensive against the French but the aitark along the whole front wa* complete ly repulsed, Paris declares It is denied that French fore s have bef-n repulsed on the right tank of th ? Vardar. According to Paris advices Russia has completed her pr(-parat]ons for Rending strong forces to help Serbia. Turkish troops will nret any ?-f fort Russia may make to land an army on the Black Sea coast of Bul f garia. St is reported from Athens, land they already are being eoncen ? tiait.d. Germans will have charue <if the defense, another report states The .Athens report declares (it |* feared the Bulgarians cn-.iid not be ?dinted upon to resist Russian??. NOTED EDITOK WAS WASHINGTON V1SITOH A&a Biggs. I*. I> , A U.. fill tor of the Greenville Dally Reflector, wis In the city last night on a brief visit, f'r. Biggs Is extremely popu lar In Washington and bis stroll up | Main Rtnet last night was accom panied by countless Handshakings with his hundreds of local admirer.-:, who eagerly nought him 6ut to lis ten to bis highly edifying conversa tion. Ijt. Biggs also witnessed the play at the New Theatre last night, ills r-ntrance in the play house tail ed forth an ovation of which a nen ator might well have been proud. He bore hla honors modestly, how ever. and smilingly shook his head to the many demands for "speech." Th?re was n large crowd at the Norfolk Southern station early this morning to witness his departure. He was repeatedly cheered as he stood on the rear platform and wav d hlg handkerchief until (he train disappeared around the curve. Kcv. R. V. Hope WIU Preach His, Lust Somon m I'aMor of the Christian Church Sunday. Sunday will mark the last day I that Rev. R. V. Hope will act a? 'pastor of the Christian church in this city. Mr. Hope has accepted a| call from the Christian church at Rocky Mount and will assume his rutles there on the following Sun-) day. Prayer meeting will be held at the Christian church tonight and services will br- held every night until Sunday. The public Is cordial-' !y Invited 10 attend the service*. Mr. Hope dies not expect to roovoj 0 Rocky Mount for several weeks. He will spend most of his time un-' til then in Washington, with the ex-j ?eptlon of Sundays. KINSTON MAN THROWN BY BULL Dr. ('. ft. M nil') Mny Have !???? rclvcfl . <?ru-;l Injur!*-* in Arri dent Which Orrurml Ye* tcrilny Afternoon. (By Eastern Press) I Kliinion. Ort 27.? There is a pas- 1 nihility that I>r. C'. B. McNalry, sup- 1 ?^rlnt ndMiit at th* Cftsewelk Train- J Ing School. sustained internal Injury yesterday afternoon when a big Jersey li u ! I attacked him and hurled him a sr ore of ffft, according 'o his physician's statement today. Dr. McNalry was badly bruin d on var ious parts of 1iIh body. The nuperlntendent was going ov er the farm at the school when the animal innde for him. L'nablo 10 r scape. Dr. McNalry suddenly found himself laying besid" a f**nr*. which stopped his flight through the air when the bull buted him. The ani mal continued the atiaek upon lh?* prosrrate man, and his life was prob ably Raved by Charles Roseman, Dr. McNalry'# assistant. who ran to his assistance and clubbed the onraged animal off The animal weighs al most a ton. and wm a very formid able assailant. A red sweater on one of the inmates of the institution i.?" believed to have enrag'd the bull. Dr. W. T. Parrott. who Is attend ing Dr. MrNalry. said he could not state osltlvely that the latter is In jured internally, and II will bn sev eral days, as la ofl<n the cane, b? fore he can say with rertalnty wheth .er the patient'* Injuries are more than the external bruises. Dr. Mc N'airy Is confined to his bed. He It] renting very well. Ho Is not thought1 by his physician to be In any espee ial danger. ii nis in >T1I.I, SEARCHING FOR J b. CAXSiOX IX THK VICIXITV OF Nl.W BERN. WAS MURDERED \?>u A|?|m-ju"m lo be I.Jlt'c l>oub| but That (lie AytJrn M< reliant Wm l>one Awny With and I lobbed of Money He Hud on film. (By Eastern Proa*) New Born. Oct U7. ? The theory *.hat T K. Vannon. the Ay den man whose automobile was found hang ing over one bid' of the Trent river bridge Monday, had been fouly dealt w;th. Kn>wb stronger and In fact there Is not the leant doubt but that the owtK-r of t'le machine has be- n killed and his body done away with. All during yesterday afternoon a party of searchers d rapped the river in the vicinity of tlu- point at which the big Jiulck touring car was found, but no trace of the body wa? dis v-o\ered. At that point the water Is "ily seven or eight feet deep and. there being practically no current. .? is believed that had Mr. Cannon alien Into the river the searching ?ar:y would have found the body in ;liut v'elnity. Practically a!| hope of finding the body '..a.- been abandoned. Relatives and friends uf the niis>ing man who egme here f r * m Aydctt have return ed 10 lb fir h? Tti o It Is probable that a cVarge of dynamiti wll] be set off in the river this afternoon. In the hope of bring.:? the body to the surface. HA K Kit HAYS. It is a hard old task making pho tographs. When it is true you never And two fcubjrrlci just alike. The Lord must have done snme thinking to have made every body pretty, and no two person*, alike. . Njr is Charged With limiti# {'(?tailed l.iifuur in Kcilutvi-n Wlillo Chief of Pol in* in Thnl City. Nye of th" local pol'.co .jr:c in to 'lay nianrlirg trial ?? Hel ba\ei? for retailing 7.|imr in that city some time t?co. it is claimed ih.i! Mr Nye violated the law while :.r ehh-f <?f poller in that city ? n-l h fore ho assumed hi* duties >%n the do i i force. A warrant wan SiT^rrl mi him yrsteidny afternoon. \!r. Ny?*. it in unierctond, claim* tiia* the charge is* in titf nalure of a "frnai'-up" uKiiinst him and brought about by certain parties, ?vJnm h hail nrcnsloa to bring into eouu a' different time*. It is gen rally believed that lie will bo able p r ? v his innocence. TOD AY S COTTON QUOTATIONS Lint rut run- II 14 8e??d rott on H 75. Cotton sect! $10.00. TO-NIGHT Quality of Forgiven?** \ A 3 r?fl| font ure " Philanthropic Tommy" 1 l|oo| Comply "Til* nUrlod C&KP" 1 reel ?A S|iort of flrrumntincn" 1 Rcftl Comody COMING? 'Nral of the Navy' Price 5*10 SVNOD OF Nl>RTH C AROLINA IN HK8HION AT CJAMTONIA GaMonln, Oct. 27. ? With (he op ening sermon- by reilrln* Moderator K. P. Smith, of Afthevlll^, yesterday morning at 11 o'clock the one hun dred and second annual session of the Prcabyterlan Synod of North I Carolina began here, to continue I through Friday

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