WASHINGTON7 DAILY NEWS 4 - The WEATHER ? Generally fmlr tonlffct. Moderate easterly wt? . VoL7 ' WASHINGTON N.. C. MONDAY AFTERNOON NOVEMBER I. 1915 No. 101 mm THEIR DEBTS TO II1SMS many ok those WHO WEJ(K STRANDED IN EUROPE WON'T REFUND RELIEF MONEY. TO TAKE ACTION Will First Try to Shame the Debtor* Out of It and if Tliat Fails Will Tnke Action in the Courts. " (By Parker R. Andcraon) Washington, Nov. 1. ? The treas ury department today made public the names of nearly 2,000 persona stranded in Europe at the outbreak] of tlic war during the summer of 1914 who borrowed money from' I'ncle Sam to get home and who! have failod^or refused to repay the loan. According to government officials Investigators have reported that ev ery person listed is financially able to return the money advanced to re lieve recipients to come back to the United StateB. Those found unable to repay will not he dunned. Those possessing sufficient means to reim burse the government for the money loanpd them will, however, be press ed to return it. Just how the col lectior* are to be made Ib not re vealed In the statement issued to day, but it is intimated that he de parment is now preparing to file a large number of suits. Before court action is resorted to however, an effort will be made to shame many into returning the loans to the treasury. It Is annonnced that In addition to the names made public today other lists will be giv en out from time to time. No announcement was made as to the nmount .outstanding or the total number of delinquents. It Is appar ent, however, from the first list that the money remaining unpaid is con siderable. The li?t indicates that sums ranging from $2 to $2,000 were borrowed. The largest un paid claim listed today is charged against L. S. Be^a, of New York city, who obtained $1,370 in one loan acd $1,300 in another. The list of North Carolinians giv en out with the treasury statement follows: George Alexander, Wil mington, owes $61.06. Julius Alex ander, Charlotte, $55.25; Herman Burlln, Goldsboro, 15.00; Arthur French, Charlotte. $75"; Sam Waw klns, Wilmington, $16.80; Jacob, Kinei. Wilmington, $73.50; Patrick Houston, Wilmington. $42.50; Jas. Parker, Sunbury. $72.50; Thomas O. Ramsey, Wilmington, $80; Rich ard Robcrson, Raleigh, $40; Jam^s Sharp- . Plymouth. $8.50. BOARD OF ALDERMEN WILL MEET TONIGHT Regular Monthly Meetln*. Hevernl lni|'iirt?nt Matters to b? Brought t'|>. The Board of Aldermen will ho! 1 their regular meeting tonight at eight o'clock at the city hall. A number of Important subjects are *o be brought up for discussion, in eluding th?- wharf project, the pur chase of equipment for road work. Improving the struts, and others. Messrs. C. A. Faucette and l?. S O'Brien, of Wharton, were In tho city yesterday afternoon. FORBES Orchestra AT THE PALMS Wednesday Evening We Are Serving Peerless Cream Miido in Rii hmond Va, The Palms U WET MIPS (EN WEE WHOP FARMER STATES THAT SMAU.. EB MARKETS ARE Hltl VAC TOR IN PRICES. MUST BE KEPT UP I If Sm??CT Market* In Thl, Seelkin Were to Discoutinue, the I.Mrg"r M*rkett? Could I'ay WUiilever they ! Thought Ik it. That the Washington tobacco market pays us good prices fj?r to bacco as any other market in thi* | section, was the sentiment voicett Saturday afternoon by T. E. Smaw a pronln' nt farmer who resides a few milrs from the city. "I b.i?e found out to my ?ntisfa ? tion," stated Mr. Smaw, "that I ca" get as Tood prices for my tobacco here in Washington as anywhere. I liave been raiding tobacco for a goo:; many years and befor.; the Wash ington market .started 1 used to takf It elsewhere. When we started our market hero. I know thaf it would b~ of great benefit lo our county farmers and I commenced bringing It herr. At first, however. I sp It my loads, taking part to pome oth>r market. I found out that it paid me to take my tobacco to Washing ton and I have found that to be tr.ie ever since. "Competition la the life of a. I trade and the Washington market is a big facLor In keeping up prices .n tobacco. For example, suppose we were to go out of business her.'. Suppose all the other of the small ?r markets closed their doors. The big markets in the Stale would have us at their m<*rcy and they could pay whatever prices they felt like pay ing and we would have nothing to say." FAVORS ROAD BOND ISSUE W. H. StaneiH Believe* That Work on KoaiLs Will He of Great Help to Everyone in the Townnhlp. One of the strongest advocates ot f good roads in Washington townchpl Is W. H. Stanclll. a prominent aiidj well-known farmer of the township I Mr. Sianrlll was In this olllce Sa* urday aft. moon and expressed him . self as being grratly pleased with the proposed improvement of the highways. "The roadi are a big factor in tlu-i deve'opment of any community," stat d Mr. Stanrill. "The trouble witU us In the pas*, has been that wo tried to accomplish something wit:; no money and without any knowl edge of how to do it. If we get a good engineer, a man who under star.da his business, to tak chark>> of the work. 1 believe that we will get good results, I am heartily hi favor of the bond issue plan." KIYK IMtlSONFRH TO HE SENT TO ATLANTA Deputlon to Take Tin III There Next Week. A l*o One From Washington. (By Eastern Press) I New Bern. Nov. 1.- -Five prison ers sentenced to s rve sentence* In the Federal prison at At'anta. On., at last wpek'j term of Federal court held In thlg city and one prisoner sentmced at the term of court held , at Washington last week, will on' Monday or Tuesday morning leave New Bern on route to Atlanta. Whether the prisoners will be egrrled away Monday or, Tuesday has not been definitely decided to-| day, a* It f? possible that there will be some work for the deputleft to attend to h-rc on the opanlng day of court and this may delay thein | for a day. FOHHRH OHrKKHTHA TO PKAY AT r.U.MS An enjoyable evening I* proin li'd those who vlstl the Palms W?d nesday night. Forbes orchestra will play a largo number of 'selection?. ( In addition, a free trial saucer of Peerleis Ice Cream will be glv- n to ?rery lady who vlalta this popular establishment on tfttt night. EXCHANGING BADLY WOUNDED WAR PRISONERS Through the Rood offices of Sweden, an arrangement hus been concluded between Germany and Russia b> which the severely wounded noldi-rs Imprisoned In tlie;o two countrlos. who are crippled for lif*. are exchanged via Sweden. The exchange station Is at Toruea on the gulf of Bothnia, where the Russian and Swedish frontier! nset, At regular intervals Russian and (lerman nurses a rive here with their wounded charged. The Swedish | nurses aid the work by taking charge of the cripples whilo the exchange Is being effected. The picture nt the tup hIiows the German prisoners leaving the lioHpital at Tor.jea after their exchange, to cross over into Sweden. The lower photograph fIiowc. the Kuasian war prisoners leaving the train to go '.o the hospital. PLAN TO START NIGHT SCHOOL Mh iIiik it. Ik. II,. |,1 n, High S; h? ul I Hdny M?hl. ut Which Plan* Nil; lie DiM-uxNeil. Arrangements arc un ler way for starting a night school in Washing ton ik rt week, it is planned 10 hold the sch on] in the high school build ing on West Second street. Class d will probably bo held three or four nights every week. A meeting is to be- held in th otliee of the i.ehool superinieudeH'. Mr. Campbell. Friday rii?ht at 7:C^'. Ml those who are interested In the ruov in or t ?either as teacher or a? .'tudoiit ? arc requested to be on .iand a: ;ha: ^nie. KorR-YEAK-lH.? FIHK IlKltO. 15. y Trlrw to Itcscue II >bv Sl*1rr from KlaincM, Chester. Pa.. Nov. 1. ? While play ir.g with :natc'.>es iti the kituhin of r Ida CJv-on. two-year old df.Ufrjjior of TtcnjHiiiin JJrf'-n. of 'his ! y . 5 t fir<- to h?.r clothing and was burned to d?-hih in spw- of the efTnrt of James, a four-year-old htoth-r. who tried to savr ber. The hoy's ciothlrg ca'iglit fire naJ h. w . terribly burned about th? hands and face. The screams of the ?hudrtn brought the father to their rrsrii but not in time to ?a\e his !;;!?; daughter. VNtOl ITIKS ( (iMMI IiKh IIY SKKiil.WS PHOTOGRAPH Kl> Met '.In, Nov. 1, via Sayvllle wire less. --Atrocities committed by Ser bian regulars wli' n evacuating tTa k'ip. fb>b the official report from Bulgarian headquarters under date or October 27 aH given out today by the Overseas News aKency, have be.' 11 portrayed by phcMogra^i. ami a moving picture record was taken in the presence '?f s mixtion under I.ady Par. t HAKVKM1 KI<H TO MF.KT. W'H Ho'd Regular Tonight. M(mticrf) t'ncc?1 to Be Prewnl. The Hirvrfttr* of the Pr??sbyter lan church will m et tonight at eight o'clock with Mm. James Mr? Clure. All members are eaeclally urged to be present. a* there are sev; ral matters of Importance to be . brought up. i <;KXKKAI? CAIUtANXA nr.K.KS TO HAfiTKX RRTOMMTION I Wsahington. Nov. 1.- ?- Ootieral Carranza has ma do it olrar through the foreign offlcp of hi* government that ho dops not denlro to deal with Kurotvan government* through the Cnttcl Stated an<1 ntnte department officials are In accord wllh hie court e. | A rlggl'ng sir'. and * cackling h?n [are not alike. The hen Is of some I practical value in tbU world 5 CMDIBIIES FOR IE ECU. Hurt' I'rumlsos to be n Keen One. t'umlldute* I'reixirliut for Their Campaign. Hal'igh, Nov 1. ? There are lire avowed candidates now for the of ttce of Attorney Genera). X week apo It looked like six. Former State Chairman A. H Eller was almost persuaded to niak- the flght, accord 1 ji S to lawyers from those parts down lure th:s week. There is no forma'.. jetlatati<>n frnjv. him either way but I ?ho fact ;s that Mr E'ler W2? peri lously near riie hat-flinging. stage He would ? i =t - ?- been a strong run-j tier nr.rf made eas: and west warmer; !*"??? I The oa:iilMa*-s are Edmund Jon's jot l.enrir: \\\ V Sr-lf. of Catawba. f I next donr neighbor; Judge Frank' Carter of Aohevl'.le. who ha? hi.-i campaign i::a: hkt signed up and a" work; H. O. Kverett. of Durham, and T. H. Calvert, o' Wake and ("hat ha:::. Tli? v t y nature of the can didates makes for an aggressive campaign. Nobody would expert a i-ontret In which Judge Frank Car ter is :? pnrti?;iian' t'? la" : w "t tin* rail ]. layer. fa!', "?pep." Sin c .Self v ?! Joncit rl.d not a?r e on an ellm !<ation it would be strange if county rivalry did not figure murbly in i'eir race Kverett is a loi 0:0 >tlve '?"irs Pra'111. I f 19 onemtog have call ed his "Iteub??n Oysrr Aver-IT." an alliteration that a largo name *?ik ;rsts. T nonius Fl. Calvert is nsaiat uit attorney general, who will gpn ??rate his energy from th? local d V namo. Epistolary effort wil! not be acklng MIHA< lllll> <iOOI> SKU.MdN. l.iuuo CnniptgRtliHi H?'i?rd >lr. Fletclirr Vcsfnliiv ?? PrcH? hyl'-rlnn Church. Rev. Mr. Fletcher, lupfrintfnilfiil of ih Wanh'nston roll?gim? Inail-' luto. filled tho pulpit yeaterday at' the PrMbyt?rl?n churrh In th? ab-1 ^ptipp of Mr Rearlght, who In attend ing the Synod. Mr. Fletcher's ? punching rnusPd considerable favor ably remarks on the part of his congergation. Working for Mr. Dnuglitrhlgo. Rocky Mount, Nov. 1.? An enthn Rin?tlr organization working for t hn nomination of Lieutenant (Jovernorj l>aughtrldg? tor governor by I he I Democrat lr state convention was c?r-| ganiaed In thl* city Friday night.: Thin meeting followed nomn rurnisl appeals from !oral eltl**?na In behalf i of the "farmer candidate" for gov ; rr nor and following the naming of i? ( temporary organisation there was^a permanent organliatlon to b^ kndpn at the Paughtrldgfe club thai #ol I lowed. ^ I PREACHED HIS LAST SERMON Lmm( Duj I'ustor of tlif Ila|>|i4t < liun li Wit- it Du?) One for It.'V. K. L. (i?y, Rev. H. L. Gay yesterday preached his last aermou a?1 pa?tor a! th First Uapiifct church of this ciiy ! His -aot day was an eventful one and' ti-s duties were manifold. He con-j durtwd a funeral early id the mora hip. preached his remilar sermon n; leven o'clock, received two r r>n f?-ss - , r'^ns of faith, ad alio lite red the rlu-a of baptism in th- af?craoon ar.d con tlaCtrd Ihe SvTV'.cCfi a? tuglir. Mr. Hay leave.-, t . i s vko.-k f ? -r Currituck county, where \ a: I engagc-d for a f*w 'lay* in t in terest* of tht An* I Salcoti iear'je. ' o\i i:m;vf i wii.i. I'.k HE' n 'N 4if{i:i:.NSi.UK > 1 Methodist I'rotrMiini Church Meet ing of Sinle K (<>:in^ There in -Nu*( nilier. T flr cnrbnro. Nov. l. -The North f'aro'irn annua! conference of the. M <?: h;il l'rote*tan: rhurch. will j nn-ft in (!re??nsl;oro tikis year This ' o*. <i s?*'ic3i hoJy of Christian work }'r.?. rrpre? titlng ovr:r 20,000 mem I i?< rs. will hf?id its 1 f< t li Hussion In jcraee rhurcli. li?-?inning November | 17. and will rontir.un through th" fn'luuitiK Sunday Thl> nv?:nbet '* f M.-tl- Mlirt fauiiy, of whi: h ther 1 ?' n'hi-r.--. is Uilrd in poni of in -iiiliervh'p in tin.' 1'nited States, ai d rar.k* fmirMi sinning the d<*tioni lr > lions* of thi< At at p. liT^r** nr?' *?-t | i.ustoral charjt in iho North Cam "j ia rr>nf?*rene?* and 22* rhur^h^s. >1 tlx* liMT'Cnse ll>?rd<T VlKllnnev A'irMii. T'X.. Nov I. K<>p?PH<*n tat ton* to ih" 'it- fa?-to govprnmon of M??xlro urgicnKg an Immedlat ti'.crea?p In lis rlgilaflpp along th iHiWlor. whTP bail dies ar?> sa;d li.l Iiivp tnken rr'fugp af pr raiding! T xas ranrlipj, hav?? I: inn'lo hy the United State*. affording to a t?-lpgram from Spcreiary of ftta'p I. mining to Governor James K Fer- . guaon. The message request- d th?l Kovprnor to pndeavor to allay raop prejudice and rpftraln Indlacrppi conduct In the disturbed ar a EXDORMKS K.(MX(|fU %l? IX THE DAILY XKWH Low'and. N C . Oct. 3f>, 1915 I Editor Dally N *??, I>par sir: 1 havn Just r*ad a pltorp 5n your pappr. hpadpd "TIip Prohibition Ag Itatfon." and notlP" what you say I In loKtril tn W. .T Ilrvan. It Is tlin fl r?t pi to llinf 1 havp (r^ad In a- y pap r fr>r t !?#? Ia*l?vp | years thut *1v<a ;h<? truth wa* no excpl^ent Pdltorlal and exprpjaed I my views exactly Very truly jrourt, RKADF-U clem mmrnrn CALL 1 BOND EUGIIM FOB TOWNSHIP JjUH'iKT 4 Commit Appeared Before Com m'"^ v is This Morning With ?>** the Proper Petition CALL NEW REGISTRATION Will Advertise Registration Tomorrow. Eicks to 'pr, Decf mbei 3rd and Will Close Dccemter 25 | Aa a result of act ton :a'.;-n :h s I uornlng by tb- D-iard o; founrj Commissioners, Washington town |a!ujj wl.l holil an ?- ect.on urt Tu?-i* i day. January 4, 1>1G. for !he pur pope of dec. ding whether bumls 1 j the amount of $30,000 thall be is-?j surd to Improve th roads in th:s| township. I' A committee appeared before the! \ I commissioners this morning at their j regular epssion. with a petition. tlgn-i ?' l by 34S name? It was pr- s*nted : by F I. Stewart, who explained th" project under foot and asked '.hat , ?the election be called according to I law. Judge Steph- n Uragaw also < made an appropriate ta'k or. th"1 matter. Chairman Sw.ndell stated that h?* , J was In favor of road', but put for*!i 1 the suggestion that it would be bet- 1 J ter to hold an election for the entire county, explaining that somo o i th?i townships would hardly be able to : support a bond Issue '] Mr. Stewart and Judge Uragaw , r MICH IMLRKST IX THK KIK.KCOMIIK COIN t\ FA1K There Will he Many from This City' Who Will Go Over for Four !>?y EvmiI Thin Week. Tht-ro 1-- n: ncli general Interest ' ? r?- iu ?:>? Kijirocoitibe cowry fair! ?? 1 ?? h<M af Tarhoro tbJv week. au?l; \ ?*#?! 1<*ij ; i r;i ii service a:-l a-1 ?; r><! ??anil c a:- -oad* a* win be found iu :.n> ro* Snty. the InJUu'LonH art- that there will be u la rg* ai:?-r. ?l.mce fru:r. Wash.nfrton each da> T.io hort?f> ruling thla year, accord , :t;p ;o thr>se who haw this part of 'he fair : n chart; wir, surpass any chirjg of its kind ever or. that track and the rac* events generally will . j h*1 of high <jrd?-r. Th^re arr a num ber of midway feacur s thai will 'traci lar^p crowds from f ? ? c: ?. while the U*t of free n'Tact : -.isi I eludes an array a ? .t s lh.i w- . I make the fr r .>: ?f t';e mo?: ular e*'.is <r llu fall i=-ou h re a bout 9. 7h? *ilr ? nn ? *h appro- 1 priat? exT-ls o" u< ..lay morn-, JriK atid i. l.carlnm arc that' there will : e a larfc"' ard rpjtresen- ' tatlve attendance on the part of cit izens from over this section i>f thej State I 1. \|?.K C'oNUKKttATION IJJllS Mil. lKH'K FAHFW F.I.I I I'M-tor l*ro*el?e<l 111m |,*st Sermon. 1 .ii st Nlirlu n* of the IjOCi*! Christian ? Imrrh. A inrK" congregation w.ih s?r*-s. :ir I at thfr service? r?f i }i *? citr'stlan hur'h ! n ?= r night. The oi-cHsinn I marked -r li farewell wrvjroa :?f K?:v I U V Hope. who ItaR arc pte-i a call J from the church In Horky Mount Mr Hope preached an knt*?r*r??i in (? | aermon on "The Divine Anatomy." The church exprensed Itself a* a'n cerely regretting hla departure and) a ahlng h'.m the greateBt of auceea* Iri hU new field . No announcement ban a* yet bean I made public a? to who will succeed I Mr. Hop*. tt'll.L NOT COX WITT. \RW XfOHT S? HIOL Mri M. K CHle*. who Saturday announced that ahe contemplated opening n night achool In the City, I stated ihJ* morning that owing: to subsequent dtfvelopm- nts her plana : ad be?n change*]. Mr* (Jiles, knowing tha? there was na school of thin kind at pre? I nt. derldeil to give those who de sired H, an opportunity for making up th*Mr eduoatlion Yesterday, how ?ver. It waa announced thai a night school would be atartrd at the grad d achool*. For title reason Mr? Ollea decided to abandon h<r plan v ;? I i : : ..i: h..- ;.! nn w as . ! : ?-a - . t ? Ti; \ b'atfd ' !iat If the ? v a* jjui !? fort* al] of the ,-wr. - is : ;?> at t!:- pro=t?tu time, the -.J : a hr o\ rwiseltn :.r ;? ?! ? J Pitt county w,ii - ? v* ti a- a:; ??.vami'e of ill.-* fact. Aft-r f :rt:.?-r discussion. the i?o : 1031 was pui 1-j ilie 1 tiaM av.d was jtjatf.tr.om.!> arr ?*d It was u*.M> J-i'.d-d to Si iv.' a n w r.-f:?'rai:i :i Acroriinp to law. It J?f '.??iT.?sary t<> ah.rt:-.. the reglstra . :>ri for T ti i rr> .J?yf ats.l then keep h hook* !?;?? r. fjr twenty. The !nv* for registration mu?i not in \ .do Sundays and :uust t::t'lude four in ??*?- :i * ive Siit urd.iv<. After look i.i: i:.to : i .. wa? decided .hit i.v imuW u.U b held before Tue-.l;?y. January 4: It The book* will he ?; :i for registration :. !>. ov'nl ? r a:: J v.-;,; e'.ose on . I . ??m : r -Lth. No ll Ct? ol rA\.>trat..>:i ho given it) Jajly N .? t w ;i tumor 65 MEN ATTEND BARACA CLASS ViMenluj'., \V<i? Mum Knihusia^Cic I i< r IfcM It) Thai Organization. Th?-r?> wimv fAivfin1 i?r?.aent a' ill- i>: *h.? Class r?J;?y U: -rri.'itf T;..* ? a.- th* ,i '??til;': ? ? .?? r|.?*# 1j-* n i I:* ?3 A!! or" :'::?? num I or w v.. lt> ;...? exc??p :inn <if thro?- I'.ur i: ? w ati nbcrs vr<-T art.1-1 M I ." roll. < ?? V.i*h lirinjr.np in " : i r ? ? a:nl i:ih K one. An ir.!?r? ?l:is ron I liy tl.i- Mr K-'ar. C.i ? III SINKS?,. SA V M Kit! HANTS I iM-r.-jisinir KiicIi Woek. Far Aliriul of Same Monili I.iist War. A< r<inllr|r m Mia!*?n?p|?tR mad" Ny Va-linc in<*rrhnnls of Wiipli nptrvn. Mi?ineaK '?onrJitionn 'n r' ??!r Kn? aj> ci<iw rp bt-t;*?r earh wn-li (hn ? 11 kr.nwti merchant 'Jfrlar < 1 if:"-: t:i'ir:iin'.' 'lift' 'h<> xmnuitl '?f li : - ra"- ? *}ii<i far llic?p ?..f Oftoiicr ll?M or in r h name limntli in 11*13 nnrl llmf I hey wrr? rrfiwjr.R Inrtf^r ? arh week 'I I !'? :>o'!ilny season is mpidiy rom liit: 'ill aii'l iji?* Wn-hiiiPf 'ui n?<r fli .hi1 - nre inc r-ctT'l l>r?>ak ini: Hal* c in all linos TODAY S COTTON QUOTATIONS J,i n t rotton- 1 lo. S'tiJ ro*i on- / "? ??o. Coiton 138.00. TO-NIGHT 30th Kplaod* of lh#? ' Rnmnnrp of Klnlno 2 HAITVS MISHAP" 1 K*?fUlAV nffcr* Kit A Ni TS x nil.HH MAN" In n fin*? :l |{*f| Frnliir*" Price R#10

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