DAILY NEWS tonight. Modtrat* ?uterl7 wt?_ AFT liKNOON NOVEMBER 2. 1915 No. 1U2 BULGARIANS n,* . W jfrffi* ARK SHELLING OUTER WORKS! OF STRATEGIC CITY. FALL IMMINENT. HEAVY FIGHTING WhI'e Position of Serbian* in IHffl ctUt, it U not BfUfiTed to b? Dm* per*t*. French Giving Ort+t ?fat? M> London. Nov. 2. ? The Bulgarians are closing In rapidly on Nlsh and have advanced so near tbe city that their artillery has begun a bom bardment of Its exterior forts, it la claimed in a Sofia despatch via Ber lin. Only minor engagements between the French forces and the, Bul garians in the Serbian war theatre are reported in the current French official statement. Rolgan Purwue Serb*. The Bulgarian war office report ed today a contrlnuation of the pur suit of the Serbians along the whole front, considerable progress has been made In tbe direction of Nieh. Repulse of a Serbian counter-attack in the Upper Morava region is claimed. Bulgarian troops attacked a French advanre post on the Vardar, near Krivolak In Southern Serbia, but were obliged to retire after sus taining heavy losses, a Salonika despatch states. Vete? IWopturod. According to an tAbens despatch to a Paris. ncwa agency the recap ture of Vele9, in Southern Serbia, by the Bulgarians has been officially confirm* d. Turkish reservists who had be*m engaged on the Qalllpoll peninsula have been aent to Bulgar ian Thrace, according to a report from Constantinople. Trying to Cot Off 8erhUiu. Greek military authorities, Ath ens advices state, believe that while the position of tbe S rblan army is difficult, it Is not desperate. The campaign is developing as expected by the Greek experts, with the Bul garians trying to cut off the Ser bian northern army, which la en deavoring to retreat to its new Una of defenses. flrwe and Bulgaria Friendly. Relatione between Oreeee and Bulgaria continue .friendly, It Is re ported by a Bucharest correspond dont, wlvo points to the succesrfSJhf a Greek commission in negotiations for the purchase from Bulgaria of wh< at, which Is to be exported by way of the Dedeaghatch railroad to ?alonlkl. CIVIC CLUB WILL MEET Important Meeting to be H?-id at Public library Tomorrow Afternoon. A meeting of the Civic Club ofl Washington will be held tomorfow| afternoon at three o'clock In the' rooms of the public library. Plans for the Reciprocity meeting, which (Continued on page four) We Serve Peerless Ice Cream Made in Richmond, Va. The Palms FORBES Orchestra Wednesday Night. ITALIAN BI6 GUN IN THE ALPS" one or ihe.iip&vy gmiH with which ih* Italians have been battering me Austrian forllfleatlonB In the Tyrelcw Alpa Klevatod to an angle of 45 dncreen. It ran drnp a sliMl with nr.- ir nry some flftfen w'Im away CONGRESSMAN SMALL UNBURDENS HIMSELF Did Not Like Editorial in Daily News. Emphatically States that Home Demonstration Work is Not Political Move. When a Dally News reporter en tered the olBeo of Congres&man Small this morning, ho was greeted with a rather lengthy discourse rel ative to an editorial paragraph which appeared in the News last w ek. | The paragraph urged that all poll-! tics be eliminated In the appoint ment of a superintendent for homci demonstration work, and tnat the] superintendent for th!s work bvi selected from Beaufort county, h* there were !ad'es here who were eligible to properly manage tlv| work. Referring to this. Mr Snia'.l , had the following to fay: "It is to be regretted that an at tempt has been made to mix up pol itics with Ruch an Important work, i I believ ? I know from whom that edltoTial originated and iJito has' evidently been a mistake soia.wber?1 and a lack of tact shown oti the pari of one of the county school officials. ] "I b'lleve that we shou d try by all means to secure the lady for this1 work from Beaufort county. But, you know yourself that in public] CHAUTAUQUA CLUB MET LAST N1GIH Intrrrntlng Papers and IHwutmlon^ a Feature of the* MminK< Many Members Worn Prtwnt. A highly Interesting and enjoy- 1 able meeting of the Chautauqua! Lltorary and Scientific Clrele was I he'd last night Jn the rooms of the! public library. A large number of. members were present and some es-i peclally good papers were read. Mm. H. W. Carter read three ex cellent papers on "Early Industries of the Colonial 8taten," "The Farly Newspapers of thin Country" and "The Limitations of Male SlilTrage 'In the Colonies." Miss Llda Uo 1 man read two papers on "Selene* " and "The First Colleges Yale. Har vard and Mary and William." Mr* J. W. Dalley's paper on "The Rarly Conditions In New York, Boston anrt Charleston," wa? greatly enjoyed. The club la studying American history this yar and Is assured of a highly- interesting course of stud v.! Meetings will be held every Tuesday night. The officer* for the club are Miss I^ena Wlndley. prenid nt and leader; Mrs. H. W. Carter, vlc?? presldent; Mrs. Charle* Sprulll. sec retary and treasurer. MKA. CASI)V 1)1 Kl>. Mm. Charles Candy, who died' Friday afternoon at her homo on Watar str<et. wan burled Ruturdiy afternoon. Per. R. I*. 0 ay ofTclat-l Inf. Tha remain* were taken to Blounta Creek flha |? aurvlvad by I ?T?B ohlldren, I work a person from-the outside of- 1 ten L;?s considerably more influence | I than someone from home. For ln-| ftSauc . a doctor, a lawyer or a news-' I paper man, wltu has lived In a cer j tafia community all his life, will not meet with the same consideration as | a persju from otusido. Tho people i wi'l not look tip to hiui bei-au>e. J living known him so long, they ! \** 1 11 ".ak r> the attitude thai he does not know any more than they do. j "This home demonstration work I is exceedingly important. 1 went up 1 41 Chowan county last week to a!'* nifi: in inaugurating the work there ? and not for the purpose of in stalling canning clubs, as you uti I fortunately printed in your paper. "The pcrfou who was behind that editorial remark, took up the home ' -If mftnstration work i^pon my sug* Igcstlon and 1 am sorry that this .discussion has come up. Dut 1 wish to atate that I have no ax to grind 1 :.r. thi? matter and that It originated ; solely for tlu betterment of condi tions in tho county." STATEN GETS IT CiOING AND COMING Four Monlti>t for AhmuK. IW-miiio I Ti^lt' > Indignant unci <iot Thirty Days Mute for Contempt. ?f Court. Jh< k Stat n, colored, charged with alleged' ntt?n>pt to rob Adam Mclloy. an aged farmer In Choro winlty township, was tried ynater dr.y afternoon. The recorder's court hid no Jurisdiction in this case anrl he wr?? bound over to the next term of Superior court. Hta'cn was also tried for assault ing Hilly Minor, anothpr negro. with a pistol. Jtidgp Vnughan Rave him four month* for a?s*u'.t and carry ing a concealed weapon. St at en th^n arose anrl pror ed^d to make a j Utile apeerh, the gist of which was aofoHows: "i'ae goin' to take an appeal, 'Cause I wants to have this rase fried In a court where I kin got Jus-, tlce. What's mor . I ain't goln" on the roads" The Judge looked at hint gravely for a second. "Thirty days for contempt of rourt. Take him on the roads to morrow. sheriff." Staten has gone. HAVS HAKRIt. Th?? portrait of mother can't ho loo highly prltfld. Even If you ?h ?u (I go to hfrnt up the most fa moui artist of this country If would only xhow your wllllngneea to want a true ilknnean of your mother. It I Ip a sura thing you can't -nlwaya have her with you in person, but you i an h?ve h r llkenew. BAKF.B'8 StUDlO. MM HIIIIM , IE1 SATURDAY WILL U1SCV8S WOKK AND POL1 ciks or ^oiIsty hchools TltlS '.YEA 11. MEET AT 10:30 vloonllght School*, County Com mcnct-mwrt, iCompul?H>r> Atten dance Law and Other Subject* 10 lie Brought Vf. j The first monthly meeting of teachers and committeemen will be held in the Graded School building in Washington on Saturday. Nov. 6. at 10:30 o'clock. It 1b the plan of the county school authorities to have only two of these meetings In i Washington this yrar. All the other meetings will be hfcld in the various | townships each month at convenient 'places. The main object of this first meeting is to get the teachers and committeemen acquainted with one another and familiar with tho school policies of the county for the ensuing school year. All teachers required to attend and it is hop ed that a large number of commu te emen and others will be present also. Among the topics to be discussed are. County Commencement, opera tion of the new Compulsory Attend ance I. aw, Moonlight School work, Teachers' Reading Course for the y ar, how best to encourage cooper ation among the patrons, commit teemen and teachers, upecial tax campaigns. Girls' Canning Club work. There are several discuss:ona that will be exceedingly Interesting, among these might be menuuned a discussion by Editor Ooerch on the relation of the county papete to the rural schools, Mrs. discus sion of th ? Canning Club work, and the County High School and its re Lation to the school system by W. A T'.iompson. 1 feel that this meeting la going lo be a sort of "Get-together" meet ing for the educational forces of th couniy, aud every one who at tends wl!l Icarr. somethlug that wlll| be of persona". Interest to him. Respectfully yours, W. G. PR1VETTE, County Supt. Ifi HOIEL BLDG. Raid Mwlr Yesterday on J. A, Hughra. l,lquor Wan ConrMled In a Holt* in till' Floor. The police yeaterday vlalted J. A. Hughes, at the old Nicholson hotel They wer*> after liquor and although Mr. Hughe* endeavored to per^uad' them that they were on the wrong track, they persisted in the search. Their search wan futile until Of ficer Hardison happened to spot a small rug on the floor. With ateath ly thread he advanced upon the rug lie picked un one corner, and no ticed where a small hole had been idrl'iled Into the floor. 8tlcklng one I finger through this opening, ho pull , ed. and a board loosened itself from Its neighbors. The officer then; stretch'd bis hand Into the aperture and drew forth one black bottle. With a suiil^ of satisfaction, hp re peated the operation and drew forth anr>tli??r lisark bottle. He kept up this operation until h*"> had drawn forth twelve quarts. Mr. Hughes' trial will probably be he'd within a day or two. INJURED WHILE While nt work unloading 1?>K?. Delmar Tl'lott. won of Mr. and Mr*, f Opo II Rlllott, of Ka*t Main atreat.j wa* ?#rloualy injured jrMt*rday af I ternooo and rpndwrad unconscious I for four hour*. Ha was brought homa and til* condition today la! greatly Improved. It la brllartd [that nona of hla Injuria! will ba of a laitlng yr ptfmampt patyr<\ IN NEW SUFFRAGE HAT Miss Alberta Hill, a prominent mil-; frage worker of New York, wearing , tho new hat designed for the "vot??9 ' for women" advocates. It is of felt, trimmed with a band of suffrage col ors. I. May Sell ilorso urn] Tnirk and I'ur Auto. Other Muttcm Were ' lirought l |> l.iiMt MkIii. At the meeting of the Beard yf I AId?roi?:n last n'.KSit. plans for im proving the Are department were liacusaed. The advisability of ne'.'.-j tug the horBe and htw wagon ar. 1 ,.>urcha.",.n(r a motor-driven apparau.n waa dlrcus=ed at )eugth, but no ac ?Jon was taken in t'/e matter. The board a!*o dis: J?.?el the matt r of having a spcria] roam arranged for '.ho flr-men. with variout game*, where they could spcud the even In^. Mayor Kuglrr having resign d from iti?* school board. the alderman elected T. Harvey Myers to fill his place The ?el'lng of oymers without a Uocrhv was broughgt up before tho board li was moved and carried that all those who are not paying a tax for this prlvl1eic<* at the prosem thne, ho made to pay live dollnrs. | It was also derided that th'* board rrfu** to Rrant permission for tiler ?h1? of any more fire craekfrn aft? r the m^rrhanTs have disposed of their pres nt *toc* m BICYCLE Arrldtnt Offum-d VHPr?l*j' \ft# n?*?n M !!??? Corner of Main hid) Market StrM*. An arcld*?nt. whirl) dr w a larjro' rrcwd otclfod spectators to tho &cen?, oomrred ynst^rriiiy afternoon whctn an automnhilo. ?lriv?n l.v Mr.?. f!lyd?* Paul, collided wJlh Kobrrt Jackson. who wa? rl'line on a bicy cle. C'onlllr''.nf? r"p'ir?R arp given an to the exact rn'ivo of thA accident, hut ey<? w|in??r:se* claim thai Mrs. Paul wa* not t-i lilnni? ami that Jackson shot in front of her on his wheel. One of |hn whwU of the rar ran over the young man before Mr*. P*ul ronlrl brln* the rar to a stop Hi* was painfully Injured ami was takm into the nflir* of I ?r Brovrn. wh*?r' he was treated lflo wrist wan hrokpn and ho h Inn sus tained a number of bad briilae*. No 'nternal Injuries were sustained. pf wording to report* from the honpjtal tht? morning IIPORTANT IIUERS 1 TAKEN IP III HE IEEIIK OF CHITT CIlllSSIOfiERS ^ ? ' Regist-:^ appointed for Bond Elec S* .on to be Held January 4. APPOINT SPECIAL COMMITTEE Will Act In Conjunction With the Board to Supervise Expenditure of Bond issue on Roads In Township The ordering of an election In Washington township on January 4.1 for the purpose of Issuing $50,000 road bonds, was the mowt important bunln s9 taken up yesterday a: the' regular monthly meeting of the' board of county commissioners The! following persons wore appointed ' registrars and judges of election 'n heir reaper live precincts Registrars ? 1st Ward. VS" K Jacobson; 2nd Ward. T. W. Phillips; 3rd Ward, W W. I*eggett; 4 th War J H. H. Davis; Tranters Creek. I. P.j Hodges; Old Ford. Hen Hisbop 1 Ipinevklle, Jae H. Corey. Judges of election ? to be appoint- 1 ed by the county board of election | Registration books win be opened troni December 3rd to December 25th It was ord<rrd Tnat C C. Cocper. keeper of the Washington bridge J be allowed to place a suMtltut-*' keeper at sa d bridge until the u?-\' meeting of th' Hoard. the ^a: i Cooper's bond to be held responsible ? for the act? of said substitute. 1: ( wan n'.po ordered chat the clerk of! the board advertise for a ko- per of! the Washington Lrldge. the bids fo be opened the flrst Monday In Do- , cumber. If there is a satisfactory bid, the board w i '. 1 r lleve Mr. Coop or. :he prtMT.i .Ke?*ppr The f u> I : : v\ ; : . it r.v.w'.ui'on WU' pft?s ji-d: H'-i-jIii'U that It is tin* i?enso j<>! I Si's lii?ard *ha; in t!;e ? v?*nt th# !??:? < f .-r L<ot:d ;i?su?? for roads :n \Vu.<n:rif!:uii :i>w;.sh!p shall carry, . W'lJ n : i ! ,::i;<ru\ enjt'U'.ji pro n!iI iL f..r 41 !'-?.! t:j the diabur^faifiit of i5:?- sa.d h<i:id* a rion- par* :san od. vlt?orv conxrutiv, fror.i th?- o?n ?!:ip. OUts.df i>f t.:?. iM'.y. t) appoint-. t>d to co-op?Ta> with T'.'upcct to all :n a tiers per:a.!.ii;p ih?-reto Tin* foauw .:.^ r.nrn?d persona drawn : ? as :urorh at ih? No wrjiber terir. c.' ipvr'.or court of l"<".?ufori con ::!y, whirls <*o:i\?*noH \i. ,vriIiit 2J:id K lward J Marsh. r ? W 1: Ox. I? H WIN k ,:iso: J ?; Mr.; C M. Urowu. 'r . <\ ? ?. .\ifr?-d M Kwio !. it it a : i; :? .u . j k ror*v. K 1. Am:.. \[ lut.'ltff. W M Lie 11. A : v.* V Utl?*?. tii'O \ 1 -Ciun ?? > W. A .. :: W T! J: Ft:.:.- r tl r. J T J : I u r ? i. l. v. i. tjofln W J S. W T ii: * . II 1- I'. * er. T i: '*u:3or. >U>*r Wal'.uc^. M V. Ptj'pin. W O F Mason, l?-aar T. Clark, Sr . !?* I. Merrill. E J Co'.oy, r<"ontinurd on pap# four) BOARD OF EDUCATION HOLD REGULAR MEETING j School Conditions In Various Uarts of County Discussed Changes Made in Districts. The regular monthly meeting i>f the county board of education was iie'd yesterday afternoon aud several important matters were brought up A misunderstanding between pa trons and committees of i!ic*.r. ? Nos. 1 anil 8, Bat;l township. rati ; up fr>r adjustment 5'atr< : I district No H ti-our.:- that .wir ' chiJdren wrr ? : led ,r> a >nd < school in Dj -rict No 1. wi-.'ch No. 8 fo ..ierl> i p : . and In Fistrd th.it lh- had a ri^lii to do so The i!. airman for the H^ard i-xp'alapd that tli y were only al lowed this prTvilego until the 1910 session wn?? finished. Th* Hoard re- 1 quested the committee of No. H to finish th*lr school house an soon as possible and start Bchool therein. I An offset of $70 was made lia'h No. H for work and lumber contrib uted by ih? district towards th?? erection of th* new schooj house. A previous offset of had already jtce-.i mad'* WAYOMECI.UB MET LAST NIGHT! | Organization ??f Hoard i?f IMrcftem' Completed. Will Mti-t Agntn Next TucMlsy, Tho Wayom? Club held a wp|| ?M?nd<v] m MilnK In night. Tb? pr? ai ?lon i hflnK abn??nt. the rbair whh fll>d by th?* vie* pr*??ld?*n?. Ifu Iit t EIIIr It oil rail and ml-Mit*,t' A-nro road by th^ Porrnlarv William Kin* In view of lh? ab?<<iiro :>f tl>? var' >r v??ry 1 1 1 1 ; o )? it : n ivir traniar-t?d Orcanlxfttion of tho board of dlr??lor*. rompopod of 111' must prominent m*n of Mb? <*||y. writs rpportfd The naxl. mpnlini; will l>n li^'il Novrmbor 9th f MASONIC MKKTIN<;. H^edlar m^'tlne of Orr l.od*<? No. H'4. A F & A M . (bin fvonin* a' 7 3f> oVlork All Manttr Masons ' fttrrn^lly invl^ei) W. ft fjlnnlaton. Maftirr O M Wlnfl#)4, Sfty Th*- privtl'ir" tf v ? it i Kit ?f*!vr?s In as pari fir t :4 <-? .own rnid"cl wh<. >: il.f.Tlrr, upo:: consent ..?? I'lnflown rummittt'e. was r:v ? V W F HaMiunn H:id l< liny.j . n: ;.i r?-|j.{? ciif'ir eliil :: ..?:???! :.m- vt-hitoi n I?l?r 7. .;.c at- ?wwtiMnp " h?- ? .1 : . 1 r- a < f I"n%u3 H-.vrl w?r? ; frniji l?isfrict N.i T to t istnr: Nr. t> r.:i n r-r-i?n ft ? 'if tJif rrowd'-il . :i i>f t li ?? No. 7 ?Ph>?l fvr?Hssi iiatr -n- .>f l-:fr ? No. 2, WH'hir.p in :-?wri-h!p ;n :!;?* poni |miin:ty r Mr. W- Willlairi:-. wi?rt* I nl'.T.v- f| n iij'j.r'.ji-.wti'in wl'.h whi< !i '.a i nnl'i- ' ft niis*;?>:; H'hr?ol. T.'im j>f?rr? i:s '-n : li Mr? n)?- norili ? nrl of Mats]'* I' . ill w?t?- allows] fur r : i *? piirpofs'* f T All?*n wa< appointed srhnol t f?:j: jR|-trrriia:i !r I >is* No, 1, f? Ma a.), A <; < Cr?n* hni?-l 'mi papi? fcnir ? j TODAY'S COTTON QUOTATIONS I - I S.-.-I ' . -.11 -.'???? | Ut .... TO-NIGHT I'hMsc n ft r* ,*? Ill-Art I snf Knew It IN-cl Pi h( nr?? Tf??. Korrju m nt Hnr l(n".rh I HfPl \ W'lrl Kli|'? I l<ool Hifrh*nv \1??n I r?? I immim;' / NVaJ ?f i tic Navy Prlr* F>& 1 0

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