h ' DAILY NEWS m WEATHER ? Generally fair toafght. Moderate eutarlj irtj^ Vol.7 ? WASHINGTON N, C. WEDNESDAY AiTtRNOON NOVEMBER 3. lvlS No. 10} WW OF DETECTIVE AI til EKD -LATEST WORK OF E. L. DUKE HAS LANDED HIM ON THE ROADS. IS KNOWN HERE Tried to Arrest Two Local Y ruing Men in Kinston Some Time Ago. Is Charged With Having Received Stolen Goods. (By Eastern Press) Kinston, Nov. 3. ? E. L. Duke, the Henderson, N. C.. man who was In trouble twice during the last few weeks, has been sentenced to 12 months on the roads at Honder6on. Duke Is alleged to have employed four boys to steal goods to sell to * him. Confession by one or more of the boys secured his conviction. Duke Iff known to a number of residents In this section of the State, who have followed his "ad ventures" with Interest. He flrit bruke Into the limelight when he posed here as a det^cdve and at tempted to arrest two younR men of Washington, N. C. ? Eugene Harris and Oscar Abee, against whom it la said ho had a personal grudge. Poll ed in thiu attempt, ho was charged with carrying a coccealed weapon and Impersonating an officer and was; ordered to leave Kinston. About a week or so ago. It I* al leged that he attempted to Induce J a local yourg lady to Raleigh, where it is reported he Intended marrying her. Duke already haB a wife and children at H nderson. His latest adventure wi'.l probably keep him busy for the next year. LADIES CLDBS MEET TOMORROW Announcements Mude of Where Var ious Cubs of th?? City Will Hold Their Meetings. A numb r of the ladles' clubs of I the c'ty will bold their regular' meetings tomorrow. The following! announcements were received this morning: O. Henry Club. The club will meet tomorrow with Mrs. W. A. D. Branch, lnatrad of with Mrs. John H. 8mall, as was announced at the last meeting. Creacite Club. The regular meeting will be held tomorrow with Mrs. Harry McMullan at four o'clock. Addisoo Club. Mrs. W. Demsle Grimes will be the host'ss to the Addlsco Book Club at the home of Mrs. Junius Grimes on Thursday at four o'clock. The W. C. T. U. Will meet tomorrow afternoon at thre^ o'clock at the homo of Mrs. O. B. Carmalt. All members are urged to be present. Open New llonplta'. New Hern ? Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock St. Luke's hospital, lo cated at the corner of Broad and George streets and owned by Drs. R. D. Jones and J. F. Patterson, was thrown open to the public for Inspection and the building will b? kept open until 10 o'clock tonight for that purpose. FREE J To Every Lady a Trial Sainer of PEERLESS Ice Cream tonight only. FORBES Orchestra 8.30 to 10.30. The Palms T. E. WARRliN PASSED AWAY Wed In Sladeerllle. Wu ? FoPtncr ] Resident of Washington ami Well Known Here. (Special to the Dally News) Belhaven, Nor. 4.? New* was re ceived here yesterday afternoon an nouncing the death of T. E. Warren, a highly respected citizen of S'ad.u ?llle. Hyde county, N. C. The de ceased was between 65 and 60 years Jf age. The end camf after aa Ill ness of some months. Mr. Warren was a native of Washington, N. C., but far the last eight ort en years has been residing n Hyde county, where h engaged ?n farming. He leaves one son to oiourn his loss. on NYE Charged With Violating Stat* Li quet- Law. ( tt*c Ik Iteing Brought I'p ta llr'tiNvi ii. Officer Nyc, of the local polie force, will be tried In Delhaven to day on the charge of having vlolnt pd the State Liquor law. The out come of the trial Is belnic a\vaiV*?i with considerable Interest on th? part of his friends In Bekhaveu and Washington. Mr. Nye had a warrant served o h'm last week, charging him w 1 : h having violated the law while a res ident of Belhaven last year. Th' general sentiment on the r&rt nf throe who knew him in Belhaven is that hi will show himself guiltless of the charge which has been brough: against him. WERF, MARRIED AT THE CHRISTIAN' PARSONAGE Mine Midget to of Rath Bccomm the Bride of Mr. llrrrj of Port " Norfolk. William A. Berry, Jr. of Por: Norfolk, and MIfb EKen P arl M!d yctte, of Bath, were married tUia morning at the Chriatian parsonage. Rev. R. V. Hope officiating. The' marriage cercmonv was witnessed by a few Intimate friends. The couple left Immediately after the ceremony on the Norfolk South ern for Norfolk. DEMOCRATS EXPECT FIGHT New York, Nov. 3. ? The Demo cratic National organization will awing Into the lt?16 Presidential fight within less than six weeks. And Chairman William P. McCombs nd j mltted today that it wli] be a real flght, though he s_ca nothing but Democratic success In the offing. I "When the Democratic National! Committee meets in Washington D?-j cember 7, I shall urge It on the members that the work of organiza tion for the 1916 campaign be began at oare," said the Democratic chair MAX'S EXHIBITS ALREADY' IN Til K CITY. OTHERS COMINO IX DAILY. ON LARGER SCALE Committer Left This Morninjr for Tarlmro and Will I'rubablv l!o k Suuic Attractions for th. Aurora Fair. (Spcc'al to the Daily News) Aurora, Nov. 3 ? With the bu Aurora fair less than a week av.ay. preliminary arrangements have been r-racUcaMy completed an J visit or? i re nwt week are assured of th? ti'"?t fair ttiat haS ever been held : '.Is:.-- city. Kvcry department wit* be larg??: and better than ever before. Alaii> xhibitx of farm produce aro alrea.1} .11 the city and other* are arriving dally. Prarticai'.y every farmer u .'.It, portion will fce represented g lie f:!:r in either the axricultura' ^r live ftock departments. A committee loft ih;3 morning for rarboro, where they will visit tii< air tlsa: i-i being held in that city '? l?ry will 'o'jk over the amusement atu.es and if ih re are any then ' s;vc:al merit, vili make an at :i j-t tr? secure tliem for the fair T!:<> Washington & Vandemere -av- arrang d to rur. a special tralr. ':o -i Washington to Aurora during the three days of the fair. This train v.-ill leave Washington in the morn ing and wl'.l re: urn to that city the same cv n:ng. In this way every one Is afferd' d a convenient way of seeing the many attractions here. MAY EXPORT TOBACCO KITf.it Being Madi* to Have F.nglnn?l Midify lllorkndo, Serious* In jury to Tobacco (; rowers. V.'ar'aing; jn, Nov. 3. ? !u behal.' of toLr.:co snippers, benator Martin of Virginia, aid Repreaintatlv ryrnca of Tenac:,^-*1, today asked Sccrc:ary I.ar.sir.g to endeavor to ?n vllfy Eng aad'f blockade. Serious injury to the dark tobacco growers .hrough th ir inability to reach tho jirlr.c'.j i-1 markets in Germany and Ai'-'ria is reported. ParL of the ll'l *. all of The 1 U 1 4 and 1915 crnpi Hie h^ld !n the warehouses waiting roi a market, he said. man. "President V," I Jo on will be th? nomin'-'?, and tho par y will go be fore th' country wltti ?h' Wllffftn a 1 mlni*>trf>:ior.'9 jchieim^nis as lis arcun-ent RppealiuR for votes. ' The Progressives will n:?t figure In next year's earn i?.iiirn," said Mr. .Ucf'o.nbs. "I do not believe tli-y will carry n single n'.a'e." GIRL KILLED BYSTR'TCAR .Accldmt Occurred TW? Miming at New Bern, fllrl Wu Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. H'Stood. (By Eartcrn Pre#si New Born. Nov. 3.? Thle morning a: eleven o'clock, one of the ftreot ar? of the New Bern-Ghent rail oad. In charge 6f Mbtorman Phl'.llp A'ei&s, ran over and inataotly killed Virginia Hagood. iho throe-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H Ha ;ood. of 137 Pollock street. The accld nt occurred In front of he little one's home. She had been icrosa the street and was returning vhen she ran into the side of the 4tr et car. She was run over by the -ear wheels of the car and her body rushed a'most beyond recognition. 1V|< Krnm Sent to Mm. fl. W. Car t? r States That Suffrage* l.o?t Out In New York Stale by lOO.OOO. Mrs. H. W. Carter this morning ? reived a telegram from her nlete, Mh's Margaret Adair, notifying her )1 tho results of the suffrage election I nc!d in New York state yesterday. The te'egram brings to Washington r h firit official Information of tli ? lection It reads as follows: Mrs. II. W. Carter, Washington, N. C. Suffrage dee fated in the State by majority of 100,000. Margaret Adair. Mias Adair Is a strong advocate In the cause and recently took a prom- . ln--nt part In the suffrage parade] which was held in New York city. i U. S. RECEIPTS INCREASED Kcport' of Revenue Department Sbowa Material Inrrcaao In Ro coipts Over Last Year. ; Washington. Nov. 3. ? Ordinary receipts of the Federal government increased about $11,000,000 during' October, compared with that month I last year, the total being $66,348, 113. | Customs receipts increased about $1,000,000 over October a year ago, but the big increase was in ordinary internal revenue receipt* which to talled S 33,818,037, an Increase of about ?9, 800, 00ft. The excess of ordinary disburse ' meets ov r receipts for the month wa?> about $2,977,000 compared with an excess of $17,583,087 In October 1914 HAYS MAKER. Take any of our pictures out in direct sunlight. Take any picture? from other studios of your choice of comparative s!*-. Look the plc?ur< : d:r?rt!y In the faf-e* as to the fir ' ished product. And th * story la half {old BAKER'S STIIHO. , JOHN PATRICK BOW I1-; i DKAD AS KESI I.T uF MISTAKE IX LiyCID. BURIAL TODAY v'auit from Prominent Jb'amilv in Scu'.lauJ. Ila-J Lived l>> II ii:? self Nfur Oiiiakir.o the Citv for 15 Years. John Patrick Dowle, aged C!>. die!' last night as the result of dr:nk:ng forma'.dehyde. Ho was attended b> J Doctors Dave and Josh Tayloe bu: ! they wer?' unable to rid h:ni from the effects of the poison. It I* t*? i'.evcd that the death was the result of an accident. Mr. UowIp was a Scotchman and Ik said to eonie from a very prom:* n ui family of t!:at country He was Also extremely wi-;i educated It ?.-j reported that some trouble or dif- 1 :iculiles resulted in his coming -.o I ibis country anCJ living the life of' a recluse about two m.l s from Wa-bingion. Ho has been a res: Jent of Beaufort county for ubo?i; 'iften- years. Hi 'eft a v?rl:t 't *:a:r-ra ???nr. g!v | ::g sotr*> d 1 h:F life and 'He Imposition -f his a.'.a::-. iU* re -est. d 'hat th f:- :ow -i? larou c insert {>' ion be p'.ac:d on hie tomb stone: John Patrick Bowie, Seoichman, 1554. The funeral service" were held :his aft rnoon. Rev. H. B Searlgh:. pastor of the Presbyterian church, omciating. Interment was In Oak dale cemetery. NEW BRIDGE OVER NEUSE! Will Be Built at Kinslon. To Cost ('<osc to Ten Thousand Dollur*. Klnston. Nov. 3. ? The contrac:] for the now steel bridge acros? Nouse river to replace thf con demned Parrott's bridge, was award- . ed by the County Commissioners Monday to the Virg1:*:a Bridge aud Tron Company, cf P.oa**.>Ue, Vs.. the prlc* to he *9. if 3. T.vr- * .-rtj ;Ov eral other bidder*. Five thousand dollar* f>f 'he con structing the bridge will be pa d by Individuals who requested Its eroc tlon. SEW-E-Z II Ri clre Spwfnol'^'H v?> Motor ! i.1*: ;v.^; ? ?) .! if**!. O,. v -nt on Ian.! f'ricv 81 l-'ii* Xnv Ma- Ipiip. (iuirjnii'i'd Wa^hincton Municipal Electiic Plant. HAS RETURNED FROM SVNOD Rov. H. 11 Nwttht Took Promloroi I**rt la the Mixilng of Pim. hjtrrliuifi mi * ^ory. Vo^' R?v "* . turned last " ^ k>v . Jia. where be at Preebyterlan Synod, -u convned !n thai city. Mr. Scangbt ftatoj thle morning that thf meotlDg wac a mot: ?ucceesful one from every point of view a arge number of clergymen and lay men were In attendance Mr. Searlght prepared tod read a memorial to the la:e Rev. J E. Ba; ' I?u. of Tarboro He was ai$o ap- | rwin:?-d chairman of the conm t'.ee1 ? r: preparing lb minutes of the ajr-] iiuil u..d made a talk on foreign :nl< i!ou work. The n?-x: conven:.on wl); b* held ; Sal.sbury JAIL BUlUKlKS SiiLL III m N't W??r<1 Ham Kifrlvcd of the WlnTralx.uts of Cliarleo \en tois and Ti m Mercer. Al'hc-ug*. Sheriff Windley eom -J ntecl ?:th pra- t.raMy all of ;h ? !?s ?ji | !; jsi s-rtlo!1 of tli? : o word ??:??? received ofl r "hsr^ea Ven"ers| Mrc r 'I:. rw> men who a ; ? ' il frcm the 'oca' Jail cornel w^?*k5 ago. The etKnf! has alio made a thorough wearoh throughout' the county, but the scarch has re-| vealed nothing. MISSIONARY SOCIETY WILL HOLD MEETING I Thi* Women's Missionary Society! will meet Friday atfernoon at four' o'clock with Mrs. W. H. Call on. East Main street. Every metnb'r Is] urged to be present A Week of Prayer. All of next week will be observed, by th^ Women's Foreign Mlm'.onary Society of the M. E. Church aa week of prayer These meeting*! will he held at the different honifj] of t!:# membT* Announcements to the p'ace6 of meeting will | made lat<*r. TOOK MANY PRISONERS illl.OOO Mm Takfn bj lunlro-fior* man*. 11,000 TaVon Vi rtrrday, V ? nna, Nc. i The Aumr C?Trrnn? l <1 rig i ctobor 142 officer;-. 2? oo 4 4 max ? ' . three >pla::es and a quantity ' * r mat*r al a i lilo'iv flitfiis forty I ? h'.iiv> tJj* M r.ra-. la r!v*>r >i. the AuaI ro-f?ermam aro 'p.- .j: 'h* ciHTitry of aoatterod 1 aiid* of Serbs. Th^y ruptured 20 '?.'Ilrrrs. 6, <500 men nnd 32 cai-non v s'*?rday ARE HAIJP I'ltKSSr.ll TO CHECK AI'V VNl'E OK ai'stkim i:!;:ians LOSSES HEAVY ' 1 ? ' '? :.?!? . I.U JJJ-'tl < ? i ? ' ^ 1 I." A - . ? lil ? IJi'.aI ? JnvkvJ. i Jrl.i-r N ? w :.. Nun ... . *. rc-.-is J : ?? - i"i-- 1 > .ward The ant : ?? ? r:i ^.-rt?.a >uu,ki ?. K i a.* ;i . k Ji ;a reportcl by the It- r. i; -a ,kr ?.;? < \ lit JUK I' <i|| ItkgH. A : v a . ? ,>n K:ga along - ra..r. a l :r in iiu:u lo the weal jI the <*.:>? ;.y .? r; ) linden burg* a |i:nij is uuui'u:.?-t U. Hard fight In* j a. 1 ? n In j r -trr r..-ar LMnsk. ? . h K..? - ? iii: !h?- "ff-nslvo liiut.a: a'.'.a< k \ias f eaion hack u a*> :<> iii.- a'.'.acking j . It i:- ass-r*. i > list iiHti- Cjtidi llaliur.H. cr-at i:.i" an it ral offc-r. J .i a-ro has . a ,?i. .? ? . af - r Ions of 150. r. ; j -?i.. ? ,.A -,iK inrr'-t,. till* ' i:-tr.an war . ?? .!-<'arei? in a avHi'nt io.Li>'. !. V.. nna fca'? ment acfor:? tha: t Austrian lines he 1sd:i70 front are unchanged and that ihr- Austrian p:>sitlon<5 on "he T}" anil * ' i r . : : ? han fronts aro the same 'he defonfrtv- forces have held s.nco ihc beginning <?; the war. .Mtinicnr^rjiH Surcessfu . T!.?- war oiKiv d ? clans tli*- Monn-;.?prin troops are Mifce>sfnUy ho'd'.ng ?he Austrlais Bou'.h of Viahegrad in Bosnia Turks t'lnim A?Ivhiiw. Constantinople r?- ports vioieirt ar tillery dU' 2s on the Dardanelles front. The Turks cla.ui to have dia pered l>y artillery Are masi^s of allied troop* MARRIED TODAY AT AURORA Mil>* Ilunner Thi-. Morning It * ::i.* the llrlde of Mr. Mil er . This City. " clal :r> ::-.o Pally New*) No* 3. Woody Miller. ' V. .. 1. UI'M: . N **.. a:irl >1!m Mln H.'.i-r. iJau^h' r of Mr and .* ? ? i pjt.v. were marred h-r?> tK:? imrn'n* a? 7 3ft lt-v Mr. I.artrcnr? o'flr'.a* i?r T:.- ffrsjii" ) ;'t tliia morning - V':i-: . i i from ? ,:?? they s ". ']? : ar- fin rii "\r hrr.'la! trip. Mr*. Mi' r i. on?- ' f Aurora's . ; ir > ' ? ? i r. ?.* I ri -l aid 1in4 ?? n y frl; ji f * r: ! ', .*? Mr. Mi:>r !? ki .wji h**r'?. Ti'*? J 1 ? a ;->V* <">f a"! tlje.r fr ??,ii<N" f--r n htp;?y pro-< ?'<'i.iiis i?i *? r | 1. > Mr. nnl Mr? !. F Cniten vinlteH frl"""!* at llsuk.r.s H unlay after noon TODAY'S COTTON QUOTATIONS l.lnt wo:: -t'? 3-le. SeH o'toa ?' J *th Co" oil ?e d >3 * <? 0 TO-NIGHT Path* off rs Thp Heart that Knew 3 Reel K<?jiHir?* Tho Koroma n i>f l?nr Kanrh 1 IWI A Wild llidf 1 H*H Hlchwav Men 1 rt?r| COMINM! "Nr?l of th<* Nary' Prlrp 6ft 10 . TOBACCO HIGHEST OF THE YEAR Entire Sale at Shelburn-Baugham Co., average $17.12 Prar Sirs: Hairs for this wcfk have Keen higher than At any time {luring the season, anjjf especially on wrappern, atyUJoliaccos showing color. Our sale today mad?* an averse for the break of $17.12, which is the highest ??f any market this year. If yon have anything ready for sulo wo think now a good time to bring it on, ami we can |i)r acte you. Some ?ale? today wore a? fol lows : S. M< I.M- *11.00. $11. .If). *15. .10. 1 0.50, $'17, $IS, !? I M, $18, *20, 920.n0. *21.50. *2 1.00. 1718 lha. AvrrR^o $17.50, f, M. 8hophonl *11.50, *17. *!!?, *24.50, $25. Avri-njf l?s lbs. *21.40. L.W. Allien*)? 113.75, *11.75 $1?.00, $22.50, IJ7.00. Avcr?(f?? 75-1 Mm.. 420.01 .Mr. II ill, who Iihh Ik-pii ('OliMf'i It'll will* BliotluT ImilftC Imtp, in now willi n*. hihI will l*? liH'kinif ni for It is f rit*n?ls ?n our liix?r. Your# truly. SHELBURN-BAUGHAM COMPANY

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