1 ~ WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS ' ;.'?*. * * ? 1 . *HB WEATHER ? 0?nertlly fair tonight. Moderate easterly wt?^ WASHINGTON N., C. THURSDAY MTtRNOON NOVEMBER 4. 1*15 N?- 104 Vol 7 BEAUFORT COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY ELECTED NEW OF FICERS LAgrr NIGHT. J DR. RODMAN, PRES. Interesting Papers and DlerasfUons a Featu re of the Meeting. Meet Nwt m Gnr?U of Dr. Rodman. The Beaufort County Medical Bo-j elety held their first meeting of the' icuon last night at tho Hotel Louise i &b the guests of Dr. 8. T. Nicholson. Dr. Nicholson welcomed the mem bers and Invited guests Id the par lors of the hotel, where the meeting was held. Valuable papers were read and Interesting cases reported, which wrre discussed by the members and much profit was derived therefrom. This, being the regular time for the election of officer# for the en suing year, the followlog wero elect ed: Dr. J. C. Rodman, president; Dr. P. A. Nicholson, vice-president; Dr. IH. W. Carter, secretary and treasurer. The retiring presldrnt. Dr. J. O. Blount, appointed a committee to escor^ the new president to the chair. He delivered a very Interest ing and valuable addresa upon the needs and duty of the Beaufort County Medical Society. * The society was invited to hold its n>~zt meeting as the guests of Dr. J. C. Rodman. The meeting last night adjourned at 9:40 and the so ciety repaired to the dining roomT where an elegant six-course luncheon was served by tho proprietor. After the dinner, which was greatly en Joyed, the society formally extended a vote of thanks to Dr. 8. T. Nlch olaon and Mrs. and Mr. Tucker for the aupper and the evening's enter tainment. The new president was authorized to arrange a scientific program for the next meeting, which Is to be held on the first Wednesday In Novem ber. at mm Second District to Hold Convention in that CUy Next Week. Ix>cal Mm on the Program. The Odd Fellows of the second 1 district will hold a convention in Farmvllle on next Thursday. A large number of delegates are ex pected to be In attendance. Phalanx lodge, of this city, will be represent ed by a goodly number of members. Two of the local men have promi nent parts on the program. E. L. 8tewart will deliver an address and W. 8. Frlnel' will talk on "Why I've been an Oddfellow 40 Years." The program for the public will take place In the Lady Turnage Opera House, beginning at eight o'clock In the ovening. The business session will be hold at two o'clock In the afternoon. Following Is the pro gram for the evening: 1. Meeting called to order by the President. 2. Prayer by the Chaplin. 3. Address of Welcome, Ben. A. Joyner. 4. Response, W. F. Evans, Past Orand Master. ?6. Addresr., R. T. Martin, of Ec lipse Lodge. 8. Address, E. L. Stewart, of Pha lanx Lodge. 7. "Why I've been an Oddfellow 40 years," W. 8. Frltiellfl 9. Round table talk. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Clapp are re joicing over the arrival of a baby boy. who came to their home last night. TODAY S COTTON QUOTATIONS Lint cotton ? 10 l-4c. Seed cotton ? 14.<0. f9ttp? MI-OP. HIGHEST DAM IN WORLD DEDICATED 'lhe Arrowrock dam. the highest in the uorld. was tormally dedicat* recently at Boise. Idaho, and one of the largest Irrlgatlou projects In th country was added to agricultural America. The iota! area of the land to b reclaimed Is 213.000 acres. The dam is of solid concrete. S5l leet high. 1,K feet long and 240 feet thick at the b:.se. HARD TO UNDERSTAND CONDITIONS IN CITY Geo. R. Shipman Comments on Editoria), "Washing ton, Religiously Dead," Which Appeared in Yesterday's Daily News November 4. 1915. To the Editor of the Washington Dally News. Washington, N. C. My dear Editor: 1 am only a "pilgrim anJ a stran ger" in your city, but. at the same time, 1 am also a brother to every man. (If l read my Bible correctly)] on the basis of the "Fatherhood of, God and the Brotherhood of man."' Hence when 1 read your editorial m last. evenings' paper, entitled "Wash*; lngton ? Religiously Dead," I f it a shudder pasH over my physical frame, and experienced a shook to my spiritual sense. To think of such a condition as you have stated, existing In a city as beautiful and as prosperous as this, and In a state that is nofd for its advance In ed ucational as well as Industrial lines, and with successful revivals of re j liglon being held In many of Its best cities and the victories over the curao of liquor, through the efforts cf God's people for a long number of years, of which Washington Is shar ing the benefits in many ways, it S* hard to understand why such a state of Ingratitude to God, should exist us stated In your editorial. And as you have been lead to ?rrlte that ar tlrle through a Christian'? Interest in the welfare of your fellowman; so I reply In the same spirit, and would like to ask through your pa per, If there is really a man or wj 1 :nan, who la not ashanfed that thl: I statement is true of th'lr*clty, and | who would refuse to tle'.p to chaogc , that condition for the better a?. ! once, if the way and means were fhwn them. Indifference on th > port of most of us, is ryppnalbk for this condition, and nasfrfhat you | have been true enough, and courag I eous pnough, to write this for the 'betterment of your city, I trust thai i lev ry law-abiding and self-respect ling man and woman, will make It their business to change this deplor ab'.e state of affairs, by first getting right with God themselves, and sec lonrlly, by helplrg others to get r'.ght I w.th God. IAffectlonat' ly and fraterna'.ly, Your brother in Christ, GEORGE R. 3IIIP.TIAN. MR. SMALL DISCUSSES INLAND WATERWAY.1 Gives Out Interview Regarding the General Scope ot the Work Thai is Being Planned. (By Eastern Press) Greenville, Nov. *4. ? For some time murh talk has bepn current In this lection relative to deepening th^ Tar river for navigation from Greenville to Tarboro, thus making !?. poBslh e to have a waterway route from Tarboro straight to Now York' or any other East Atlantic seaport town. Concerning the Inland waterway i proposition, Congressman Rmall.1 who Is regarded as an authority on theeo matters, and who may well be regarded as the father of the water-, way plan. Tuesday said: "I welcome the privilege of a' brief expression regarding Intrcoast waterway and the developmpnl of our transportation. This Intercriast-; al waterway proposition Is an Inside route form Boston to Florida. The section from New York to Florida ha* already bren approved by the army engineers. While this em-! braces a total length of eighteen ] hundred miles, It must not be sup posed that It consists entirely of canals. As a matter of faot, It is only necessary to connect the num erous sounds and bays along the At lantic lt?*wwd *nd will pnly rt [quire canalizing distance of abou one hundred anil thirty-one miles The Total cost of the improvemn' will t.n a il!t o leas than , forty-eight million dollars. The more contem iplation ??r such an Inside and safe J rnut.) demonstrate* this groat valu', hut when you consider that this wa terway will intersect the mouths t< in number of rivers having a total navigable length of more than five | thousand miles, its va'.uc is greatly enhanced. To put It another way. , its construction will open up the great trunk lino for water transpor tation of eighteen hundred miles with branches of more than Ave thousand talks. I must be content with this general statement as to the scope and purpose of this lntercoa.it al waterway." Greenville already has the oppor tunity of using her waterway to gr<*at advantage. Experts on the matter say tjiat the transportation facilities from Oreenville by water are fine, but owing to the fact that cheaper rates, or quicker transpor tation can be had by way of the rail roada, th re is practically no rivtr craft that come to OrsfOTlUt, i tin is inn in CASE or WALLACE AND OA BRIEL BROUGHT t P YES- j TERDAY AFTERNOON. TRIAL BY JURY Deride That Defendant* Did Not Have Liquor in Their Py*w<??lon for the Purpose of Sale. ' Liquor to be Destroyed. A S. Wa'.lace and Guy Gabriel were tried In the recorder's court yeBterday atf rnoon on the chargr >f having "more than one gallon of tquor In their possession for the ^urposo of sale." The trial was ?e!d before a Jury. A verdict was ^odcred In favor of th defendants The Jury took over an hour to d? ide the case. Their decision of "not rullty" cleared Wallace and Gabriel ct'.rely of the chargo. The court ordered that the liquor be destroyed md that the suitcases be sold. The lefendants were represented by Col. W. C Rodman. The liquor was taken from a Nor folk Southern train over a week ago . SOCIAL AT SURRY. Miss Cora Cutler delightfully en : rtalned a number of her friends Saturday evening, October SOtb, lc honor of her eighteenth birthday. Progressive conversation, games, md music were the chief amuse imusem' nt?. Dainty refreshments were served st ten o'clock. Tho guests departed at eleven o' :'ock voting Miss Cutler a cbarm np host--o mod wishing her many more happy birthdays. Those who enjoyed Miss Cutler's hospitality were: Mlssee Corrlr.e Cox, Hattle Cutler, Rattle Harvey,' Sadie Cutler. Neva Cutler, Nannie "U'-ler, Vasta Dixon. Margaret and lelen Harvey, Stella Cutler and larcla Cutler. Messrs. Sam Cox. 'erbert Cox, Edgar Douglas, Grady Douglas. Abble Cutler, Alfred Cut ler. David Cutler, Ralph Cutler, hant Cutler, Charlie Ashy, Arthur )ixon, Bonner Harvey and Robert Iraddy. TURN SYSTEM OVER TO CITY New Sewer System Bta Been Com- 1 pletrtl. In One of the Finest In This Section of the State. Mr. White, of Charlotte, who has the contract for Installing the sewer system in Washington, Is In the city today for the purpose of making a Inal test of the system and turning t oyt to the city. All the work on the sewer has -?en completed and It Is one of the ost comp'ete In this section of the '?ate. The work will be acc ptod "or the city by the City Improve .< nt Comfnlttee. SAYS BAKER. Just over- the 5 and 10 cent store if this city you will find a well e .uipped photographic studio. Not ?nly make photographs, but does opying. enlarging, picture fram.ng, 1 1 n kndaks, amateur supplies, do .eveioping and finishing for the lade. Tills studio was established n 1907 and is today doing more justness than any other studio twice .he population In North Carolina. BAKER'S STUDIO. RECEIVES NEWS OF DEATH OF FATHER C. M. Clapp this morning receiv ed a telegram notifying htm of the death of hi* father, who passed away yesterday. The nnsw came as a sud den shock to Mr. Clapp. who w?? not aware of his parent's Illness. The Intermsnt will bo held In Winston Salem Friday EXCELLENT BLANKETS AT J. F. niJCKMAN Jt SON ? In yesterdays Issue of the Dally News, an error waa made In tho printing of thrf price of certain blankets, which they advertised. The price* should have read as follows: Blankets, white, grey and plaid, 75c to ?6 .tip. 10-4 and 11-4 wool blanket*, spsclfl, 94 and I1Q WOMEN MAKING SHELLS In the ammunition ta<iories oi Franco as well as of England uom-'D have largely taken the place of mi-u One of tbem 1a hero seen working ou shell* that are not yet bored. KMEIIS IRE RAPiD AT i: UnHISKEET CONTRACT HAS BEEN I.ET FOR FOR A THREE-STORY 30 ROOM HOTEL. WORK ON PLANT Mo?t of Machinery for Pumping Plant Ifua Arrlvi>l. KomIn and Bridget* Are Being Built. According to accounts brought to Washington from visitors to Lake Maitamuakeet Curing the last few lays, developments In that section are progressing with a rapidity that la little short of amazing. A con tract hag been let for a big hotel, roads are b !ng built, concrete bridges arc being constructed and work on tne pumping plant is going forward rapidly. 80-Room Hotel. A contract has been let for a 30 room hotel, which is to he put up by T. C. Thompson, of Charlotte. The structure will be ;hre^ KtorifR high, will be steam heated and flttod out with modern plumbing. Unloading Machinery. r.argo quantities of 4he machln MERCHANTS OFFERING EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Expecl Biggest Business of the Season During Next t\v< Days. Special Advertisements Carried Today. mil B FIEEI IF - " M CUES KB mn A N NOl .XCEMKNT OF MARRIAGE I>r. E. M. Brown of thi* City mhI | MU? Ruth lluilrr of Lyncliburx to ('olinl In Marrl?c?? on November lOtii. The following announcement was received at%ibln office '.bla morning I Mr. and Mr* B njamin O. Butler request the honor of your presence at :h? marriage of their daughter Ruth i to Dr Edwin "Martin Brown on the evening of Tuesday, November sixteenth Nineteen hundred and fifteen at six o'clock Fourt en hundred and seventeen I Ear'* St.. l.ynchburg. Va. I No Imitations Fent !n Washington. Officer Nyo KrfuMw to Prosecute Two \Vltne**ew Who Were In dieted on Charge of Perjury. Fitzgerald and Harris, the two I men who were indicted yesterday | for perjury in the cane against Of ficer Nyo of this city, were given a I hearing before Justice of the Feacej Mayo of thla city today. Mr. Nye. through his attorneys Messrs. H. S. Ward an 3 Lindsay | Warren, stated that be had no de-| sire to prosecute the defendants and( asked that the warrants be with drawn. Both of the defendants con- 1 sented to tb:* 'ffnd tne mSTTer has| I been dropped. ! The Recorder at Belhaven, hearing this case yesteriiay-. summed S up the matter as being malicious and i frlvllous with the desire to hurt the : standing of Offlcor Nyo. ery for the pumping plant are ar ming dally. Th* foundation for the pumps are all in and all but one set of pumps are on the ground. Boilers are being set. Building Bridge*. A contract has already been let | for a small concreto brldg ? and oth er bridges wilt undoubtedly follow in short order. New Road* Constructed. Roads are being built a' ngsi; of the canals, from the dirt that ha been thrown up by the dredg v. This J makeft an ex'i'.lent high way A l.tim bf?r of tv. - re is a: aire1* !y op'.ud for traff ? Lora] merchants expect tomorrow and Saturday 1o be big trade days In the city and ar making prepara ] tlona for what they hel1pv? will he' two of the heaviest business dnvs of, the searon. With favorable weath-| nr. there la llttl doubt but that! their expectation* will be realised A number of sperlal advertisements are appearing; In today's Issue of th ? Dally News, sotting forth attractive values In various linen of merchan dise. J. K. Hoyt. Mr. Hoyt Is advertising some ex- 1 cpptlonal values in ladle*' clothing. Hla advertisement today contains some attractive valuen that are well worth In vestlgating. The stock of men's clothing In this store U also complete In every way llmvcrs Rrttu. Co. Thla store la carrying a special half page advertisement on page four. In It they are announcing of ferings of men'a clothing ari fur nishing* at Inducing prices. They expect a big business in thla depart ment tomorrow and Saturday. .4 .lames K. ('lark. Tlielr large stock of ladies' coats and coat suits has made thla store a farorlto with those who desire rsal values, A nsw shlpmeat of suit* arrived yesterday afternoon and ar be:ng shown ror the first limp today l^wK & (VhU, | Mr < a ai*, at the Market stroll i branch of this firm. Is today adv**r itjalrjt m n> ready-to-w??ar suit* an! | over coal*. Thia atock ha* b^pn r? | plpnlsdiPd with lomo n*-w arrival lhat ar?> aur? to meet with favor on tin? part of th?#p customer# wlio vlai this store during the nxt fpw day* J F. Iturkman * Son. Th's storp Is advertising und": 'hp heading of ?'Frf-par* for f'r-lil Wealhwr " <"oNJ weather In her* and Messrs Hiirkman ari? off ring oxcppt!onal values In blankets nnl covering* at prices that will nppea Jo evpryone Not only In clothing, but In every o'h?r branch of business are th merclTanta offering aperlal v?lue?j McKeel Richardson Hanlwar* Co are advertising stovps and rangea at attractive prices The J'ffesron Furniture Co are carrying n spec-la advertisement today tleorge Ara rnoonlp la offering winter aults a< low prices an>| all of the other ad vertisers In today'* Issue ara mak Ing a special appeal to the public In order to encourage "home trading.'' Head the advertlaementa care fully. Than do your whopping where you KNOW you e?n jet good ?alU'-J CASE TRIED IN BF.LHAVEN WITNESSES U. \I\HT LOCAL rO LICE OFFICER GET THEM SELVES IT.VO TROUBLE. CHARGF, PERJURY Will Hp THimI Rrfwro Justice of the Peace in Till* City This After noon. ('?se roused Considerable Inuwfl, OfTic^r O J Nye. of the leal po iro fnrco ???? fried yesterday after noon a*, fio'haven on the charge of having ro-a!t d liquor In that city n^nrjt a year aeo. whJ'e a member of the police department of Rejhav en The Jury took on'y a few min ute* to arrive ?* a decision and re ?urr. d w!'h a verdict of not guilty. The ca?e was tried before Recorder ' A. Leigh On motion f -r the defense. W. H. Fortlecue was marked as prosecut :ic witness and wa* taxed with the u>ta of court. H?> appealed and la under J200 bond to guarantee hiB a*>p?arance at the next term of Su ?u-r or court. The State Introduced the follow up witnesses: Pat Fitzgerald, D's ?t:on Harrl?. Nathan uanlela and Eortier Midyette. Fitzgerald and Harris Mated positively that they ?i;id purchased whiskey from O. J. Nye on several occasions, while Na than Danle'a and Erncr Mldyette swore that they had bought whiskey and beer in Nye's cafe but that bo i Nye) wa? not prea nt at the tlmea n question. Ny? testified that he had never sold a drop of whiskey In his life, never knew of any being aold in his place of business and he did not :lr!nk. Claude Manning. Bee}. I)aolel? and Henry Harris swor"1 that Demon Harris stated In their hearing after he had teen subpo??r.ed, that he wai corry he was in the ra?? and that ho had nnt hought whiskey from Nye L'tn Combs stated that he had a conversation with Fitzgerald be fore the Justice of Peace tr:al and afterwards F:*.zgera'd h? stated, ?ald that he had never bought whls '<ry from Ny and af'er r . ? trial Fitzgerald stated to Combs :n the ire?ence of Nelson DSxon: "Combs, . -1 * yr>u e a ! 1 In the Justice of the *'- i trial rfpardinp what I sa!d to : j . nu* Nye was the truth." Dixon ?ih? ?r.".a*.ed Combs In his state rtfnt. \V L. r?den. D. I.*?ofsky. O L. w:nd?'.l. Ijt S. LI. Mariner and R. .. Smith t?Ft;fled ah to tho good amr'or of O J Nye. Mr Nyp wns represented by H. R. .'"ard and I. f Warren. Th^ 1n r<>*iH of *.:,e 3:ate wore under tho irn of JoVin t?. Tooly. Th?- Jury co-*;s'"d r.r J E. wtl ns'?n. J P f!ark. F. W. I.ntha:n. \f r r'or.p*T, H. F. MaralB?on and W. H^t-pas*. Charged With P^rjnry. Af '-r t hr? trial. Hcmon FlarrSe anrl at PiUgTa'd, two of the principal .rue" 'or In the case, wpr indicted r perjury and are to be tried In '.Islington i oil My before Justice of if {?? ace, Arthur Mayo. I>u" *f? the fact that th ft<"t. which ? y wac charRM with, had been >inni r*rrj fihuir. a y^ar ago anrl no '??I'iti In vine hern taken until the r'"fnt time. S' appoara lo h?> I h ?s nnreiisuK of opinion In Helhavec ha* iVe proB^ciilton wa? holh frl* Our mid malicious. TO-NIGHT F.NTIRR C HA NOR OF PROGRAM TONIOHT 6 GOOD RF.KI^S? ? Trice 5A10

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