' ? " " WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS *** WBATHrR ? O.n.rHtJ |Klr tstlgbt. Modtrsu Mauri? wta^i Vol.7 WASHINGTON N,C. FRIDAY WtERNOON NOVEMBER 5. WIS No. 11 S TWO, SERBIAN CITIES HAVE BEEN TAKEN STRATEGIC POINTS ARK SEIZED BY TEUTONIC-SERBIAN FORCES. I _______ OTHER WAR NEWS Bulgarians Held la Cheek la Soath Sertia. Oermimi Claim Gain in France and Rasa la. Aoitrlau Nnable to Gala. London, Not. 5._in Southern Serbia the Bulgarians who are marching on Monastlr are being held in check near PrllJp, about twenty five mile* northwest ot Monntlr. a Balonlki despatch states. Teuton# Take City. Teutonic troops pressing the Ser bian# southward bare captured Krallevo, about twenty miles south east of Cacak, along the railroad which runs from Northwestern 8erbla to Nlsh, and approximately the same distance southwest of Kraguyerats. Bulgarian troops have stormed the town of Kalafat. thus reaching a point only about sU miles from Nlsh. Gera*ns Gain In France. Berlin reports the capture of eight hundred yards of a French trench tnear Masslg s In the Champagne district. The current French report claims that the major portion of the ground gained by the Germans In the Massiges sector was regsined In counter-attacks. Advance in Russia. Field Marshal Von Hindenburg's troops have pushed their way back to the line in the lake district south west of Ovlnsk, from which they were obliged to withdraw recently under Ruasian pressure, the Ger man war office announces. French Deny Lowes. Advanced trenches in the Cham pagne district recently taken by the Germans have been recaptured by Ulft French, the Paris war office an nounced today. Most of the Oerman gain was cancelled by the French counter-attacks. It is asserted. i Austrian* Held la Ctieck. I The Austrian armt<s have failed in the counter-attacks by which they sought to fetake positions which the Italians captured in their offensive movement. Rome declares. Troops at Salotilkl. Additional French troops. Paris announces, are being landed at 8alonlkl. SOCIAL CLU5 FOR NAVAL MILITIA ArmnRnnfiiU Being Made to Pro Tide the Member* with Books and Magazines. In order to provide means of re creation and reading good literature the local division of the state naval militia are endeavoring to furnish' the members with all of the curront magazines, various "gsMes, etc. The intention is to fit up a place where the members can oongregate even ings and enjoy themselves. The "club," If It may be termed such, will be opened In the sear future. The movement promises (o keep up Interest in the naval militia and at the aame time supplier a muchly needed want. WILL on SCHOOL WflRK pin MEETING OP OOCNTY TEACHERS AND OTHERS TO BE HELD TOMORROW. MANY EXPECTED School Committeemen and Intorr?t | od Citisens Will Also b? Present. Will Also Discuss Home Demon* station Work. | A large cumber of the teachers In the county schools, the school committeemen and cltlrens who are interested In the school work of the county, are expected to be present at the meeting that Is to be held to morrow morning In the high school auditorium. The me'ting. will start At 10:30. One of the most Important topics to be taken up will be a discussion of the moonl(?ht schools In the county. This work is being under taken by many counties throughout the State and Beaufort county ex pects to do Its share In reducing the number of Illiterates within its bor dera. Several addr6taee will be made on the yarlous details In connection with the moonlight schools. Other' subjects will also be brought up. I Mrs. Bain, of Payttevllle, will be present and speak on the plans for 'tome demonstration work In the 'ounty. She will have Borne Impor ant information to give out in re ard to this subject. TURNED DOWN Commissioners of Pasquotank Coun ty Refuse to Put Up $500 for the Work. (By Eastern Press) Elizabeth City, Nov. 5. ? The Board of Commissioners of Pa*qu:> tank turned down the petition of the Olrls Canning Club for an ap propriation of $500 to be devot'd to carrying on the educational work of the canning movement in this coifn ty. The Commissioners donated 9100 Instead. This 1100 will be supplemented by an appropriation of $100 from the State and national governments from the 8mith-Lever fund. It la estimated that S1.00C is needed to make the work a suc cess In Pasquotank and as the Smith Lever fund provides an appropria tion of $100 for every $100 appro printed by the county, It as hoped thr> Commissioners would not hesl tato to make the $600 appropriation The women behind the canning club movement are not altogether dlsheartcnel however and they be lieve that the commissioners will appropriate more money when they get a little better understanding of the work for which the appropria tion 1? asked. The Pasquotank' commissioners shou'd be further en couraged by the fact that the Com missioners of Beaufort and Chowan last we'k appropriated $500 on fit fdt canning propaganda in tholr counties. O. HENRY CLUB MET YESTERDAY P.M. Meeting Held With Mra. W. A. R. Branch. Rfwlkot Paper bjr Mrs. N. L. Simmon*. The O. Henry Book Club, with a full attendance, was pleasantly eo tentalned yesterday afternoon by Mrs. W. A. B. Branch at her hopie. After the formal opening a very In teresting and Instructive paper, "A Sketch of Oliver Cromwll and the Party Division brought about In his time/' was prepared and delightfully read by Mrs. Norwood Simtoonn. Then Mrs. L. H. Mann, in her swfcet I voice and attractive manner, read "Marian*," the pathetic and touth-j Ing poem by tennyson. After rMd-j log Act 4 of "Measure for Meaerure" by the club * delicious salad cours*{ was served by the hostess In her umi eUrmiDf nuaqtr | BELGIAN SCOUTING P/VRTY IN FLANDER? a""h,lV*taCn^erC.OUtI?' dre*V><1 Unlt0rm lu ?to?lUill7 over a pontoou brldf NARROW ESCAPE FROM BULLET Leaden MIsatle Whizzed Past lira Who Were Work in Eureka Lumber Company Shed. Several employes at the Eureka Lumber Co., who were working lu one of the Birds during the early part of the week, had a narrow es -ape when they wert> visited by a 14 calibre rifle bullet, which had videntlv Wren flred by someone up he river and which whizzed past heui and burled Itself in the wall jf the shod. The "Fool-Killer" is undoubted ly oo tho trail of the man who was o carel ss in the use of firearms and who paid no attention to the hances he took In hitting anyone, f he. will make kown his identity ind will visit the Eureka mill, a Ararat reception awaits him. LIEUT. M ALLISON IS A BENEDICT Beautiful Wedding Took Place Last Thursday Evening at the Home of Ills Urkle. Lieutenant Mallison, of this city, was married to Miss Warner, of letnessee, last Thursday evening. The? following account of the cere uiny appeared in Friday's Issue of .he Nashville Tonne s*ean : In the spacious hall of "Royal Jaks" last mgbt at 7 o'clock, M5i? dary Thomas Warner was marriel o Lieut. William Thomas Mallison, if the United States navy. The eve.nl v?s one of interest and importance, n tho social world, owing to tbo ?romlnence of the couple. The bride & tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'ercy Warner. Dr. James I. Vance read the marriage rTtes and the ma lic for tho occasion was played by vl r*. Quest's orchestra. The handsome home, which shoar d a beautiful floral decorative ef fect, was an artistic setting for the pink and blue colors of the gowns >f the bride's attendants and tho lovely costumes worn by the guests. The bridal party approached the %1 ar, which was built before the large >pen fireplace opposlto the stairway, lhe matron and maids descended n couples, and the bride presented I i charming picture as she descended! alone. Sho was very beautiful In | ,er gown of white satin, elaborately! Tlmnrd with heirloom rose polnte' lace. Her veil was of rose polnte, tnd the bouquet a shower of lilies >f the valley. 8he was given In marriage by her father. Mrs, C?~cll Ewlng was matron of honor. 8he wore her wedding gown of lace and tulle. She was accom panied by Miss Elizabeth Overton Lea. who wore a costume of white taffeta embroldrfed In silver and finished with silver lace and for. | They carried fan-shaped bouquets of Klllarney roses, fastened with blue streamers. The bride's two sisters. Misses Margaret and Percls Warner, were the bridesmaids. Miss War ner's costume was of pink taffeta combined with stiver laoe and tulle Miss Percle Warner wore a bins taf feta. They carried Frenoh bouquets. Mr. Mallison wtia- attended by klr brother, Mr. Samuel Mallison, of Washington, N. C.; Luke Lea, Jr.. ?nd Perey Warnsr Lea, the bride's Aephews, were the pillow bearer*. IContlRMj 90 p*t? four) mi hi WASHINGTON 4 VANDEMKRE ANNOUNCE SCHEDULE TO BE MAINTAINED. LEAVE HERE 10:30 Hemming Train "Will Leave Aurora ?i 4:30. Amusement Feature* of tiie Fair Arranged for. The wiijington & Yandeme** Railroad have made special arrange-, raents for handling the largo crowds that are expected to visit the Au rora fair next week. The following schedule will be maintained during the thr^e days of the fair: Leave Washington each day, 10.30 a m. Returning { Leave Aurora, 4:30 p. m. With th'-s schedule In effect, vis itors from Washington will be on abled to visit Aurora, view tbe at tractions at the fafr, and return homo In time for supper. Tralui. wi'.l stop at the Norfolk Southern junction to take on passengers from New Burn and Raleigh tralnB. Amusements Arranged For. The committer, in charge of the amusement features of the fair, have practically engaged all of the at tractions. They visited the Tarboro fair this week and entrred Into con tract with several of the best foa turoB at >!iat fair. This end of the fair pronv.se* to be well attended to MEETING OF THE ADDISCO CLUB Club Wm EntcrtaliMHl Yesterday Afternoon bjr Mrs. Dmute (irlmet. Tbo lovely Indian Summer after noon brought nearly every member to the meeting of tbe Addiico Club, yesterday, Mrs. Demsle Grimes be ing tbo hoffteem at the home of Mr.i J. D. Grimes on Drldge street. There wan a great Interest taken In the movement for a "Month of MoonUght School," many pledging Iheir time and money for this caus . The papers for the afternoon were "Famous American Woman Paint ers," by Mm. John Charles, anl "Art In the Home? the Pictures we Love to Live With," by Mrs. Jno. II. Sparrow. Both of these papers gave keen enjoyment, being rich In the knowledge that cultivates and full of Information that will be helpfjl, it the samp tlmo Interesting and en tertaining. There were several out of town q;ue?rta present which added to the pleasure of this occasion. After a most delicious salad course he meeting adjourned to meat with vfrs. John Rodman November 18th. RAKKR BAYS. We are well prepared and most highly equipped tot. turnlag out ?ome of th* most execllent photo graphic wotk between now and Christmas that yo<l have ever seen. Ah fgrlr appointment saves a rush BAKSR'f} fTUDIO. WILL DISCUSS NIGHT SCHOOL Meeting Co be Held Tonight. Every on? id Urged to be Present ?uid i Aid In the Movement. A large number of persons ar? expected to be present at the meet log, which is to be held at 7:30 o' c'ock tbl? evening at the high schoo for the purpose of discussing plan for forming a night scboc!. Every resident of the communis who is lnt rested in the organlzatloi of a school of this kind, Is urged i be- present at tonight's meeting an< aid by giving an opinion as to tin best method of procedure. OR CUES LOT Greenville Take** Progressive 8te| | Towarda Securing a Public Library. (By Eastern Press) Greenville, Nov. 5 ? At a me'ting of the board of aldermen last night. !f was decided that the city donate a lot. In front of the graded schoo building, ?o l>e used as a slto for i public llbiary. The lot li know: as th? "Town Commons" and is on of the most desirable locations In th city for this purpose. It Is stated that an effort will a' once be made for entering Into com r.iunlcatlon with ihe Carnegie Ll or.iry Fun -J Association and that I | will be erd avored to have a Car negie L'brary here. LIST OF LETTEHH. Remaining uncalled for In this of | .Ice for the week ending Washington, N. C , Oct. 30, 191 r, MEN ? Willie Dawson, S. R. Hodges, (' I H. Hardlson, H. W. Hymao, CharlU I Kennedy, Fred Nowman, W. D. Pen-| der. W. H. Reaves, M. G. Wright WOMEN ? Mrs: J. J. Daker, Miss I.ula Rat tle, Mrs. R. F. Devann, Mrs. Eflle Mann. Mrs. Mary Green, Mrs. Mo isa I^ewls, Mlfm Nancy Moore. Mrs Ntery Smith. Mrs. Marina Washing ton. These letters will be sent to th dead letter office November lit, 1915, If not delivered before. In calling for th" above, please say "Adver tised" giving data of ll?t. N. IIENRY MOORE. P M A CARI> OF THANKS. Dear Editor of tb? Dally New*: ? Through your good paper I wish to thank the good people of Washing ton for their goodness and hospital ity they showed me during my wife's Illness; also the dear loving people of Gllcad who h Iped me and gave me such kind and cheering word*. May the l,ord hlee* and comfort them for thhi I sincerely wish from my heart. CHAR R. CANDY. TODAY S COTTON QUOTATIONS Lint cotton ? 10 3-4c Seed cotton ? $4.30. Cotton 9fOd ? IM 00, EXPLAINS HOW BOND ISSUE sy, BE mm ON THE BOADSJF^TIE TOWNSHIP Sec'y of Washington Good Roads Association Clears up Matters VOTERS' INTEREST CARED FOR Advisory Committee Probably Appointed. Work will Be Dons Under the Supervision of State High way Commission Dear elr: Editor W. K. Jacabson, in his sue of the Washington Progrrss of Thursday. November 4. 1515, tn a very pointed and timely editorial on the good roads question, now con fronting the voters and tax payers of Washington township, takes tbe| position that unless the voters and ! ?.ax payers of the township know | "who Is to have the handling of j this money and the management of the road construction, there will be i considerable number who ire fa- j ? orable to good roivda who will not' ? ote for the bond Issue" In this osltlon, Editor Jacobson voices not ? nly the sentiment of himself, but hat of a largo percentage of the ot-rs and lax payers In the town ship as well. To the end, therefore, that this I ery vital and essential point may bo lade perfectly clear at the outset, he Washington Township Good loads Association, through the writ r. as its secretary, begs leave to ubmlt the following explanation: The proposed bond Isfuo for good oe.ds in Washington Township is olely a measure of progress and approvement. It had Its origin In h- Chamber of Commerce of Wash- 1 ngton, and from ItB inception up to he present time, it has bean backed nd supported by all political rat ions and business elements of the own and township. The men who ire behind the project have only the. vol fare and beet Interest of the com-| munity at heart, and thev are Just | s anxious to see that every dollar of this money Is wisely and jud c-J ? ously spent; that every element of, favoritism and partisan politics ;hall be eliminated, as any single ? nter In the township can possibly p. Indeed, the eradication of thlsj ? ery thing from the movement, as a| whole, has been the flrst consld r tlon of the supporters of t'.e Pf?-; ?ct. It was this very thing the: ?\used the committee, who appeared -efore the Hoard of County Cnm jlsslon'.-.s o.i last Monday morning, o urge fhe -oxntr.J-slon r-. with a reat degree of Insistence, that. re-, ardless nf how the commissioners; hould decide to manage the projeet.j a non-partisan commut e, consisting exclusively of out of town voters and tax payers from each section of the tuwuajrf jj, bhuuld be appointed to sit In an advisory capacity with those ;n charge of the work, to t lie end that every section of th- township might have representation and an ypportunlty to be heard on the ques tion of what roads should be work ed or built, and how the coney ehall be spent. Now th'- law under which wo are operating, directs the Board of Commissioners either to handle the money themselves, or. to specify a committee of Road Supervisors to handle sam . if, for good and suf Iclent reasons, then, the Board of County Commissioners shall decide that they will not direct the expen diture of this money, then the Wash ngton Township Uood Roads Asso ail:.n Is going to 1 ave no stoue unturned to a*.e that an absolutely .'air minded, responsible, non-parti san commit *.eo of Road Supervisors lw appointed who will do e:iual and cxart Justice lietwecn all parti s concerned, show no favoritism, but bend every effort to aeo thai th* people g"t value received for every dollar that Is spent in any view of th' case, the commissioners have -i ready adopted a resolution to ap point an advisory committee which 1 have heretofore referred to. and this alone :s sufficient to insure a wise and Judicious business admin istration in th handling of these fund? and the rtoing of this work Again. we have every reason to believe that the ao'u^l laying out. grading, constructing, selection of materia'?, purchase of machinery, and other ? ss n:;a'. part* of the wr>rk a jj; be dene urder *he supervision of the S'ate Highway C'c:.i...;:-slon, which !* a board of experienced r.- si engineers maintained by the IS:.: of Nortli Carolina for the pur pi -.f rendering assistance In Just suf'.i i .?seR a* ours. This will like wise throw around the doing of the i Aork and ihr exp ndlture of the 1 money an additional safeguard. Very truly yours. Washington Township Good Roals Association. lly Edward I-. Stewart. Sec. FISHERMEN HAVE A HARD NUT TO CRACK All the Fish in Lsike Matlamuskeet to be Sold at Once. Question Which Puzzles, is How M.iny Fish Are There in the Lake? (fly Eantern Presfl) Klltah th City. Nov. f> -How many fl*h woull you e?p?rt to find !n a lake embracing GO. 000 aiT'.-R and containing by oRtlmate about fifty billion gallons of water? Thai is i* riucatlon which in agitating Hah huyera In North Carolina ami flub ?-orn mission man in Kaltimore, Now Vork. Phi adelphia and eh(>wlM'r The Southern Land Reclamation ompany, who are reclaiming li>o, 000 ftcrea of land under and around l.ake Mattamuakeet In Hyde county, expect to pump all thf walrr out ?.f Lake Mattarauekeet sometime curly In 1 9 1 <5. Th? great pumping plant which wan illustrated In thlg news paper laat we?k, will pick up tb<> Horn# fifty billions of gal'on* of wa t' r In thin Taot lakp and dump It Into Pamlico Round, leaving the lake bottom high and dry. Lake Mattamuakeet baa long be?n a paradlae for anglera. The lake teem* with many varletlna >of edible perch, baaa, pickerel, cata and eela, aay nothing of turtle* and terrapin The 8outhern Lend Reclamation Co. btll?vc? that wU*o th* blj pumpu ge: busy, KU"k-:iR a million gallon* tif water a minute from the 3akn. tliat h 11 ilif fhh in Ma'tftmuskeet will follow t)i" auction arwl ron*ra gate In va>?t hi hool* '.n tho hiMii at h*> pumping planf. If the fish per form n"! X pof'fifl . iJiff will bo n very co>! m'ri" al hand for nonie big w hol'-rrtl^ fish d'-a>r Alt the Rah ?rm^n will haw* to do will be lo lr??dK?' 1 ho ll?h out of the basin In <*art load* Tho company la asking Vh rmen to look over the propoal !r?n und Piihmlt bids. II beln* the ftmpuny'n Id^a to lump th?* entire output of tho iako to aoir.e orre dca'er Flah buyera everywhere are flfr urinK on lb" proportion, hut the idea In new and there are many fpara of rlaka to b? run. The lake bot tom In full of ho}** and p??Alf*-t? and one Ash buyer who han looked Into tho aliuailon haa an Idon that the flah will full Into theaw holes and pork#?ta and not fall for the achem* lo nurk them en maaae Into tho baaln at the pumping atatlon. If the liah *re ao w'.ae their purchaaer will ha** \ Job Ir.dofd to find th??m out before ?,bcy d'e *nd I"t tbam off to market

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