Vol. 7 RALEIGH IS VISIltD BY BIG FIRE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUILDING AND OTHER BUILDINGS BURNED TO GROUND. DAMAGE $400,000 Started Thl? Morning at Five O' clock. Cause Unknown. Wiped Ont Half a Block of Buslnees Houm. (Special to the Daily News) Ralrlgh, No*. 6. ? Fire, which broke out in Ut sell's printing hous* this morning at ahout five o'clock caused damage to the extent of a bout $400,000 and wiped out half r block of business houses. A heavy wind aided in the spreading of th flamri and it was only by hard worV that the fire department kept th' flames from doing further damage The News and Observer building was completely destroyod. All of the new linotypes were ruined a? well as the other equipment of the newspaper plant. The damage !e estimated at not les? than $100,000 Henry Bagley, business manager was badly cut in breaking through the door of the office, when he at tempted to save some valuable pa pera. His injuries are not serious Uxzell's printing shop was alsi completely destroyed. It is estimat ed that the State of North Carolina lost about $50,000 in court record; and other papers. The Wake Shoe Company store was also practical!} burned to tho ground. The Central Theatre waa entirely ruined. The Raleigh apartments were destroyed and the stationery store of H. 11. Storr was also ravaged by flames. An undertaking establishment was also burned down. Tho cause of the Ore is not known. This Is th* second time within thirty-one months that the News and Observer has been burned out. The paper will probably be printed in the office of tho Raleigh, Times until able to make other arrange ments. MIT AGENT IS APPOINTED Ml*? Emily Guilford to Superintend Home Demonstration Work In Beaufort County. A letter was received by Mrs. H. I W. Carter this morning from Mrs. Jane 8. McKimmon, State Agent If Home Demonstration Work, stating tbat Miss Eml'.y Guilford of Aurora had been appointed county agent to superintend tbe work In Beaufort county. The announcement wbb also made public this morning at the meeting of the oounty teachers at the court house and was received with ap plause. Miss Guilford will take up her duties on November 16th. She Is well known throughout the county and haa many friends, who are glad to know of her appointment and wbo' aro confident that she will make a success of the work. MR8. RICHARDSON ENTERTAINED Enjoyable ilrhl^e Party Given Yes terday Afternoon In Honor of Vlaltlng Ouwrt. Mrs. Carl Richardson wan host dim to a number of friends at a most enjoyable bridge party, which was given at her home on Market street yesterday afternoon in honor of Mrs 8 D. McPherson, of Durham, who i) visiting Mrs. N. L. Simmons. There were six tables 6f bridge. Mrs. John 11. Small made high score and received as a prise a deck of cards In a handsome case. The guest prise was awarded to Mrs. McPher son and CTbtlstea of a prettily hand painted dish. Refreshments followed the card pitying. Two courses, an Icc and a ??lad course, were served. PRESIDENT WILSON LAYS CORNERSTONE President Wilson is shown tn tbe accompanying picture officiating at the cornerstone laying exerciees at the huge memorial amphitheater now being built tn Arlington National cemetery as a tribute to tbe heroes of the CItII war. VfOTORMAN IS exonerated WUe??d of All Blame in Tt-atfce. County Superintendent SV. CJ. Prlvette presided und af'.er - xpiain log the object of the meeting in a conciso Introductory speech, intro duced Carl Goerch, editor oi the I Dally N'ws, who spoke brief jy on! the relationship of the county paper to the moonlight school work. lie urged the teacher# to send In as many Items as possible regarding the progress they wre making In this direction. . Congressman Small also maao an Interesting talk on what the various counties of the State are doing to wards reducing the number of ll'.lt erat ? within their borders. He highly endorsed the work and ex pressed his desire that it be carried out successfully in Beaufort county Mrs. Bain, of Fayettevllle, who >b greatly Int rested in the homo dem onstration work throughout th State, addressed the meeting >n connection with this work. She ex plained the plans of holding the meetings and urged tho teachers to assist the movement in every way possible. ? After a general discussion of the school work In the county, the meet ing adjourned. DELEGATFS ARE APPOINTED At the meeting of Phalanx Lodgo, . Sc. 1., I. O. O. F., held this week,' delegates were appointed to attend the second district convention that is to be held at Farmvllle on Nov mber 11th Tho*e appointed were nS follows W. Scott FrUxell. E. i,. Stewart. Thomas Davla, J. E. Ed-, wards,* Ml. lard McKeel, C. O. Mor j rl?, Wiltor.1 Whltlev. J F TlicimM. Th^ Farmvllle lodge la making elaborate preparations for the con vention and expect to make It the moat ^ticcsaful that has ever been fctl4 It) this district. 1 4 BISHOP MAKES STRONG ADDRESS ligh Official of the Colored Church Spoke at the Zlon Church Last Night Before Large Audience. At the Zlon church last nigh* >lahop Alexander Walters, A. M. I? delivered a highly interest. n ecture on "The Open Door," whic vas heard by a larg-^ audience c olored people untl several whit, visitors. The bishop spoke i?r the great war jf the wor'.d and how thoy had I: reality proven to be a blessing tc tl?' people of at] iiHtions. He men Honed the defeat of the Persian ? b: ho Greek*. out of which resulted : higher civilization, a greater field o orators, statesmen, sculptors anc ji&int r?. He upuke of the defeat o' .Napoleon at Waterloo, which over threw the Little Corporal's drenm or a military government of lb world. "And, getting down to modem times, we had in our country tha great war :hat everyone must admit proved a blessing to both white atu* black." stuted the bishop. "You all hear mention of the fact that till* war freed the black man, but, in> ftle::d.?, 1 also tell you that it fre'd the wUlte man as well. "The great war In Europe holds the attention of the world at the pre:ent time. When wo think of the slaughter, the loss of millions of ilvts ar:d he devastation of proper ly, It Is bard to see how any bless ings will result. The cup of iniquity of those countries engage*^ In this great war is filled to the brim and 1? 1h being spilled now. France, the nation of pleasure and frivolity If realizing this. England. the natior that has oppressed many countries. !s realizing this. Russia, which oers cuted the Jews and tortured prisoner* la Siberia, Is being madr o pay for its transgressions. Even Germany, with Us great philosopher ind scientists, Is being made tc ?allze that Its ambltloss for rui ng the warld are not to br accord ?f vithout the fierce opposition of th ntlre world. "Out of this great war, there it ;ouni to come forth a higher clvlll | iatlon a better Christianity and a better people. History repeats It ?'f at>d history will repeat Itself it thla ca?e." 'I he bishop wont on to tell of th many opportunities that were pro sent d to the members of the color ed race In the way of aecurlng a bet ter education, greater wealth and a more Influential standing In th< community. He urged them. In 'lo quent language to take advantage thrse opportunities and use them to their full limit.. Bishop Walter* will conduct aer vices at the Zlon church Sunday | morning In th" afternoon, at three [o'clock, he will make another ad dress, to which the white people are cordially invited Good Looking Men ATTRACT ATTENTION Clothe* Well Promnl ( 'leaned nnd K^ptlrwl HHp to Make the Mnn WE CAN HELP YOU W RIGHT'S STEAM PRESSING WORKS PHONE Ml MK 11 IEEI IU KIUIfEl EIGHTH ANNUAL CONVENTION . TO W. O. DRAINAGE ASSN. TO BE HEIiD THBRK. MANY DELEGATES Expected That Large Noiuh?r Will Be in Attendance. Interring I*rogram Hu Been Prrpared. To Vlult Mnttamuskeet. There will be held at Belhaven, Jeaufort county. North Carolina, on November JOth and December let, 915, one of the most important conventions that haa been held !n he State during the past year. This a tho eighth annual drainage con tention which will be held under ho auspices of the North Carolina Jrainage Association and the North arolica Geological and economic survey. More progress has prob .bly been made in drainage work hrougbout tho swamp and over owed areas of North Carolina dur ng tbe past year than in any year .^Ce the passage^of the North Car j'.'.na Drainage Law. Questions of very great importance In connection with the drainage work of tho State 'ill bo taken up and discussed at hie convention. Those attending Ms meeting will have an opportun y to visit the Lake Mattamuskeet rainage district, which Is cot only lie most unique drainage proposi ti which has been undertaken In be South. This work is nearlag ompletion and tho delegates will ,ave a splendid opportunity to see .hat drainage can accomplish in re al'.rc'.ng swamp areas and making no re productive lsndB already under ultivation. Delegates will be In at endance from nearly all the coua les In Eastern North Carolina and ery many of the Piedmoixt bounties at here the people are interested lnj he reclamation of overflowed lands. All citizens Interested In the re clamation of these swamp and over lowed areas, whether from the standpoint of health or of Increasing heir value as agricultural lands, i ire cordially Invited to attend and ake part in the proceedings. CRESC1TE CLUB MET THURSDAY Report of Meeting Has Been Delayed [ on Account of Illness of the CJuh Reporter. The Crenelle Book Club held an | ?njoyable meeting Thursday after-. iood at the home of Mrs.^Harry Mc-J VI u. Ian. A large number of mem-! borB were present and the meetJng *as one of the moat enjoyable ones :hat has bern ever held by this or ganization. Two very interesting papers were read on woman suffrage. The firs' was by Miss Adeline Mayo, which old In a most lucid manner, the progress that the cause Was making. 'hA second was a sketch of the lives f three prominent suffragists, and .?as prepared and read by Mrs. Jesse arrlngton. A social session fol'owcd the bus tess meeting of the club. A dainty d appetising salad course wasj rved. The club will meet next ith Miss Mae Ayers. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. On October 6th God In Hla Infln te wisdom oa'led our ulster and co' vnrker, Mrs A. R. Jarkaon, who wan i m' mber of our Sunday School clans. Therefore, be It resolved, let. That In -the death of alater lackson one neat In vacant and while we understand not our Father's dis pensation. still we bow In humbl" lubmlMrion to Ills will believing "Ho docth all things well." 2nd. That we shall miss her/pro? cnce, but site has left us an example of patience and faith through suf | ferlng / 3rd That we extend to her hus ' hand and son our heartfelt sympathy In this dark hour and pray Qnd to b? their constant guide. 4th. That a copy of theae resolu tions be sent the family, a oopy to] the R. C. Advocate for pulfldfctlon and a copy be placed on th^jplnat** of our Sunday Schoyl. .. . MRS. J. E BRI8TOWK, MRS. LUCY ARCHBBLI-. MISS SARAH TRIfP. Committee \ BELGRADE'S FORTRESS WALL SHATTERED II..- eitts.i o, Dt'avy artillery tire on ittc- ?ali? ot ? tort In wen ,ho?ti m '!ll? pnmojrapli 01 part of the (orlre.8 ol Helgrade ifior It bad been ilie'MU ih? ? ? ? ?rn ???>' r:?n jjimis WILL OBSERVE WEEK OF PRAVER Daily Mertlnjrs to be Held Next Week by the Womran' Forrlpj Missionary Society. According (o their usual custom, h^e Woman's Foreign Missionary 'ocity will observe next week as a 'me of prayer, thanks giving aud elf deslal. Arrangements have been nado for holding dally meetings at the homes of the members of tV i society and at the church. The meet ngs wl'.l begin at four o'clock and all members are urgently request d *.o be In attendance. The meeting?' will be held as follows: I Monday, with Mrs. Ellas Bright Tuesday, with Mrs. T. F. Smith. Wednesday, with Mrs. G o. Spen cer Thursday, with Mrs L, II. Mann. Friday, all-day services at the M. E. Church. Saturday, with Mrs W. P Baugh &m SEWfiR STCIEI ISJCEPl City Officials Last Night Adopted the Xew System. Muni Testa Prove Satisfactory. At a meeting of tho Board of Al dermen laat night, the new sewer pyatfm was officially adopted by the city. The nnal teats of the system, which took place yesterday, proved to be highly satisfactory and the hoard expressed themselves as being highly pi ased with the results. A code of ordinances, relative t: plumbing and sewerage was also a dopted last night. It Is Important that all plumbers and drainage lay ers be familiar with these ordlnanr*fi before th"y engage In any new ?ork.l BANNER DAY FOR .SUNDAY SCHOOI <;eneral InrltAtlona Extended to Ev eryune to Attc-nd Sunday Hchoo! ?t Methodist Church Tnmorww. Members of ihe M thod>t Sunday School expect to make tomorrow * banner day In attendant. Clrcu Inrs have been distributed through out the city, urging every m?mb t of the church. fnmlllea and friend* to be preaent. The ItajNrra rind Phllath?a r'aaRf extend cordial In rllatlona to visi tors. Th?re aro fourteen claMM for children KXCKM.KVT PI(TI HKH AT XKW TIIK'.TRK The Now Theatre in kjv offering their patron* aome of the be*t pho toplayi that ha* *vpt b?< n abown In tbla town Last night* program waa among the beat ever ween here and every one present came out praising the program to the high eat. The entire week's hill ha? been' far better than they have ?ver ahown, and the management alalia .that they will continue to give only lie heat picture* (hat they ran se cure. IS HID: I! JB MEETING WAS HELD L.AS1 NIGHT. GREAT INTEREST SHOWN IN THE WORK. PLANS DISCUSSED Vlr. Hn|* hiii] >lr. Siu'OI Make A?l ilrcKmti. School Will M rake up a few h:gh :^..iol studies It wo" dc !ded hat s hoo eet three n -hts a we . Mon lay .Vedneaday a: ' 8a:i -day. and tha he first m? m !- fJ^'d"' oro. it 1* said- Th? local authorf p? Ifi f?r?1d?iToro fimnd 1h* girls 1 v{n? In cxtrrm" fjualor In a npgro m>^ ih"rc The pa?r wr- lockrd d nf^rward* R?nf to ;i )nm? ?oinnivb',ri Wnrknrs an an outfit 'it n riior 1 1