Vol.7 WASHINGTON N C E Modantt MUtvl/ wt?j NOVEMBER 8. 1*1 5 NEWS^i No. 107 SPECIAL TRAIN TO BE OPERAT ED TO THAT CITY BY TOE COAST LEAVE HERE 10.30 Everything Ls In HeAdlnesct for the Big Event. Large Number of Exhibits and Amusement Feature* During the Fair. (8peclal to the Daily New*) Aurora, Nov. 9. ? With the various buildings at the fair grounds In readiness, most of the exhibits here, practically all of the amusement features arriving today and with the business houses of the city draped with flags and bunting, Aurora Is today prepared for the opening of the fair tomorrow. 8pecial arrangements have been made for the accommodation of the many visitors who are expected here druing the next three days and ev eryone is assured of comfortable quarters while they are in the city. The Coast Line will run a special train during the days of the fair. Thl| train will leave Washington at 10:30 a. m., and. returning, will leave Aurora at 4:30. Those who desire to remain here for only a few hours, will have ample time to view the many attractions and return to Washington and intermediate points the tame day. The agricultural exhibits are of high quality and larger In 8lz>- and number than any that have ever been shown here. Altogether, the fair promises to be a big success and a big advertisemr-nt for the resources of this section of Beaufort county. FOUND STILL NEAR K1NSTONI Sheriff AhnIkUxI by Newspaixr Men | in ('neat-thing Illicit Still In Lenlir County. (By Eastern Press), Klnston, Nov. 8. ? Sheriff Arden Taylor yesterday morning discovered a 'still near Hugo, about ten miles from this city. Although there wis no liquor discovered, it was evident that the still had been in recent op eration. It was destroyed. The sheriff was assisted by two' newspaper men in his discovery, Charles McDevett, of this city, andl Carl Goerch, of Washington, N. C. Sheriff Taylor, since his coml.ig Into office, has proven himself to be an especially active officer and hh wlrk is meeting with the approval of practically every law-abiding cit izen of the county. He is one of the most popular county officers who has ever held office in Lenoir. BRITISH CHIEF OF STAFF Major-General Sir W. Robert Rob ?rt?on, K. C. V. O.. was recently ap pointed chief of staff of the British army. Suit In Itrsult of fatal Aceideul | WUlcli Occurred ut New lt?*rn During Fair Week. ( By Eastern Press ) New Bern. Nov. 8. ? (Jeorg-- W.! Brlte. or Merrltt. N. C.. father of | James Brlte, the young man who w killed at the Union passenger * tion at New Bern during fair week n that city, has filed papprs giving notice of a suit against the Norfolk sJuthern for $25,000. Young Brlte was caugnt between I wo trains at New Beru and instant-) ; y killed. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining uncalled !or in this of- 1 flee for the week ending Washington, N. C.. Oci. 23. 1915. MEN ? L. H. Adair, Rev. Barrow. A! r S. Bynum, Samuel Carr. Bill Clark. Joyce H. Clark, Jam. Git. Kinely Jones, Wm. R. Martiner (2). Dave Rodes, Henry Smith. S M. Tiluiau, Hardy Walker, H. L Walters. Wil lie Wiggins. WOMEN ? Mls? Elsie Brown. Addie! Boyd. Miss Atkins .Cutler, Mrs. Lucy] Daniels. Miss Lilla Edmon3, Fanni Gibbs, Mrs. Annie Green. Mrs. Dpa-I lla Hill, Mrs. -Johnle KJr.sey, Mrs. J. D, Perry, Miss Ardel'.a Respass.j Mrs. 'Luberta Robinson, Mrs. Aman da Richardson, Mrs. Nora Shaw. These lftttrrs will be sent to the de^d letter offlco November 8. 1915, 1? not delivered before. In calling for the above, please say "Adver tised," giving date of list. N. HENRY MOORE. P M. REV. E.M. SNIPES PREACHES ON VALUE OF ADVERTISING / / Excelent Sernigfn Heard Last Night By Large Congre gation At The Methodist Church. T6 the Editor:,/ I was greatly Impressed by the eloquent sermon of Rev. K. M. Snipes, delivered on Sunday morn ing to a vA-y large and apprecia tive audience. Hi said in the course of hie remarke that "All of the great industries of the world owe their success to Advertising." "The world has been evangelized for Bull Dur ham tobacco in one generation, and In well known oven in the heart <f Africa and in the Islands of the H<*a, where the name of Christ has never been heard. "We as Christiana have only be?n playing at this game of adveYtising Christianity ; we have the best re ligion In the world and we should advertise It to the world by our con secrated lives and christian service to men; we are Indebted to the mis slonarles from Europe snd England for the Christianity which we enjoy today, therefore why should we not bslleve in missions, and In giving our money to send this Qospel or good-news to those of other lands." All of this is only too true, and the writer believes that as the sac cess of this earthly life and our sec tyliir ImImm d?R?nd? upon Using, Fo the auccesa t?f the spread of the Christian Religion depends upon [It being "preached in a 11 the world to every creature." as Christ com manded It. to he by yon and me. Therefore it \h your duly and mine to neo that other* are brought within the hearing of this gospel, by in viting them to church or by preach ing to Ihem from our own exper ience or by aendlng the gospel to thfm. "f, nve your neighbor an your self." in one of the most important commandments, and a* Dr. Potent aald in his baccalaureate address to the graduates of Wake Forest Col lege last spring: "Culture Ih the call to leadership, and Christian culture Is a fall to the leadership of the force* of rig'n ieouane**; permit me at once to warn and encourage you With the great principle of ChrlRt.| that the h' Ight of the pyramid or distinction, will be In direct propor tion to the area of the base of ser vice." May Ood help us all. to feel this call to Christian service. Is the prayer of Your humble servant, QUO, B 9H1PMAN. can ms in i n a AI.I. liOAI> OVERSEERS RAVK BEEN ABOLISHED IX THAT j TOWNSHIP. RESULT OF LAW Action .Taken Ilwaow of Action by Supreme Court. J. J. Warren to Hare Entire fhorxf of All the' Roads. oad commissioners of Choc bwlnlty township have decided to abolish tho system of road overs era and to appoint one man to have en-1 tire charge of the roads In that township. This action was taken as the result of a recent ruling by the Supreme court: ? that the road com missioners bo held personally re sponsible for any accident that may occur on the roads under their juris diction. The following resolutions and appointment were made Satur day: Hesolv> d. by the board of road commissioners of Chocowinity tow.i 'ghJp, that whereas It appeura at t'. e present time that It is possible un der the derisions at the Supreme court of North Carolina that they may b individually liable for the maintenance of the roads and cer tain bridges In said township, and whereas it appears to this board that *.? therefore iB inadvisable and in | expedient to longer continue th present system of road overseen. I nor therefore, be it RESOI-VED. Is: Thai the chair man of this hoard be and 1b hereby authorized to discontinue the em ployment of all overseers on th< .-oads of said township from and af ter the 22nd day of November, 1?15 2nd: Thac on and from said dute. J. J. Warren be and he is herefij mployed as superintendent of roads for said township at a salary o: dollars per .... and he tf ;o have full charge and control ol all road? In said township, subjeci to the general and supervisory cou ro! of this board. 3rd: Said employnrnt to be ter minated at any time by this board upon ten days' notice. BELIEVED THAT GREECE INTENDS TO RKMAl.N ON NEUTRAL GROUND \Ilies Have Abandoned Hope of In ducing Greece to Take Sides With Serbs in Iialkan Struggle. London, Not. B. ? The political crisis In Greece, which has c'ouded the Balkans, has be'n Anally over come. M. Skouloudls having accept fd ^ar.d performed the task of or ganizing a cabinet which, being composed of all the members of the Zalmls governmrnt with the excep tion of the ex-premier himaelf. will continue tho former government's policy of neutrality. The new cabinet la at the mftrc/ uf the Venlaeloa majority in the chamber, but the impression la that :)o attempt will be made to turn ft out. thus avoiding dlasolulon of par llainnnt and a consequent election, the result, of which could not b? predicted while the army remain' mobilized. While the allies ran now have little hop^ of Greek aid In the de f"nsc of Serbia tho belief I* still hetd h?*re that It la not too late to turn the tables on he Invader*. The de parture for the east r?f Lord Kltch en??r after conferences in I'arl* with Premier Brland. General Galll*?ni the war minister and General JofTre 'the commander-in-chief of the field force*, haa *fv??n confidence that th' campaign Is to be carried on ener Lgetlraily by the man who knows the oast better than almost any one els-j. RIG NTKRKT PARA OK IN CHICAGO HI'NDA V FOR LIBERAL LAWN Opponent*! of Humlay Clmlng Hlinw Their hlnp'oMuiv. 9n,(MMl lo 100,000 In IJne. ('lilrHgo, Nov. 8. ? Opponent h of I Sunday cloRlnjc paraded ypwierdny to expre** th'lr dlftpleaaure at Mayor i Thompnon'H recent order to th* po lice to enforce tha state law prohib iting naloon* from doln* buMneea on the Sabbath. KstlmatMi of the rutn t>**r In line varied from 20.000 to more than lOO.OQO, inspecting English girl guards F0l,0wm*JWj?*d of the Boy Scouts .the girlhood of England ?? urgau:itug into companies known a? Ulrl' ?S? little women are t&ught rudimentary household i.nrt eonal violin? ? m u, _# <. . i.nrt social welfare fartu wbi'ch will b? ot". tnem son thejr country when they grow up. Th* pi<-tur?? Hhown the duchess of Inspecting the <Jusrd of Honor of the First Harrow corn piny at narrow. England. Committees of Local Women'N Clul>? Holjl PreJtmlnary Meettn* 8 at. urdny Afternoon. Plana for the entertaiuraeut ori lie I); strict Federation of Clubs J vhioli will convepe In this city ou November 19thi were discussed at a meeting of committees from the lo ?ol women's clubs, held Saturday, ifternoon. Much business, relative to the de-' allH of the convention, was brought! ;j? and disposed of. It Is expected lhat a larf* number of visiting la llen will be iajWiahlAgton on the lay of the etfnvfentlSh Wed plana Are itcing made < for their ?tay In the 5ty. A program is also being ar unged. Final preparations for the cou ention will be made next Saturday tfternoon when the committees will ioet again at four o'clock In th iom!i over Cherry's store on Mar ket street. ? CONVOCATION LAKE LANDING Members of Edenton ' Dintrict to Meet There for Three Days. Leave Her* Tomorrow. The convocation of the Edeijton llatrlct of the Eastern Carolina dlo eso will be h^ld at Lake Landing tomorrow, Wednesday and Thurs lay. The opening session will h" hold tomorrow nlfjht. Thf mating* will be held at St. George's church A largo number of both clergy* ?rien and laymen wtll leave Wash ington tomorrow morning at flv?? ?'clock for Lake Landing. Th?y will make the trip by boat, which will 1* ave frofh Fo'wte's Vhart. Bishop Thomas C. Darat and Rev Mr MM iliew* wi'l be among the prominent men present at the convocation. F\.IOV\lll,F. IIHI IK?K PA TIT V :;iven Friday Afternoon by MIns Cuwell In Honor of Mrs. F K. WI1U". A delightful bridge party given by Mia* Mary Cowoll Friday I Htfprnocn In honor of Mm. E. K. ?Villi* The orcaalon was one of 111" ?insf b? niitlful and delightful Roctal functions of the Reason Tho hr?jji?> vh? attractively decorated with cut flower* and polled plants, the coloi scheme of the decoration* being car rled out in ctre<>n, white and yellou I'he guest* were received by Mrs. 'owell. Mi** Mary Cowell and Mra. Willis. Refreshments followed Ihf ard playing. Mis? Cowell proved a most charmiftg hostess and the af ternoon's entertainment waa thor oughly enjoyed by all thoae present WIIJj hhow working OF MOI>KL WWTOKFICH AT THKATfiK TONIGHT By npecial arrangement with th?* pnntnl Authorities, PoRtmawtor N. Henry Moore has arranged for th* ehowlnft of a Rperlal threp-rnni nim at the New Theatre tonight. Thin fllm, #hlch wm ahowo at th* Pana ma exponltlon, will show ovory d - partment III connection with the handling of the malli In a piodol pottofllce The picture \n extremely HYPNOTIST IS COMING HERE The Original William Irvine Fay*. syu\ is to Appear in Wiistifng. ton Thih Week. The announcement of the forth coming engagement of Fayseoux. the youthful prodigy, whose achieve ments In mental t-lepathy and hyp notism have been the talk of the largo cities or the country for years will be received with uncommon in terest. H!b d' monsiratlons In the occult sciences surpass the most fantastic marvels attributed to the par>oa priests and metaphysicians of the Hindoo temples. The human mind is to Favt>soux an open book, which he reads wUh un< rrlng accuracy. The mind read ing exploit* of the telepathlst6, spir it mediums, and other charlatan* w, hose fakes have excited wonder he causes of the cleverness of the im posters who have been practising before the public for yeara. ar* eclipsed by the bona lido demonstra tions of the Great Fayssoux. Tne| marvelous exhibitions Fayssoux glv?a -onvinres the most skeptical of hi? extraordinary psychic art. He submits to tests that prove b ? yond the shadow of doubt that his performances are absolutely genuine and above reproach. Fays^flux will begin an engage ment of three nights. Wednesday. Nov. 11, at New Theairo. H.s per fciinaucefl are unlike anything ever before presented to the American pub'.lc. The audience le alternately convulsed with mirth, stricken with awe, and bewilder* d by the ever chanRlnK character of the entertain ment. MORE LIQUOR IS DESTROYED Police Official* l*our?-tl Out 150 IMn? Saturday. Maki'? Over I.OOO since .luii'*. hunirod and fifty pint* r?f l.lgh-claSR Joy- producing liquor wa< pour' d out l?y th* local police Ral urday afternoon Ono hundred ar.d fifty pints. -- Cofth! This makpK over 1.000 pint* thit 'lie vigilant gnardians of ?)??? In w iliave turned from thirsty men's tliroaU into the gutter*. Tli^re i* ntill n conRld^rnhlo quantify Wt in , ? police station MX A I. IIOYS MARK <;<><?l) SHOWINt. Drvp T?)'lo?\ .loliri Tnyl??c nn?l Hor ner ( 'owpII .\n? Ktr??n? Men on C 'nrollnn Tram. In fh?* Carollna-Clem^on football gamr> Saturday, wIim Carolina won 9-7. Captain I>av? Taylor <jult th*1 gamo of hl? own volition after hp tackled one of th*? oppoaln* playrn and was laid out for two minute*. Taylno Imrt his old 'JfnTijeto*t? wounds and doojrlod that h?* ought not to tak?- rho rl?k of flnlihlnR tlv KRHl" John Cotton Tayloo. who played right guard. and Horaoo Cowell. who playad loft cnaril, aro montlotv ed in th? new* raporta of thn nam ih holnjj Rxcaptlonaliy fftronft inon. ospoolally on thn offanalv? IntorontlnR and it \n ??xportod that a largo number will ^>c on hand to night to H. COL HIIU IS NIB Is Elected to High Office In Army and Navy Club, Klertlou Took 1'lure Matunluv. A telegram was received thi? 'norning by Col. W. C. Hodman no ifyir.g him of hiR elect. on lu N w York Saturday, at the Army and N'avy Club. to the office of vlce-pres dect of "The Society of American Officers" for the year 1916. Tlie Adjutant Oenerul of N w York was Reeled president. This la a society whose membership Is limited to 500 And membership la gained only up >n invitation. Col. Hodman baa served in th ^tatit mllltla practically ever srince he was fourteen yearB of ago. serv r.R tlrst a? a marker In the old State guard He has be'n regimen tal sergeant-major, battalion adju tant. captain of the local company, major of the third battalion and then colonel of the second regiment, which position he now occupies. lie has also held many honor d posi tions in the regimental and State guard associations, which are com posed of the commissioned officer* of the State mllltla. His election to the vlce-presld^ncy1 of th* Society of American officer*, will very likely aBHuro him of the presidency of the society for 1917, as it has always h- en the enstor. *? elect the vice-president io pi ! idency, HOC KV M< T'NT V Ml* It .\ VIM '?>!( I. i.RF J I. i'or . Jr. *??! .tur of ih' Hooky .V] i? . i-h'grain, was a loral ??fsltor Si; 'I'.ay. arriving lat*?-Satur lay evening It has been aomA tlni" a!nce Editor Home's last visit to Washington and ho pxpross^rl hlm-j seif as being greatly surpr.&ed at th<?j ?;khi of progroRR an<I do v |r?pm^n' in Washington. Tie upon! yoRtordav h?rp ??* ilio guest of friends and ro 1 uriif-d 10 Hooky Mount on this morning's Coast Line train Kditor Florne I* one of the most promin'M newspaper men in this reetSon of tho Stat?? and in addl'lon' to )K*iitrK a Hv lially a' Hooky Mount, dors ooriFidTaliln rrirr^s pondinc for 1I10 InrgT pap?*r = throughout th?- rountrv 11<> !ihn boon til* moans of giving Ho.-k > \TnnW murh pub'ioity ? HOM.WC K Of F.L \ INK" m:\v thk.atkk tonk.iii Tlio Now Theatre open* fouiRh" with ono of th" hest photoplay pro ernmR that th?<y have hurl for sum" tim*. Th? 3l?t ppinndn of the "Ro mance of KlaJne" will ho the head llnpr. with four other of f<jnal *y IntProHtinK pirtiirrs. Kv*?ry on? that wlaliea n good evening'* ainnpe mpnt can secure tho same by going tr th?? New Theatre any night after supper. an they arr certainly giving their pafrnnR more than tl?"lr mon eva" worth every night. TDPAYS COTTON QUOTATIONS Mirl<i:in|r 10.Sc. tfeod cotton - -1 4 60. Cotton *?od ? $38 00. I INJURED IN mi VBECK LUST NIGHI PASSENGER TRAIN ON NORFOLK SOl'TREKX RAN* INTO KFAH K.\i> Ol FREIGHT. DELAYED 1 RAFFIC Train Wiii Five IlourH Late <i??ttlnx | into \\atiUiiKtoii. Lni;ltitTr aovl l-'irvuuwt WViv Hurt. Cnhoono \\ o-s Di'sinijttl. Norfolk Southern train No 3. w 3i :cli leave* Norfolk at S> 30. run is: to t^.?> n-ar oQil of a freight train :u Anderson'? Siding. north of Eden ;vn la>t night at 11:15. Engineer lium<T of the pat?seger train, had a '? fi '.iroketi and Ms; fir man, J, Llnii ?ay, j? nuflvrinti from a fractured .?a >v The caboose of the fretght :r?!n wan destroyed. The passen gera of Ni? 3 uer -? somewhat shaken up but no or.-1 was Injured. There .as rui one In the caboose at the i.iuv or the accident." 'The iva-i due to the heavy fr?g last nigiit. The freight train *.:? pulling info the elding and had . it quite clcuired th-' main track v n the passenger came along. ruiRe was delayed for about five ars. the tra:n arriving In Waeh ^?ti?n at 7:30 thin morning. UHSl CLASS II E. MUM ?M'tenty-flve Attended Meeting of ll?r-<ra Yesterday. Light New Members Added to Roll. Seventy members and (Ive vlaltora were prvse:.; ?ti the meeting of thu .Jaraea class sesierday af*. moon, breaking all records for attendance it any .^inday School class In this city. The meeting proved a bigb'.y ..itere-t.nj; one and tlie Iwuson vat most ably cpr.jlu^ted by th<* uacher, \V M Hear. Eight new mora born were added to the roll t>r th> class. J meres'. In the class is Increasing every week. The attendance tor the last few 'veukl ha* been above fifty u- every me ting and is Increasing v.l.j en ?0'iraglng regularity All of the ?nl.era hto working for the class ;t ia expected that within an t'lmxth the attendance will run o: - J iiiulred. i tI?Fa I* p anning to po out to '.jibury church n xt Sunday. The tip will tie made In automobiles. C. OK COMMERCE MEETS TOMORROW llCKtilar Monthly Meeting of That Organization. Important Mat ters to he Itroiiglil l'|i. \n important me?tlng of the Chamber of Commere? will be held 1 . nor row nlghl. Thia 1" regU T:t r monthly meeting of th'- organl 7.1 1 1 '>ii and lf iff hoped thai a largo ri?im'..>T of member a will he In at 'I a*' ("banihej Ik planning to takft ; r, (???:' -!<!? rablo new work The iir?:? n if rh? various startling art* eapeelally urg"d to ; r ,n nM"ud ani:e i.- ..I road* for the tnwnxhlp will b*? Htiuina 'hf tuples to he discusned.

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