- - ^ - ? "*'' ? ?y?rv^r'v?' ' --r--;',. '* * - ??'?"? IMPORTANT MEETING OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TONIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK WASHINGTOlf DAILY NEWS ? ? ? VoL 7 WEATHER ? OturmUr Mr-<bmlcht. Moderate uutgrlj WASHINGTON N C. T^'ESDAT.AtTERNOON NOVEMBER 9. 1?S mm w IS BEING HELD k II JM LIQUOR CASE BEING BROUGHT UP BEFORE FEDERAL AUTHORITIES. LOCAL WITNESSES Number of Waahington Residents In Norfolk to Giro Eidcnee. Out come of Trial is a Matter of Con nidcrablc Conjecture. William 8wanner, formerly of this elty, si being tried today in Norfolk In Federal court, for having violated the" Federal liquor laws. Freeman Spencer, bookkeeper for the Williams liquor house In Nor folk, will also face trial. A number of local men are In that city today, giving testimony In the case. The outcome of the trial is doubt, ful. The evidence against Swanner is of a strong nature and It is gen erally believed thai he will have a hard time In convincing a jury that he Is Innocent. FORGET THE BIBLE; DIVORCE FOLLOWS Wife Says Sbe W*s Too Busy Read ing Husband's Spicy Diary. Cleveland, O., Nov. 9. ? Their fail ure to read the Bible every day or to pray resulted in breaking up their home, declares Ooorge Oyer, presi dent of the Prudential Building Co., whose wife, Mrs. Florence Oyer, now In Pittsburgh, has filed petition for divorce. '"I was too busy reading Mr. Oyer's diary telling of love scenes with other women." declared Mrs. Oyer in refuting the Bible charge before Judge Pearson. In common pleaa court. Mrs. Oyer is seeking a decree up-| on a crois-petltlon filed In answer to her husband's suit. Oyer charges his wife with neglect, while she! charges him with cruelty. ABE ADVERTISING A SPECIAL SALE Lewis A Calais' Main street store la having a special sal*, of ladles dresses and coat suits during the next few days. This sale will begin tomorrow. A special advertisement is being carried in today's Issue of the Dally News, setting forth some of the big reductions that are to be made in these garments. AUSTRALIAN FIRING A TRENCH MORTAR This remarkable looking weapon, which Is being used with telling efTcc ugalust the Turks In the Dardanelles campaign. Is a trench mortar, one or th< new engines of war which has been brought Intp play during the prcsem European war. It Is mounted on boxes, and Judging from the way it It bandied when Bred there 1b considerable risk to the pointer or operator o the weapon, for while one arm directs the Are of the mortar the other srr pulls the slug which sets it off. HI DEVISE IJM TAX Tax Mm> lie Extended for Allot It 01 Vw. Ha gar Will Not Go on the Free Lint and Wool is Likely to Conto Off. Washington, D. C., Nov. 9. ? It is pretty well understood by bouse leaders that the war tax law which expires by limitation tho last day of December wlU.be jcv|*ed~ and tK? expiration llm^t extended for an oter year or longer. It Is also un derstood that the law when revised will Include many mor^ articles for taxation than the present law. Sugar will not be put on the free list and there la a strong probabil ity that wool and many other arti cles will be taken oft the free list and sufficient tax Imposed to raise a much larger revenue than is now de rived from the Underwood-Simnions tariff law. Just what thes* articles are to be: and the extent of the tax will not b->! decided until the administration leaders llnd out definitely whether they will sell Panama bonds or a dopt some other m'ann whereby suf ficient revenue may be had to meet the additional expense of tho enor mous appropraitlonfr for tho army and navy. Both questions are ron ? sidered dangerous, politically speak ing. Mary leaders fear the result of additional taxation and they are in doubt as to the wisdom of selling bonds. A bond Issue for th? purpose of national defense under the present program, would mean an issue each year for five years. If the program which President Wilson how advo cates 1? carried out. On the other hand if the people can bo taxed e nough through tariff reviidon and war tax 'measures to ralBe this revo nue It can be done with one law In stead of flv? attempts br would br tho case If bond Issue* are resorted to. JAMES E. CLARK TO HAVE DIG SAI.E / Store Is Carry Inf f^arRc Adverting ment In Torfny'g Imup. Many ItargiyiiN Are Offered. James B.J Clark's store Is today advertising a big clearance sale, which will open Thursday. Owing to a change In business on January 1st, they are denirous of reducing as much of their $80,000 stock as pos sible. and they have made big reduc tions in every department In order to induce heavy buying during the sale. v . The store carrlea a two page ad vertisement In today's issue in which many bargains are enumerated. HA YH BAKEK. Present your loved ones with a fresh photo In 1916. You wilt never regret It BAKBR'8 SJUDIO. Exhibits Are Alj on the Ground Carnival People Are Ready With M?ny Amusement*. (Special to the Dally News) Aurora, Nov. 9. ? Although th< , Aurora fair Sb scheduled to open to | day. numerous attractions will no: be running "full blast" until tomor row moraing. Owing to the slz& oi the fair this year, there la still con siderable work to be done. Moat or this has been completed today. B> this evening everything will b ship-shape. The number of exhibits is truiyl astonishing They embrace every) variety of fruit and vegetables. Th live stock exhibit la also highly In terestlng. All of the carnival people are ov the ground and will be ready to fur nish fun and amusement for th< people tomorrow. Tho special train will leave Wasn ingfton tomorrow morning at 10:30 and returning will leave Aurora at 4:30. HAVE OPENED NEW GARAGE Dixie Garage, Located on Water Street, in Latent Bnftlne** En terprise In Washington. The Dixie garage, located at 124 Water street, opened for business today. The garage has a complet* equipment for repair work and am pie Htopage room for cars. It is un , der the management of W. O. Black and W. L. Candy, both of whom are expert machinlcs. ZAPATAH ARMY IN HOUTH RAPIDLY DISINTEGRATING Washington, Nov. 9- ? Zapata's army In southern Mexico Is dlalnte gratlng rapidly, according to cable advices received last night by the Carranza agency here. General Pablo Gonzales*, marching through Moreloa at the head of a large force, Is ex pected (o meot with little resistance. "Three thousand members of Zap ata's following aurrendered yester day and were given amnesty," said the messag*. "and for many days groupn of soldiers lately In armn have been bringing In their rifles." Other dispatches told of renewed activity In the petroleum Industry. ANNOUNCEMENT OF MARRIAGE. Mrs. A S. Kelly requests the pleasure of your com pany at the marriage of her daughter Matilda Elisabeth to Mr. Heber Grey Wlnfleld Thursday morning, November the eighteenth, at half after ten o'eloek At Home Washington, North Carolina fflnHir PIO mi limit ih rn?i u, | r MRS. CORDON, ONE OF OLDEST RESIDENTS Of THE OOL'N . TV, IS DEAD. WAS 86 YEARS OLD - Spent All Her Irffe In Beaufort County. DfMh Game La?t Night ?t U O'Clook. Funeral Service* Held Thla Aftlai Km. Mrs. Eliza Ann* Cordon, aged 86, widow of 8eth K. Cordon, died last night at her homo on North Bonner street. The fuaaral aervicee were held this afternoon at three o'clock from the St. Pater'a church, Rev. N. Harding officiating. Interment was In O&kd&ie cemetery. With two exceptions, Mrs. Cordon was the oldeat lady In Waohlngton and one of the oldest In the county. She was born In the lower part of Beaufort county, near Pungo river, and liaa resldod In Washington for over sixty yean. She waa known to i practically every retldent of the city and county and waa loved and re deemed by all who knew her. Up to \ few .days of her death, she ap peared 4 excellent health and wap n possession of all her faculties. Mrs. Cordon waa an active mem ber of the Episcopal church and a conscientious worj&er in lta interests. She had been a widow for the last forty-five years, and waa the wife of Srth K. Cordon. She is survived by wo sons, John G. M. Cordon, of Waynesboro, Va., and oJseph D Cordon, of Brunswick, Qa? both of whom were In the.ctty today to at tend the funeral trfrvlces. The pall beareri 'Wlll be W Scott I Friztell. J. L. Peal, M. T. Archb. ll, | Wax. Chauncay ??*T. J". Harding. ENGLAND PEEVED FlritoiiN Mad Over WllaonV Mramice. Berlin Thinks It "Too Mild and Too Late." London. Nov. 9. ? England is very resentful over the President's note, protesting the British blockade a ;alnst Germany. The comment of he "man In the street" lg harsher han that of the newspapers. The attor are careful *.o explain that they lo not foresee any trouble. Bitter j ndividual utterances show a belief hat the President is catering to the hyphenated vote that puts American iroflte higher than vital British nec essities. German Criticism of Wllaoa. Berlin, Nov. 9. ? "Too mild and oo late." Is the local criticism of he American note to England pro testing the British interference with \merlcan trade. It Is admitted that i* President, preeened good legal ar Tuments. He Is criticised for hln 'allure to back h!? demands with a "veiled" threat, as he did In the ioles to Germany. CASES BROUGHT BEFORE RECORDER The recorder disponed of a num ber of cai*?H yesterday aftarnoon. Moit of th'm wore charges of Intox ication. The following were brought up; Georu?' Hoel; carrying concealed weapon. S2f> and costs. Dave Sermon*; Intoxicated. $3 and coats. Allen Brighf; intoxicated, and coats. Frank Nobles; intoxlcatod, coats. , William Crawford; intoxicated, costs. Oeorgf Ml* as and Carry Coward, aaeault. costs. Charles Cherry; Intoxicated, conts SAYS HA K Kit If you get a Christina* present and It la a nice photograph from ?o?e| friend of youri. it will be a gift ; stppdard supreme, Biker's Studio. WOMEN HELPING TO DEFEND RIGA Russian peasant women digging trenchcs for the defense of Itig? |ii S?!Uc seaport which the Germans aro trying bard to capture. CHEATED NEGRO OUT OF $50.00; 'lever Pair Worked Ancient Game on Innocent Colored Man In Greenville. (By Eastern Pre?H) Greenville, Nov. 9.- -Frank John on. a local negro, was flim-flammed ?ut of fifty dollars on the floor of n? of the local warehouses tLls nornlng? Johnson had Junt dlspsed if hltr tobacco and was lovingly fin :ering the fifty-dollar bill he receiv d for It, when he was accosted by wo other negroes. They told him hat they had Just found a hundred ollarg and offered to "divvy up" villi him. Johnson was tickled to death. He went to the rear of the ware louae with them and when they pro eeded to do the dividing. It was oend they did not have the right imount of change. When ask'd if le had any money. Johnson replied hat he had a fifty-dollar bill. One >f the others took this and went lown the street "to get It changed." W minute or iwo later, the other legro also left on some pretended >U8lnes?. Johnson waited. He's still wali ng for neither the negroes nor his If ty dollar* have shown up The natter has been reported to the po lce officials. INTERESTING ENTERTAINMENT Rayitfroux. Reniarkabl,. Hypnotist, to Give Demonstration of ITI* Work at New Theatre This Week. Fayaaoux. the psychic marvel, will begin an engagement of three nights ut the New Theatre next Thursday evening. The performance? given by the brilliant young demonstrator of the occult sciences are wi.olly different from the exhibitions here tofore given in Amarlce. Fayssoux haa made a new departure. He acorns to employ the well worn methods of the old time hypnotists and mind readers. Everything in new. An evening of mlrttt and mystery is promised all who attend the Fayn soux performances. Fayssoux. the psychic marvel, whose demonstrations havo created mite a sensation In the leading clt ?es of America, has been secured at heavy expense hy Manager of the New Th'atre. Fayssoux Is acknowledged lo be the superior of any hypnotist now before the public. ELEVEN TEAMS KTAHT IN HIX-DAY mntXE it ACE Boston, Nov. 9. ? Eleven ridTR representing as many fam* started th? annual nix-day bicycle rare r?n the arena track today The teams will ride |pn hours each day. The teams are; Alfred Or- nds. the Tasmanlan, and Fred 11111. of Watertown. Mc Namara and Spears. Verrl and Cor ry; Grim and I.inart; Bedell and Magln. Cameron and Kaiser. Root and Hanley. Walthour and Carman; Dupuy and Moral); Raton and Mad den Sullivan and Holbrook If \M>MOMK NKW HI(*V J fl. Campbell, the JeiroW. Hhn ereet?r| an nrtlatlc n?w ?lgn In front of hi* place of baslneM on Main street. Mr. Campbell In also mak log other changes In hit utore which will grr?tl7 Improve the ?pp*aranr? pf tty* Mtab1l?hment. OYSTER ROAST FRIDAY NIGH1 Will B* C.lvcn at Hawll 8upply Co. llull<tinR by Members of th?*> it&raca CIm*. a business meeting and an oyster roast will occupy the time of the members of the M. E. Baraca cla*s Friday night. The business meeting will be h??ld In the Baraca rooms and aftor its conclusion the mem bers will make their way to the HasseM Supply Co, building on Mar ket street, where the roast Is to be held. The occasion promises to be a mighty enjoyable one anfl it 1* ex pected that fully a hundred members will be on hand to enjoy the edible bivalves DISTRICT SO. 10 ST. A TF. FEDER ATION OF CLUBS HEBE ON NOVEMBER 19TH. AT NEW THEATRE RuftinoftN MMind to be Held in the' Afternoon. Public InrliH. Re ception Will Ho Held In flic I en Ing at Elks' Hall. A highly interest i'v program h.. 4 been n'ra /ed l > the ! -al clubs for the K^lpr 'lly ineettitt of District No. 10. N. t Fed-; at leu of Women"* Club*, w (ilc'.i Is to be li*td at the New Tlicrri Friday afternoon, Nov ember l!Mh. The public In cordially Invited to attend the neaHon. The program will be a* follows: Invocation. Rev. H. B Bearlght. Song, "Carolina." by the Aw m bly AddreM of Welcome from the City Clubs: C^Vlc. 'league. Addlgco. O Henry and Creacite Clubs, by Mrs Samuel R Fow|?. Addreaa of welcome from the rltlzena, by Jurtgo S'ephen Rrngaw Response Mualo ? SoS'j by Mrs Marry Mr [_M ullan. I Andrea*. by Mr* T W. Ungl*, I ->res!dent of the t n ? ?- Federation of riubs. Greetlnga from Mrs It It. Cot ton, president of the Kta?* federa tion. Music -Solo by Mm I?. M farter. Reports from the president* of oach cluh In District No 1ft Music- "My Country Tim of Thee by Aaaemhly. Benediction, Rev N Mardlnr Planlat* Mrs Rollins and Mr1*. Raugham l're?ldlng Officer Miss I. Ida T Rodman. District chairman Hecrptton at th" Klks' Hail from *:30 to II o'clock, given by the Woman's clubs of Washington. TODAY S COTTON QUOTATIONS Middling 10 Sc. Seed cotton ? 14 10 Cptton need- -f SB 00 'INVASION OF SERBIA COMPLETE (iEKM.W ALLIES HAVE IMTED THEIR FORCES HOLD OVER HALF OF SERBIA. MANY PRISONERS Teuton* an<1 Bulgarian? tstl'l Con tlnue Their Adraorr and Are Taking Henry Toll of Serbian IViwdm, Loader.. Nov. 9 ? The fall of Nlsh has unl'.-d solidly the mala Bulgar an furcen and 'he Austro-Gerruan armies advancing from the north. Hlthertu tb'lr communication con Misted only of tetativ* reaching out of advance g-iar:1s. The Bulgarians ani their allies now hold cons'dcrabiy more than half of Serbia, and command the Ni?h railway, one of the chief objec tives of this campaign From Nlsh th?* Bulgarian lin#> runs north In a l.'ght curve encircling the Morava r-.ver '.i Krlvlvir. where It joins the malL Au-*r<- German forces. From that pom! t;?e invading lines turn at a right a r? r : ?* and run west aero3P :o the broatl s*. par: of Serbia. T: -.?? rouch *eiu> circle made by the 2!ne > continuing. and as thin doe-? i?o uncording to German report?, is raking a heavy toll of Serbian primmer*. In Houth-rn Serbia *h?* fortunes of war ar less auspicious for the In vader* There the Bulgarian at tempts apparenfiy Ivave received a severe check from the 3erbian? as sisted by tii- French and British troops. No official confirmation has been received, however, of a decisive de feat of the Bulgarians, who are at tempting to advance Into Macedonia through Rabautia pa**- South of Str^mitsa tli French are lighting on Bulgarian soil The crlh.d or-', usioned by t'.ie resig nation o: the fJnrk cabinet has been met temporarily, and if the Chamber of eDpuiles accep* ih*- new Skoulou dla ministry, the present sti "i* may be continued Indefinitely ?. *h no change In the annouced policy of Greece of reiterated of benevolent t j ? nrallty. ? ?n the eastern front severe but . ; -Isive figh'lng continues before R and iJvjn'.k The off'nslve [movement of the Russians la CJallcla a'.ong the Strlpa has been halted and I the long battle in that region has ; ended. There ar* no developments I of impormntv nn the other fronts. Tlir?-?' Men Kit tally Injured in \rrl <lf-nt Wlilrti Ormrrwl l.?M VIkIh Iii Wllmln^mi. ? My KaK'ern Pr^p*) Wi'.mlnK'fin. N* C , N'r?v ? Th? f">nn'J hn-i?" "f the AHnn'i Ooaal Mm a' f 3A ritpfht, '!???!:>? In jurliiK \V F? W? h whit* nn'1 '*?" rcgri rifmen. Tf?"y wTf MirlM in th?- lohrto of hrfeka nnd mm-mr AT THIS Bank YOU GET Safety, Courtesy Accommodation, Advice, Interest on >your time de posits, and haoney when you need it. Savings & Trust Company. John B. Sparrow, CMhler TO NIGHT ^ ' .1 J Mrfirnw and Sn'.fr" 3-ro??| f?a'ur? T li ?* Chl'rl. ?!;?? i>'>K. the Vlir. ?n" 1 Rwl A I >4>r>i| of During." I r??l Mr Jarr'n Hi* Vacation" I H oi ' ??nn^fly Friday. Nov, 1 tl'i.

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