N DAILY NEWS WEATHER ? 0?o?r?Ilj fmlr t?al?ht. Mod?r*t< wurlr wl^; WASHINGTON N C. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON NOVEMBER 16. W15 No. 109 CONTINUE DRIVE ON 'SERBIANS TECTOX1C AJ LLIBS HA VI GAINED 8IVZKAX SIW MPORTAXT STBATBOIO POINTS IJf SERBIA. ]yr in in;russia Von Rlndrnburg Report* Big Ad vsax* Against the Russian Force* French Claim Gains In the Went. Gi<eec? M?7 Ask for Big Loan. London, Nov. 10, ? Steady ad vances by the forcea of the Teutonic power* and their Bulgarian allW invading Serbia ar? reported In to day's German official statement. The Bulgarians are pushing close to the main railroad line west of Alexlnac, having reached the Mo rava near that place which 1? about twenty mUee northweet of Nlsh They have a!#o reached Leskovac, twenty-five mllea southwest of Nlsh on the main line to Balonlki. Ten heavy guns and forty other cannon were captured by the Ger mans In the taking of Krusevac, re* ported yesterday, 7,000 8erblans be ing made prisoner*. The German advance Is continuing oourth of Krusevac. 8outh of Krallevo, on the western Morava, tbe Teutonic forces are pushing on and have driven the Serbians out of their main positions. The northerly Jaw of the Teutonic plncer* Is thus closing down rapidly on the retreating Serbians. German Successes in Russia. Field Marshal Von Hlndenburg reports a sucoess in the heavy fight ing near Dvlnsk, where the Rus sians have been malntanlng a con sistent offensive, although without much gain of ground. The Germane have recaptured to the west of the city the portion of a first line trench which the Rus sians took from them on November 7. In Volhynla a victory for General Von Llncrlngen's forces north of Komarow is recorded. Allies Gain Much Ground. Infantry activities have been re newed on the front In France, Paris reporting continued fighting by tbe Infantry arm In the vicinity of Loos" where the allies gained much ground In the September drive. Ar tillery actions In the Champagne district and in some other sector* are recorded. Italy May Aid Sevbla. A hint that Italy may aid Serbia indirectly by sending troops to Al bania to meet a threatened Bul garian Invasion Is contained in a seml-o-fflctal note issued Ih Rome. Greece In Need of Funds. Oreece, under heavy expens through her mobilisation, desires further financial assistance from the allies, Paris hears, and her request for an additional advance of $8,000, 000 I* being considered sympathe tically. HYPNOTIST HERE ON TOMORROW Good Attraction at th* New Theatr* for Tomorrow, Friday and Sat urday Nights. It remained for Fayseoux, the paychtc marvel, to bring out Id hi* exhibition* the comic possfbllltes of fcypnotsm. The old time hypnotist! with their limited abilities, had made feeble attempts In this direction be fore the ooming of Fayssoux, but they were extremely feeble In com parison ~ to the mirth-provoking scenes originated by the youngest and graateet of living dMnonstrators the brilliant Fayssoux. "It beats the best oomedy I ever| saw,* "It's fannler than * barrel of monkeys with their talis chopped off," "A whirlwind of gayety," fays soux makes y6n laugh until your sides ache," "It's the greateet com edy of them all;" are some of the expressions heard In the theatre lobby after the ehow. Fayseoux, the famous hypnotist and mental tekpathlst. will begin an engagement, on tomorrow night ?? !!?* M MIS MM wis ucinra in REPRESENTATIVE BUSINESS' MEN PROM CITY AND COUN TRY PRESENT AT THE MEET ING HELD LAST NIGHT. STANCILl, PRES Officers and Executive Commit te. Klccted. Subscription* Taken U| to DKr?y Currrnt. Eip?um Committee to Appear Beforf County Commissioner*. The Washington Township Good I Roads Association with an enthu siastic membership of thirty-twc representative business and profes sional men from both city and rura' districts, was formally offcanlt-d <aat night at a meeting held In the Elks' ball. The meeting wa? called to order at nine o'clock, with John B. Spar row acting as chairman. A prelim nary discussion of proposed plans and work was held and this was fol lowed by the election of officers. The following were elected: President: W. H. Stanclll. Vice-Presidents: O. B. Rawls. Spencer Legg<-tt. S. E. Brown, John C. Latham, J. H. Clark, F. H. Rol lins, 8. R. Fowle. Secretary: E. L. Stewart. Treasurer: C. Morgan Williams. An executive committee 'of the following was elected: W. H. Elli son, B. F. Bowers, E. L. Stewart. O. B. Wynne and T. R. Hodges. The membership at present In cudes the following: J. B. Sparrow, B. C. Bragaw, F. A. Cox, T. R. Hodges, J. F. Latham. E. R Mlxou. T. H. Myers, D. W. Bell, 8. C. Carty. M. T. Archbell, B. Q. Moss, J K.* Hoyt, John E. Corey, N. L. Simmone. Harry McMullan. B. F. Bowers. W E. Swindell. E. C. Hathaway, C. A. Flynn, A. J. Cox, S. F. Freeman, A. VI. Dumay, Carl Goerch, E. L. Stew irt, W. ,H. Stanclll. O. B. Wynne, C. Morgan Winfatos. J- H. Clark, O.-B. Rawls, Spencer Leggett, S E. Brown J. H. Clark, F. H. Rollins aud John 2. Latham. it was decided that the exccutlVe committee meet before the next meeting of the county commissioners md appear b'fore that body for the purpose of deciding definitely the axact manner In which the bond is sue will be handled. This will be made public Immediately after tho meeting of the county officials. Towards the close of the meeting, a subscription was raised to pay the. current expens's of the association- J All of the names of the members dOi not appear on the following list bd-| cause of the fact that several of ( them weT forced to leave the nicety Ing before this matter was brought! up and were not notified of it. Tne amounts pledged were as follows: A. M. Dumay, $10. J. B. 8parrow, $10. Bowers Bros., $10. Stephen C. Bragaw. $10. Frank Cox. $2.00. T. R. Hodges, $2. B0. Eurrka Lumber Co., $10. E. R. Mlxon Co.. $10. C. Morgan Williams, $5.00. D. W. Bell, $5.00. B. C. Carty. $2.00. M. T. Archbell, $5.00. B. G. Moss, $10. J. K. Hoyt. $5.00. N. L. Simmons, $5.00. John E. Corey. $5.00. Harry McMullan, %5.00. W. E. Swindell, $5.00. William Ellison, $10. 8. F. Freeman, $5.00 E. L. Stewart, T10. Carl Goefch, $5.00, J. F. Latham, $2.60. A. J. Cox. $5.00. After a general and thorough dis cussion of the road work in the township, the meeting adjourned NIGHT SCHOOL HF.LD TONIGHTl WHl Be First Heealon of New Mdioot. fliirn Are to B? Held Three Mghu a Week. The night achool. organlted laat ?Hk, will hold Its flmt aesalon to night. br ginning promptly at 7: SO o'clock. Everyone who la inter eeted In the movement 1* urged to be preaent and take pert tn the work. Three nights a week are to be devoted to clataea: Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. A capable staff of teachers hat beeo tsoured, rPNOTlC DEMONSTRATION HARRIS HARDWARE CO Tonight at 7:10 sharp In th< I window at the Harris Hardware Co Fsyseoux" the great hypnotist wli mt a subject to sleep and will V.m sleep until T:tO tomorrow nlghi vhen he will be taken from' th ibo^e store and awakened In th presence of the audience at the New Theatre. There will no doubt be * arge crowd on hand to see thl* wonderful feat. Fayssoux will glvr lemonstratlons at the New Theatr< for the last three nights of thl' week, uvlng all local subjects fo' his work. Ho any ono that wlshe o be iypnotlsed will please be o; hand t< i.icrrow night at the Nev Theatre BROKEN Jim . LAST Ml THIEVES MADE GOOD HAUL Of! OF BOWERS BROS. COMPANY STORE. HAVE NOT BEEN CAPTURED. LOSS ABOUT $150 Made En trau co Through Rear Win dow of Eutabllahment. Took t Number of Artlclc* of Men'* C othing. Exact Amount Not Known. Thieves l<urt night entered tb store of Bowers Bros. Company and stole a large number, of articles o' clothing. The police have been no tified of the robbery aod are work ing on the cas*. The robbery waa effetced by break lng a window In the ladles' dressing room, In the rear of the store and unfastening the catch. The robb rs were evidently very deliberate in their work, for they took pains to close all the window** and doors which they had occasion to open. Mr. Bowers, when seen this morn ing, stated that he did not know the full extent of the robbery. Among the articles which have been missed so far are about six dozen pair of silk men's socks, several new shirts, a dozen new neckties, a couple of suit cases, Home men's trousers and several pair of shoes. It Is not be lieved that any article of ladlev' wearing apparel were taken. It la {estimated that about $150 or $200 worth of goods was takon. jHA.UTA.UQUA club MET YESTERDAY Interesting Papers Read at Meeting | by Mrs. Charles SprnJU. Fol lowed by Discussion*, A well-attended and Interesting meeting of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle was held yes terday rvenlng. Two excel'.ent i pf.rft were read by Mrs. Charles Sprulll. The first was entitled "Early Libraries," and was an ex ceptionally Interesting treatise on' tho rarly struggles of -arlous organ isations in this country. History gives Fflward Mosler credit for hav ing organized the first circulating library In America, but Miss Llda Hodman, n the discussion which followed the reading of the paper, stated th&t the records show that Thomaa Bray of Rath, had a library In that city in 1701. In New Hamp shire, in 1 849, the authorities al lowed the towns to be taxed for pub lic libraries. Mrs. Sprulll's second pap?r had to do with the early religions of this country. She gave a most eomplete history of all the religious denomi nations from tho time the first set tlers landed on our shores until the present period. She stated that there were 143.000.000 Protestants In the world ?nd i40.8H6.576 C?tb ollcs. The lesson was a discussion of What caus< d the Revolutionary War." Some Interesting points of history were brought out In the dl% ctiNlons thst the topic evoked, W. SWANNER FINED $1 50 * ?? i *? - POBNBI LOCAL MERCHANT WAS TRIED IN NORFOLK YESTERDAY. SPENCER ALAO FIXED SAME AMOUNT. William Swanner, a former local nerchant, and freeman 6penc?r, lookkreper fox the Uqoor housa of H. O. Williams ft Co . of Norfolk, vere tried In Federal oonrt in Nor o".k yesterday, Charged with rlolat ng the Federal liquor laws. The cAse wae (he result of a ship ient of twslte harrela of herring to hie city some months Ago A con derable amount of ltquor was con ealed In the herring. Both Swanner and 8pencer sub ?itted. Each one was fined $150 mong those who attended the trla" -om Washington were Mayor F. C Cugler. Col. W. C. Rodman. Mr ummerlin and Elbert Weston. It is reported that H. Q. WIMlam t Co. will pay Mr. Swanner's fine 'he latter 1? now employed In a arge grocery store In Norfolk. DR. CARTER TO SPEAK. Dr. H. W. Carter has been Invited >y the Wake County Medical Society o oen the diacuaalon at the meeting )f that organlaatloa which will b< leld in Raleigh tomorrow night. IIIT LEFT Washington A V#*xlemere Train | Took Laife Xombw to the Fair From Here TtiL* Morning The ppectal Irata Tor Uxo Aurora fair left Washington this morning at 10:30 o'clock, crowded with loca. visitors for the Aurora (air. Musi of them expect to return home du the train which leaves Aurora at 1:30 this afteroooD. Close to a hun dred persons made the trip from here. Others will be picked up at intermediate stations. Among those who were seen at tho A. C. L. depot this morning and who went to Aurora were Miss Fan nie Stewart, Ed. L. 8tewart, Walter Credit, Miss Carol] Willis, Dave Bell, Pete Rhode*. Mrs. Clara Thompson. Mrs. Justin Randolph, Miss Maud Swindell, W. F<. Swindell, J. E. Adams, W. H. Baker, J. K. Hoyt, Aaron Wallace and a large number of others who were not known by the reporter. MOONLIGHT SCHOOL ] TO BE AT EVERETT News Item* from . Everett's School How. Two Teachers There This Year. Everetts, Tuesday, Nov. 9. ? Our people have Just completed the new .oom which they have annexed to the old school house here. For the .rat time two teachers have been mployed. These are Miss Magglo 3. Duke, of Ahoskle, N. C., and Miss Mattie P. Woolard, of this county. The toachers came Wednesday and spent Thursday and Friday In tak Ing the census and grading the children. There are more than fifty children on the census Of thin number thirty-five were enrolled Monday. Twenty-five In ?ho primary section and t'n In me higher section. To Begin Moon light School*. We hope to begin a moonllgh* school here thin month. There are a few Illiterates In thin section and we trust ihey will take advantage of the opportunities offered In the school. Party Saturday Nlglit. There was a party here Saturday night for the benefit of the school building Cirlte a large number of the young people attended and seamed to enjoy the occasion very much. Our teachers, Misses Duke and Woolard. attended the teachers' meeting In Washington Saturday. Rev. J. K. Lee conducted service at Everetts school house Sunday af ternoon. He will oondnot service here every right this week. Corns oi?t and h^r what he has (9 say. CONVENTION W. E. SWINDELL MAKES AP POINTMEJfTS FOB DRAIN AC MEETING AT BELHAVF* >?? O MEET^ON N0V.3D Ippotatrocnte Made on R^awrt of Secretary of Stat* Drainage Asao d at Joti, Ten Men Appointed to Represent This County. In accoi dance with a '.etter re elved from Joseph Hyde Pratt, sec etary of the North Carolina Draln ge Asoociation, W. E. Swindell, hairman of the B'aufort county ommlseloners, has appointed ten '.elegates to attend the conventlor ?t Belhaven on November 30 ani December ltft. Th^ letter to Mr wlndell reads ae follows: V E. Swindell. Chairman, County Commissioners. Washington, N. C. -)ear Sir: You are cordially Invited to a: end the convention a: Belhaven on s'ovember 30 and December 1st and o appoint ten delegates from your ?outy. Please notify the underffign fl. giving the names and addresses jf those appointed. Write the names and addresses very plainly, o there will be no mistakes In noti fying the men of their appotntment Yours very truly, JOSEPH HYDE PRATT. Secretary. Mr. Swindell's appointments are contained In a letter which he sent 0 Mr. Pratt today The letter reads as follows: Dear Sir: ?- As per your request to appoint delegates from Beaufort county to mend the eighth annual convention jf the North Carolina Drainage As sociation. to be held at Belhaven. N. C., November 30 and December 1. 1 hereby appoint the following and request that you notify them: Lindsey C. Warren, Washington. Harry McMullan, Washington. W. B. Hodman. Washington. J. F. Latham, Washington. Surry Parker, Plnetown. P. H. Johnson, Pantego. C. P. Aycock, Pantego J. D. Bullock, Leechvllie. J. A. Wilkinson, Belhaven. JJ. H. Oden, Plnetown. W. F. WJnstead, Ransomvll'.e. B. T. Bonner, Aurora. B. H. Thompson. Aurora. W. H. Von Ebersteln, Chocowlnlty Very r'Bpectfully. W. E. SWINDELL. Ch'n Co. Com. mm lymiTi Over fl(K> Delo?aiw Are Attending Meeting of Inlnn<l Waterway Aaaociatlon In Thai City. Savannah. Oa., Nov. 10. ? The r.eed of river and harbor Improve ment* aa part of the plan for In ??r asfd national def?n?e wa? urged here yesterday by Prwrident J Hampton Moore, of Philadelphia, ln hlH annual addreaa before aomo ion delegates attending th?. owning m?h ??lon of the Atlantic Deeper "Water way* association convention. "The phase of the Inland water waya queatlon, now uppermost In our thoughta," aald Mr Moore. la; that of preparedneea prepared neui of coast defenaes and yet there ar? (hose who would ecor.omlxe |n rlter and harbor conatructlon at thla par tlcular time, where the enemy would be moat likely to atrlke For where could there be mom plunder to be had then along the Atlantic **?a board 7" "We are not yet Invulnerable, nor y?t Immune. If the navy la Increased the channels along the coaat, which are aa aervlceftb'.e to the navy an they ar? to commerce, muat be kept In order. Certainly thla la not the time for foollab economy." I,a?t night the delegates attended ft formal reception at the convention hftll. Two sessions will be held to dfty. Including an Inspection of na tal vtftfels Id tbs harbor 8*creUry 4 WK* ,.IED MEETOiG OF ..j.ii rtGANlZATIOJi WAS V* ' j?LD LAST NIGHT. RECEIVE REPORTS Good Roads Commlttw Reporta on Smoker. J. F. Latham Tells of Exhibit at F?ir. Other Matters Bruoght t'p. The question of organizing som move for a better local library wi? one of the princlpaJ toplca of inter est brought up last night at the meeting of the Chamber of Com merc-\ A large number of member* were present and the meeting was i most Interesting one. John H Sparrow, who acted as halrman In the absence of Geo. T. .>each, stated that ho had attended i recent meeting of the library com mittee and that the library associa tion was handicapped because of ;ack of finances. Several of tbe members offered suggestions regard ing the matter and the subject was freely discussed The Carcegie of fer was also brought up and com mented on The library committee was requested to look into the mat ter further and report back at tbe next meeting of the Chamber. W. H. Ellison and D. F. Bower* reported on the work they had done as members of the "good roads" committee. Mr. Ellison stated '.ha*, all the accounts were not yet In and' that he could not make an exact re-j port as to the cost of tbe smoker.) He estimated, however, that tbe ex-! pense would be about $140. An invitation waa received from the National Chamber of Commerce, asking that tbe local chamber send a delegate to the national conven tion, to be held at Washington. D. C., in February. Upon motion, the appointment of the delegate was wltbeld until the next meeting. F. E. Mayo. E. L. Stewart, Claude Carrow ar.d the Meeklns boys were new individuals and firms elected ;o membership last night. J. F. Latham, county farm dem onstrator, made an Interesting re port of the Beaufort exhibit at the Slate fair. The expense of the ex hibit. including Mr. Latham's perso nal expenses, was in the neighbor hood of $4 5. The exhibit was a warded a $100 premium at the fair Upon motion, a unanimous votf of thanks was extended to Mr. Latham for hla excellent work. He wa.- e lected permanent chalrnja.t of i'je fair exhibit commit*?*. Tta* ra i Ing of hi" asso'lat's on the omni. tee was d -fsrrpi on'M the next meeting. Twen:y-fl. mrri.bers were pre? ?nt at th ni eting. WERE MARRIED IN NORFOLK SUNDAY f/ornl Young Man Married Popu'ar Young from l*anl?*g?. R. S. Siiverthorn, connected with he firm of 30 ncer Tiros, of this city, and MiPfl Janl? Thompson, daughter r>; Mr, and Mrs. H F Thompson of Pant ego, w ore married ;:i Norfolk Sunday. They returned to Washington yesterday and will makp their homo on F.ast Main Street. Th" n?wv of tho marriage fame as a Rurpr5?<e to the many friends of I'i* couple In the county. Mr Siiverthorn 1s well known In Washington. having numerous I friends In thin community Ills j brldo ?a? on? of Pantogo'* most 'popular young ladles They havel I th? wishes of ail who know thom for !a happy and prosp?roue marrledl ? llf* | TODAY S COTTON QUOTATIONS ' I Middling - 10. 5o Hp?d rotton 14.60 Cotton s?nd $38 00. r>ankel* la e*pect*d to arrive today I and will addrews the delegate*. Bee i retary R*?dfleld I* In *1tenda?o? at the convention and will mak* an wd drese The convention will ad)e*n Friday BIG CMS AT THE FAIR IN AURORA EXHIBITS IN All DEPARTMENTS ARE OF EXCEPTIONALLY HICiH yi'ALITY. BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. MANY VISITORS Special Train from this City Brought Large N utilizer lo the Pair. Amusein<nt Feature Meeting With Apprmal of All. Big l>?y TmiiurMM . 'Sj'e-lal to it* Daily News) Aurora. V C . Nov 10.?' The Au rora fair op^m-d in *ar?*i>t th's rji'.)rn:ng. Hy i#.- o'clock the fair I'roursjt were cr^wd^d with r sidentn of this section o f the county. The special train which left 'Washington at 10 30 o'clock, brought a large rumber of visitor* from that city -? i- :1 Intermediate points Indications are 'bat all atttnJanre records w'.ll tr broken today atid tomorrow The agricultural exhlbHs attracted the admiration of all who taw them. This department Incomplete in ev ery way ar.J is n flattering one for such a fair u- this Many of tho?v? who visited the State fair at Rallgh declare that ih.- extr,b:u here are of :i superior grade than those seen at Uie capital. The ilv<- stock ex hibits contain some due fpeclmena of cow?. bulN. pigs, poultry and horses This department lias at tracted considerable attention frctu the visitors to the fair. The amuaem- nt features are meeting with the approval of every one. The free attractions are espec ially good. Tomorrow will be the Llg day h< re. Hundred* of visitors are expected from all parts of Beaufort and adjoining counties A big danre is to be given tomorrow nlgut ar.d will wind up the festivities NC MEETING 01 FRIDAY Prominent Sjicakcr* In Makr Arl div**o*. Many Visitor* E\ |f? 1m' Prrarnt. I A "Commurilry Service iJay." a I hijr p'.rr.lr an 1 & rrrlrrn* of tpbI 1n's for n.a:.y m:>s around, will l>fi th? b'TV on a*. Olrl Ford FrS rlay Flay oral preparations ara hfing mitle f r !ht event anfl tt la jpxperted tha* aereral hundred p?r s'mp ill i* in aft".-danr? Th? inp r In or w!!| begin In thp morning and eontir.u* until even 5?r Prof Robert H Wright, of tha F!aa*?*rn C arolina Tearher*' Trainir.it Srhoo', win hi n k ** an addr?*M in the morning and Hon F E, Stewart of ?h!s r'ty w!ll t*'.k in rhp afternoon, aklne .??* hip nuhjeet *h' heneflta to he derived from ennd road* Other ?ppaki-rs wiii undoubted! y jtrae* tha t?roera-i Lunrh will be aerved on lh" fro'Jnd? Tho public la '?ordlaj "y Invited to t??" pr?aect. ^ TO-NIGHT I'Rwn of Kroodnm" > H RmI Fpntur# Vhnrn Ootid Would I>? troy" 3 K?ol Feature TOMOHHOVt NIOHT ' FAYSSKirx Th#? Hypnotist Friday, Nov IHth. 'NVfil o* thw Navy' j X Prlra RA10

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