#, lWW, it lb* i m at XuA I, 18T0. HATES ? Mn?mn?-irr?rr?r>| >Si ? ?r> ?yi > > . ? v. ? r?r.? ?.r .1.80 wcwtrvtwavMiiik ? S.OO * MM k^fwh aJr.no.. If papor U aot r? dM'fnk^, m >*? this ?ffloe. Subsoriban dedriaft wflt >fc? wiliir thi? offies, riM-rwim it 1 eefcicriptMe imtaa. ^ MAT? .... fnpittor. ?ur acfattsn WASTrmrroNV ?north Carolina, nov. 12, 1915. Monday we noticed * headline in the New Bern Sun to the effect that "0??2Ialf of Serbia Captured." Tuesday, in the same space, we glimpsed the heading ''Two-Thirds of Serbia Captured." It'll be all over by tomorrow. With the fine of $150 in Norfolk Tuesday, tho case against Wil liam Swanner has at last been ended. Judging the nature of thej offence, the general sentiment appears to bo that Swanner w mighty lucky in securing 60 light a verdict. Judging from the taste of the water during the last few days, the water company mu*t have made a mistake and connected us up with the ocean. A large number uf our local residents went to Aurora yesterday, and Wednesday to see the agricultural fair, which was held in thatj caty this week. Practically everyone expressed themselves as bein^i both delighted and surprised with the excellent quality of the ex hibits. The people of Aurora cannot be commended too highly for their progreesivenesn. They have made Washington and Be! haven feel rather cheap. It isn't too early for the Chamber of Commerce to got behind .< j movement for a Greater Beaufort County fair next year. If Aurora can get up a good fair there is no reason why Washington shouldn : do likewise. .i'' ? THE LIBRARY QUESTION'. n At the meeting of thf Chamber of Commerce Tuesday night, tin local public library question was given considerable discussion. In the minds of most of those who expressed themselves in the matter, the best plan would be for the city to endeavor to operate the or ganization under Mr, Carnegie's plan. . If we can guarantee that the institution will be given regular support, a building may be se cured from the Carnegie Library fund that will not cost the city a cent Tt is necessary, however, that a site be furnished. There ore two or three desirable locations in tho hea*t th* ? " * -1 , . _ , , , . ? ? ^aiArn si rvv^ wi.ile u is understood that there is *oine opposition to giving this lot for a library site, tho pro ject is too worthy a one to be held back because of personal reasons. Tho library association will hold a meeting in tho near future. We would suggest that they invite a number of the representative business men of the city to their meeting and let the matter be; Thoroughly discussed at that time. Wanted: Information as to the whereabout, and movements vfj ono T. R. Beod-rouds adv<.eate and g'?od judg rnent was displayed in selecting him for president of the Associa tion. The other officers are equally worthy men. The automation has considerable work ahead of it. One of thr fir*t thing* they will take up will be to send a committee before thf county commissioners in order to settle upon the exact method of expending the money on the roads of the township. Another matter which they will probably undertake is an excursion into some of thr adjoining counties in order that some of our residents mav sep what good roads really are. Still an"thor work that they will direct will h? the holding of a general mass meeting and barbecue Rome time during December, to which a numl>er of prominent men including Governor Craig- -will be invited, The association has some big wwrk uheud of it. Ii is composed of widA-swake men, however, and we l*lieve that they will U' sue ceMfnl in carrying their work to a successful finish. Hf-lhaveii will have a chance to show what it chii >1" in the why of entertaining, when the North Carolina Drainage Association meet? in that city on the last day of this month. I'nles* we ar?- very much mistaken. Bel haven will do herself proud. One of the residctitH of another township in Beaufort county yes terday made the remark that they were only waiting to s^e how the bond election would turn out in Washington township. l?efore hold ing an election themselves. There is little doubt hut that, the town ships in the county will follow in rapid order, once th?y -we the improvements that ars made in this section. OCAltD AGAINST ROHHKKIKK. Dufiug ill* lot few mouths ? number of robberiei hove occurred la WMhln*i1.,>?,J" "*?*?*> I polling ?1*W ? wJf. T*rl?o I ??t?n of ^,7 2?* '? tk* ?oalta?t I "o? to *??i?Z?*!L* <>r>"> ?i?t.T?!2S u ,t ,#r tb I "><>?? ?HMM to ^SL *J"0' ?' 1 I f*TOr of tald nr/iiu\ **"? ,T I1 * ballot on whlofcTXfnt. iSffi TOt I l?SSS,^d*sf ^5? ??*r sstjss ? [and eonduoted In the i i and lubJect tn t?. m# I ha^??y?? rolVra UTbl;.I'"/'"""tlM O! ,or w,d op?n for twentv m a^*H remali i? , or ,wenty day* priding th ssSSfe-^-ws ?'? a" b at ??rT Bolfm. "uhoufe "O" ?n?* fnregofn* orde of election the County Board of ?^.ecwuuti for beauiort County, me in the ofllee of Frank H. Bryar Chairman, and ratified and confirm ed the aetlon of the Board of Count? Commiaalonera of Beaufort Count: and "re-appointed the registrar which were appointed by the sal/ Board of County CommlMioners anr appointed the following Judges o Elections or Poll Holders: First Ward. Washington, N. C T. H. Deris and C. B. Bell. Second Ward, Washington. N. C. A. J. Cox and W. R. Bright. Third Ward, Washington, N. C. T. F. Bobbins and H. A. Watson. Fourth Ward, Washington, N. C J. F. Flynn and J. F. Buckman, J r I Tranter's Creek Precinct, Jehn T Bell and Eeb Rick* Old Ford Precinct, T. B. Hodge' and 8. L Willard. Plnerllle Precinct, O. B. Wynnr and J.. Sam Hodges. Bach and all of whom are hereby notified of their appointment. I This the 1st day of November mi. FRANK H. BRYAN, Chairman. L. H. REDDITT, Secretary. 11-1-4FS NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Exceptionally Low Fares to NORFOLK, VIRGINIA, Bumksgivlng Day, Thursday, November 90 tb, Aooouot FOOTBALL A. A M. of N. C. m. W. A L. of Va. Dxoellent arrangement of Sleeping Car and Loeal Train Service, Ticket* on Sale November S4th add 85th. Final return limit Not. 2?th i Make Sleeping Car reservations i early In order to -secure satisfactory accommodations. , - For complete Information . eon salt i nearest Norfolk Southern Tlokot l ?. D. KTLX. H. f . L1AKD. Tr??t Mishit, ffu'i Mi Ail. : . . Ftrrnw o? e er?r Html I Hocn ? to It m.M.1 I ta I y. m. r. O. Bo. SM M. N. BERRY WbalMl* Distributor Flow. Meal. H?y And Grain Feed Bh ?ir ?. cis ? ? ????.. *. B. BUOQ, B. ?. T. M. ? Mm WTufliia*! fukl* ? Ml lterfc?t It. ? Hr Ph.n. SC. Mlckt rktu ft* ? fL I; Ward, lain D. (Mm ward m mnw WuUutoL N. a We ?r*etira U the Court of tk? Vint Judletel DUtrtet u< tte r?d?r?l court*. > I ? . W. a WMMiH Attoni?7Hit-Uw. Waektngton, N. 0. HARRY IfcMULLAft, ATTORhTHY-AT-LAW. After January 1st, Itll, Lau?talnfhou*e Bolldin*. Corner Second *nd Market BU. H. A. Duld, Jr. J. 8. ?-g I*. O. Wtrrei W. W. Kitchia DANIEL A WARRKIf, If A IT ? KHfQ 41 WWHIW, Attornrji-At-Law Practice in the Superior. Feder al and Supreme Court! of this State. 00 A. D. MmcLc+M, Waehlncto*. IV. O. Anror*. R. C. McLRAN A THOMPSON Attornrjm-^t-L^w, Aurora and Washington. N. 0. ? STEWART & BRYAN ? " - . " [ittoney-at-Law, . "? ? ^aablngtoa, N, o. ? ??? ??? p ? r ' Norwood L. a W. L. Futbi a ' SIMMONS M VAUGHAN ? U?7?l ? ' Rooma 11-14-11, Laacklackoan ? BalldU*. ? ? Wuhimtim, N. o. ? ?lao. H. SmaD. A. D. - i . * Stepbaa O. Bracaw, W. a. ? Bodmaa, Jr. ? * HMAUi, M?c li RAM, BRA OA W * * RODMAN ? * Atte-y mt Urn. ? Offioea cm Market St., Oppo- ? site City Tf.ll- a * Waablngton, Norm Ouobu. ? ? * ? ??? . ?. A. FHlUJPg A BBO. rata nitlnuiioi W ASHm GTQ1V, H. a ? ???*??> JOHN B. BOmm. Attanfly-tCUw W?AH|to?, M. O. NOTION. Notice la hereby ?lre? that th< partner.blp heretofore existing be tween J, E. Adam* and B. B. WMl ford and doing bualneee under tba firm nama of J. B. Adam* A Co. at No, 144 Waat Mala atroot, Waahlni ton, N. 0? baa been dlssolred by tba withdrawal of tba aald B. X. Whltford; and ba, tba aald Whlt ford la M> longer reaposalbla for contraota and trabeaotlone wltb tba aald Urn. Thta 32nd day of Octobat, ltll. 8. H. WHITTORD. lt-li-4wa. adminihthatobb noticb. I hare ttata day qualified a? admla latrator of tba aatata of Allen Wat eon before tba elart of tba Saper lor ooort All pereona holding claims egalnat aald aetata are requaeted to premnt tbem to ma. duly rerUlad. All HT?ae Indebted to aald aetata are requeet?fl to make an lmaa?tat? ?ettlement Thla lit!) ill r of Ootober, ltll. i. I. OOOMtK. iHHni i i-rr? T -4 ?